HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-90 0' ~. . .'. -- . e . AMENui.:O BY <5<;2- I;;2.~ BY-I.AW #............... '!HE CDR.roRATION OF THE TONN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 79-90 Being a by-law to adopt a Statement of Policies for non-union staff The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACl'S as follows: (1) That a Statement of Policies for non-union staff be be established in the Town of Newcastle and that the said stat anent shall be as provided in Schedule "A" attached to this By-Law. (2) That By-Law No. 77-70 and any by-law not consistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 10th day of Septanber 1979. By-law read a third time and finally passed this loth day of September 1979. G. B. Rickard Mayor ,~~L../ . e . 41.. Sc H Ii..~~ L ~ " I)" ;:;- f{~.L 14-&/ 79- ,. '. Town of Newcastle STATEMENT OF POLICIES FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES Employees Covered In this Policy Statement "Employee" means any person employed by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in any position not covered by a Collective Agreement between the Corporation and its various employee groups. Established COmmencement Date Each employee shall have his service with the Municipality calculated from the date upon which the employee last commenced employment with the Corporation in any capacity. (This will include service with the former Municipalities which, on January 1st, 1974, became part of the Town of Newcastle.) Responsibility In all cases, employment is held at the pleasure of Council. The Department Heads shall be responsible to the TO~l Manager, who shall recommend to Council the terms of employment, appointment, suspension or dismissal of said employees. All other employees shall be responsible to the Department Head concerned, and in consultation with the Town Manager, the Department Head shall appoint, employ, promote, transfer, suspend or dismiss such employees. Performance of Duties Each employee shall perform all of the duties that are required to be performed connected with his/her position or appointment noting: that hours of work will vary from position to position, and that overtime work beyond the normal working hours of the Corporation will be required commensurate with the position without extra monetary remuneration, except that the minimum hours of work shall not be less than those of employees covered by related collective agreements, or the official hours of work as stated by the Council of the Corporation Monetary compensation for work pcrfonned beyond normal hours by Non-Union Employees shall be dealt with as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto. c/ '/1 · IIO? ~'V \.. ~:~ . . . . ""; , Statement of Policies for Non-Union Employees Page 2 Classifications System and Monetary Compensation A salary scale and job classification system shall be established and recommendations as to the placing of each position in a classification of the salary scale shall be made annually to the Council by the Town Manager. Recommendations for salary increases within all classifications shall be made in December of each year to Council for approval and shall take effect on the following January 1st. In all cases, salary increases will be considered by January 1st of each year and at no other time, regardless of the date of any employee's original appointment. Salary scales shall be established on an annual rate of pay with employees being paid bi-weekly. Sick Leave Plan The following provisions shall apply to all employees covered by the statement of policy. - effective 'September 1st, 1979 all pennanent employees shall be credited with one (1) day per:month sick leave to a maximum of 240 days. - accruals for part months service shall be pro-rated according to the number of days worked in multiples of one-half (~) days. - vacations shall be credited as working days. - sick leave credits shall be accumulative from year to year. - on retirement or resignation of a permanent employee after five (5) years continuous service the employee shall be entitled to receive his regular rate of pay to the value of one half (~) of his balance of accumulated sick leave credits to a maximum of one-half (~) of his annual salary. Paid Holidays The following are New Years Day Good Friday Victoria Day Dominion Day recognized as paid holidays Ci vie Holiday Labour Day Rememberance Day Thanksgiving Day for this employee Christmas Day Boxing Day Easter Monday group: and any other holiday proclaimed by the Federal and Provincial Governments, also one day during the year to be taken as a floater day, providing two weeks prior notice is given to his/her Department Head. In the event any of the above days fall on a Saturday or Sunday with the exception of the floater day, another day shall be granted. lL. ",..,,,,~<::;,;:;-::.-;.,,,~ d . Statement of Policies for Non-Union Employees Page 3 . Employees shall be required to work the days immediately prior to and the day following the holiday unless otherwise approved by the Town Manager in order to be paid for the holiday. Vacations with Pay Each employee in this group shall be granted a vacation with pay in each calendar year on the following basis: e employees who. have completed one (1) year of continuous service will be allowed two (2) weeks vacation with pay. employees who have completed four (4) years of continuous service will be allowed three (3) weeks vacation with pay. employees who have completed ten (10) years of continuous service will be __)( _ allowed four (4) weeks vacation with pay. employees who have completed twenty (20) years of continuous service will be allowed five (5) weeks vacation with pay. vacation periods will be taken on the basis of seniority. vacation to be taken within the calendar year except with the permission of the Town Manager. Not withstanding this provision, no earned vacation shall be lost by an employee as a result of being unable to take same because of illness for which full salary is continuing from accumulated sick leave credits, or as a result of a compensable accident. In the event of the death of an employee, his/her beneficiary or estate shall receive such vacation pay as may stand to his credit, subject to the necessary succession duty releases being filed