HomeMy WebLinkAbout79-1 , " .. *.~ . ~ "'. ., , ;~, r..' I; ~ l~^; ._ ' '''""";,,,_.',- .;C;. . -:z' r;.'i.~F[AL;10 ~!'i G,r"I"'l'~O-' O,.->q 91-S~ }.,[ '-'rf-\ '" 1"'!f' J/>Li "l!;l'I",/".,J;',,~"f1!.\ ,.-;,~r.' 1.,1 t."...."- ,! 7tf('q11,~,f~It'oI:.... " . r AI__.." CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law No. 79-1 being a by-law to provide for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and on private and municipal property. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 107 of subsection 1 of section 354 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, chapter 284, the Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for regulating traffic, parking, standing or stopping on highways; AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 45a of Section 354 of the said Act, the council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for designating private roadways as fire routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted; AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 112 of subsection 1 of section 354 of the said Act, the council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for p~ohibitingthe parking or leaving of motor vehicles on private or municipal property without authority; AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 8 of Section 460 of the said Act, the Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws for the purpose of controlling and regulating meter parking of any vehicle on the highway. SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS 1) For the purpose of this By-law: a) 'authorized sign' means a sign or other device placed or erected on a highway under the authority of this By-law for the purpose of regulating traffic; b) 'boulevard' means all the parts of the highway save and except any roadway, shoulder or sidewalk being that part of the highway lying between "'" y . 'l' , . I .. "~r: , ..' .t (2) { e the property line and the edge of the sidewalk nearest to the property line and where there is no sidewalk, it means that part of the highway lying between the property line and the travelled portion of the highway or the edge of the shoulder where such exists, furthest from the travelled portion of the road. c) 'bus stop' means a part of a highway designated by a sign where buses will stop to take on or let off passengers. d) 'Chief of Police' menas the Chief of Police of the Regional Municipality of Durham. e) 'driveway' means improved land on a highway which provides vehicular access from the roadway to a laneway or a parking area on adjacent land. f) 'crosswalk' means - .. (i) that part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the roadway, - OR - (ii) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian cvossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface. g) 'fire route' means a private roadway designated as such by one or more signs erected by or on behalf of the owner or occupant; h) 'highway' includes a common and public highway, street, avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, via-duct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles and shall include unopened and unassumed highways. . i) 'Peace Officer' includes a mayor, sheriff, deputy sheriff, sheriff's officer, justice of the peace, jailer or keeper of a prison, and a police officer, constable, bailiff, or other person employed for the preservation and . ' . " , ~ f~5 (3) e maintenance of the public peace, or for the service or execution of civil process, or any officer appointed for enforcing or carrying out the provisions of this By-law. j) 'stand or standing', when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers. k) 'stop or stopping', when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other peace officer of a traffic control sign or signal. I) 'laneway' means improved land adjacent to the highway which provides access from the highway to a parking area on adjacent land. m) 'loading zone' means the part of a highway set apart for the exclusive e purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload the same. n)' 'municipal property' means property of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle or any board thereof. 0) 'parking meter' means any device together with its standard or other means or support, erected for the purpose of: (i) controlling and regulating the parking of any vehicle in a parking space, and, (ii) measuring the parking time for which payment has been made and the duration of such parking. p) 'parking meter space' means a parking area which is controlled and regulated by a parking meter. q) 'traffic control signal' means any device, manually, electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation or control of traffic. ~ r) 'vehicle' includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any . ' ~' )' , )' ~ ....1 , . , , (4) I~ kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle or the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. s) 'parking space' means that part of the surface of a roadway designated for the purpose of parking a vehicle. t) 'private property' means property on which one or more signs have been erected by or on behalf of the owne~ otcupant or agent prohibiting trespassing or parking or restricting parking as set out thereon. u) 'private roadway' means a roadway or laneway on private property. v) 'shoulder' means that part of the highway immediately adjacent to the travelled portion of