HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-104 ", ... J', ..,.,,~, ~ .,. .. . - -!r .: f · .-'...'" :&. 4. ,.> ,... 4: "' . AMENDED 8Y AMENDED u'{ AMENDED BY AMENDED BY . BY.LAW III I -045 RY-LAW #~~:.t(v.:?8Y'LAW ,~~.:g.~.,8Y-LAW t#.?;.2.:.(.~~ ............r - BY AMENDED ~y AMENDED BY AMENDED BY AMENUt:D 'i -II - _ Q'1 -0 7l BY.LAW N...?>......[. BY.LAWlc;};J...9.1.l BY.LAW# ~9 '"'>/0 BY-LAW #/.~....... . ........~.~J AMEN OED BY AMENDED BY BY.LAW #'j!:J.C:~. BY.LAW #.~J..,,; 1/2- C E R T I FIE D COP Y I, Joseph M. McIlroy, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham, Municipal Clerk, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that attached hereto is a true copy of By-Law Number 79-104 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of 9th day of October Newcastle at its meeting held on the 9 , 197 . - . WITNESS my hand and seal of The Corporation. DATED this 16th October 9 A. D. 197... day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... ... ........, ~" '-2-/7 Clerk C ~ By-law has been approved with the exception of Schedule "A", Tariff of Rates, which has been filed as of June 25, 1980 in accordance with the Regulations under The Cemeteries Act. . MINISTRY OF C9NSUMER & COMM~fAS~LATIONS A;i'PROVEO k-I'~....... ..............'.:.ilE~m.Y MINIS1IR. . oate"~~\l' .\4-.,.\ ~BO..... ........ ~... App. No......~~::3-)5 . .1............. ~vh ! ~ . " , -: ~ > ,[ . '1":, ~ ... ,...".. \, ~ 4~"'--~ L7 - ~ 1'1- /'/{; ;0~1 ~~_fL_) /l ~/ /~ / " --4-' .1:/.) ~7LjLJ/1 . , ' ., , i , ..:.-' - , . ,:I:, ') j):1 \ "1 Jf ,1\ ' :, '\ . . . I "I f ~ it" . "" .. . . . # .., , . , . , . ~c. TilE COHPOHATTON OF TIII~ TOWN OF Nl':W(;ASTI.I': BY-LAW NO. 79-l04 Being a by-law to provide for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, Chapter 57, and the Regulations passed thereunder provides rules and regulations governing Cemeteries and the use thereof; and ' WHEREAS Section 42 of the said A~t provides that the owner of a Cemetery may make further regulations for laying out and selling lots, managing the cemetery and otherwise generally respecting the use of the grounds and for the execution of conveyance of lots or plots in the cemetery. NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- 1) REPEAL OF BY-LAWS The hereinafter noted by-laws are hereby repealed. i) By-law No. 76-7 passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 3rd day of May 1976. ii) By-law No. 76-43 passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 19th day of July 1976. iii) By-law No. 77-32 passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 16th day of May 1977. 2) DEFINITIONS i) "Cemetery" shall mean all cemeteries listed in By-law 77-25t Bowmanvi1le Cemetery, and Bond Head Cemetery. ii) "Corporation" means The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle. iii) "Owner" means owner of a lot or plot. iv) "Councii" means The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle. v) "Ministry" means The Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations. vi) "Perpetual Care" means the preservation, improvements, embellish- ment and maintenance in perpetuity in a proper manner of lots in a cemetery. .,,;,~!~~,~~~!~.~~~(,;l~;:;~:'Xi; '.," . . . . . , " ..' - 1 - , " " vii) lll.orll nWltnll nil 111','11 (If 1111111 III rlli' f'I'IIII!iI'ry IIIH i!pilrl for IIH' interment of not more than two human bodles in a slngle or ~oubl~ depth graves. viii) llPlot" means two or more lots. ix) llMarkerll means a memorial set flush with the ground or raised on a slight slope above the ground. x) llMonument" means a memorial placed upright on the ground. 3) DUTIES OF THE CORPORATION i) The Corporation shall, through its signing officers, execute all conveyance of lots in the Cemetery. ii) The Corporation shall appoint a Superintendent who shall hold office during the pleasure of Council. iii) The Corporation shall appoint a Secretary-Treasurer who shall hold office during the pleasure of Council. 4) DUTIES OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Subject to the general control and supervlslon of the Director of Community Services, it shall be the duty of the Superintendent and he shall have power. i) To prepare and present the periodic pay sheets to the Director of Community Services. ii) To keep all necessary records of interments, disinterments and removals, and all other necessary records, and submit monthly, to the Secretary-Treasurer, a proper report together with requisite statements. iii) To keep the cemetery, buildings and fences in good repair and have the general care and custody of the cemetery including the supervision of all employees, the keeping in good order of all walks, drives and grounds, the enforcement of the provisions of this by-law and all lawful directions of the Corporation; provided that before removing any trees or shrubs from a lot, he shall, where reasonably possible, first give notice thereof to the owner of such lot. iv) To give signed orders for all interments and disinterments and to see that all are conducted in a decent and orderly manner and that quiet and good order are at all times maintained and to attend, or cause his delegate to attend, at every interment and disinterment. '., . . . .i'-.., , ,. . . , - 3 - " 5) DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER Subject to the general control and superv~s~on of the Corporation, it shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to carry out all the usual duties of a Secretary-Treasurer and such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Corporation and he shall have power, i) to make all sales of lots and to keep records thereof, and prepare deeds for execution by the signing officers of the Corporation. ii) to receive all monies payable to the account of the Corporation for the sale of lots, perpetual care and all other monies or property given, devised, bequeathed or set aside for the purpose of the upkeep or care of any lot or portion of a cemetery, and all other monies or property receivable by the Corporation with respect to the cemetery whether by way of gift, bequest or otherwise. Hi) to set aside for the perpetual care thirty-five percent, or such greater amount as is from time to time prescribed under the Cemeteries Act, of all monies received on the sale of lots as prescribed by the said Act, and to set aside for perpetual care all other monies received for perpetual care, and to set aside for the purpose of the upkeep or care of any lot or portion of a cemetery, any money or other property given, devised, bequeathed or set aside for such purpose, and to invest the same, subject to the approval of the Treasurer, in such securities as may from time to time be authorized by the provisions of The Trustees Act or The Cemeteries Act. i f iv) to receive and transfer to the Perpetual Care account of the Corporation all interest received from perpetual care fund investments and all interest and all other income from money invested or from other property given, devised, bequeathed or set aside for the purpose of the upkeep or care of any lot or portion of a cemetery. v) to prepare and submit to the Corporation a monthly statement of all monies received by him, to and for the use of the Corporation and all accounts, in connection with the operation of the Cemetery. vi) to prepare and submit reports to the Minister, at such time and with such information as required by The Cemeteries Act and regulations thereunder. 6) EMPLOYEES NOT TO SOLICIT BUSINESS No officer or employee shall canvass or solicit business in connection with any monument or other.structure to be erected, or in connection with any work to be done in a cemetery, save and excepting the selling of lots by persons authorized so to do. '. , . . . < ' , ': - !