HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-23 #' '. . . " ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-1 aw No. 79- 23 being a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Dar1 ington, as amended. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Key Map 4 of Schedule IAI to By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to CLASS I A I PUBLIC STREET the zone designation of that part of the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13, Concession 10 shown as "CHANGE TO CLASS IAI PUBLI C STREET" on the attached Schedu 1 e I X I hereto. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ a first time this 26 day of March , A.D. 1979. THIS BY-LAW READ a second time this 26 day of March , A.D. 1979. THIS BY-LAW READ a third time and fina11 passed this 26 day of March , A. D. 1979. (sea 1 ) .~~ G. B. RICKARD, Mayor ~ " ~ -- -- --- - - - - -- - -- --- THIS IS SCHEDULE I X I TO BY- LAW 79-....1.L PASSED THIS 26 DAY OF M~rr'h A. D. 1979. NORTH BOUNDARY ROAD li',!;llll,~ LOT 13 CON. 10 LOT 12 CON. 10 ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 9 and 10 fjl'f{riJcf CHANGE TO CLASS IAI PUBLIC STREET G.B. RICKARQM~~LL~' Mayor J,M.McILROY ~ Clerk I (seal) .~. . -. .. ~ ~mm" Ontario COMMUNICATION NO. 8 - RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION R 791717 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.S.O. 1970, c. 349), -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of 'the Town of Newcastle tor approval of its Restricted Area By-law 79-23 - BEFORE: A.B. AaRELL, Q.C. Viae-Chairman ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -and- D.B. MeROBB Member Wednesday, the 23rd day of May, 1979 No objections to approval having been received as required, THE BOARD ORDERS i:hat By-law 79-23 is hereby approved. J SECRETARY ~. ) fi 11;t , /h-, i ~"/tl"N' ~,1It.....V .. ENTERED A? 7tJ-3 o. 8. tto....,.l....<':............... folio N.........~.!.Z........u.. MAY 251979 -d~ ItClETAI'. ORtAllllllII/lflClPAl 8O/IIlO ct ?~ ,f?