HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-126 .. e _f . e , . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE e BY-LAW NO. 79-126 Being a by-law to adopt a policy in respect of the processing and review of Sub-division applications. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACTS as follows: That a policy in respect of the processing and review of Sub- division applications be established in the Town of Newcastle and that the said statement shall be as provided in Schedule "A" attached to this by-law. By-Law read a first and second time this 5th day of November 1979. e By-Law read a third and final time this 5th day of November 1979. G. B. RickardAA~L~>-? Mayor . J. M. McIlroy Clerk e ~'''c._~_-~ !f ; i ~~. I~ . , 'i~1' ." j,;':,:,','....:.,.:.,:,~~,.,:, . ,.-,',.. . ;1 .;.,:;;;o;..........-....."..~_~.,.. ----_.--~._----_.---~-,._--.._----,---------~-_.,--- . POLlCY IN RESPECT OF TilE PHOCESSING AND HI~Vlio:W OF SlIlIlHVlSION AI'I'1.1CATlONS e The Town of Newcastle shall require the owners of plans of subdivision to be responsible for any costs incurred by the Town of Newcastle in the processing and review of proposed plans of sub- di vis ion. 1. "Cos ts incurred by the Town" shall include: (a) The costs of conducting engineering studies required for the design and development of engineering works for the control of surface run-off and storm water. (b) TIle costs of conducting planning studies required [or the analysis of environmentally sensitive lands as may be defined by the Town. e (c) TIle costs of engineering and/or planning studies for e the design and development of road improvements necessary for the development of a plan or plans of subdivision. (d) Such other engineering or planning studies as may be deemed appropriate by the Council of the Town of Newcastle for the analysis and review of proposed subdivision plans. 2. In determining the amount of the "costs incurred by the Town" to be the responsibili ty of the owners of plans of subdivision, the Town shall: (a) Determine the land area or areas to be benefitted by the studies undertaken. (b) Determine the amount of developable land within the area or areas to be benefitted contained within individual sub- It division plans. e (c) Apportion the costs .inctlrred by the Town on a per acre hiN,/Ii qf tI,.v,' iJhl.. lillltl willlill "ill'il (1Idlvl""il1 Hllh.llvlH(OII I' I "" . "'fI- U -,r II 'I ~, 1'.!~'~~'I!if . "'::,"1' ".1." .- ~: :~,~' ,: ". . e -~ - .....L..HII_N'._~_r;;.iL__lilU,.l.1 j'IJI,/CY liJ lil::;I'I:C'I' 01" '1'/11: l'I~()(};:;:;I:Ir: ANI) IU':VII':\~ OF ~;IIJW/VI~;ION AI'I'/.IC^'I'ION~; e .- ---.-----...- -- ._._~--,.- -'---...-.-.- --.. '-'.-. ~-. I!~~_}~(:)~~.t_l__..l)L !j~?~_(:.:~, t-!,-c_:'}J.I.:}_U~~:..(E~~J'.lL..1J ~<':"_l2.W_I.!.. c r ::!..~~l)_~~_<?_C ,~ub di vi s..:!-~__S~~.re_~j~~!..~~i_~_~_[ 0 l:.......~,1.Y__c..~)S ~,__~I~~_l~.(U!L-Sl.t...~-.lO_w..l~. ''''.''0 f Newc :1S_1.:1_~_-!J~_._tJ.~~.Jl.~_o C e~..:s_~~!lL..:::~_E_~_ vi c_w. _<!J.. J)E!1.I)_?..:~(:..0_,11J.;t n s,~L_~~)_-. ,~" ~ ~ divisiull. L "Cos ts incurred by the TOI-'I1" shall include: (a) 'I1lC costs of conducting engineeri.ng studics required for tile dcsigll :nld dl'vclopmcnt of cllgillL~erillg \-Iorks for till' cUllfrol of ~;lJrf:ll'l' /"I1/1-lIfr :llld :;!lIrlll \oJ:l!:!:!' (h) ThL' <.:usts of L(lllcluctLng pJ:lI111[lll; studi:.,,; rcquircd fo/' tltl' :1I1:Jlysi:; iJf l'IIVl ronll:<.'nt;1I1y :;cn~, it i V(' l.ands :I~j 1:I:lY bc lh~Cincd by the Town. (c) Th,~ costs of engincering :lIld/ur pLuming sludies for e tilL' dcsi~:n :tnd developll1cnt of I'oad ill1provcn:ents IWC(~SS;\ry Jill (Ill' dl'vi'llll'lI1l'lll or ;1 1'1:111 or 1'1:111:: ul :;uhdivi:;iU/l. (d) Such otlter L'1l1:Llll~crillg or pLlIlIlillg !,ludil.'S :If.; 1I1:IY be dl'.~mcd appropr-iatc by t.he Councilor tlte Town of N(,wcastle lor the ,:lt1aly~;is and review of proposed subdivision pl.::ms. 2. III determining thc ;1I11011llt 01' tile "CO!.;ts incurred by the Tow/I" to !ll~ the rl~spons ibi Ii ty of' tlJl~ owners of plalls of subdivi::;ion, lite '1'<'1\,'n ;;1t:111: Cr) Dl'l:l~nJlin,' lit., l:lIld :l1'Cd or :Jrea~; lo he hen(~fi.tlcd by t.llc Sllldil.':; llnderl:lkl!tl. (h) IklL'1'illinL' the ,11l1"IJlll of' c1ev(' IOp:lbJe J:l11d within the ;Irea ill' :In~<l:; to h" h":H'i'il:lcd ':illll:lined \.Jilhin indi.vidll:JJ suh- d i \' j s i llll l' 1 :j 11.'; . e (.') '-\)'1""'1 i"11 III,' '''':1:; iIH'llrr,'.1 1'1 11\1' '/'''1.)11 1111 :1 :"'1' ,1<'1" I../:,!,. <,( ,),'v,' ,Il, I,' I :111' I \J i I I, i II 1',1"1, ill' 11 V 1'/llil I :i Ill" I j vi,; !, _II \1 I Ill.