~ - 7) SALE OF LOTS AND CEMETERY SERVICES i) Site Plan The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep available for inspection by prospective purchasers, maps showing all lots available for purchase. ii) Charges The Charges for lots and for all cemetery services shall be as set forth in the Tarriff of Rates appended hereto as Schedule "A". iii) Deed iv) v) vi) it '''""","J~'' ...... :". .... ' Upon payment in full of the purchase price of a lot, the Secretary- Treasurer shall prepare a deed according to the form set forth in Schedule liB" appended hereto and shall, after execution thereof by the signing officers on behalf of the Corporation, deliver it to the Purchaser and record same in a Register kept for that purpose. Limitation of Deeds The deed of a lot shall convey only the right of burial of human remains therein, and of placing a marker or monument, and such rights shall be subject to the provisions of The Cemeteries Act and regula- tions thereunder, and of this by--law as amended from time to time, and no purchaser shall acquire any right, title or interest except as aforesaid, or pursuant to the Act or other Acts in that behalf. Transfer of Lots Upon the transfer of a lot by the owner thereof, the Secretary- Treasurer shall upon payment of a fee of two dollars, prepare and have executed by the owner thereof, or by the authorized personal representative of a deceased owner upon satisfactory evidence of their authority, a transfer in duplicate, in the form set forth in Schedule "c" appended hereto, and shall enter the transfer in the Register and deliver one copy to the transferee and keep the other for his records; In the case of a transfer where an owner is deceased, a notarial copy of probate or of letters of administra- tion shall be procured by the Secretary-Treasurer or a satisfactory statutory declaration with such particulars, including the names and addresses of the heirs and the name and address of the person authorized to sign a transfer. Removals Wherever the owner of a lot procures the removal of all remains from all graves of which he is the owner, and delivers to the Corporation the deed to the lot, together with a release of all his interest therein, he shall be credited with the amount originally paid, less the charge for removal, or where the removal charges are greater than such amount, he shall be charged with the difference. . . . .... . ~ < , .. ~ ' vii) - 5 - ,Payments for Perpetual Care Where Not Originally Established In the case of lots formerly sold for a price from which no part was set aside for perpetual care, any person may pay to the Board for the perpetual care of any such lot, a sum calculated at the rate as shown on Schedule "A" Tarriff of Rates, and perpetual care shall then be provided for every such lot, and all such sums shall be transferred to the Secretary-Treasurer, and by him added to the perpetual care fund, and in every such case the Treasurer shall prepare and have executed and give to the person making such payment, a certificate in the form set forth in Schedule "D" appended hereto. 8) FUNERALS AND INTERMENTS i) Burial of Lower Animals No burial of the body of any lower animal shall be allowed in any of the cemeteries. ii) More Than Two in One Grave Hi) iv) Not more than two burials shall be allowed in one lot. Burials on a Statutory Holiday or Sunday No burial shall be made on a Statutory Holiday or on a Sunday except in the case of a written order of the Medical Officer of Health. Burials on Saturday No burial shall be made on a Saturday without payment of an extra charge as set forth in Schedule "A" appended hereto, save and excepting in the case of a written order of the Medical Officer of Health and in such case the extra charge shall not apply. v) Time of Day When Burials Permitted vi) No funeral shall be admitted to the cemetery and no burial shall be allowed, except between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, Local Time; provided that a funeral or burial may be allowed at other times by special permission of the Superintendent and payment of such additional amount as is required as shown on Schedule "AU Tarriff of Rates. Notice Prior to Burial At least twenty-four hours notice shall be given to the office of the Superintendent during business hours, of the date and time desired for a burial, and unless such notice is in writing the Corporation shall not be responsible for errors. . . .. '. . '1: vii) viii) - 6 - Order for ilurial Prior to every burial there shall be delivered to the Office of the Secretary-Treasurer, by the undertaker, or some other person, a death certificate properly completed with the information therein indicated as being required, whereupon the Secretary~ Treasurer shall issue and deliver to the Superintendent a burial permit in the form set forth in Schedule "E" appended hereto; and no grave shall be opened without the Superintendent or his delegate being in attendance. Route of Funeral Funerals, within the cemetery shall follow the route prescribed by the Superintendent or his delegate. 9) MEMORIAL SERVICES Before any Memorial Service is held in a cemetery, the Superintendent shall be given at least ten days notice in writing together with a satisfactory undertaking that the cost of repairing any damage which may be occasioned, will be paid. 10) CEMETERY SERVICES SUPPLIED BY THE CORPORATION i) Save as herein otherwise provided, cemetery services available from the Corporation shall not be allowed to be supplied by any other person and for the purpose of this provision "cemetery services" shall mean all services normally supplied by the Corporation and shall include, 1) cutting grass and general care of lots, 2) planting trees, shrubs and grass, 3) setting grave markers, memorials, 4) construction of foundation for monuments and markers, 5) opening and closing graves, 6) disinterment or removal of remains. 11) Disinterment and Removals .. ~,--~:'~~',';;';. ~,_.,: No disinterment or removal of any remains shall be allowed except under the supervision and direction of the Medical Officer of Health and in the presence of the Superintendent or his delegate and upon due observance of all other requirements of The Cemeteries Act and regulations made thereunder. - 7 - ~ ~ ~ . 111) Oversizeu Sllellt:! anti VaulLH . Where a shell or vault has a width of more than two feet and six inches, or a length of more than seven feet and six inches, the Superintendent shall not be obliged to permit the burial unless there is sufficient space to accommodate it; and shall not be obliged to permit the erection of any monument where there is insufficient room left for the foundation. 11) MARKERS, MONUMENTS AND VAULTS i) General 1) Permission of Owner No marker or monument shall be placed or allowed to remain without the written order in the form set forth in Schedule "e" signed by an owner of the lot or grave and delivered to the Superintendent. 2) Permission of Superinte~ent No markers, monument or vaults shall be brought into a cemetery or any materials placed or any work done, except at such time and in such manner and in such place as is authorized by the Superintendent. . 3) Removal Order No marker or monument shall be removed without a written order in the form set forth in Schedule \IF" signed by the owner and delivered to the Superintendent. 4) Inscriptions No inscription which is scandalous shall be made or allowed to remain, on any marker or monument in a cemetery, and no inscription shall be made without the permission of the owner of the lot. 5) Hours of Work No work shall be done or allowed except between eight o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Local Time; and all litter and debris and loose earth shall be removed at the time above set forth for cessation of work. 6) To Avoid Damage . Due care shall be used, by the use of planks and otherwise to avoid causing any damage to any path or lawn or to anything within the cemetery. 7) IhYitinityof Funeral N{:) ~~fl<: 1'Iliap b., c.arried on in the vicinity of a funeral or ~1..u;i81 serv:l.c:e at. au~ U,Ille while i.t is in progress. .. . . 't, ~, .2 '.,.~l/lii..~~,;;:!,;,>'i ',' - 8 - ,8) B~haviour of Workmen The demeanour and behaviour of all workmen employed by others shall be subject to the direction of the Superintendent; and every such workman shall leave the cemetery when so ordered by the Superintendent. 9) Removal of Litter The Superintendent may remove any material, and any litter or debris left contrary to the provisions of this section. ii) Markers 1) Location Every marker shall be placed only by employees of the Corporation and the surface shall be level and without projections, and shall be flush with the ground. Not more than one marker allowed on one grave, and no marker at the same end as a, monument. 2) Size Every marker for a single grave shall be of a size as nearly as practicable, of 18 inches by 24 inches, with a thickness of from 3 to 8 inches. iii) Monuments 1) Materials Every monument shall be of granite or other as durable stone with no vertical joint and no ornament of stone, metal or other material shall be attached thereto. All monuments shall be mounted only on a stone or concrete base or footing and shall be constructed by the Corporation and set flush with the level of the adjoining ground. 