HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-132 e '!HE OORPORATION OF 'lHE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW ro. 79-132 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into a Maoorandum of Understanding with SPLASH. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACI'S AS roUOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal a Merrorandum of Understanding between SPLASH and the said Corporation dated the 20th day of Novanber 1979 which is hereto on Schedule "A". e By-Law read a first and second time this 19th day of November 1979 By-Law read a third and final time this 19th day of NovEmber 1979 G. B. Rickard Mayor ~~/ J. M. McIlroy Clerk ,.... . . e e -- --:;. ':;;.~;~ ;;7.~JI:(,;ii'b t":;f"f;\r.I<~_41In ;;4 SCHE!xJ!..E "A" MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING made in duplicate this 20th day of November, 1979. Bet wee n: 'lEE caJNCIL OF TIlE 'IDWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter called "the Town" OF THE FIRST PARr: and SPLASH, a committee of citizens of the Town of Newcastle interested in providing public funds for the construction of an indoor pool and squash courts. hereinafter called "Splash" OF THE SECOND PARr: WHEREAS Splash has entered u}X)n a campaign to raise public funds for the purpose of constructing an indoor swimming pool and squash court canplex adjacent to the I3cmmanville High School with the estimated cost and funding as follows: Community Centre Grants Wintario Grants $ 75,000.00 370,000.00 740,000.00 Funds to be raised by Splash Campaign Total EstiImted cost of project including architect fees $1,185,000.00 ... .:;: ~.~.1"..",.;<~\" .<~';:): .',' ""."~l':'1 -2- .;hvQule "A" . AND WHEREAS Splash has raised by donati.ons and pledges to the date herCoDf the sum of $559,901.00 and the Town has agreed to hire engineering and architectural consultants to prepare plans, specifications and \\Orking drawings leading to tender 01' the projfltlt: NOW THEREFORE the Parties hereto hav~ ngreed to commit to writing their respective understanding as to the prop.~pure leading to tender, the letting of a contract and financing of the project as follows: 1. For the pUJTDse of Wintario Grants only Splash will pay to the Town the funds which it has raised :in accordance with the Est ima ted Cash Flow Stat anent attached hereto as Schedule "A" and will provide to the Town its current bank statanents, tenn de,[X)sits and pledge cards. e 2. After January 1st, 1980 and provided a contract has been awarded for the project Splash shall pay to the To\Vll monthly all donations rE..>cei ved Jor the preccHling month. 2 (a). All proceeds fran pledges will be collected by Splash and turned over to the Town. 3. The Estimated Cash Flow StatEment attached as Schedule "A" is based on the Construction Schedule - Estimated attached hereto as Schedule "B" and shall be reviewed and altered by the parties from t:ime to t:ime as fund raising has been finaLized by Splash, the final pl"icc of the project is determined by a bid accepted by the Town and the Construction Schedule and receipt t:ime of Wintario and Comnuni ty Centre Grants becane more apparent. 4. The Town agrees to provide inter:im financing excluding interest charges as may be required for the project provided Splash completes its fund raising objectives of $610,000.00 in cash and pledges prior to tenders being accepted by Council, and further provided Wintario and Community Centre Grants are available to the Town. e 5. In the event there is a shortfall in the contract resulting from a higher contract price and/or interest charges to finance the project Splash agrees to continue its fund raising campaign to make up such shortfall, provided Splash agrees to a<..:cept SUdl higher contract price and provided r"'. further that any shortfall in plec4;es are made up by add it ionaJo Pledge~~ V ... -3- ...l-.;htX.lule lIA" 6. The Town agrees to ass'1..lIne fimmcial responsibility for e the project. 7. The Town shall request the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education to transfer the necessary lands pursuant to the Agreenent between the Town and the Board. 8. The Town will apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the project in accordance with its rules and procedure. 9. The Town will pass any necessary amendnents to its wning by-laws to permit construction of the project and sulrnit such amendnents for approval of the Ontario Municipal Board prior to tenders being called in accordance with the proJDsed Schedule of Working Drawings attached hereto Schedul e "C". e 10. rille Town will pa.::;::; a by-law establishing- tile pruject as a community centre in accordance with The Community Centres Recreation Act. n. 111e Town will make all necessary applications for rebates of provincial sales tax on the project. 12. The Town shall by resolution apJDint a Building Comnittee for the project consisting of the following: Four manbers fran Splash All MElTIbers of Council, the Town Mc'lnager of Community Services 'I\ID representatives fran the Board of and the Dic,.r0~ctor o c> V u Education 13. The resJDnsibilities of the Building Comnittee shall be as 1'011 ows : . (a) consideration and review of plans, specifications and \\Orking drawings prepared by the Town's consultants for construction and tender and the making of appropriate recommendations for Council's consideration. .J . .