HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-135 P" . . . 'I'll E conpCm/\T JON OF TIlE TOW,N OF NEWCASTLE B'{ -LAW NO. 79- IJ j- A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TO'lVN OF NEWCASTLE AT THIS )I.lEETING HELD ON THE 19th DAY OF November 19'";9 . WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 241 of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by bY-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCI L OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ENACTS /\S FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this III e e tin g b (~ 1 don the 19th d <1. Y 0 f Nov~r 1 9'7 9 i n res p e c t 0 f cae h reco~nendation contained in the reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution pa:,seci ;:~nd other action taken by the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all ~';uch proceedings were cxprc;-:;sJy embodied in this by-law. 2. The Mayor and proper officials of the Town of Newcastle arc hereby authorized ancl directed to do aU thinr~s necessary to gjve effect to the actions of the Coullci.l of the Town of Ncwca:;LLc referred to in the preceeding section hereof. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents ncce~;sary in that bella.It and to affix LllcrcLo the Sea] oft 11 e To I'.' n () f N e.\' cas tIe. PASSED I N OPEN CODNCI L this 19th clay 0 f Novanber J 97g . ~. Mayor Clerk