2) Location A monument shall be located at the head of a lot or plot and not more than one monument shall be allowed on one lot or on one plot save and excepting that Council may, at their dis- cretion and from time to time, upon application, permit more than one monument on a plot. 3) Size No monument shall exceed four feet in height, including base or footing, above the level of the adjoining ground, and (1) when located on a lot shall not exceed 10% of the lot area, (2) when located on a plot, the base shall not exceed 3'2" x 1'2". . . . f- ,~ ,', - q - L, ) Notice to Corporutiun , There shall be delivered to the office of the Superintendent, at least two weeks prior to the date desired for the erection of a monument, an order in the form set forth in Schedule "e" with the information thereon indicated, including the dimensions of the monument, and the order for the foundation. 12) REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THIS BY-LAW i) Flowers Flower pots may be placed and flowers planted at the front of a grave not more than 2 feet from the marker or monument and under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent. ii) Any flower pot not properly placed on or before the 20th day of June in any year shall, after notice to the owner, if available, of the burial lot, be removed and put in storage by the Superintendent, and if not claimed by the said owner within 90 days after removal of same, shall be destroyed. iii) Tripods or Stands No tripod or stand for flowers shall be placed on any grave, and any so placed shall be removed by the Superintendent. iv) Glass Blocks or Winter Wreaths No glass blocks or winter wreaths shall be permitted on a grave or lot after the first day of April in any year and up to the last day of October following and any box, container, wreath, etc., so placed shall be removed by the Superintendent. v) Visiting Hours No person shall enter or be within any cemetery grounds before eight o'clock in the forenoon or after sundown, except a Police Constable, the Corporation and their employees in the performance of their duties. vi) Young Children No child under or apparently under the age of twelve shall enter or be within any cemetery grounds except when under the proper control of an adult. vii) Vehicles No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed of more than ten miles per hour, or elsewhere than upon the roadways provided for vehicles. . . . ,~ , , I, - 10 - viii) . Parade and Processions No person shall within a cemetery take part in any parade or procession, except a funeral procession, without prior approval by the Corporation. ix) Watering Cans Visitors are expected to return watering cans to their place at the water tap. 13) EFFECT This By-Law shall come into force when passed by the Council of The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, subject, however, to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Public Relations. Read a first and second time this ..1~. day of .... .Q.~ . . . . . /.? 71 0/. If. AI (' It. /I- fL. ,-) Mayor T 1'1. tt ( I L..> fl 07 Clerk Read a third time and passed this .. .r.~. day of .... .0. c:-.+ ~.~~. (?-:.. q . f? 0 fi!4 c It fl(J. () Mayor T M" MC/0().d1 Clerk /) I.f}, J Clruc, (,~c"H1 l,.er ~fU! J . ' . J M. ~.fv'~r:,)'{ J'.;:.. .. ",. ,.,. . . M nicipa\ Clerk /---- \ .," J' , ' .. . " . . . ~... '., Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Schedule 'w' Tariff of Rates By-Law 79-104 1. Sale of Plots 1. a) Bowmanville Canetery ij Single Graves ii) Babyland Lots iii) Cranation 3'x 9' 1.5'x 3' 2'x 2' b) Bond Head Canetery i) Single Graves ii) Babyland Lots iii) Cranat ion 4'x 10' 1.5'x 3' 2'x 2' Land Perpetual Care $130.00 $70.00 32.50 17.50 29.00 16.00 Total $200.00 50.00 45.00 130.00 32.50 29.00 200.00 50.00 45.00 70.00 17.50 16.00 FILED 2. Perpetual Care - on plots on which perpetual care charges have not oeeh paid $2.00jsq. ft. MINISTRY OF CONSUMER & COMMERCIAL RELATIONS 3. Intennent Charges A) Adult B) Child or Infant ( Babyland Lots) C) Cranated Ranains D) Extra Charges - Double Depth - Saturday Funerals in accordance witfl the regulations $10C\t~ The Cemete;ies Act. These rates shall 3~t>~ut in effect 30 d"/S zlttr ,the date of tiling shown below, 35.00 25D~ of Fiting..~\.U).i.-.2S.},\~~O,...... . ~Q.S-3-~1 5Cli(i\@ber........8{):-.8.-:.c.-er1..........- _.... ~ ~) - ...c~...........v....' . .. ....... _.... .,-.......... ._.AI,....... ........ 4. Disintennent Charges A) Disintennent, including reburial at other location B) Disintennent, including lowering ranains at same location C) Disintennent, for reburial in an other Canetery D) Disintennent, as in (A) iran Double Depth E) Disintennent, as in (C) iran Double Depth 5. MonumnetFoudations & Setting Markers A) Formdations B) Flat Marker Foundation C) Cranation Marker D) Ranova1 of Monuments 6. Other Services At cost for time & materials 7. TransierFee $275.00 200.00 175.00 300.00 200.00 $4. 25jcu. ft. $20.00 9.00 15.00 $2.00 . ... . . . . ,.' , SClllilJUL1'; lID" BY -lAW I'D. 79-101 t ...... . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE No. THIS INDENTURE ilade in duplicate the day of 19 Between: The Corp( r 3tion of the Town of Newcastle hereinafter called the Grantor, of the first part, and hereinafter .: a lied the Purchaser, to incl ude the pi ural should more than ,):1(' name appear above of the second part. Witnesseth tll(1 t for the sum of paid to the grantor of which the sum of is set aside in trust for perpetual care with the Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in accordance with the provisions of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, the Grantor doth hereby sell to the Purchaser in the as shown on the plan approved by the Department square feet. Block Lot Plot and having an area of Subject to the provisions of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, and the Ontario Regulations in effect thereunder and to the Rules and Regulations of the Grantor which may be in effect from time to time and as approved by the Department. The Corporation of the Town '-'---I of Newcastle Ma yor ~-~: v " ; .' ,r, . . . SCHl!:I)Uill "C" To By-law No. 79-101 THIS INDENTURE Made this dB\Y' 0 f in the yea:r: of our Lord One Thau.sand Nine Hundred and DE'l'WEE:N ; of -ehQ in the Region/County of' of , and Province of hereinafter called the "ASSIGNORII OF TEE FllillT PART: .AND of the in the Region/County of of '- f and Province of hereinafter called the "ASSIGNEE" . OF THE SEC01ID PART: WITNESSETH That in consideration of the sum of Dollars now paid to the Assignor by the Assignee, (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,) the Assignor Hereby Grants and Assigns to the Assignee, his heirs and assigns, all right, title and interest of the Assignor in all and singular that certain parcel of land ai tuate in Bowmanville Cemetery in the said Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham and being composed of Plot , Lot_ , Block oontaining square feet as sh01in on a plan of the Bowmanville Cemetery in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer. . ......j \- ....'~ .. _ "~.f~.",ll.;j:''''''~L'j.~'~'''''''r'' r t, ,.1, .' . . . . . . - 2 - To Rave and to Hold unto the Assignee, his heirs and assigns forever, subject however to the conditions and limitations and vTi th the privileges specified in the rules and regulations pertaining to cemeteries as Bet out in the by-laws of The Town of Newcastle. The Assignor hereby covenants with the Assignee that he has the right to transfer and convey his rights, title and interest in the said land to the Assignee. ill WITNESS WEEREOF the Assignor has hereunto Bet his hand and seal. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the p~osence of ) ) ) ) ) .. " '>';~'~:';"'~1~~';;1!::>>'-r~',~~,~-~~.~~~,.-:,:_ ,-, ' " ,~t . . SClIEDULl~ "D" " . . ,...1" .. , . ,I ~ To By-law No. 79-101 RECEIPr for Perpetual Care where perpetuaJ. care not provided for in the original purchase price of a Lot or Plot. This is to certify that has paid the sum of , being $2.00 per square foot on acoount of perpetual care for Plot Lot t Block , in the Bowmanville Cemetery and that there is no further charge for perpetual care on account of the said Plot or Lot. II .;; Dated at The TOlin of Newcastle, this ~of ~ V , 19_. Secretary-Treasurer. .,1. 