HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-146 ~ ;~ II! f"- 'l'IlE COHPOIU\'l'lUN 0],1 'l'ltE TUWN UF NI';WCI\~;'J'LJ. BY-LAW NO. 79-146 . being a by-law to stop up and close and authorize the conveyance of those parts of Third Street and the unnamed lane lying within Part 1 on Plan 10R861 which property is part of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession, in the former Town of Bowmanvi11e. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to pass this by-lawi AND WHEREAS notice of intention of the Council to pass the said by-law in accordance with the requirements of Section 446 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, was published in the Canadian Statesman on the following dates: October 31 1979, 'November 7 1979, November 14, 1979 and November 21 1979. AND WHEREAS notice of the intention of the Council to pass this . by-law was sent by registered mail to the Regional Municipality of Durham, on the 26th day of October ' 1979, and the Regional Counci14fls i; granted approval to the proposed by-law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY- LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: 1'1: 1. Those parts of Third Street! and the unnamed lane lying within i Part I on Plan lOR861 in the Towh of Newcastle hereinafter described are hereby stopped up and closed: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of: I I; I FIRSTLY: all of Third Street lying between Blocks I and F, and Blocks Land G, according to the Smart Estate Plan of the former Town of Bowmanvi11e within Lot Nine (9) in the Broken Front Concession, extending from the Easterly limit of Simpson Avenue to the Westerly limit of Block H, and its production Northerly. . ~ECONDLY: all of an unnamed lane lying between Blocks G and H, according to the aforesaid Smart Estate Plan Of the former Town of Bowmanville within Lot Nine (9) !~_thebrokeft Froqtl Concession, extending Northerly ffb~ the ~orth, limit of Second Street to the Easterly ~rQduction of the Southerly limit of Third Street aforesaid. " ._UIlU~lillt.;,IIi~i!i"';' " ._ :J _ 2. Thosp portions of the rond nllowance hereinhefore described shall be conveyed by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle . to abutting owners. BY-LAW READ a first and second time this 3rd day of December I 1979. BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 3rd day of December 1979. .~ ~~L '(' Mayor , Clerk . Ii ':1 'I I: . I ! .__.~ij~lj"J""""-"':"":'-' . r~~ ~- -..-~, . . . ," Jm~ Morton McInerney & Brady ARRISTERS & SOLICITORS January 30, 1980 Mr. J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Mr. McIlroy: Re: By-Law No. 79-146 Third Street and Lane within Part 1, Plan 10R861 Town of Newcastle I enclose herewith copy of By-law 79-146 which has been registered in Land Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as No. 97331 on December 7, 1979. DJDS:mrs .1 tJL, p-. ----- ,~. Y~trUIY' ~fl J. D. Sims, Q.C. RECE\VSO fEB 5 \0"" TOWN Of N':VtCASTLE D.J.D. SIMS, Q.c. R.P. MORTON M.C. MciNERNEY J.F. BRADY W.M. BURCH 117 KING STREET. WHITBY. ONTARIO UN 4Z1 BOX: 358 TELEPHONE: 668-7704 - .., .*~ .; .. . . . ,~ C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 79-146 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 3rd day of ~PmhPr , 197~. WITNESS my hand and seal of The Corporation. DATED this 4th day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . , DecEmber .............. Clerk ~ A.D. 197~.. o f"" , ( '-, , v C~ '-J , . ml+~t,~ll Vy~' ~ ~ .. ~ . w . ... . rtJi:.i4,.