the roadway and having a surface which has been improved with asphalt, concrete or gravel for the use of vehicles. w) 'sidewalk' means all such parts of a highway as are set aside by an area ~ municipality, or the Regional Municipality, for the use of pedestrians or used by the general public for the passage of pedestrians. x) 'vending vehicle' means a vehicle from which goods, wares, merchandise, produce, food or other edible substance or beverages are sold or offered for sale from which orders are taken. y) 'motor vehicle' includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include the cars of electric or steam railways, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self propelled implement of husbandry or road building machine. SECTION II GENERAL ~ II) 1) Where any expression of time occurs or where any hours or other period of time is stated, the time referred to shall be standard time except in periods when daylight saving time is in effect, in which periods, it shall be daylight e ~ ~ . ' , ' \ ' l , . , (5) saving time. 2) a) The Director of Public Works for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle or his designate, is authorized to place or erect and to maintain such authorized signs as are required to give effect to the provisions of this By-law. b) No person shall place, maintain or display on any highway, any sign, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an authorized sign which conceals from the view or interferes with the effectiveness of an authorized sign. 3) The Chief of Police and the Director of Public Works are hereby authorized to erect or place temporary "No Parking" and/or "No Stopping" signs on any highway. 4) If any section, subsection or part of the by-law be declared by any Court of Law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires, such part or parts hereof should be declared to be separate and independent and enacted as such. 5) The provisions of this By-law shall be enforced by the Chief of Police and/or the municipal law enforcement officers. SECTION III GENERAL STOPPING AND PARKING REGULATIONS III) 1) No person shall park or stop any vehicle on any highway or portion thereof except as follows: a) where there is a curb on the right side of the travelled portion of the highway having regard to the direction such vehicle was proceeding with its right front and rear wheels parallel to and not more than 30 cm out from such curb; b) where there is no curb with the right front and rear wheels parallel to and as near to the righthand limit of the highway as is practicable without stopping or parking on or over a sidewalk, foot path or boulevard; . ' ..' \ (6) , .' t ~ 2) Where parking is permitted on the left-hand side of the travelled portion of a highway designated for one-way traffic, no person shall park or stop any vehicle on the left-hand side of the highway or portion thereof except as follows: a) where there is a curb on the left side of the travelled portion of the highway, having regard to the direction such vehicle was proceeding, with its left front and rear wheels parallel to and not more than 30 cm out from such curb; b) where there is no curb, with the left front and rear wheels parallel to and as near to the left-hand limit of the highway as is practicable without stopping or parking on or over a sidewalk, foot path or boulevard 3) No person shall on any highway stop any vehicle: a) on or over a sidewalk or foot path; e b) within an intersection or crosswalk; c) within 10 m of a crosswalk; d) in such a manner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highways; e) in such a manner as to interfere with highway cleaning operation; f) on the roadway alongside of any stopped or parked vehicle; g) upon any bridge or elevated structure or within any tunnel or underpass; h) on any median strip separating two roadways or adjacent to either side or ends of such median strip; i) other than a bus in a designated bus stop, except that the driver of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with any bus; e j) alongside or across the highway from any excavation or obstruction in the roadway where the free flow of traffic would thereby be impeded. , , . ~ ~ " . " \' I (7) , '. , ,) ) 4) a) No person who is selling or offering for sale goods or produce from a stationary vehicle on a highway shall park the vehicle or permit the vehicle to remain parked in such a manner as to obstruct traffic; b) No person shall offer for sale or sell goods or produce from a vehicle on a highway except from the side of such vehicle facing an inner boulevard; c) No person shall stop or permit to remain stopped a vending vehicle on any highway unless parking is permitted and the person shall be governed by the regulations specified in relation to the location; d) Notwithstanding (c) above no person shall park or permit to remain parked a vending vehicle for longer than ten (10) minutes in anyone location in anyone day. 5) No person shall on any highway park any vehicle: a) in front of or within 1 m of a driveway or laneway or so as to obstruct vehicles in the use of a driveway or laneway; b) within 3 m of a point on the curb or edge of the roadway adjacent to any fire hydrant; c) within 10 m of a minor intersectjpn roadway or within 15 m of a major intersecting roadway, or within 30 m of a signalized intersecting roadway; d) for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale; e) for the purpose of washing, greasing or repairing