10 .. , .,' t. - - -, .. " .. . ' I' SCHE:DUIE "E" . To By-law No. 79-101 ORDER FOR Bt'RIAL TO: Superintendent, Bowmanville Cemetery. Whereas I have this day received from a death certificate under The Vital Statistics Act certif,ying as to the death of la.te of the of in the Province of Ontario on the day of 19 . I HEREBY ORDER AND DIRECT you to prepare a grave for the said deceased in Plot , Lot Block for the bu:dal of the deceased on the day of 19 Dated this day of , 19_. Secretary-Treasurer. . > #- ,..1 ~ ) .. '. . .", .JI-.O .. . . SCHEDULE ifF" . To By-law No. 79-101 ORDER FOR REMOVAL OF MONUMENT OR MARKER TO: Superintendent, Bowmanville Cemetery. I/WE EEREBY AUTHORIZE AND DlllECT you to remove from Plot , Lot , Block , the maxker/ monument on which is inscribed particulars of the death of Dated at , this . d~ of , A.D., 19 Owner(s)/Authorized Agent. I HEREBY CERTIFY that all charges in connection with the removal of the above monument or marker have been paid in full. Dated this day of , A.D. 19 Secretary-Treasurer. . . .~J.m1t;.LL,E~i/~~:';\\i.:;:;_~;2;:::;,\_,~';';1.h:ii1':,0~';~~.~~h-'~~~:,- .:~ 7 - }",,__r @) Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 555 Y onge Street 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J3 JUl 2 4 1980 Cemeteries Branch 416/963-0511 . The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Refer to File No. 8-3-41 Attention: Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Re: Bowmanville Cemetery As requested in your application dated Julv 18. 1980 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. Enclosed are the numbers of copies shown of the items checked: _ of By-law No. 2 overall plans sectional plans of section . construction plans of crypt or niche numbering plans for sales agreement or contract or receipt _ rules and regulations RECE\VEO _ amendment to approved rules and regulations .IJ\.. 28 \980 '"' tariff of rates TOWN Of NtWCASTl.E A +t f- -t~/ JJ 4 C. S (WdL.! c~f'''; It,., ~ -~T I ~ ~ Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 555 Y onge Street 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7 A 2J3 JUt 2 4 1911 Cemeteries Branch 416/963-0511 . The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Refer to File No. 8-3-37 Attention: Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Re: Bond Head Cemetery As requested in your application dated July 18. 1980 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. Enclosed are the numbers of copies shown of the items checked: _ of By-law No. -L overall plans . sectional plans of section construction plans of crypt or niche numbering plans for sales agreement or contract or receipt rules and regulations _ amendment to approved rules and regulations _ tariff of rates ~ b-H ~ ~..r\~' / v ,/ )J 1 ( ~ (Wvl, I It"" 'I I((t- l, RECEIVED JUL ~.s '~0J 0""_ ... ..... z ~_ W ~ LU -J W 5: b O~ 'Nlcr c:.? 0 z ~- ,I\I~ " .:.J I, J L- L ,.... r r\ I \I I. 1056/' J_ ",") -- I -(I) 198,97' ~~:; I SIrE OF ~LD "SS18 A-Wit. FENCE 66.00' AND -~-IA-Wit" LINE OF ~ TREES ~ , I Fd (1106) I ~it N 71001 40 E GH I J I<L OP QR (370.29'; IN< T NQ 57448) I I 370.58 meas. ' - WiRE ....... FENCE -~ r ..J · N7I04Q~IO't "'78.00' " SOOABCD1: 1:N71046tO"E MN 70.00' rv vw Xy ;:;!-.tN7I046'IO"E M.V 6000' L ~.. SSISPOST N71046'IO"E AM) IW.oo' $SIB ~ .- 18,OO'.~ J $. ~ - ~ >-- >-- >-- -I- >- I- - 1-' f-' rl J ~ - :1.:.::-ij -, 4,J- - - t:t: t: t: ~t: ~t: :: - ~t: = - -t: I' " <l ---1lLL >-'2'- 4' 10' ,d 4' Li2'- L~ 4' 'a' 'a' 4' :..-L 4' c-l!L-:.lL ""0,,;.1''' ;ii-, - ~. I::~ I:: r:: I:: I:: r:: -~::: -r- 8-8 7, !Q~8 ~ '.t 2 I-~ 2 2 -'t ~ IJ) ~ ~ l:: t I:: ~ -I:: -I:: ::: - -1= - - -1= \0 <0 ~ ~~ ~ -- 3P I-~ -R rs- f--y u-=- ~V -rrr- --0- f--'v-- ~ IX) ~ or: _ ~ - ~I:: I:: t -I:: -I:: ::: - -~ - - -r: tf)J"') ~ r.;1;o!!2~ ~'f---~ f-- ~L ~_~ ~ ~ rL j ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ - 1::= =::: -1= -I:: ::: _ r:: -~~~ ~ ~- USED AREA 4 _ -_ 4 f---. _ 4 z ~ 8 l'f') t:' - 1::::: I:: =- -I:: -I:: ::: - -I:: -~ -I:: fa_~ - (1) ~ 5 __ 1-_ I---- ---'5' 5 !i)-If) (\j i; ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ::: -I:: =1:: - - I:: -I- I- ~ ~ ~ a) ~ !Q -6 f---- 6 - 6 ~ ~ ~ - t::: ~:: -t -I:: - - -~ -I- -~~?o /';..2 ~ - -- - -8 ~ 2 t ~. E::: t: :: I , - t: -I:: ;;; - -I:. - ~ -I:: Z 2 rl ~ ~ z 8 7 -- f--' ~ 7 _ ~8 I'i ~ ~ 1-- i- - i/ -I- -I- :: - I;;;; -I:: -~ J I. ~. ~ ~ NlfoA~'IO"E 8 ~'8 1--- -- -, ~ - '- ~ >-- ~ ~ ~,- - I- f- f- Ii! If) Z~18 "tQ 0 8 . H ~... l':::~ =~ -I:: -I:: :::- -~ -~ -~ . ~ 116 ~ ,-.-20,00'- 24.00' ~ 9 9 - 9 @ ~N7104610L __-IfJ,OO __~ :),00. . t N71(<;Q1O 1 10'10 10' __-~~.--;- -10 !fhL_ -:--UMI.L - ~T;F =-10'" . ~J.~ , ~- . --10 =-. --. f- ---, --- -=fFTt 217L'~43~_4~~ 6105~fNl 881SEl;, 9-:--.J:ft ~~':!l- r::/ ,;;.40'~ 34.00' ~f~' ~/l -~ 7 ~<o 7 -,.,1--- _ -, f--- ---LL_ f----.- -- II I I b:1 'LIMIT Of! BLOCK 0 ----=t:::tl eiOCk52 ~ 4' 10'12 /0'_ h~~ /21'iAN I ~ . _if.... ~ _-= __ 12 _ f--- ~ L NEAnQle N,'NAn9ie 1----' iiOCKJA I' ~-8LOCK88 l ~~ l ~ Bkd53:~ ~- ~~ 1---1 :; -- - :~ - -SledD. Brock 0, i I ,_I --, ON[ANT8URI,IAU I II (C~~RIUM) == ;~_I---- _:~ ~:~ ==-=-, f----I--~ == f--- :~ I I -' I I 17, 8 /7. 8 ~ 17-1--- /l ---f----- r--1 Ll_ _ ~ L_ ~ C~ =---- =-li!._~" ~ -KJ'/s-;d' -t ~o;i8 18 - --- ~--18 - =_-{- r-----..:.~ --I -- 19 "a ~ 19 ~~. /9 ---' /9 == 19 I J I I ,----, RE.t\ C:J '----- ....r; ~ - -+ - - (0 l ~~I-- f--- -~ ~. -- I--- 220, r- ---- I I p.. 1---..- ~--I-- - -+-: - - ./ 21 -- 1----- ~-- ~- I------ L I ~ -~ I I C=-_~-8== f---~-,--- _us~O - ~~ ~ ~.~- ~~ ~------ >--- ~--~%- .-'-l I rl (COlUMBfR/UM) to ~- 24 -7~ - == ~ == 241-- 1-----...--,- I--- 24- I I luseO LI W ar;:oc~cc~ N7I'll6'IO"E ~'g== ~~ ::!~+-= ~*~ ~- :-~=i ~ -- .-= 25 vi ~-.J-1 III ---" 32.00' Z == 27 --t- - ~~ ~ 27 27 I--- ~~ o I r- r- I 3 5 7 9 " 13 /5 SSIB 28 10' 218 10' -!() ~ 28 0- 28 28 _ f---- 1--- 1--=--28 - Q) 1 ~ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 I~ >---- - """29 ' 0) ~ f----- E '-- -.J LIT AS 'f I \.1 I ". 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I II 111l!, -~ 40 -"'. 1600:_ 't40 -~ 7.00' ~40 700' <fqo , 40 >-=- 4O-<f la' ~ 32.qo~ ~oo':--- '!A.od 7' 'r-- 20.00'-': /0.00 - N71046/O E 130 00' N7J<'46 10 E S51B N71046'IO"E 55 B S51B N7I046'/O"E SSlB TREE SS/B SSI8 TREE TREE /0 ?". -2 I) 2 V W (0~fE l-2 TREE ("- (~ )) \1 1...--/ .J '--- SSJ8 ~N7f'4Q'IO\t- 58.00'-- r-,\ PART] ) \ _/ -~ 10' /0' 4' ~ 4' 10' Ki46'"'t 18' (J L "- 47 ~ :r'JS-[ I\]2 5-1L1L!8 ~ 48 49 _ _~.50_ 51 52 ~2-, 8 54 0 55 ~ - --~ ~- - --~ 58 59 €I) 61 €2 6.3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 l---- '--~, l---- 1--- ~ 75 76 77 78 79 80 l---- f-----' --a;- ~ f--- l---- 82 2 1---, 83 f'l) f--- 84 i; f--- 85 Z f--- 86 f---: SEAIi9/e ~- I r 81oc/< D SSiB -~ /0' 10' 4' ~ 4' d ~-'t SSI~, I -~ :'---N7('~'IO'E 58.00' ---1'~ 18 II r-.: V W X '( Z r-.; i8,00' J __ ,. fENCE ~ -----"<~-f~--rd,(IIOO)- Aloe. 2.8"~South TYPICAL PLOT LAYOUT INFANT BURIAL BLOCK AA SCALE: I inch = 5 feet 3 ~ 3r- 3 ~ ~ NW 1/4 NE,1/4 ~ S,Wl/4 >- ~ ~ -.J 3! SE.1/4 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3' 3' 3' pi ()rl/\ UL- vi BLOCK CC ------. COLUMBARIUM PLOT LAYOUT SCALE: I inch = 5 feet 2 N 13 2 14 2 15 2 16-('J <t -C\J -(\j m WALKWAY -(\J C\J -(\j U C\J -(\j Q 2' 2' 2' 2' ~- -, WZ I-LJ 6: o ..,.., 0 ~= cr; Fence I' ~ South y -- 0-: <f 0_' -, Z ~ 0_ C ......- z ~ .J ll. ~- - .--. 0 VO _ 0 Z~ SCHEDULE REOUlRE nfiS PLAN TO Be CEPOSI TED uNCER fHEREGISTR'( ACT PLAN OF SURVEY OF BOf\JDHEAD cErvlE-rER'( BEING PART OF BLOCKS 52 AND 53, PART OF UNOPENED FOWLER STREET AND ALL OF BLOCK D, ACCOROIf\JG TO C.G, HANNING'S PLAN,FffiMERVILLAGEOFNEWCASTLE(MaY,18E8) (Being part of Lot 27, Broken Front ConcessIon ,GeographIc TownshIp of Clarke) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOW"J OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL ~AUNICIPALITYOF DURHAM SCALE.. I inch = 30 feet M, 0. BROVIN O. L.S. 1980 ffiRf LOCATION I ]8100<50,52/53, ~- 2 ! Fowler Street iAREA (Acres) -+ - : :3 117 +----; . 1 0 066 !Nsr 5744H,486C6 57448 DAfE BLOCK 88 COLUM8AR/UM PLOT LAYOUT SCALE" I inch = 5 feet ~t~;~~ NAME iN PRINT C 2 D 2 E 3 3 A 2 C\J18 _Fd~(1l06) NE,An9fe Lot 27 8. F Con. l<li . 0 <1J E ,~ .~ B 2 '2-r- C\J 2 3 -Il) -Il) (\J -Il) C\J/? >- ~ ~ ('oJ -J ~ -C\J C\J ~ ?: ~ -J ~ C\JIG -Il) >- ;! ~ -..J ~ C\J r<) -Il) C\JI5 2'- 2 C\J14 2' 2 2' -to 2 ~ -~ 3' -Il) 3' - 3' 2 3 53 BLC)Cf-< L1 Qr()c f.:lor-,/ '( 1\,..;0 v' I' ,,) , '- Fa, (I 106)Wit. vi o <U E cO CO V ~ to 01 2 I- LU II) ....: (J) C !~ B i~ ~~ tf)l I I I L I~ A I I ....: (J) c: 1<> lO ~ tf) - <0 '---- - -8 o (Q - - f----. ---- 1--- I--- f--- ~- I--- f--- ~ f--- ~ 0' 01 ~ ;... ?2~ 2 ~- ~ o lO 10 - o ~ Z f--- l---- ~- ~- -- 1-----. l---- 1----, f--- l---- -- f---- /---' .3 -~ -I'f"l o ~ 2 ~- I---- ~ 1 Ir ~I~~~:e I 1/ f ) . .... =-+-.- Fd.