HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-89 . . . " AMENDED BY BY.LAW #1.~.;.!9.2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 79- 8~ a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1592, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke. WHERAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1592, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Section 10.3 of By-law 1592, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following subsection (g): "(g) "A-8" - Lot 32, Concession 2 In addition to the uses referred to in Section 10.1 hereof that part of Lot 32, Concession 2 which is designated "A-8" on Schedule "A" hereto may be used for the purposes of an apple storage and packing building and an accessory business office." 2. Map 2 of Schedule "A" to By-law 1592, as amended, is here- by further amended by changing to "A-8" the zone de- signation of the lands shown as "ZONE CHANGE TO A-8" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 35 (10) of the Planning Act. j - 2 - . THIS BY-LAW READ a first time this 17th day of September, 1979. THIS BY-LAW READ a second time this 17th day of September,1979 THIS BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1979. <::;;~ j",/ /' /' ,,,-"::~~'~~". "." ,..~~~ G. B. Rickard, Mayor SEAL Gertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk - . THIS IS SCHEDULE IX' TO BY-LAW 79- 89 PASSED THIS l~DAY OF ~ ,A.D. 1979 ... ~ . : :....:. . . .. ...... . .t.:-" ...... .::: ::~:'~'.~ l2;o~~ ~~ G.B. Rickard, Mavor , ;. [.1' , J /. /' ~----~-? .,' " .J /'- ,'.' \.0 /;e~;u;tr~G;~y~~Zy Cle N 72036120" E 1327.16' (404.52m) ~ ~::~:j:j::::::::::::::':::::':::::::::~:::~:::::~::::::::~~:j~:,jjj::jj::.j::ijjj::'jj:~j,~ :..J~"""""""""""""""""""""""~' : t";:' I'. :::. :.:..' : -,' ':.:::::.~i\~ :~: ::~:~~:1a~,:23::' . :,E:::::::::::::::::::::::::::I~O~~'3:,:::::::: (402'47m) ~c - -.:::::. ---rOAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 2 and 3 ~ II C' I ~4~~ I I ~H rtil ZONE CHANGE TO ~-81 500ft. . /' ,