HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-138 .. .' . WE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law Number 79-138 A By-law to amend Restricted Area By-Law Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-Law Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Section 13 of By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following subsection "t" "et) Part of Lot 23, Broken Front Concession . Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the con- trary, that portion of Lot 23, Broken Front Concession designated "SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 79-138 "on the attached Schedule "A" hereto may be used for the purposes of a single family dwelling, and uses, buildings and structures accessory thereto, and a woodworking shop provided that no person, other than those residing on the lands subject to this Special Pro- vision, shall be employed in the said woodworking shop, and provided further that no building or structure may be erected, altered, or used on the lands except in accordance with the following provisions: . , - 2 - . . (a) DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this SPECIAL PROVISION, i) "WOODWORKING SHOP" shall mean a building where cabinets for clocks and clock kits are manufact- ured from wood. ii) "YARD" shall mean a space appurtenant to a building~ structure or excavation, which space is open, uncov- ered and unoccupied from the ground to the sky, except for such buildings, structures or uses as are specif- ically permitted by this SPECIAL PROVISION. iii) "YARD, FRONT" shall mean a yard located between the front lot line and the nearest part of the building or structure for which such yard is required. iv) "YARD, SIDE" shall mean a yard located between the side lot line and the nearest part of the building or structure for which such yard is required. v) "YARD, REAR" shall mean a yard located between the rear lot line and the nearest part of the building or structure for which such yard is required. (b) ZONE PROVISIONS i) Residential Uses In accordance with the provisions of this By-law for the Agriculture (A) Zone. ii) Non-Residential Uses . (a) Lot Frontage (minimum) (b) Lot Area (minimum) 45 metres .25 ha . - 3 - (c) Front Yard (minimum) 38 metres (d) Side Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres (e) Rear Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres (f) Gross Floor Area (maximum) 186 square metres (g) Building Height (maximum) 6.5 metres" 2. Schedule "A" to By-law Number 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 79- 138 the zone designation of the lands indicated as "SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 79-138 'bn the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 3. This By-law shall become effective on the date hereof, sub- ject to the provisions of Section 35(10) of the Planning . Act. BY-LAW READ a first time this 3rd day of December , A.D. 1979. BY-LAW READ a second time this 3rd day of December , A.D. 1979. BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of December A.D. 1979. ;/ M~ G. B. RICKARD, Mayor (seal) '~.'>>.... ~... ---- ." M~>cf~rk . ~. ~1- ~/~, ~,~q g'O (j ,.- (}t ~ ' ~_ c~ 3 ) ( 2- 1) " Il,f-,lA<v--{ U. f.A MdLROJ' ~r c~. ~~ M,micipal C!e~1' U ( ~_~----- " . Certificate under section 35(27) of The Planning Act It Joseph M. McIlroy hereby certify that the notice for 79-138 By-Law No. of The Corporation of the Town . of Newcastle, passed by the Council of the Corporation on the 3rd dai of December 1979 was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by regulation made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 24 of section 35 of The Planning Act. I also certify that the 21 day objection period expired on Janu~ry 8 1980 and to this date no notice of objection or request for a change in the provisions of the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the Clerk. Dated this 31st day of March 1980. . " ~-~~~~~~~1~~i:11~:~i{i::i::?;-:'~__~_ . , ~. ~~ ~~, vi ~, ,- \.) ~~ , t.~~ I t. .~' ~ ~ ~ i l ....: ~ ~ fI) {3 ~ e ~ "- It) ~ ~ 'q; . o .........- 642 THIS IS SCHEDULE IXI TO BY-LAW 79- liR ? PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF December ,A. D. 1979. .- .. . . .. : .: : :\~:: : .. . . . ... ... ... -.l I.. . . . ..1) . : :-.-;- . ... ... .- . e.:; - :'. ...... ,., ~ ~ ~ ~ .1) ~ \.) "- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t.J ~ ~ ~ <tl ~ ~ Nlr34'W 60.96m ~~,.,...~~lA:Q:-:.r.:l"~U1;:t";>(-.,,:.=c;';'_ '1 ,~ \j LJ f7lllllllASPECIAL PROVISION 1, tWI!L:J BY-LAW 79 -138 ~ . ~ !j ~ <: <:) ,'t ~ ; , ~ IN l;jh~ li~''''''''''-''''~~ (J fit ~t ~! <l.i It: --~ 10---')4 .a .. I/' >/:)i~~, ~,_w- ":":T~-~"~.f!lO(;i....,_~~~ I I , i I iE iN II'- ill) !.;t ! i :-. (-: ;-.::--. _.e e.. 1-. .... .... ... :..: i" ..- . . .... . . . . . . . . . . ... e.- . . -. ... .. .:. :.. .... l::l ~ i I I i I i I i ! .". iJ g ~:J 5,J(n .V'!3fU :1IJ ! q--'----"-- ----'--.-.- -----.--~---.- ------'--:--j('R' I' ~~- I I ~~ : :....:. .e.: ._: I, . l..~ . . .. 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