( I 106) I ~-l \...., I 8 ~ STREET CJlJEEN 8 :B Fd ~ (11061-/1 NEAIi9Ie~ I 8/0ck H N, WAngle 8/0ck H 01 ()rl/\ L.JL VI /1 { SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE BEARING REFERENCE I CERTIFY THAT: 'This survey and plan ore corredond in accordance with the SurlJey's A~t and the RetJistry Actolid the retJulotions mode thereunder, 2. The survey was compfeted on the 25th, day of February, 1980. 8eorin9S shown hereon ore ostroliomic, derived from the Easterly limit of Por/<Street, shown os N 180/5'Won Plan lOR 1023. February 25, /980. 1Y6~ Ontario Land Surveyor -9- Denotes I If SQuare Iron 80r 48. lonq. planted. 551S --9= Denotes' "square Iroo 80r 3O"Ionq.planted. ~ If . 'r Denotes 3/4 roond Iron 80r 24 long. -+- Denotes 5/8" square Iroo Bar 24" 1009. planted. S.WAll9/e JL:BIOCkS h1.( /106) PL Denotes planted. CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OFTHE PLANNING ACT. Fd. Denotes found. THIS PlAN PREPARED UNDER mE CEMETERIES ACT RS,O. 1970 C.57ASAMENDEDI972. C.I S,31 SECTlON6RRO./970,REG.80. B(JUL TCJN TYPICAL 8URIAL PlOT COlUM8ARIUM PLOT INFANT PlOT 4' x 10' 2')( 21 1.5')( 31 CT 01. .--f' dO 6/1,,_ J l' - /6 (( . (C) 1 ' l.t~~q; Lx , ~ PLAf\J lOR ____.__.._.______ RECEIVED AND CCPO$ITfD DATE LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF NEWCASTLE (10). MINISTRY OF CONSU~AER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS APPROVED APP. NQ -&:L-:..&3.:..31-.- 1-- W W 0"" ~-= cr; ~? 9 ~ ,~ II) <0 Z ~ ?t "8 o l') l') Q- f G'1 Z ~ C t=- 2 ~ 1...!J ~ r:- ~ Q) 0-:: =:J T ~ Q"" <I ......... W <..) Z <! ~ b _J _J <! C) <! C 0.:: MERRILL D. BROWN LIMITED LAND SURVEYING AND ENGtNEERING 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANV/lLE,OOTARIO. PHONE: 416. 623- 7251 L1C - IM7 Dote: February 25,1980. $('(]fe: I inch : 30 feet D<awn by: File: 80005-R JD,l. - ~ .,. '. .. ., " . " SCBE:DULE lIGlI . To By-law No. 79-1(>> OUNERS ORDER FOR PLACING OF A NONUNEIJT OR HARKER. TO: Superintendent, Bowmanville Cemetery. I/WE HEREBY AUTHORIZE AlID DIRECT you to erect and instal a monument/marker on Plot , Lot Block particulars of which are as follows: Name of deceased Date of death Name axld address of Supplier . Approximate date of desired installation or erection ~mteria1 in monument or marker Height of monument or marker Width of monument or marker at base Depth of monument or marker at base. Size of foundation required to be erected by the Cemetery Board Dated at this day of . A.D. 19 Owner(s)/Authorized Agent. I hereby certify that all charges against the above-noted oemetery plot have been Paid in full. Dated this day of A:D 19 , . ., . Secretary-Treasurer. \ . to'.- . ... ~ @ Ontario . Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Approval of Municipal By-Law ;lit i. ~trtbu ttrtifirb tJ,nt the Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations pursuant to the provisions of section 65 ( I )( e ) of The Cemeteries Act. R.S.O. 1970 c. 57, has approved of by-law No. . . . . ?~7+91. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . of the municipal corporation of. . .tp.e. .T.oYl.n. .o.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newcastle t db th '1 f h 'd . . aI t' th 9th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enac eye counel 0 t e sal mUnJClp corpora Jon on e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . pp:tPP~r.,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 .~~.' being a by-law to provide for the mainten~ce, management, regulation and control of cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle. . ~-~ DATED AT TORONTO, TIllS..... .+41:0.......... . DAY OF . CERTIFICATE NO. . .8.0.-.3.-.l.5. . . . . . . . . . . 06'.7 J -., e ~ .~ i "'i . .. ~., .w, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~ BY-LAW NO. 79-104 ~ ~,< Being a by-law to provide for the maintenancet management, regulation and control of cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, Chapter 57, andphe Regulations passed thereunder provides rules and regulations governing C~meteries and the use thereof; and WHEREAS Section 42 of the said Act provides that the 9~er of a Cemetery may make further regulations for laying out and selling lots, managing the cemetery and otherwise generally respecting the use of the ~founds and for the execution of conveyance of lots or plots in the cemetery. NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows:- 1) REPEAL OF BY-LAWS Ji The hereinafter noted by-laws are hereby repealed. --.......... i) By-law No. 76-7 passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 3rd day of May 197.6. ii) By-law No. 76-43 pa~~ed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 19th day of Ju,ly 1976. iii) By-law No. 77-~J7 passed by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on the 16th day 9f May 1977. 2) DEFINITIONS i) "CemE1tery" shall mean all cemeteries listed in By-law 77-25, Bo~anville Cemetery, and Bond Head Cemetery. ii) "Corporation" means The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle. i~i1 "Owner" means owner of a lot or plot. // </ iv) "Council" means The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle. v) "Ministry" means The Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations. vi) "Perpetual Care"means the preservation, improvementst embellish- ment and maintenance in perpetuity in a proper manner of lots in a cemetery. ., e J e .. /e - 2 - vii) "Lot" means an area of land in the cemetery set apart for the interment of not more than two human bodies in a single or double depth graves. viii) "Plot" means two or more lots. ix) "Marker" means a memorial set flush with the ground or raised on a slight slope above the ground. x) "Monument" means a memorial placed upright on the ground. 3) DUTIES OF THE CORPORATION i) execute all The Corporation shall, through its signing conveyance of lots in the Cemetery. ii) The Corporation shall appoint a Superintenden~.ciwho shall hold office during the pleasure of Council. , . iii) The Corporation shall appoint a Secretary~Treasurer who shall hold office during the pleasure of Cou~eil. 4) DUTIES OF THE SUPERINTENDENT Subject to the general control and su~rvision of the Director of Community Services, it shall be the/uty of the Superintendent and he shall have power. ie' i) To prepare and present t9~ periodic pay sheets to the Director of Community Services. ii) To keep all necessa~f records of interments, disinterments and removals, and all ~her necessary records, and submit monthly, to theSecretary-Trea~urer, a proper report together with requisite statements. I iii) To keep the ~emetery, buildings and fences in good repair and have the ge~~ral care and custody of the cemetery including the supervisio,~'of all employees, the keeping in good order of all walks, d~lves and grounds, the enforcement of the provisions of this byllaw and all lawful directions of the Corporation; provi9id that before removing any trees or shrubs from a lot, he s~all, where reasonably possible, first give notice thereof toihe owner of such lot. iv) /~ To give signed orders for all interments and disinterments and to see that all are conducted in a decent and orderly manner and that quiet and good order are at all times maintained and to attend, or cause his delegate to attend, at every interment and disinterment. ., Ie ';I. - ,. . '. ,/l to receive and transfer t~ the Perpetual Care account of the Corporation all interest received ft~m perpetual Care fund investments and all interest and all other income ~'om money invested or from other property given, devised, bequeathed ~ set aside for the purpose of the upkeep or care of any lot or porti~ of a cemetery. I to prepare and s~mit to the Corporation a monthly statement of all monies received ~y him, to and for the use of the Corporation and ! all accounts, jh connection with the operation of the Cemetery. /' J to prepare a~~ submit reports to the Minister, at such time and with such info~tion as required by The Cemeteries Act and regulations thereunder: / l~ /i EMPLOYEES NOT/~O SOLICIT BUSINESS / No officer/6r employee shall canvass or with any.~onument Qr other~structure to with anYi/<work to be done in a cemetery, of lots by persons authorized so to do. __ ____.~ _..____-,---__'n_ _--,---_~.-.--.