HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-154 ~ -t .. . .v v . . . '..J ,"" THE CORPORATIONOFTHETO;~OF.~TLE By-law lib. 79-154 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 79-75 being a by-law to authorize Speed Limits on highways under the jurisdiction of the 'I'oINn of Newcastle WHERE'AS, Section 82 of The Highway Traffic Act authorizes a 'Ibwn Council, by by-law to prescribe a rate of speed for rotor vehicles driven on any highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS, it is deenedexpedient to reduce the speed limit on Lakeshore. Boad in the Port Granby area; NCM THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENAcr5 as follows:- 1. That Schedule 'B' Part II (Geographic 'Ibwnship of Clarke) of By-law #79-75 be hereby amended by adding thereto and under the corresponding column thereof, the following:- COWMN I HIGHWAY COI1JMN II FRCM COI1JMN III TO Iakeshore, 'Ibad (Road allowance between Concession B. Broken Front and Concession A. Broken Front) A point 350 metres easterly of the Road Allowance between lots 6 & 7 A point 400 metres westerly of the original Road Allowance between lots 4 &5 By-law read a first time this J.'ldf. day of By-law react a first time this t ~:: day of By-laW read a,third time and finally passed .~.......... 1979. . . . . . . . . . .. 19SLge JI' CI s ...! ';1;;<;,; day Of~.. .19~. IN APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE REGIONAL Jv1UNICIPAUTY OF DURH~~ ON . . "";;:>":;? ~ ~ FEBRUARY to', 1980 . _~~ ~ ~ G.B. Ri , Mayor , e~ ' SEAL C. w" LUNDY, EGI -CLERK J .M. M::I ray, Cler ~' ""I ?r< .. -- :,IIII',lilll,I' 'I',' of 1 1'1\1(1' I I .' U:()C!UIi'IIIC '!'()\,};.JSIIII' (W CI,1\IU:E ~1'::"~,~~~I::C!~~llt> _<!..~.-:~l:ee(~_-=- 60__~~(~I!2...et~c.~L'rJ'ou.!:.. COLUHN I lIig 11\,1;1 Y COLUi'lN I r Fl'om COLUMN [f J '1'0 1. Concession Road J (R(lad Allowance between Con- cessions 2 & 3) Killii'S Ilii',l1l",lY 35/11') Road Al lowance bl'twl~L'n Lots 32 e, 33. 2. Concession Road 4 (Roud Allowance between Con- cessions 3 & L,) King's Ilighway 35/115 Road Allowance between Lots 32 & 33. 3. Rl)ad Al 10\"3 nee bell,'ven King , ~; lIighway 2 A point 400'metcrs north- Lots 20 & 21 (Concession 2) erly of King's Highway 2. 4. Road Allowance betl"loen Concession Road 4 A point 425 meters north- Lots 30 & 31 (Concession 4) (Road Allowance between erly of Concession 4. Concessions 3 ,r., I;) .) Road Allowance betl"een Regional Road LI Lots 30 & 31 (Concession 5) 5(b) ROiHI 1\] JOl.'ance beth'cl'l1 Sla t lUll Street Lots 30 & 31 (Cone L'55 ion 5) A point 800 meters southerly. A point 500 meters southerly. 6. Road Allowance between Lots 3D, 31 and 32, (Concessions 6 & 7) Regional Road Lj A point 1500 meters north of Concession 7 (Road Allowance between Con- cessions 6 & 7) I'i\j-('[' I J I l. King's Highway 2 A point 'iO IHvtl'TS 1\ point L,90 meters easterly. e;lst ur I{l',~ inll;ll l\ll;\(1 57 ,tb .~,_.....,.....' . .,' ~." .. , , . I . . . . . . MEMJRANDUM ID: Mayor G. B. Rickard and Members of Council FRCM: Larry Simpson, By-law Enforcement Officer DA'lE : January 9th, 1980 SUBJECl': By-law #79-154 By-law #79-154 being a by-law to amend by-law #79-75 to authorize speed limits in the 'lbwn of Newcastle received a first reading by _ Council on Decanber 17, 1979. A typing error was noticed on the introduction of the by-law #79-25 since that time it has now been amended to read #79-75 to correspond with the renaining content and referral of the by-law. 4 Respectfully subnitted, ~ ,. . ~.' , ,-. .. ,t:, ' ~ .. . KEM01lANDuM TOe Larry Siap8on, By-law. Enforcement Off~cer G. Cra,., Deputy ClerklC()lQIIlitt_ ,Seere.tary Deeember 18, 1979 By...!.." 79.;.1,54 AM!NDtNGBY-LA.1I'f7~ 7 S j noM: DATE: SUBJECT: At the Council meeting held on Deeeteb.r 1:'.:;.. 1979, ...... . ... :.,,"'1&" 79-154beinga.y-l.-w to amend by,...law79- 25betig a b'J-lawtoaut~()1;*aesp..d. Ibdb. onhighway,aunder .the jur18di~1t6Dn of the Town of Newcaatle, was referred in .Second leadi.s.' .to the n.xfCouncil meeting 80 "hat ' Schedule "B" could be attached. J Pl.... attache8e"'dulettB" andpre8ent it to the next CoUD.eiLmeeting on January 14,1980.. . .. . #- . ~ , . '. . MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Simpson, By-law Enforcement Officer FROM: G. Gray, Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary DATE: De.ember 18, 1979 SUBJECT: By-law 79-154 AMENDING BY-LAW 79-75 At the Council meeting held on December 17, 1979, By-law 79-154 being a by-law to amend by-law 79-25 bet'g a by-law to authorzze speed limits on highways under the jurisdicitlinn of the Town of Newcastle, was referred in Second Reading, to the next Council meeting 80 that Schedule "B" could be attached. ~A Please attacheSchedule "BIf and present it to the next Council meeting on January 14, 1980.