HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-33 .. tit . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 79-33 Being a by-law to designate the Cream of Barley Mill of architectural and historical value. WHEREAS the Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, authorizes the Council of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all the buildings and structures thereon to be of historic or architectural value or interest; and WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has caused to be served upon the owner of the lands and premises known as the Cream of Barley Mill, situated in the Soper Creek Park on Simpson Avenue, Township Lot 9, Concession 1 of the former Town of Bowmanvi11e, now in the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, andupon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; and WHEREAS the Cream of Barley Mill in the Soper Creek Park on Simpson Avenue, Township Lot 9, Concession 1, of the former Town of Bowmanvil1e has a very significant historical and architectural value and interest to the Town of Newcastle and its people, in that it is one of the few brick mills surviving in Ontario and because it is also distinguished from most mills by the raised c1eristory in its roof and because it is near the second mill site located in the Town of Newcastle, a site which has been occupied by a mill since 1814; and WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle has recommended that the Cream of Barley Mill and property be "designated property" under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation has been served upon the Clerk of the Municipality; . . . . .. 2/ I. , . - 2 - By-Law No. 79-33 NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- (1) There is designated as being of historic and architectural value of interest the real property more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, known as the Cream of Barley Mill, situated in the Soper Creek Park on Simpson Avenue, Township Lot 9, Concession 1 of the former Town of Bowmanvi1le, now Town of Newcastle. (2) The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule "A" hereto in the proper Land Registry Office. (3) The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be served upon the owner of the aforesaid property and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of this By-law to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Newcastle. By-Law read a first and second time this 23rd day of April, 1979. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of April, 1979. G.B. Rickard ~ ~~~ Mayor ~ J . M. Mc 11 roy, ,,'-::; Town Clerk / f . .. SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW 00. 79-33 LL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipali f Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot Nine (9) in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, former Town of Bowmanville, County of Durham, and now within the imits of the said Town of Newcastle, more particularly described as follows; PREMISING that all bearings herein are astronomic derived from the Easterly limit of Simpson Avenue shown to have a bearing of North 17 degrees 45 minutes West according to Registered Plan 698; COMMENCING at a point in the interior of said Lot Nine (9) distant 657.17 feet measured South 34 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds East from he South-Westerly angle of Block H, registered Plan 698; THENCE South 11 degrees 24 minutes West 95 feet to a point; THENCE South 78 degrees 36 minutes East 80 feet to a point; THENCE North 11 degrees 24 minutes East 95 feet to a point; THENCE North 78 degrees 36 minutes West 80 feet to the POINT OF COMMEN CEMENT. ~~ ..-. --- . . . -r .f; ~ ~ Y' ~ 1 v ~ - C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 79-33 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 23rd day of April , 1979_ WITNESS my hand and seal of The Corporation. DATED this 30th day of ... .... .............., APRIL 9 A. D. 197... .............. J .M. McIlroy Clerk I~ .,;" . c . , --~ . ~ TilE CORPORATION OF TIlE lDWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 79-33 Being a by-law to designate the Cream of Barley /vlill of architectural and historical value. WIIEREAS the Ontario lied tage Act, 1974, authorizes the Council of a municipality to enact by-laws to designate real property, including all the buildings and structures thereon to be of historic or architectural value or interest; and WIIEREAS the Council of the Town of Newcastle has caused to be served upon the owner of the lands and premises known as the Cream of Barley Mill, situated in the Soper Creek Park on Simpson Avenue, Township Lot 9, Concession 1 of the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham, andupon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to so designate the aforesaid real property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; and WHEREAS the Cream of Barley Mill in the Soper Creek Park on Simpson Avenue, Township Lot 9, Concession 1, of the former Town of Bowmanville has a very significant historical and architectural value and interest to the Town of Newcastle and its people, in that it is one of the few brick mills surviving in Ontario and because it is also"distinguished from most mills by the raised clerlstory in its roof and because it is near the second mill site located in the Town of Newcastle, a site which has been occupied by a mill since 1814; and WHEREAS the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee of the Town of Newcastle has recommended that the Cream of Barley Mill and property be "designated property" under the terms of the Ontario Heritage Act; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation has been served upon the Clerk of the Municipality; . . . . .. 2/ .." .. , , . . - 2 - By-Law No. 79-33 ,'t . NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- (1) There is dcsignatecl as being of historic and architectural value of interest the real property more particularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, known as the Cream of Barley Mill, situated in the Soper Creek Park on Simpson Avenue, Township Lot 9, Concession I of the former Town of Bowmanville, now Town of Newcastle. (2) The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule "A" hereto in the proper Land Registry Office.~ (3) The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-Ia,... to be served upon the owner of the aforesaid property and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of this By-law to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Newcastle. -' By-Law read a first and second time this 23rd day of April, 1979. . By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of April, 1979. ,/ L/ ~ . " ' G. B. Rickard ~~;~~" _-0(> c; Mayor J .r-1. McIlroy Town Clerk I' ~ , J ~ . ,/ . ~ , ; ~ 'f . " SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW N). 79-33 LL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipali f Durham, Pro','ince of Ontario, and being composed of part 0 f Lot Nine (9) in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, former Town of BO'tlman':ille, County of Durham, and now within the imits of the said Town of Newcastle, more particularly described as follows; II'PREMISING that all bearings herein are astronomic derived from the Easterly limit of Simpson Avenue shown to have a bearin~ of North 17 Idegrees 45 minutes West according to Registered Plan 69~; I . COr~ENCING at a point in the interior of said Lot Nine (9) distant 657.17 feet measured South 34 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds East from he South-Westerly anGle of Block H, re~istered Plan 698; THEN CE South 11 degrees 24 minutes West 95 feet to a point; THENCE South 78 degrees 36 minutes East 80 feet to a point; THENCE North 11 degrees 24 minutes East 95 feet to a point; THENCE North 78 degrees 36 minutes West 80 feet to the POINT OF I' COMMEN CEMENT · . . f , '\, . . . i~ '. . N 94\ 17 L~nd Registry Division of Newc~stle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this Instrument IS registered as of j'.O~ f.M. MAY 7 1979 in the Land Registry Office Town of Newcastle Ontario. ~~ REGISTRAR PAID LAm) lEGISTIY OFFICE NO. to . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 79-33 Being a by-law to designate the Cream of Barley Mill of Architectural and Historical Value. tOR~ORAnm{ of U1B IOWt~ of fJEWCASUE THE CORPOR:\T''JN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPH\!'\NCE STREET BOWMAN't'ILLE, ONT ARlO L 1 C 3AG , r . t , , , ! l ~ t