-\., - 3 - 5) DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY-TREASURER Subject to the general control and supervision of the Corporation, it shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to carry out all the usual duties of a Secretary-Treasurer and such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Corporation and he shall have power, i) to make all sales of lots and to keep records thereof, and ~epare deeds for execution by the signing officers of the Corpora~lon. ".:,' ii) to receive all monies payable to the account of the Co~bration for the sale of lots, perpetual care and all other m~ies or property given, devised, bequeathed or set aside fot"the purpose of the upkeep or care of any lot or portion of a ~emetery, and all other monies or property receivable by the gSfporation with respect to the cemetery whether by way of gif;(bequest or otherwise. " . iii) to set aside for the perpetual care thir~yLfive percent, or such greater amount as is from time to time prescribed under the Cemeteries Act, of all monies received/on the sale of lots as prescribed by the said Act, and to s~ aside for perpetual care all other monies received for' perpe~ha1 care, and to set aside for the purpose of the upkeep or ~~e of any lot or portion of a cemetery, any money or other ppbperty given, devised, bequeathed or set aside for such purpose, _hd to invest the same, subject to I the approval of the Treasurer"lin such securities as may from time to time be authorized by the;~rovisions of The Trustees Act or ,l~ The Cemeteries Act. } iv) v) vi) 6) solicit business in connection be erected, or.iri connection_ save and excepting the selling I ,e :, e ~ e ~ I 7) - 4 - SALE OF LOTS AND CEMETERY SERVICES i) Site Plan The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep available for inspection by prospective purchasers, maps showing all lots available for purchase. ii) Charges The Charges for lots and for all cemetery services shall be as set forth in the Tarriff of Rates appended hereto as Schedule "A". iii) Deed Upon payment in full of the purchase price of a lot, the Secretary- Treasurer shall prepare a deed according to the form set forth in Schedule "B" appended hereto and shall, after execution thereof by the signing officers on behalf of the Corporation, deliver it to the Purchaser and record same in a Register kept for that purpose. iv) Limitation.of Deeds v) vi) The deed of a lot shall convey only the right of burial of human remains therein, and of placing a marker or monument, and such rights shall be subject to the provisions of The Cemeteries Act and regula- tions thereunder, and of this by-law as amended from time to time, and no purchaser shall acquire any right, title or interest except as aforesaid, or pursuant to the Act or other Acts in that behalf. Transfer of Lots Upon the transfer of a lot by the owner thereof, the Secretary- Treasurer shall upon payment of a fee of two dollars, prepare and have executed by the owner thereof, or by the authorized personal representative of a deceased owner upon satisfactory evidence of their authority, a transfer in duplicate, in the form set forth in Schedule "c" appended hereto, and shall enter the transfer in the Register and deliver one copy to the transferee and keep the other for his records; In the case of a transfer where an owner is deceased, a notarial copy of probate or of letters of administra- tion shall be procured by the Secretary-Treasurer or a satisfactory statutory declaration with such particulars, including the names and addresses of the heirs and the name and address of the person authorized to sign a transfer. Removals Wherever the owner of a lot procures the removal of all remains from all graves of which he is the owner, and delivers to the Corporation the deed to the lot, together with a release of all his interest therein, he shall be credited with the amount originally paid, less the charge for removal, or where the removal charges are greater than such amount, he shall be charged with the difference. fI. e ~. e .. I. vii) - 5 - / Payments for Perpetual Care Where Not Originally Established In the case of lots formerly sold for a price from which no part was set aside for perpetual care, any person may pay to the Board' for the perpetual care of any such lot, a sum calculated at the rate as shown on Schedule "A" Tarriff of Rates, and perpetual care shall then be provided for every such lot, and all such sums shall be transferred to the Secretary-Treasurer, and by him added to the perpetual care fund, and in every such case the Treasurer shall prepare and have executed and give to the person making such payment, a certificate in the form set forth in Schedule "D" appended hereto. 8) FUNERALS AND INTERMENTS i) Burial of Lower Animals No burial of the body of any lower animal shall be allowed in any of the cemeteries. ii) More Than Two in One Grave iii) Not more than two burials shall be allowed in one lot. Burials on a Statutory Holiday or Sunday No burial shall be made on a Statutory Holiday or on a Sunday except in the case of a written order of the Medical Officer of Health. iv) Burials on Saturday No burial shall be made on a Saturday without payment of an extra charge as set forth in Schedule "A" appended hereto, save and excepting in the case of a written order of the Medical Officer of Health and in such case the extra charge shall not apply. v) Time of Day When Burials Permitted vi) No funeral shall be admitted to the cemetery and no burial shall be allowed, except between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, Local Time; provided that a funeral or burial may be allowed at other times by special permission of the Superintendent and payment of such additional amount as is required as shown on Schedule "A" Tarriff of Rates. Notice Prior to Burial At least twenty-four hours notice shall be given to the office of the Superintendent during business hours, of the date and time desired for a burial, and unless such notice is in writing the Corporation shall not be responsible for errors. e , e .II - -- e - 6 - vii) Order for Burial Prior to every burial there shall be delivered to the Office of the Secretary-Treasurer, by the undertaker, or some other person, a death certificate properly completed with the information therein indicated as being required, whereupon the Secretary- Treasurer shall issue and deliver to the Superintendent a burial permit in the form set forth in Schedule "E" appended hereto; and no grave shall be opened without the Superintendent or his delegate being in attendance. viii) Route of Funeral Funerals, within the cemetery shall follow the route prescribed by the Superintendent or his delegate. 9) MEMORIAL SERVICES Before any Memorial Service is held in a cemetery, the Superintendent shall be given at least ten days notice in writing together with a satisfactory undertaking that the cost of repairing any damage which may be occasioned, will be paid. 10) CEMETERY SERVICES SUPPLIED BY THE CORPORATION i) Save as herein otherwise provided, cemetery services available from the Corporation shall not be allowed to be supplied by any other person and for the purpose of this provision "cemetery services" shall mean all services normally supplied by the Corporation and shall include, 1) cutting grass and general care of lots, 2) planting trees, shrubs and grass, 3) setting grave markers, memorials, 4) construction of foundation for monuments and markers, 5) opening and closing graves, 6) disinterment or removal of remains. ii) Disinterment and Removals No disinterment or removal of any remains shall be allowed except under the supervision and direction of the Medical Officer of Health and in the presence of the Superintendent or his delegate and upon due observance of all other requirements of The Cemeteries Act and regulations made thereunder. e . e .., - III e iii) - 7 - Oversized Shells and Vaults Where a shell or vault has a width of more than two feet and six inches, or a length of more than seven feet and six inches, the Superintendent shall not be obliged to permit the burial unless there is sufficient space to accommodate it; and shall not be obliged to permit the erection of any monument where there is insufficient room left for the foundation. 11) MARKERS, MONUMENTS AND VAULTS i) General 1) Permission of Owner No marker or monument shall be placed or allowed to remain without the written order in the form set forth in Schedule "G" signed by an owner of the lot or grave and delivered to the Superintendent. 2) Permission of Superintendent No markers, monument or vaults shall be brought into a cemetery or any materials placed or any work done, except at such time and in such manner and in such place as is authorized by the Superintendent. 3) Removal Order No marker or monument shall be removed without a written order in the form set forth in Schedule "F" signed by the owner and delivered to the Superintendent. 