HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-92 e THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. .79-92 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Easement Agreement with Goodyear Canada Inc. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: (1) That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Goodyear canada~c. and the said Corporation dated the ..t.I.~. day of.. . ... 1979, which is hereto on Schedule "A". e READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 10th day of September 1979. G. B. Mayor RiCkard~~~ J. M. Clerk ) - McIlroy ~~ /~- l__ . ' r'rIIS 71IDEt;'I'111th: I-SAI)I: in cluplicatc. this 31st day Of .7117 r B E T W E E N r. GOODYEAR CANADA INC. , a Company ! incorporated under the lards of the �I Province of Ontario, having its head office in the Municipality of ` 1! Metropolitan Toronto, in the Province r of Ontario {hereinafter called 'the Grantor' ) 1 � OF THE FIRST PART A N D: i ]'HE CORPORATION OF THE T014N OF • � NEWCASTLE, (hereinafter caller] 'the Grantee') OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Grantor is the owner in fee simple of certain 'r lands in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality ' of Durham (formerly in the Town of BowmanviIIe) . ! AND WHEREAS the Grantee is desirous of acquiring from the i - � Grantor an_Easement to use the hereinafter described lands to construct, operate and maintain a storm sewer. f AND WHEREAS the Grantee'has requested the Grantor to j execute this conveyance and the Grantor has agreed to do so in I order to facilitate the works program of the Grantee. AND WHEREAS the Grantor, by Articles of Amendment filed , at the Companies Division, Ministry of.Consumer and Commercial Relations for the Province of Ontario on the lst day of April, 1975 as fide number 27380, did change its name from The Goodyear Tire 6 Rubber Company.of Canada Limited to Goodyear Canada Inc. F NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in ii consideration of the premises and the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2,00) ' I now paid by the Grantee to the Grantor the receipt whereof is i i� hereby acknowledged the said Grantor doth hereby grant, transfer i1 and convey unto the Grantee its successors and assigns the {f free, uninterrupted and unobstructed night and easement to construct operate and maintain at� its own •expense in accordance with the pans set out in Schedule 'A" which is deposited in the ° Registry Office for the Registry Division-of Newcastle (No. 10) an bctober 9, 1979 as instrument No.9 6,,-`.S" , a storm sewer on, in, across, under and through the lands situate in the Town "Af Newcastle in the Regional tiunicipality of Durham and more particularly t! described in Schedule "8" attached hereto. . ... .. .. . . . . . ..... . . . (hereinafter called the said lands' . 1`0(;U.T11KR W11111 the right of the Grantee, its successors and Ii assigns and its and their servants, agents, contractors and workmen with all necessary materials, equipment, machinery and vehicles to enter upon the lands at all times and•te pass and c re-pass thereon for the purposes of installing, constructing, reconstructing, examining, altering, repairing, renewing or { replacing (but not including replacement with a sewer or sewers iJ of lartjer size or capacity) and maintaining the said sewers or any part thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easement or right in the nature of an oasement, on, in, across, under and through the said lands described in Schedule "e" attached hereto unto the Grantee its successors and assigns for its and their sole and only use forever subject to the terms of this conveyance. Till: Grantee for its successors and assigns covenants i with the Grantor, its successor's and assigns that it will not i� disturb, inr.errupt or interfere with the Grantor's access to i and passage over the lands which are the subject of this I easement for the purposes of transporting men, goods, equipment and supplies and pedestrian and vehicular traffic to and from the Grantor's premises. 