with the Town Treasurer. Pension Plan From the date of employment, employees will be enrolled in the Canadian Pension Plan and the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System as required by statute. Any participant in the Plan coming into the employ of the Town from another municipality or local board or commission, shall be granted an immediate transfeT into the Town of Newcastle O.M.E.R.S. Group upon commencing employment. Group Life Insurance After three month's employment the Town will pay 100% of the premium for Group Insurance based on one and one half (l~) times salary. Hospital and Medical Benefits The Town will pay 100% of Ontario Health Insurance Premiums. After three months employment the Town will pay 100% of a Drug Plan approved by the Corporation and effective September 1st, 1979 the Town will pay 100% of the premium for prescription glasses with a maximum cost of prescription glasses to be $60.00 every two years. ~ Long Term Disability Insurance The Town will pay 100% of Long Term Disability Coverage based upon 70% of earnings to a maximum of $2,000.00 monthly henefits to age 6S. .... ~ . , Statement of Policies for Non-Union Employees Page 4 . Dental Plan Effective September 1st, 1979 the Corporation will pay 75% of the premium of a Dental Plan equivalent to Blue Cross #9, based on the 1979 D.D.A. fee schedule. x Workmen's Compensation An employee prevented from performing his regular work with the Corporation on account of an occupational accident that is recognized by the Workmen's Compensation Board as being compensable with the meaning of the Compensation Act, shall receive from the Corporation the difference, between the amount payable by the Board and his salary so long as he remains on full compensation. Jury Duty An employee called for Jury Duty shall so advise his immediate supervisor and shall absent himself from work only to such reasonable extent as will allow him to carry out his duties. Such an employee will be paid the difference between his regular salary and payment received for such Jury Duty, excluding travel, meals and other expenses paid. Bereavement Leave Bereavement Leave with pay appropriate to the circumstances in each case will be granted by Department Heads to employees within their departments or by the ~ Town Manager in the case of a Department Head. Car Allowance Any employee required to use his/her own automobile on Corporation business shall receive an allowance (as set by Council by Resolution) for such use and all claims for such payment shall require the authorization of the Department Head concerned before payment is made. Educational Courses Courses will be made available to all employees with pay and expenses according to the following procedures:- (1) Employee must be sent by Department Head (2) A previous budget allowance has been made. All courses shall be presented to the Finance and Administration Committee for consideration, on recommendation of Committee responsible for that Department. Maternity Leave Leave for reasons of pregnancy shall be provided in accordance with the terms of the Women's Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the Employment Standards Act. . . t ~ " . . . r'._."<','.......:.,::"";",:'.>'.~;:iY.:",'..~ " Statement of Policies for Non-Union Employees Page S Separation Policy All employees shall be required to retire not later than the last day of the month in which the employee attains his/her 65th birthday. Notices of termination of employment to an employee by the Corporation shall be in writing and be delivered personally or by registered mail and such notice shall be given inaccordance with the time requirements of the Termination of Employment Part XII of the Employment Standards Act. Notice of resignation by an Employee to the Corporation shall be given to the Department Head concerned in writing, or in the case of a Department Head to the Town Manager, with as much notice as possible and in any event, such notice shall not be less than two (2) weeks. Letters of resignation shall be filed with the Town Manager upon receipt of same by the Department Head. On termination, resignation or retirement of an employee an exit interview shall be provided by the Town Treasurer or his nominee for the purpose of explaining to the employee the benefits to which he/she is entitled under this Policy and any other relevant matters. General Wherever the singular or masculine is used in this Policy, it shall be construed as if the plural or feminine has been used, where the context so requires. Upon commencing employment, all employees shall be provided by the Corporation with a copy of this policy and the Department Head or the Town Manager shall review the contents of this Policy fully with each new employee. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to constantly provide updated information to the Town Treasurer relative to his personal status including change of address, telephone number, marital status, health status, educational improvements, number of dependents and other related matters. .... . ...... ... , eo . . . . . SCHEDULE "A" STATEMENT OF POLICIES FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES Compensation for Overtime 1) Monetary compensation for work performed beyond normal hours for the following list of employees shall not be paid, however. such an employee shall be entitled to five (5) additional working days in lieu of overtime worked. Such additional days will be scheduled with the appropriate Department Head with the concurrence of the Town Manager. Clerk Treasurer Director of Public Works Director of Community Services Director of Planning Fire Chief Chief Building Official Deputy Clerk Deputy Treasurer Deputy Director of Public Works Deputy Director of Community Services Committee Secretary By-Law Enforcement Officer Program Director Superintendent of Works Facilities Manager 2) Monetary compensation for work performed beyond normal hours for the following list of employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times (l~) his/her regular hourly rate for all hours actually worked in excess of the total hours normally worked each week and with the approval of the appropriate Department Head. Foreman, Parks and Recreation Foreman, Public Works All non-union secretarial personnel