the vehicle except for such repairs as have been necessitated by an emergency; f) alongside the tracks of any railway other than a street railway; g) within 20 m of the nearest rail of any level crossing of a railway; h) in such a position as will prevent the removal of any other vehicle previously parked; i) for a period longer than three (3) hours except where designated signs have been erected in accordance with this by-law stating otherwise; j) on the travelled portion of the roadway other than a cul-de-sac where the roadway width is 6 m or less; . ~ . . , , , , " l {< I (8) k) on a driveway within 30 cm of a sidewalk or foot path or, if there is no sidewalk or foot path, within 1 m of the roadway; I) on or over a boulevard. ~ 6) a) No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on private property without authority from the owner, occupant or agent of such property and such complaint shall be in writing; b) No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on any municipal property where by means of one or more signs, it is indicated that such parking or leaving is not authorized and such complaint shall be in writing from an employee of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; c) No person shall park or leave any vehicle along any private roadway designated as a fire route. 7) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall on any highway stop any vehicle; a) within 15 m of a pedestrian crossover measured on each side of the highway in the direction of travel of vehicles on that side of the highway; b) within 30 m of a pedestrian crossover measured on each side of the highway in the direction opposite to the direction of travel of vehicles on that side of the highway; c) other than a school bus in a school bus loading zone; d) any time or between the hours of 08:30 and 16:30, Monday to Friday inclusive, on one or both sides of a highway or portion of a highway which is immed- iately adjacent to a school. 8) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed no persons shall park any vehicle; a) on any highway in front of an entrance to or exit from any building or enclosed space in which persons may be expected to congregate in large numbers; . , , , , " I . ' (9) ~ b) on any highway within 8 m of any fire hall on the side of the highway on which the fire hall is located or within 30 m of such fire hall on the opposite of the highway; c) anytime on one or both side of a highway or portion of a highway which is immediately adjacent to a park or playground; d) within the turning basin of a cul-de-sac; e) within 15 m of the end of the roadway on a dead end highway. 9) Nothing is this Section shall be deemed to permit the stopping or parking of a vehicle where stopping or parking is prohibited. with the exception of Volunteer Firemen answering fire calls. SECTION IV NO PARKING 1) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall park a ~ vehicle on any highway at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'A'to this By-law during the prohibited times or days set out in Column IV of the said Schedule. SECTION V STOPPING RESTRICTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS ON CERTAIN HIGHWAYS V) 1) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall stop a vehicle on any highway at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'B' to this By-law during the prohibited times or days set out in Column IV of the said Schedule. SECTION VI PERMITTED ANGLE PARKING VI) 1) Angle parking in accordance with the provisions of subsections (3) and (4) e of Section VI is permitted on the highways at the sides and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'c' to this By-law. , . (10) ; , , I, e 2) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of Section III, do not apply where angle parking is permitted under Section VI hereof. 3) Where angle parking spaces are designated by lines painted on the roadway, no person shall stop or park any vehicle except entirely within an area designated as a parking space. 4) Where angle parking i~permitted on a highway and parking spaces are not designated by lines on the roadway, no person shall stop or park any vehicle except at an angle of 45 degrees from the curb or edge of the roadway with the front end of the vehicle at such curb or edge. 5) Where angle parking is permitted on a highway other than at an angle of 90 degrees to the curb or edge of the roadway, no person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked on such highway except with the front end of the vehicle at the curb or edge of the roadway. e SECTION VII PARKING FOR RESTRICTED PERIOD VII) 1) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed, no person shall park a vehicle on any highway at the side and between the limits set out respect- ively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'D; to this By-law during the times or days set out in Column IV of the said Schedule for a longer period than that set out in Column V of the said Schedule. SECTION VIII PARKING METERS VIII) 1) Where in this By-law a fee is stipulated for a given parking period in space, the fee shall be paid for that period or any portion thereof, and the period shall be as measured by the parking meter controlling such parking space. e 2) The erection, maintenance and operation of parking meters on the highways, at the sides and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II " e e ~ . , . ' .' I .' ) (11) and III of Schedule 'E' to this by-law for the purpose of controlling and regulating parking during the days and hours set out in Column IV of the said Schedule and the designation of parking spaces in connection with such meters, is hereby authorized. 