991E Grantee covenants with the Grantor that it will not disturb or interrupt the Grantor's "water, gas, hydro, railway, sanitary or other services during the course of installing, constructing, reconstructing, examining, altering, renewing, replacing or maintaining the said sewers. THE Grantee covenants with the Grantor that it will within i forty-eight hours of receiving notice from the Grantor that any services or vehicular access has been interrupted, the Grantee shall at its own expense make any repairs to the said lands that { are required to restore such services and vehicular access provided that the interruption of such services or-vehicular . access resulted from the installing, constructinc, reconstructing, examining, altering, repairing, renewing, replacing or j" � rbeaonifng subject to any liens or encumbrance, save for the registration of this easement. ;1. THE Grantee covenants with the Grantor not to erect any : buildings or other works on the said lands without the prior written consent or the Grantor which consent may be arbitrarily withheld. i THE Grantee covenants with the Grantor that it will strictly observe and perform all rules, regulations, by-laws and or statutes or any other requirements of every municipal, provincial, federal or other authority which may in any way affect the said lands and that it atill comply with all ia%iful demands made by the Ontario 1-later Resources Commission, the Ministry of a the Environment, or any other properly constituted authority, j and the Grantee covenants to indemnify and save the Grantor Ill from all loss, costs and damages which may arise from any 1' infraction by the Grantee of any of the said rules, regulations, by-laws, statutes or requirements. THE Grantor, for its successors and assigns covenants with the Grantee, its successors and assigns to keep the said lands described in Schedule "B" attached hereto free and clear of any buildings, structures or obstructions, not to deposit on or remove any fill from the said lands, and not to do or suffer to be done any other thing which may or might injure or damage any of the works of the Grap tee herein. AND the Grantee shall have quiet possession of the said rights, and easements, free from all encumbrances save as I, aforesaid. i; 3 THE Grantor releases to the Grantee all claims upon the i estate herein conveyed for the rights granted by this Indenture. e IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by and between the parties k hereto that the burden of this Indenture and all of the ? covenants herein contained shall run with the lands hereinbefore - described. i--- K.tlit.�:• took , maintaining of the said sowers �•': �1, If the Grantee cannot restore such services or vehicular access within 48 hours of receiving such notice then it shall advise the Grantor and the Grantor shall be at liberty to encjage some other party in order to restore such services or �1 vehicular access as the disc: may be and all such costs or same shalt be borne by the Grantee. ; � r THE Grantee shall within five days of receiving notice a ffrom the Grantor that any other repairs are required save I and except for services or vehicular access as previously referred to herein shall at its awn expense make such repairs to the said lands provided that such repairs are as a result of 11 the installing, constructing, reconstructing, examining, 1 altering, repairing, renewing, replacing or maintaining of the said sewers. T118. Grantee covenants with the Grantor that it_ will CIindemnify and save harmless the Grantor from all liabilities, ;t claims, damages or expense arising out of any negligent act and or omission of the Grantee, its servants, employees, agents, in or about the said lands, or arising out of any defect, ' omission, breach, violation, or not-perfovmtcnce by the Grantee F � 1 II of any of the provisions of this easement, including but not i r limited to liability for injuries or damage to persons or