4) Inscriptions No inscription which is scandalous shall be made or allowed to remain, on any marker or monument in a cemetery, and no inscription shall be made without the permission of the owner of the lot. 5) Hours of Work No work shall be done or allowed except between eight o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Local Time; and all litter and debris and loose earth shall be removed at the time above set forth for cessation of work. 6) To Avoid Damage Due care shall be used, by the use of planks and otherwise to avoid causing any damage to any path or lawn or to anything within the cemetery. 7) In Vicinity of Funeral No work shall be carried on in the vicinity of a funeral or burial service at any time while it is in progress. \ e ., e .. e - 8 - 8) Behaviour of Workmen The demeanour and behaviour of all workmen employed by others shall be subject to the direction of the Superintendent; and every such workman shall leave the cemetery when so ordered by the Superintendent. 9) Removal of Litter The Superintendent may remove any material, and any litter or debris left contrary to the provisions of this section. ii) Markers iii) 1) Location Every marker shall be placed only by employees of the Corporation and the surface shall be level and without projections, and shall be flush with the ground. Not more than one marker allowed on one grave, and no marker at the same end as ~ monument. 2) Size Every marker for a single grave shall be of a size as nearly as practicable, of 18 inches by 24 inches, with a thickness of from 3 to 8 inches. Monuments 1) Materials Every monument shall be of granite or other as durable stone with no vertical joint and no ornament of stone, metal or other material shall be attached thereto. All monuments shall be mounted only on a stone or concrete base or footing and shall be constructed by the Corporation and set flush with the level of the adjoining ground. 2) Location A monument shall be located at the head of a lot or plot and not more than one monument shall be allowed on one lot or on one plot save and excepting that Council may, at their dis- cretion and from time to time, upon application, permit more than one monument on a plot. 3) Size No monument shall exceed four feet in height, including base or footing, above the level of the adjoining ground, and (1) when located on a lot shall not exceed 10% of the lot area, (2) when located on a plot, the base shall not exceed 3'2" x 1'2". Ie '~ e ~. e .. e - 9 - 4) Notice to Corporation There shall be delivered to the office of the Superintendent, at least two weeks prior to the date desired for the erection of a monument, an order in the form set forth in Schedule "G" with the information thereon indicated, including the dimensions of the monument, and the order for the foundation. 12) REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THIS BY-LAW i) Flowers Flower pots may be placed and flowers planted at the front of a grave not more than 2 feet from the marker or monument and under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent. ii) Any flower pot not properly placed on or before the 20th day of June in any year shall, after notice to the owner, if available, of the burial lot, be removed and put in storage by the Superintendent, and if not claimed by the said owner within 90 days after removal of same, shall be destroyed. iii) iv) Tripods or Stands No tripod or stand for flowers shall be placed on any grave, and any so placed shall be removed by the Superintendent. Glass Blocks or Winter Wreaths No glass blocks or winter wreaths shall be permitted on a grave or lot after the first day of April in any year and up to the last day of October following and any box, container, wreath, etc., so placed shall be removed by the Superintendent. v) Visiting Hours No person shall enter or be within any cemetery grounds before eight o'clock in the forenoon or after sundown, except a Police Constable, the Corporation and their employees in the performance of their duties. vi) Young Children vii) No child under or apparently under the age of twelve shall enter or be within any cemetery grounds except when under the proper control of an adult. Vehicles No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed of more than ten miles per hour, or elsewhere than upon the roadways provided for vehicles. \. e III e (AI e - 10 - viii) Parade and Processions No person shall within a cemetery take part in any parade or procession, except a funeral procession, without prior approval by the Corporation. ix) Watering Cans Visitors are expected to return watering cans to their place at the water tap. 13) EFFECT This By-Law shall come into force when passed by the Council of The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, subject, however, to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Public Relations. Read a first and second time this 7JA () ~ / f,1--------.., ....... ............... day of /"'~;; /1 / /' // ,~/L~~ ' Mayor . .____---7 ,tv ~-'- ' ~ Read a third time and passed this .~~:... day of (/~J /17 q . .............. ....... " //,fj;,.,;;y5:; /2z~~/ , - Mayor Cle.~' .~ :e ~ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Schedule "A" Tarriff of Rates By-Law No. 79- l04 1) Perpetual Care SALE OF PLOTS Land a) $ 70.00 Single Graves $ 130.00 b) 32.50 17.50 Babyland Lots c) 16.00 Cremation Lots 25.00 Plot Sizes as designated on Plan for Cemeteries 2) PERPETUAL CARE on plots on which Perpetual Care Charges have not been paid. 2.00 sq. ft. 3) INTERMENT CHARGES a) Adult b) Child or Infant (Babyland Lots) c) Cremated Remains d) Extra Charges-for Double Depth e) -for Saturday Funerals 4) DISINTERMENT CHARGES a) Disinterment, including reburial at other location b) Disinterment, including lowering remains at same location c) Disinterment, for reburial in other cemetery d) Disinterment, as in (a) from double depth e) Disinterment, as in (c) from double depth 5) MONUMENT FOUNDATIONS & SETTING MARKERS 4.25/cu. ft. a) Foundations b) Flat Marker Foundation ,. c) Cremation Marker - d) Removal of Monument , 6) OTHER SERVICES At cost for Time & Materials 7) TRANSFER FEE Total $ 200.00 50.00 45.00 100.00 36.00 35.00 25.00 50.00 275.00 200.00 175.00 300.00 200.00 20.00 9.00 15.00 2.00 I. I ~I ~,'.>.' {:~~ .r \ c SCHEDUlE "B" BY-LAW NO. 79-lC>> THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE No. THIS INDENTURE made in duplicate the day of 19 Between: The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereinafter called the Grantor, of the first part, and hereinafter called the Purchaser, to include the plural should more than one name appear above of the second part. Witnesseth that for the sum of paid to the grantor of which the sum of is set aside in trust for perpetual care with the Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in accordance with the provisions of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, the Grantor doth hereby sell to the Purchaser in the and having an area of as shown on the plan approved by the Department square feet. Block Lot Plot Subject to the provisions of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, and the Ontario Regulations in effect thereunder and to the Rules and Regulations of the Grantor which may be in effect from time to time and as approved by the Department. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ;-~ o -. .~ .. .. . , Dated ..,......,..".,.....,..,..,19,.,... INDENTURE Corporation of the Town of NEWCASTLE -to- to ". SCBmDUIiEl "C" ~ ~ To By-la.w No. 79-100 THIS INDENTURE Made this da\v of in the ye~ of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and. mM.