3) Notwithstanding the provision of any other By-law where parking meters have been erected under the authority of subsection (2) of this section, no persons shall park any vehicle in a parking space on any highway, at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of the said Schedule 'E' hereto during the days and hours set out in Column IV of the said Schedule unless the meter controlling such parking space is used and a fee is deposited therein in accordance with the rate set out in Column V of the said Schedule. except by Resolution of Council. 4) Where parking meters have been erected under the authority of subsection (2) of this section, no person shall park any vehicle in a parking space on any highway, at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of the said Schedule 'E' hereto during the days and hours set out in Column IV of the said Schedule for a longer period than that set out in Column VI of the said Schedule. 5) Where parking meters have been installed under the authority of subsection (2) of this section: a) if parallel parking is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle in a parking space unless the front of such vehicle is opposite to the parking meter provided for such space except that, in any case when two meters are mounted on the same standard, the rear of the forward vehicle shall be opposite to or as close as is practicable to the forward parking meter and the front of the rear vehicle shall be opposite to or as close as is practicable to the rear meter; b) if angle parking is permitted, no person shall park a vehicle in a parking space unless the front of such vehicle is as close as is . , (12) practicable to the parking meter for such space; . c) if a parking space has been designated by lines painted on the roadway, no person shall park any vehicle in such a manner that it is not wholly within the area designated as a parking space unless such vehicle is of such length as to render it impossible to park it in one parking space in which case the adjoining parking space shall, in addition, be used and the necessary deposit of coins shall be made in the parking meters provided for both parking spaces. 6) a) No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked in a parking meter space if i) the parking meter has been covered by a parking meter cover; ii) the parking meter has been removed from its standard. b) Notwithstanding (a) above, only an authorized person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain parked in a parking meter space where the ~ meter has been covered or removed to indicate reserved parking, and stating "/NO PARKING m. 7) For the purposes of determining violations of the use of the parking meter or the parking space, the fact that the parking meter governing the parking space indicates that the vehicle is unlawfully parked is prima facie evidence that such vehicle is unlawfully parked. 8) No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any slug, device or other substitute for a coin of the Dominion of Canada. 9) No person shall deface, conceal, injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter erected under the authority of this By-law. 10) Nothing in subsections (2), (3), (4) and (5) of this section shall be deemed to permit a driver to stop or park at any location where, or at any time when e stopping or parking is otherwise prohibited. , , .,....J~- 1 (13) I, ~ SECTION IX LOADING ZONES IX) 1) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed, vehicles actually engaged in the loading and unloading, delivery and receipt of goods, wares, merchandise or passengers to adjoining premises may be parked during such times as the said loading, unloading, delivery or receipt is actually taking place on any highway at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'F' to this By-law. SECTION X STANDS FOR TAXICABS X) 1) No person shall stop or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped or parked in a stand for taxicabs other than a taxicab waiting for hire or engagement. e 2) Stands for taxicabs are hereby authorized and assigned on the highways at the sides and at the locations set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'G' to this by-law for the permitted number of taxicabs set out in Column IV of the said Schedule for use between the hours set out in Column V of the said Schedule and when signs to the effect are erected. SECTION XI MOTOR BUS STOPS XI) 1) No person shall stop or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain stopped or parked in a stand for buses other than a bus waiting for hire or engagement. 2) Stands for buses are hereby authorized and assigned on the highways at the sides and at the locations set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule 'H' to this by-law for the permitted number of buses set out in e Column IV of the said Schedule for use between the hours set out in Column V of the said Schedule and when signs to the effect are erected. 