the property of the Grantor, its servants, employees, agents, .invitees or licensees, THE Grantor covenants with the Grantee that in the event that the Grantee interrupts the water, gas, hydro, sanitary or railway or any other services supplied to the Grantor, or interrupts the Grantor's access to it's property, P the Grantee will pay any and all costs and or losses incurred i i s If by the Grantor as a result of the said interruption, including, but not limited to the loss of production, sales or profits ± related thereto as well as property damage or other losses. THE Grantee covenants with the grantor not to encumber the title to the Grantor's lands in any manner or to do or I omit to do any act that would result in the subject land 5- �e IN WITNESS WNERROF the parties hereto have affixed their t corporate seal attested by their duly authorized officers. i E! ki TOWN OF NEWCASTLE y 114412. ' f GOODY A C 'ADA Inc.. ' � f .Eid•�.i i.'.r ' u j4 Vic esident, o As istant Secretary k � 's 3 .s 1 ' 1 �C t t t SC)191)UL� "All ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of premises, r, ' actuate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the r. Regional lionicipality of DurhAen (formerly in the Touts of BOWwanvill and being composed of Part of Lot 12, Concession I in the Town of Newcastle now dcoignated as Parts 1, 1 and 5 on Reference Plan 1OR 917 deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on June 15, 1979. F� ! I i f r i i 1 e � Form i The Land Transfer Tax Act,1974 #I MAVIT Of=RESIDENCE AND OF VALUE OF THE CONSIDERATION � OEM CONVEYANOE OF rm:n7 bKl arsat+•w,Wtrr✓i.............................................................. ...Rarte••l•;••7• and.S,••Re.fe-rnnue-Rl-an••10R_•9.7.7,••Tows .of..New eaemle,...:..... �1�.......,... egionaS.AunSci al>tt.y -of.Durham................ ........................................R ? '6Yfa'�lnamdr>la9xuurerors,nWrg.THE..CODDY$AR.TLRE.A—RURB$R.COMPAHY..RF-.CANADA,—U.11i;'EA..... �. ................................................. ................... ...... • 1111 . 1111.. ............................. +r .70m,1swcr ur.aaahrna me ser.nr„asrKn„nrwo......TEE E.CO.RP..ORA T.1OA—O.E..T)1F—TO.WR.AF.HbHG4A7.4£....... 1111.............. I,treeas uo ryt wn2andararnarnHs Jas too....HI CIE AE.L..C...Mc IN$RN MI...............................................I... ...................................... .... MARE OATH AND SAY THAT: f. I amry,ce a<ka,nui rdsea 0� sgw,e omosar varwvorthe 1prpw.,,gputgrap.5s lhjlopsauI the ca4welt7ol r4fd0wx lrgJ fs"osimciwi7l Q(a)A Poison€n trust lot wham l he land conveyed in the above-estfibed conveyance is being conveyed; [I IN A Uuslee named In the abovedo$(ilbed conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; (c)A transfMeonamed in the above,dMUitsed conveyancc: [ {d)Theaultsori:eddpdaltasos,cilaaclirajlnlhisiransact€nnlaf�+sevrnrmnslamnpp+xsA .T{Le. G.or.pRr.Bti.vn.Qf.....-1111. thc..T.own-.of..Newc.aatic.............................................................................. .....................I......descii-Winparagreph(s) CoXxxfAA( (e) abovo;ilmaeaw,elNencesrorap hcaWr",waAhs1 {e)T:rePres€dcnl,Vkc-Pies€dcnl.ManagetSorrelnry,Dinet ataTreasurernuMotizodf oactfaMsennMrelr)gleapararo.ysJJ.............. ...........................................................................................................I.... ...........................desclibedinpa,a,yaph(s) Ia), fb). (c) at»ve.Tsv.umgtel orceslora,ppacablepv,yawA {¢A(ransfaeedosa€bedlnparagraph{ )I nrma+yoneNwrrgrapnlallWoraJ Uwrr.asaAprrcrtb/yandammakinglhlSaffidavilonmymvn behalfand on behalf of p„se+rr.m,ewspourH ................................................................ Who is my spouse described in paragraph( I.Pis edo*o"orpuagnpnrr)€alaf4abm,a3 apydraUr) and as such,I have personal knowledge el the facts tserein deposed lo. 2 IhaW read and considered the de rim*ns of non-res€deol carporalian'a `nartesfdoal person-301 out respeelivey in clauses I and g at svD secllon 104 section I of the Ac!