~~,_f,,~~' . '1'111, \\11.:1'111:,',111"1 III' '1111 '1IIWl Iii 111,\/1/:,11,1 J'.'(-I.I\\',' ~J(). 79-146 beinq a by-law to slop up and close and dlllhorizc llw \'OIIV('y.lIlC(' of L1j()~;c pdrt~; of 'i'hird ~)Lrcl.'l dlld the ullll'lIll(~d ldn(~ lying within Part 1 on Plan lOR86l which property is part of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession, in the former Town of Bowmanville. WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to pass this by-law; AND \"';IIE\U:l\~; !\(llICe of intenLion of the Council Lo pas~; the ~;aid by-law in accordance with the requirements of Section 446 of The l'lunicipal :\cL, ILS.O. 1970, Chapter 2BiJ, was published HI the Canadiall :-;Lal,'c-;m:ln on the 1\>1 j'I\\111;~ c!:IL,'>;: lkli>lJ\'I':lJ 1~)7~), Nuv\:m!Jl:t. 7 1~)7~j Nuvember 1,) 1~)7~) and N\l\!('ndlCl' :~l L~37~L ' l\ND \">,HEREJ\:; notice of tho i Iltent ion of the Council to pClSS this by-law W.1S S('IIC by reqisLI?ll'(j lIloid Lo the: HCCjional Municipality of Durham, ell1 the ~l)tll CL1Y of (kLo[)c?r 1979, and the: Regional Council has granled approval lo Lhe pr-opo~3cd by-law. NOh' THEREFORE BE IT ENAC'rED AND IT IS HEREBY ENl\CTED AS A BY- LA\"'; OF TilE CORPORATION OF TilE 'l'O\'>1N OF NEvJCASTLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Those parts of Third Street and the unnamed lane lying within Part 1 on l'Lln 101\861 in the Town of NcwcZlstle hercjnafter described are hereby stopped up and closed: I\LL l\ND SINCULl\R l hose cOJ-tain purccls or tracts of Idncl clIld prc'l1\i~;cs situate, lying and being in the T()\.;n of Newcastle, p.eqiona1 i"lunicipality of lhll-hdm, Province of Ontario, and beinq composed of: FI}::S\'LY: all of Third Street lyinq between Blocks dnd F, and Hlocks I. dncJ C, ClccorcJing to the Smart ':;l.1l(' rLUl uf the COlmer Town of BowlI1anville ....ithin Lot NiIH' (()) in the Broken Front Concession, cxtcndiny from the Easterly limit of Simpson Avenue to the Westerly limit of Block H, and its production Northerly. SeCONDLY: all of an unnamed lane lying between Blocks ./j and H, according to the aforesaid Smart Estate Plan tH the former Town of Bowmanville within Lot Nine (9) !~ the B~oken Front Concession, extending Northerly ttbm the North limit of Second Street to the Easterly ~roduQtion Df tho Southerly limit of Third Street aforesaid. " "r J 1111""~' ," II, . Ii , ~~ ) !~~'I'" .,y' J ,i' .,. .. c . e I 1 j . ti I II J I . ~ \ ~ ,...,).; ~. 1 " i.i; '.~il'. ; ~ !. ' . t i.~.~J4i !~~';~iJJ~.~ajj l,~~~,i" /, '1'110:;1' 1,,,,1 )<JII:; III 111" I(J.It! .III"v/.IIII'" 1I"I"IIIl".j"I" <\"::"111"." shall be conveyed by The CUlpurL1l1011 u! the Towll uJ Newcd:;lll.~ to abutting owners. BY-LAW READ a first and second time this 3rd day of December, 1979. BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 3rd day of December 1979. .~~uL---r Mayor . . .'" 97331 ~ao~d Registry Division of Newc~stle (No. 10) I CERTIFY that this instrument IS registered as of 3:55p.M. DEe 7 1979 in the land Registry Office Town of Newcastle Ontario. 9f1~ REGISTRAR PAID UfU) UGISll'i OFFU1 NO. 18 / ~.;O 0 . . . DATED: DECEMBER 7th, 1979 being a by-law to stop up and close and authorize the conveyance of those parts of Third Street and the unnamed lane lying within Part 1 on Plan 10R861 which property is part of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession, in the former Town of Bowmanville BY-LAW NO. 79-146 Charge: File: 4269 6468 ,4. SIMS MORTON McINERNEY & BRADY Barristers and Solicitors, 117 King Street, Whitby, Ontario.