0, ~ (14) " , SECTION XII FIRE ACCESS ROUTES XII) 1) Where authorized signs to that effect are displayed no person shall stop or park a motor vehicle in access routes to and from apartment buildings, hospitals, hotels, motels, shopping centres, townhouses, industrial buildings and other structures which are used for the accommodation of the public, or for the gathering or assembling of people, in order that there may be at all times proper access to such buildings by the Fire Department of the Town of Newcastle in order to prevent fires or the spread of fires between the limits set out respectively in Columns I, II and III of Schedule '3' to this by-law. 2) In this Section: a) 'designated building' means an apartment building, hospital, hotel, motel, shopping centre, Townhouse, industrial building and Town facility and any other structure which is used for the accommodation of the ~ e public or for the gathering or assembling of people. b) 'an apartment building' means - a building containing more than two (2) dwelling units, each unit having access from an internal corridor system. c) 'a hotel' means - a building or part of a building in which a minimum of six rooms is provided for renting as dwellings on a temporary or transient basis, with a public dining room. d) 'Hospital' means - a private or public hospital as defined in "The Private Hospitals Act" or "The Public Hospitals Act". e) 'a motel' means - a hotel in one building or in two or more connected detached buildings, but which mayor may not include a public dining room. f) 'a shopping centre' means - a group of commercial establishments related to one another by sharing a parking lot and/or driveway, as opposed to a business area comprising unrelated individual commercial e ~ e --r . . ~ _ A (15) , , , , establishments. g) 'a townhouse' means a building consisting of more than six (6) single family dwelling units each unit having an external access. h) 'an industrial building' means - a building or structure for the purpose of manufacturing, assembling, making, preparing, inspecting, ornamenting, finishing, treating, altering, repairing, warehousing, or storing or adapting for sale of any goods, substance, article or thing, or any part thereof, and the storage of building and construction equipment and materials. i) 'a fire access route' means - any road, driveway, lane, ramp, or other means of vehicular access or egress to or from a "designated building" to a public highway, and shall include any part of a parking lot set aside by visible marking or markers for the purpose of motor vehicle movement, and further that such fire access routes must be designated by the Fire Department of the Town of Newcastle by a "fire access route sign". j) 'fire access route sign' means - a permanently legible sign, placed at intervals of not more than 30 metres along the fire access route which shall display the following information: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Fire Access Route Parking Prohibited Motor Vehicles will be tagged or towed away The number of this By-law k) 'Town facility' means - a library, arena, swimming pool, community hall, skating rink, administration building owned or controlled by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and all other municipal buildings owned or controlled by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. . < , . ',' t (16) ~ SECTION XIII SCHOOL BUS LOADING ZONES XIII) 1) When signs are erected in accordance with the regulations made under The Highway Traffic Act, the highways or portions of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule 'K' to this By-law, on the side of the highway set out in Column 2 of the said Schedule, between the limits set out respectively in Columns 3 and 4 of the said Schedule, and at the school or institution set out in Column 5 of the said Schedule, are hereby designated as school bus loading zones. . ~ . . ift (17) . SECTION 'XIV APPLICATION XIII) 1) This by-law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. 2) Sections III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII AND XIII of this By-law shall not, if compliance therewith would impracticable, apply to: a) ambulances, police or fire department vehicles or public utility emergency vehicles; - OR - b) vehicles actually engaged in works undertaken for or on behalf of any municipal corporation; - OR - c) vehicles actually forming part of a funeral procession for as long as may reasonably be required for the purpose of such funeral. SECTION XV . PENALTIES XIV) 1) Any person who contravenes the provisions of Subsection (1) and (2) of Section III, Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) of Section VIII of this By-law shall be subject to a penalty of not less than two ($2.00) dollars and not more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each offence exclusive of costs recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. 2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of Subsection (4), (5), (6) and (8) of Section III, Section IV, Section VI, Section VII, Subsection (6) of Section VIII, Section IX, Section XII, and Section XIII of this By-law shall not be subject to a penalty of not less than five ($5.00) dollars and not more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, for each offence, exclusive of costs recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. 3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of Subsection (3) and (7) of ~ e e e . . (18) , , . Section III, Section V, Section X and Section XI of this By-law shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten ($10.00) dollars and not more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each offence exclusive of costs recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. 