<':::~' '. '~.~ . '-""~':"':'tr"""~~'*,_~rm"l'-"'-'- -4- ~chedule "A" e (b) consideration and recarmenda.tion of all change orders su1:mi tted by the O:msul tants setting out the reason for the change and the resulting change in the contract price. (c) to provide copies of minutes of all building comnittee meetings to menbers of Council. 14. The Council of the Town agrees to consider all change orders reoammended by the Building Committee expeditiously after receipt theroof. 15. The Town shall consider the waiving of the building - , permit fee normally required. ('\ G V Q In Witness Wheroof the parties hereto have executed this agreement by the hands of the duly authorized officers. . THE CDRroRATIG.'l' OF 'IRE 1DWN OF NEWCAS'ILE / .-/ . ) /1 .-~-< ,- < ;::.'."d/ G. B. ~ RK~ J. M. MCIlIDY, SPLASH DR. H. B. RUNDLE, CllAIRMAN D. BARBER, VICE-mAIHMAN' G. GILPIN, VICE-mAIRMAN MRS. B. HICKS, CD-ORDINA1DR MRS. G. RICKARD, SECRETARY e 1\. KEU,v, TIU'.:ASUliEH .. . . . ~t'D:"~:C:.Lf::;..I.""~L.h.lO!;,,,;.~.-,......_~~~LiL&i..;';.i.L.W,:..J..iJt..Ii.i.... .:a1'L'''.. JuJI'~~U::'~:::::L_;...L'11L.i;\;'.,.- :.:;",_, -5-- ~le "AIf MRS. A. SIMPSON, CANVASS CHAIRMAN {";" ::..,'l MRS. 13. SOIOUTEN, PLE1iiE((AIfTh1AN '-.,) R. STEVENS, FINANCE OIAIRMAN C. ElLIOIT, FINANCE GlAIRMAN MRS. J. WILLIAMS, SPECIAL EVENTS M. BROWN, BUIlDING CHAIRMAN A. STRIKE, LIAISON GIAIRMAN D. PEEBLES, PUBLICITI CHAIRMAN ." ;,li\':~__.......A.:I~ _u. . S C H E D U L E "A" Estimated Cash Flow (Nov. 15, 1979) 1979 Payments Splash on eon. Nov. 12 $ Dec. 1 1980 Jan. 1 Feb. 1 Mar. 1 Apr. 1 May 1 June 1 July 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 1 OC.l Nov. 1 D ec . 1 J19811 an. July 1 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Dec. 1 20,000 20,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000 170,000 175,000 175,000 185,000 1,185,000 Grants eredit Int. \:){c'r,.it$U."~)1tl'~.,,~~~.c~PIfP " ~" .__,~:_.., ..,-'::rNi:"":,!>.w...,,^~,; .~' . ;, ..'..",-, .' . ...."......_.."v.,,,..:O. ',n, , I Debit Int. Balance of Account $214,000 (-21,049 expenses to date) $ 192,951. (Note # 1) 190,500 21,000 7,500 35,000 35,000 65,000 5,000 30,000 35,000 65,000 $70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 90,000 75,000 $4,120 2,954 3,115 2,566 2,506 1,679 736 $ 335 1,664 2,697 3,589 4,260 5,000 23,915 10,218 3,225 2,781 603,000 445,000 17,676. 57,684 (Note # 2) 172,951 267,571 291,525 274,640 277,206 179,712 81,391 (30,373) (150,708) (252,372) (325,069) (398,658) (452,918) (367,918) (311,833) (292,051) (260,276) (198,057) Interest Assumptions eredit -13% through Mar. 1, 1980 -11% thereafter Debit -13% from Aug. 1st 1980 through end of project Note 1. Expenses to date of $21,049 taken off Nov. 12/79 income of $214,000 to give initial payment of 192,95l. 2. $7,931 (2% of $396.585)s~btracted from total income of $603,000 as allowance for unpaid pledges. . _~ .-i \ ! :.; ;~ ~ "- ~ : .~.,.: ( - . '. -~ '!..~1 6>. ! .... II . . . .. . . . . - - - .. . - a. - . - 1a .. ~ (. r,/ C 6 t, l.. L- G' r c~ CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - ESTIMATED JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. SEP. OC1 NOV. DEC. Jurisdictional Approvals ..... ...... ...10 weeks ollowir g appli ation or grar: ""i ntario Grant Confi rma tion Site Preparation .... Contractor Mobilization , Excavation Foundations Backfill ~...., i .. I &ea r ing ~alls, Second Floor I .:!'lci Ro;;f ..... i..... .. .. I Roofing and Insulation, Flashing ,. .., Interior Concrete (Pool) ... ..... I ! - Interior Backfill and Floors .. 1-.. ~.... I Interior PartH ions, Doors, Windows ... ..... ~.. .. Interior Floor Finishes .. ..1 I , Pool Finishes ......... , . l..'all Finishes II...... Ceilings ... Pool and Building Plumbing ...... ..... ......,..... ...... I c Bu ilding Service and Pool Equi?ment ..... ...... .... Plumbing Fixtures .. ..... r.rt:,lect r iea 1 Service and Eq uiprnen t .. Ia ..... ...... .....1 ..... ..... ~- Electrical Fixtures ,... - Site \Jork .... ... . .. 'f. . . ~...;-:- --... 5:(: /.( C 6 {:i." L ~ C II i SC~EDULE FOR WOf=lKING D~AWINGS DESIGN FUNCTION SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. l. Collect Exjstin~ Soil Data, Revie.... and Comlnen t on .. Preliminary Concepts. 2. Confi rm Soil Information with Soil Consultant in New Building ........ 1 (\"'''~;(\n 3 . I.'orking Drawings 11..........., ...... I 4. Owner Review of Working Drawings r........... and Provisions. S. Provide Presentation Drawings ..... for Further Fund Raising. 6. Preparation of Specifications. ... ....... " 7. Cost Es t i r.;a t e Confirmations ....... .... P:- €' 1 . Final : Carit . Grant 8. Tender Period ........ .. * Ap?li ' a ti on by Town , J 9. Jurisdictional Approvals (Hi n i sC~) .....,-. . ............ of Labour. HealtL; Fire Marshall) f-~ - 10. Wintario Capital Grant Approval ( ~/ for Design Stage by Town (urgent) .. ............. .............. ...., ~, ~ , . . TOITEN S U:S HUBICKI ASS.ES LDUrED