-P"wu✓aps b S The foliowkV persons to whom or in oust fa whorn the land c omeyotl in tht above-destaibed convoyame is being eonveyod are nonresident pet sOn5Wilh€ntherneaningof the Act.fs"Mswcionq non e.............................................................I .... ...................................................................................................................... 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Mmes paldor to be W dd in cash......................................... 5.2-0.0........ M ssorlgages(}ASSOmedrsnoWarcawray.eaesrroaeue6neaga.uprcnasrrkel . f...n11........ - {a�G€venbacklovendor....................................... s...nil........ (c)PiopatYlranslened€nexchange("ail ray. .............................. S...n i.1........ 14Secut€tleslms terredto the Ya€u$ofldrrarbew J.......•.................... S...nil........ AltgAwxs (e)Lien$,€egacies,arwwSlksand malmenancocharges towhlchlronsfeyis subject... S...iti,t........ vusde[ if)Other valuaNs consktva lion sub)ectloland liansfcv lavimadoe............. S nil MUM, INSERT-1rq• Ig)VALUE OF LAND,BUILD€lrO,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUMOT TO WKErtt LAND TRANSFEH TAX(TOTAL Off s)toIf))...............I.—......1111 S..z;.OQ........ 5......2 .x.0 ... • un€uetE €M VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS-1IMns of langible palsOnal properly A s-w4r.{pff a6iWY+IINrNVeNbara...i.rl.,h>vVlYde/ 1 prlrovs.w,.Wfaerrer.ea4alar Attn50 AMC 45,c r•....A.ri........................................... 3.....!W...... 0)Olherconsi deal lon lot Ifansat ll"not InCludod€nlg►or(h}above.................................. i nil W TOTAL CONSMEMTfON...................................—............................. S 2.00 S. HeonsMeialionismwilmldos eriborelallonshipbalweenitar uleroiandlransf eree and slalepurposeof conveyance.heeNTrvcr sJ.......... n/a...... 1111 ......... 1111-. .... .... 1111 b OthortwmfksardexpWmilons,Hnecassary ..I aDd can.VnyRd..to..lw6�..TA41.n..V ..1{�4rtd.$.��.0..�9X..Ch.@1111 purpose.nf..a,8tv�dA.aeste:r..p.ur.s.uan.t..ta.an,Afire.eJ fie.o.t..bf�t jWe.en..thc..�r�a.tf?s....... and..the.Grantae.............................................................r................ SWORNheimetmallhe Town of Whitby Irlltre Re$ oral Municipa,�A tyyof burha Errs 2 7 �cl e d-.si 6Ag 7 9 ACowlissbneftal twrlljl ROPERTY INFORMATION RECORD A.Dext rtlanam ieolinshunwN:.............Gl n ..Rf..I;?.4p.t!A(t.5.............................................. ........ B. AddressolpropertybeMgtonveyedtlrav,aaWl.............................................................................. ................................11,11.........................11.....................11......... . .... gi}Assessment Roil tTa TA mluty4l.......................................................................................... C.Malti ngoddress(ss)(otf ulweNollcesofASS esSmmlu,ldsrTheAssyssmenlACl for properlyheingconveyedtwb utrw OonU................. ...................................................................................................................... ... .D.(� Asgl51ra1€optrWnberfor4151COnYeYY.ic661WoperlybeinptoroaY^W/aaraurNH .............................................1111.. -• in Legaldesctiplionofpeopedyamveye d:SamaaslnD.p}above. Yes© No❑ HolYnown D E. .................................. 57!(S.. ARxAH..Hs N.$R?) Y-.b..$ftaAY for Land Re €ssirfOlficeuseomy •-° ---111___1_ �. .. IAJ..K1n6..SL.a e.4...................... IMISMAnONNO. Nhi.tb.Y ..on4-Ir.Ip...................... �..—•................................................. land RoglHryOflloeN0. 1111. . ........ ..................... y _ DATEp; 3uly 31st 1979 GOODYEAR CANADA INC. t-1 PR TY OF OP[R NEflCASIIE #W rind THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . 1�RTIFY i�h D f� H a"k Ha i0} h;stnrmenf Es reg�gtead u of �•271, OCT 9 1979 In the GRANT OF EASEMENT tend TB�f+Offtce -. , . Torm of Nen+cnsife Ontarb. v r e;ssaAn 1� PAID SINS NORTON NeINERNEY d BRADY v 117 King Street Whitby, Ontario ?ECM;Is E .i