4) The owner of any vehicle for which a notice of violation has been issued alleging a contravention of any of the provisions of this By-law referred to in Subsections (1), (2) and (3) of Section XIII, may make voluntary payment of the fine set out in accordance with this by-law on the notice of violation by remitting such payment to the appropriate authority in accordance with the instructions on the notice of violation within the time limit prescribed thereon which shall constitute payment of the penalty in full satisfaction of the alleged offence. 5) A constable or an officer appointed for the carrying out of the provisions of this by-law, upon discovery of any vehicle parked, stopped or standing in contravention of this by-law, may cause it to be moved or taken to and placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle which may be enforced in the manner provided by Section 48 of The Mechanic's Lien Act. 6) The owner of a vehicle shall incur the penalties provided for any contraven- tion of this by-law unless at the time of the contravention the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner or his chauffeur without the owner's consent in which case the driver or operator of the vehicle not being the owner, shall also be liable to incur the penalties provided for any such contravention. 7) By-law 1463 of the former Township of Clarke; By-law 2315 of the former Township of Darlington; By-laws 67-32, 68-47, 71-41, 72-16, 73-33, By-laws 1784, 1850, 1935 and 1992 of the former Town of Bowmanville; By-laws 69-17, 73-12; By-law 803 of the former Village of Newcastle; By-laws 3 and 4 of the former Police Village of Orono; By-laws of the Town of Newcastle 75-18, , . , "', I , . , . . - - I, "J._ (19) 75-45, 75-60, 75-63, 75-99, 75-100, 76-30, 76-34, 76-68, 77-24, 77-71, 77-95, 78-25, 78-29, 78-35, 78-40 and 78-92 and any other inconsistent by-laws of Newcastle are hereby repealed. insofar as they apply to highways now under the jurisdiction of the Town BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th day of January, 1979. G.B. BiCkar~~~ Mayor 7 J .M. McIlroy Town Clerk ~ " .- , ,I ~ 1 , ~- S C H E D U L E 'A' ~ COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE (FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE) 1) Both Baseline Road 2) Beech Avenue Both 3) Brown Street Both 4) Carlisle Avenue North 5) Centre Street East ~ 6) Church Street Both " " Both " " South " " North 7) Concession Street Both 8) Devitt's Lane Both 9) Division Street Both 10) Duke Street West ~ll) Elgin Street East NO PARKING COLUMN III BETWEEN Martin Road to the east limits of the former Town of Bowmanville, Cemetery Road Lowe Street to Concession Street King Street to Wellington Street Centre Street to Durham Regional Road #14 Carlisle Avenue to Concession Street Scugog Street to 46 m easterly Temperance Street to Division Street Division Street to Durham Regional Road #14 Regional Road #14 to George Street Wellington Street to the east limits of the former Town of Bowmanville Canadian National Railway yard to Queen Street Church Street to Lowe Street Baseline Road to Park Street Wellington Street to Fourth Street COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime \ '- ". , . . , COLUMN I ~ HIGHWAY 12) George Street " " 13) Fourth Street 14) High Street " " 15) Hobbs Drive 16) Horsey Street e " fl 17) Jackman Road 18) King Street " " 19) Lambert Street 20) Lambs Lane 21) Lawrence Crescent 22) Lovers Lane ~23) Martin Road (2) COLUMN II SIDE Both East North East COLUMN III BETWEEN King Street to Church Street Church Street to Wellington Street Scugog Street to High Street First Street to Meadowview Avenue West Meadowview Avenue to Vanstone Court East & North East Simpson Avenue (south intersection) to Simpson Avenue (north intersection) South Concession Street to Lowe Street North Concession Street to Elgin Street 46 m east of Elgin Street to Lowe Street Both Sides Durham Regional Road #57 to Scugog Road Both Durham Regional Road #57 to Scugog Road Both Regional Road #14 to Cemetery Road West Prince Street to King Street Both O'Dell Street to the north limits of Lambs Lane East & North Sides Spry Avenue to Waver ley Road Both Centre Street to Durham Regional Road #14 West Baseline Road to Alonna Street COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime ~ e28) e . " I j. t r COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE Martin Road Both 24) Mearns Avenue West 25) Ontario Street West " " East " " Both " " West 26) Prince Street North 27) Prospect Street Both Queen Street and Scugog Street (in combination) North " South " South 29) Rhonda Boulevard Both 30) Scugog Road Both 31) Silver Street West 32) Simpson Avenue Both " " Both " " East (3) COLUMN III BETWEEN Alonna Street to Regional Road 1157 King Street to Concession Street Durham Regional Road 1114 to Queen Street Victoria Street to Albert Street Queen Street to King Street King Street to Wellington Street Durham Regional Road 1114 to Lambert Street Concession Street to Fourth Street King Street to Durham Regional Road 1114 King Street to Division Street Devitts Lane to Ontario Street Doreen Crescent to North Limits of Rhonda Boulevard King Street to Durham Reg- ional Road 1157 King Street to Wellington Street South limits of Simpson Avenue to Durham Regional Road 1/14 Baseline Road to Southway Drive Southway Drive to King Street COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime , 'I.',' . \ .,,,- 'j \f (4) ~ COLUMN I COLUMN II COLUMN III COLUMN IV HIGHWAY SIDE BETWEEN TIMES OR DAYS 33) Roenigk Drive Both Waver ley Road to King Street At Anytime 34) Spry Avenue and East and Baseline Road to Waver ley Spry Avenue North North Sides Road At Anytime (in combination) 35) Temperance Street West Church Street to Wellington Street At Anytime " " Both Wellington Street to Lowe Street At Anytime 36) Waverley Road East Durham Regional Road tl57 to Chapel Street At Anytime " " West Rhonda Boulevard to Regional Road tl57 At Anytime 37) Wellington Street South Scugog Street to Regional Road tl14 At Anytime e " " North Elgin Street to Division Street At Anytime 38) West Beach Road Both South limits of West Beach Road to Simpson Avenue At Anytime e \ .., ' .. " , S C H E D U L E 'A' ~ NO PARKING COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS (FORMER POLICE VILLAGE OF ORONO) 1) Centre Street South Durham Regional Road #17 to the east limit of Centre Street At Anytime 2) Church Street (south section) Both Somerfield Drive to Station Street At Anytime 3) Church Street (north section) East Park Street to Churchill Avenue At Anytime " " West Dickson Street to Churchill Street At Anytime 4) Cobbledick Street Both Durham Regional Road #17 to Kings Highway #35 and 11115 At Anytime 5) Dickson Street North ~6) Mill Street Both 7) Park Street North 8) Station Street South Mill Street to Church Street At Anytime Regional Road #17 to Kings Highway #35 and #115 At Anytime Durham Regional Road #17 to East Limit of Park Street At Anytime Durham Regional Road #17 to Kings Highway #35 and At Anytime 11115 ~ " , S C H E D U L E 'A' NO PARKING I ~ COLUMN I COLUMN II COLUMN III COLUMN IV HIGHWAY SIDE BETWEEN TIMES OR DAYS (FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE) 1) Arthur Street East Kings Highway 112 to C.P.R. tracks At Anytime 2) Baldwin Street West Edward Street to King Street At Anytime 3) Beaver Street East South limits of Beaver Street to Andrew Street At Anytime 4) Caroline Street North Baldwin Street to Church Street At Anytime 5) Church Street West Robert Street to King Street At Anytime 6) Mill Street (south Both the south limits of C.N.R. section) overhead bridge to a point 396 m southerly and e easterly measured along the centreline of the road At Anytime 7) North Street West King Street to ~egional Road 1117 At Anytime 8) King Street Both Beaver Street to Arthur Street At Anytime ~ . , ~ e5) e , 9 .. ;; S C H E D U L E 'A' NO PARKING COLUMN I HIGHWAY COMUMN II SIDE (MISCELLANEOUS LOCATIONS) 1) Road between Concession North 2 and Concession 3 (Nash Road) in the Geographic Township of Darlington 2) Road between Concession South 7 and Concession 8 (Haydon) in the Geogra- phic Township of Darlington 3) Road between Lots 32 and Both Sides 33 in the Geographic Township of Clarke 4) Road between Concessions Both Sides 9 and 10 in the Geogra- phic Township of Clarke Mill Street in the Hamlet East of Newtonville 6) Church Street in the North Hamlet of Newtonville 7) Road between Lot 1 of the Both Sides Geographic Township of Darlington and Lot 35 of the Geographic Township of Clarke 8) Road allowance between Both Sides Lots 32 and 33 of the Geographic Township of Clarke 9) Baseline Road Geographic Both Sides Township of Darlington COLUMN III BETWEEN the east side of Lot 29 to west side of Lot 30 the west side of King Street to the east side of Church Street Concessions 9 and 10 west limit of Lot 25 to the east limit of Lot 33 north limits of Highway #2 to north limits of Church Street east side of Mill Street and a point 63 m westerly thereof Concessions 8 and 9 of the Geographic Township of Clarke Concessions 8 and 9 of the Geographich Township of Clarke 249 m west of the road allowance between Lots 30 and 31 for a distance of 622 m westerly COLUMN IV TIMES TO DAYS At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime At Anytime . e e \ .,' . " COLUMN I HIGHWAY 10) Concession 8 in the Geographic Township of Clarke 11) Concession 9 in the Geographic Township of Clarke COLUMN II SIDE Both Sides Both Sides (2) COLUMN III BETWEEN Road allowance between Lot 1 of the Geographic Town- ship of Darlington and Lot 35 of the Geographic Town- ship of Clarke to the road allowance between Lot 32 and Lot 33 of the Geogra- phic Township of Clarke Road allowance between Lot 1 of the Geographic Town- ship of Darlington and Lot 35 of the Geographic Town- ship of Clarke to the road allowance between Lot 32 and Lot 33 of the geo- graphic Township of Clarke COLUMN IV TIMES OF DAYS At Anytime At Anytime . " .. '~ l. " , COLUMN I HIGHWAY (FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE) e - S C H E D U L E 'B' NO STOPPING COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN COLUMN IV TIMES OF DAYS _ _ ~ ~ ;f" ~ " , I) S C H E D U L E '~' PERMITTED ANGLE PARKING COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN I II BETWEEN COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS ". . .. , , , I It! ..' J S C H E D U L E 'D' PARKING FOR RESTRICTED PERIODS ~ COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS COLUMN V MAXIMUM PERIOD PERMITTED (FORMER POLICE VILLAGE OF ORONO) 1) Centre Street North Church Street to Durham Regional Road 1117 Anytime 15 Minutes 2) Park Street South Regional Road 1117 to east limit of Park Street Anytime 2 hours 3) Church Street West Park Street to Centre Street Anytime 2 hours 4) Centre Street North Church Street to the east limits of Centre Street Anytime 2 hours ~ . .