~: of -bha in the Region/County of of . and. P.rovinoe of hereinafter oalled the "ASSIGNOR" J OF TEE FIRST PART: AND , of the , in the Region/County of of . t and Provinoe of hereinaf"ter oalled the "ASSIGliIEE" OF THE SECOND PART: , -t ~ Ie. That in consideration of the sum of Dollars now paid to the Assignor by the Assignee, (the reoeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,) the Assignor Hereby Grants and Assigns to the Assignee, his heirs and assigns, all right , title and interest of the Assignor in all and. singular that certain parcel of land situate in :Bow.manville Cemetery in the said Town of Newcastle in the Region of Durham and being composed of Plot , Lot , Block . oontaining square feet as shown on a plan of the Bowmanville Cemetery in the office of the Secretary-Treasurer. f . . - , '& '1'0 llave and to Hold unto tl1e Assignee, - 2 - his heirs and assigns forever, subject however to the conditions and limitations and with the privileges specified in the rules and regulations pertaining to cemeteries as set out in the by-laws of The Town of Newcastle. The Assignor hereby covenants with the Assignee that he has the right to transfer and convey his rights, title and interest in the said land to the Assignee. m WITNESS WEEBEOF the Assignor has hereunto set his hand and seal. SIGNED, SEAIiEID AND DELIVERED in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) e , '- I I' . , SCHEDUIi[i] "D" To By-law No. 79-1<Y.l RECEI:P:r for PerpetuaJ. Care where perpetuaJ. care not provided for in the originaJ. purchase price of a Lot or Plot. This is to certify that has pa.id the S'Um of being $2.00 per square foot on account of perpetuaJ. care for Plot Lot Block , in the Bo'WIll8.tlVille Cemetery and that there is no further charge for perpetual care on account of the said Plot or Lot. e , t Dated at The Town of Newcastle, this ~of , 19_. Secretary-Treasurer. i~ 1- . It . SCHElDUIE ''Eff To By-law No. 79-104 ORDER FOR Bt'RIAL TO: Superintendent f Bowmanville Cemetery. Whereas I have this d~ received from a death certifioate under The Vital Statistics Act certifying as to the death of e la.te of the of in the Province of Ontario on the d.a\v of . 19 .r _r 0IlIlER A!!lD DIRECT you to prepare a grave for the said deceased in I Plot , Lot Block , . d.a\v of . for the burial of the deceased on the 19 . Da.ted this day of , 19_. Secretary-Treasurer. . , ,. r SCHEDULE "F" To By-law No. 79-104 ORDER FOR REMOVAL OF MONUMENT OR MARKER TO: Superintendent, J30wmanville Cemetery. I/WE :HEREBY AUTHORIZE AND DmECT you to remove from Plot , Lot . Block , the '1IJJ3:rker/ monument on which is inscribed particulars of the death of e tad at, . this , A.D., 19 Ownar(s)/Authorized Agent. I HEREBY CERTIFY that all charges in connection with the removal of the a.bove monument or marker have been paid in full. Dated this dB\Y' of , A.D. 19 Secretary-Treasurer. ~ t .. " 'w . It' A SCHEDULE "G" To By-law No. 79'-'-104 rnoJNERS ORDER FOR PLACING OF A rifONOMENT OR 11A.RKER. TO: Superintendent, Bowmanville Cemetery. I/WE BEBEl3Y AUTHORIZE MID DmECT you to erect and instaJ. a monument/marker on Plot Lot Block particulars of which are as follows: Name of deceased Date of death e Name and address of Supplier II' Approximate date of desired instaJ.lation or erection MateriaJ. in monument or marker Height of monument or marker Width of monument or marker at base Depth of monument or marker at base. Size of foundation required to be erected by the Cemetery Board Dated at this 9.aY of . A.D. 19 . Owner(s)/Authorized Agent. I hereby oertify that aJ.I charges against the above-notedoemetery plot have been paid in full. Dated this day of ,A.D., 19 Se~retary-Treasurer. .~ . Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 555 Yonge Street 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7 A 2J3 . . JUL 1 7 1980 Cemeteries Branch 416/963-0511 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvi11e, Ontario LIC 3A6 Refer to FUe No. 8-3-41 8-3-37 Attention: Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Re: Bowmanville and Bond Head Cemeteries CbmBteCyx As requested in your application dated October 16, 1979 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. -L- of By-law No. 79-104 overall plans sectional plans of section construction plans of crypt or niche numbering plans for sales agreement or contract or receipt _ rules and regulations - amendment to approved rules and regulations -L- tariff of rates - Schedule "A" to By-law No. 79-104 --1-- of Certificate No. 80-3-15 approving By-law No. 79-l04, being a By-law for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle. <:' ~--~-~.. -- Yours truly, -------~~~~.~ <o~, CEMETERIES BRANCH -~ _1-_ .1 , ~-.l.,~ ---,-_..._,..,,~._----,~.~-_.....-~_...,._-'-'_.,~-'-".......--'------,-.. I... TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT IN BLOCKS AA,BB,CC,O,V, W, Y AND Z . SCALE.' I Inch = 10 feet TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT IN INFANT BURIAL BLOCK SCALE' I Inch = 5 feet PLAN OF BOWMANVILLE BEING PART OF LOT 8, CONCESSION I, IN THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE,' I inch = 30 feet M D. BROWN 0. LS 1980 ;,~ ,:~. SURVEY CEMETERY OF ROADWAY 9 N 720 34' E 9 3 If') If') N 72034'E 1.5 15 1.5 1.5 1.5' 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .>' .', 9 If') ~ ~ 2 I 20 19 18 17 I'- 9 I 0) If') 91 If') If') 91 9 9' If') -", ./. :,\' 9 If') If') If') 9 >- ~ -If') ~ ~- 92 ;> 0 0) If') a t: 9 <( Z If') o 0:: 9 9 9 -If') >- If') ~ 92 -If') 3f If') 92 9 :x:: 9 If') ...J If') ~ 9 If') ~ If') 9 -il) ;,' WALKWAY -", /~: . r .,j~ . tiC-. -.., ",-,: , NOTE: BURIALS HAVE ALREAD'lTAKE1\LPL.' ACE IN. -', " . BLOCKS A,B,C,D,E,F,G, H;i j J, K;'~",M1'N,O, .' P,R,S,T,UAND X AND PLOT DISTANCES MAY NOT ENTIRELY AGREE WITH DErAILS SHOWN. 2 -If') ~ ~ -If')~ ~ . ILl Z Z ~ N o I'-- ~ ~ Z -If')~ ~ vi vi If') 93 -0) If') 93 If') 93 Q) 3 If') ~ 9 9 3' 9 If') If') -"' ~ WALKWAY -Ill COLUMBARIUM LOT LAYOUT SCALE" I inch = 5 feet 1.5 J 1.511.511.511.5,1. 1.51 I.5't 1.51 1,5 J ',5'1 2 I 20 19 18 17 Q) ~ Iii/::.- N72034'E 14,00' ~ YI --........ _______ I \ I /\,t n I ~ ,/--_______ . \..) S ~. / eq~____ ~ // '" ~ -'J~/ P':'q,'l: S ~ ') A,.'\ , ,v.2 1..Jl:.~o ~~ / ~~ 'Vo/>/e<!9/~~~.r-1a0j0j{ 'It / _______ _______. ./ ~o ,..,0 ______ ./ ~ ~V"'o'O __. , /' ~ ~~'I,+j :--. /' \.Q~ _ 'C?t9i '----.,--. Fr1.(M~ N82026'E: /\/E -N AI I NI WALKWAY C 0 E 222 3 3' 3 2' '2' 2' ,,~. Ii I In 'U/i!A vi{-q y G-N 2 31\1 2' F 2 3 2' A N2 N3 2' 8 2 3 2' N4 WALKWAY /4' 1\1 N5 5 6 2' --...--....... ---- ....... 1/ 7. ~ I <7 ---,,_. - '--......... 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ThiS survey and Plan are correct and in accordance With the Survey's ACt and the RegiStry ACt and the regUlations made thereunder, 2.The survey was comPleted on the 31St. day Of January I 1980. CAUTION" THIS PLAN IS NOTA PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT -Y- DenOtes I" square Iron Bar 48" long Planted. 4'BDenotes I II square Iron Bar 3011 long Planted, .... DenOtes 5/811 square Iron Bar 2411 long Planted, Fd, DenOtes found, n,t,s, DenOtes not tosca/e, Thisplon prepared under the cemeteries ACt RS.o, 1970 C 57 as amended 1972 CI S. 3/ seCtion 6 Of RR.o. 19707 Reg, 80 CONCESSIONS January 3/7 /980, ~~ ontariO Land surveyor BEARING REFERENCE RO/~D MERRILL D. BROWN LIMITED LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, PHONE: 4/6- 623- 7251 LlC- IM7 Dote: January 31. 1980, BearingS Shown hereon are astronomIC 7 derived from the SoutherlY limit Of King/s Highwoy N~ 2 7 NortherlY adjacent to Bowmanville cemetery and ShOwn as N8I047'09"Won DepOSited P/onN3/849, Scale: 1 inCh = 30 feet Drown bY: File: 80006-R J.D,L, 3 4 c:: v 9 .", '" "' I .~ ,,; '" I ---c6 10 ~ t/v 11 /' I 0 f I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY ACT, PLAN lOR RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED FEBRUARY , 't '980 DATE DATE 1ztQ~ SIGNATURE M. D. BROWN NAME IN PRINT LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF NEWCASTLE (10) 1-''>'90 ;' ~I A ~II q '>c9/~ 3 5TONE P'LLARS y o \ q . ~ U) m - C\J - ... o 2 Ii' ~ ... o 2 .... "- . ~ I I ,,~}~': ~V ~/ ~l o 43.75' -+- o ~ .,~ 4': ~q, R (X) N 0' Z <-' Ul .!: ~ o ~ 2 U) 2 E co m ~ ~ 1'1') :2 0, :2 c: o a: Q. Q) a ~ o 1'1') <X> C\J o I'-- - :2 PUSI. ~ U Fd, ( 1106) r !.' N72034'E ~ __~.J./~__-=- ~ro 1'--0 I _0 'f Z_ i co g ~ 1\ I I I I , U) I i~ t[) llO ..,. . ('~ 0) 2 I ~o;- I Q:Z o~ _VI , cc: I. Q: ~-~ o u.0) . -- ~ cD cD;':: r:::.::. - ;:::- ~ N 01 Z ~ <r> .E -8 Q 2. <1" J- I ..; _ I Ul I 0_ .!: ..,. /'3 ~ C'J \ ! '~_ 10 Q: m <1'0, ~ - Q MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RE;LA TlONS APP~..;. ..~ " '. A . ~ DEPUT~STER DATE :\11 '1 ;1, \ I \'180 APP Nil ~ D - ~ -~ - L.j SCHEDULE ~ C) <! o 0:: '- " 0:: 'W l-- W 2 w () ex> o Z q: (/) <! I'-- ~ 9 z S o Zz ILl' ILl _ ~ ,,,.. ~-- 20' l- i' -l C) <! C 0:: C) W () ,0:: o [L 20, 20, , --.. --....... C~~ ~ ~S9 ~ . <1.,., 1 "---.. .7' ''-... ,t,=> ;::--........ v/.J:;<1 ....... .., "$ -........, ~c9/0'9 -'-""-"'-... ?es~ '-..., ~ ~I ~"'~t4, I ~ I S<7:.~ J i cf 3 STONE / PILLARS o I o ,~'\HT 2: I g PL/4N:OR25C~\ ~ -~ io ~ MRTX} \~ / P'L1~N :0 R 269 iii wt- : ~ ~~~. od'J,"i"-o I I / ) I'4LLOW/~,NCE I~ND PART LOCATION AREA INST. LOT 8 CONCESSION / 19,384 Acres 2/87 (Rem. ) r , I " '" i.J,"',RT ! I Dr:P&)S:-:-fli r.)~_Ar~ ~~~ ~J3:134f) -------- .--- ----.- / / / 20' I Fdo(IIO~__ I I N 72037 '30uE 4.46, / ,I SE Angle LOt 8. con, 1 FcJ. Wit. BETWEEN o OC)I/E-N UI \ 1\ , r:-OCJNT I I \ I I