HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-46 ., . . . .. ,. THE COlUJORATlON OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law Number 79- LI-' A By-law to petition the Minister of Housing to apply the provisions of Section 29 a of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970~ as amended, to certain lands in the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS certain lands in the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle were conveyed on August 4, 1971, in contravention of Section 29 (4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended; AND WHEREAS Section 29 a of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended, enables the Minister of Housing to provide, by order, that the said contravention does not have and shall be deemed never to have had the effect of preventing the conveyance or creation of any interest in such land; AND WHEREAS Section 29 a (2) of the Planning Act, requires that no such order shall be made by the Minister unless the Municipality, by By-law, requests the Minister to make such an order; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. That the Minister of Housing is hereby requested to make an order under Section 29 a of the Planning Act in respect of the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto and forming part of this By-law. , _~i;,~..""",....._~~.~",~~,~~~"'Il'*-"""'''''''~'''''"''i_..__.",~=C','-'- , ~ . . ., "..,'1 "'~."-.-.I.,'," - 2 - 2. hereof. This By-law shall come into force and effect upon the date BY-LAW READ a first time this ~~r" day of BY-LAW READ a second time this ~3'" day of A.D. 1979. BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed (seal) lilt{ , A.D. 1979. /1, If..., , A.D. 1979. this 1.3.A day of Ii lif ' .~~~ G. B. RICKARD, Mayor ~ J' J. M. · Clerk .---' . '1 . . . _a ...J.1;.,;.;.;,,'~: SCHEDUIE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 79 "ll' ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham (in the former Town of Bowmanville, formerly part of original Township Lot No. 11 in the First Concession of the Former Township of Darlington), being composed of Part of Lot , in Block 6 according to a plan of the Village of Bowmanville on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the west Riding of the County of Durham (now Registry Office for the Town of Newcastle (No. 10)) which Plan ~s made by John Grant, P.L.S. and was registered on the 20th day of April 18,2, which parcel fronts on Ontario Street in the said Town of Bowmanville and may be more particularly described as follows: CClwlMENCING at a point in the western side of Ontario Street at the south-east corner of said lot 5; THENCE SOUTH 47 degrees west along the southerly boundary of said lot 5, one hundred and twenty-five feet and two inches (12,'2") to the easterly limit of lands heretofore sold to one Brimachombe; THENCE in a northerly direction parallel to the eastern boundary of said lot 5 a distance of fifty-nine (59'); THENCE north 47 degrees east parallel to Argyle Street one hundred and twenty-five feet and two inches (125'2") to a point in the western boundary of Ontario Street and eastern boundary of said lot 5; THENCE in a southerly direction along the 'Western boundary of Ontario Street and the enstern boundary of said lot 5 a distance of fifty-nine feet (59') to the place of beginning, and '~'f' 'ilairtilii'i'" . ~jillj"~fdi"""'l;.1o;I'>i'->',.Il\l'^,."",,,,,,,.',,,,,,,,,,,.:,.,,.",...._...'"'.'~".""""'."<"".".,..~...., :,.... " . > AU, Itnd Lt1n.~1I1,,*t, t.llt~l. llHI",/:l1n 1)t\l'Cl~l 0'. ""lit)', or Juml I!wl prbm18~" ,. . ~ l situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Munioipalit.y . of Durham, formerly geo~raphic Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham, and Province of Ontario and being composed of: Part of geographic Township of Darlington Lot 11 in the First Concession of the Township of Darlington, now forming part of geographic Town of Bowmanville, described as follows: (1) The front or easterly 125 feet 2 inches of the south 49.5 feet of Lot 4, Block 6, fronting on the westerly side of Ontario Street in the said Town, and (2) The front or easterly 125 feet 2 inches of the north 7 feet of Lot 5 Block 6, fronting on the westerly side of Ontario Street in the said Town, which said lands may be more particularly described under one description as follows: . COMMENCING at the southeast corner of said lot 4 on the westerly side of Ontario Street; THENCE northerly along Ontario Street, 49.5 feet; THENCE westerly 125 feet 2 inches parallel with Argyle Street; THENCE southerly 56.5 feet par~llel with Ontario Street; THENCE easterly parallel to Argyle Street 125 feet 2 inches to westerly limit of Ontario Street, and THENCE northerly 7 feet along Ontario Street to the Place of Beginning, according to a Plan of the Village of Bowmanville filed in the Regiatr,y Offlc:e for Registry Division of Durham West (10) which Plan was made by John Grant, P.L.S. and registered on the 20th day of April 1852. . .&',' ;..... "1',,;1J .~ ;.J,,~ ""'....','C'j,,,>J"'!":~,',;":.O':.C".~<~; '~"~_~t"';;~~.,o"--",,.~.,':':c:...,"''''