- f ~. "It , ... J 't e COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE (FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE) 1) King Street North 2) King Street North 3) King Street South 4) King Street North - ~ S CH ED U L E 'D' PARKING FOR RESTRICTED PERIODS COLUMN III BETWEEN COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS from a point 42 m east of North Street to a point 76 m east of North Street Anytime North Street and a point 42 m easterly thereof Anytime Baldwin Street to Beaver Street Anytime from a point 76 m east of North Street to the westerly limits of Beaver Street Anytime COLUMN V MAXIMUM PERIOD PERMITTED 15 Minutes 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours . 4 \) I . 4 I,,' f S C H E D U L E 'D' . PARKING FOR RESTRICTED PERIODS COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN COLUMN IV TIMES OR DAYS COLUMN V MAXIMUM PERIOD PERMITTED 1) Horsey Street North Elgin Street to 46 m easterly Anytime 2 hours 2) Queen Street South Queens Avenue to Devitts Lane Anytime 1 hour 3) Silver Street East Church Street to Wellington Street Anytime 1 hour 4) Temperance Street Both Church Street to 24 m southerly Anytime 15 Minutes 5) Wellington Street North Division Street to George Street Anytime 2 hours ~ _ BY-LAW NO. :zlkl.- SCHEDULE 'E' RESPECTING LOCATION OF PARKING METERS COLUMN 1 HIGIIWAY COLUMN 11 SIDE COLUMN 111 BETWEEN COLUMN IV DAYS OR HOURS COLUMN V RATE King Street Both George Street to Scugog Street 5 cents for 30 minutes 10 cents for 1 hour 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Mondays to Thursdays and on Saturdays) 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (on Fridays) except legally proclaimed holidays Silver Street East King Street to Church Street Division Street Both Queen Street to Church Street Temperance Street East Queen Street to Wellington Street Temperance Street West Queen Street to Church Street Church Street Both 46 m east of Scugog Street to Temperance Street 20 cents or 25 cents for 2 hours 25 cents for :3 hours Municipal Parking Lot: bounded by Church Street, Division Street, Wellington Street, Lot 161 and Lot 162 and part of Lot 160, Block '0' Hannings Plan Municipal Parking Lot: on Church Street, located on part of Lot 159, Block '0' Hannings Plan 20 cents"or 25 cents for 2 hours 5 cents for 1 hour ." COLUMN VI MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE PARKING PERIOD 1 hour hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours :3 hours 2 hours 5 hours .ef . " ..... } BY-LAW NO. 79-1 S C H E D U L E 'E' RESPECTING LOCATION OF PARKING METERS COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN COLUMN IV DAYS OR HOURS King Street Both 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Mondays to Thursdays and on Saturdays) 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (on Fridays) except legally proclaimed holidays George Street to Scugog Street Silver Street East King Street to Church Street " Division Street Both Queen Street to Church Street " Temperance Street East Queen Street to Wellington Street " Temperance Street West Queen Street to Church Street " Church Street 46 m east of Scugog Street to Temperance Street Municipal Parking Lot: bounded by Church Street, Division Street, Wellington Street, Lot 161 and Lot 162 and part of Lot 160, Block '0' Hannings Plan Both " " Municipal Parking Lot: on Church Street, located on part of Lot 159, Block '0' Hannings Plan " "'"' ... . . . .. " COLUMN V RATE 5 cents for 30 minutes 10 cents for 1 hour 20 cents or 25 cents for 2 hours " " " 25 cents for 3 hours 20 cents"or 25 cents for 2 hours 5 cents for 1 hour COLUMN VI MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE PARKING PERIOD 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours '3 hours 2 hours 5 hours 'r- ~...,,' ..~ ... . - . '.' ., It ,.4.' ,. '10 " , .. c It 1 I .. S C H E D U L E 'F' LOADING ZONES COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN " . ," , . t_ \"',(. 1 <fJ ,. '- ..... ( i ~ 1. .J .. . _ ~ S C H E D U L E '~' STANDS FOR TAXICABS COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN I II BETWEEN , . ... S C H E D U L E 'H' ~ STANDS FOR BUS STOPS COLUMN I COLUMN II COLUMN III COLUMN IV COLUMN V HIGHWAY SIDE LOCATION NO. OF BUSES HOURS OF USE King Street North 15 m west of Division Street 1 Anytime King Street North 20 m west of Temperance Street 1 Anytime King Street North 15 m east of Scugog Street 1 Anytime King Street South 15 m east of Scugog Street 1 Anytime King Street South 20 m east of Temperance Street 1 Anytime King Street South 15 m east of Division Street 1 Anytime ~Simpson Avenue East 15 m south of King Street to 30 m south of King Street 1 Anytime King Street North wide side of Roenigk Drive to 15 m westerly 1 Anytime ~ '" "'" ' ') ,". ~<p.. 4 .' k....,.....~J \ "..1. , , .. . . . S C H E D U L E 'J' FIRE ACCESS ROUTES COLUMN I HIGHWAY COLUMN II SIDE COLUMN III BETWEEN ,~", r .- . ... .{' . . COLUMN I HIGHWAY Parkway Crescent Elgin Street Waverley Road - . COLUMN II SIDE South East East S C H E D U L E 'K' SCHOOL BUS LOADING ZONES COLUMN III FROM East limits of St.Joseph's School property for Wellington Street for 160 m north of Spry Avenue COLUMN IV TO a distance of 73 m westerly -a distance of 61 m northerly to 198 m north of Spry Avenue COLUMN V SCHOOL OR INSTITUTE St. Joseph's Separate School Elgin Street Public School Waverley Street Public School