HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-98 . / THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 81-98 being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with Andre Wiggers The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACTS AS FOllOWS: . That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Andre Wiggers and the said Corporation dated the Fi.fth day of August A.D.1981 which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". . By-law read a fi rst and second time thi s 5'th day of August 1981. By-law read a third and final time this 5th day of August 1981. Garnet B. R;Ckar~ R~ Mayor . David W. Clerk Oakes ~. IJaho . l Fi:e ,,:, 1dJ...1i_L_u~Q.f_.cc'c=J ,," . j . ~ ? " , . ~ . . '"'.......;O""'~..lloio.t,_:_..~~ o 0 [BY. law NO.u_.&L~u'lg._._u.~ I DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MADE (in quintuplicate) this s7X day of ~ A.D. 1981. BET WEE N ANDRE WIGGERS CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD., hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART - AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affected by this agreement, which are described in Schedule "A" hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; AND WHEREAS the Owner has represented to the Town that the said lands are registered in the name of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle although Andre Wiggers is the beneficial owner of the said lands as stated in the affidavit attached to this agreement as Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS the Owner proposes to erect a yacht building and repair shop with associated outside storage facilities on the said lands; and has requested the Town to approve the said development pursuant to the pro- visions of By-law 79-151; AND WHEREAS the Town has resolved to approve the said development pursu- ant to the said By-law 79-151 provided that the Owner enter into this Agreement with the Town; AND WHEREAS the Owner warrants that it has entered, or will enter into an Agreement with the Corporation of the Region of Durham, for the pro- vision of water services from Simpson Avenue with the approval of the Director of Public Works of the Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: :" 1. Annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "c" are site plans showing the SiZ~i location, elevation and exterior architectural design of the , building which the Owner proposes to erect on the "said lands", the landscaping and fencing, lighting, grading and drainage, which are heteby approved by the Town. i __...;:~ ...._.~~..,......., ......"......-....."-........ 11"'" ~.... -...,.1ft''''IlIiN&.Il1iliIIW~\lI;aolti!.~__~~_.;.~~;....,____,.o.<'''''_:'''J::;'';:~':;;:--'-_'. > ~ - 2 - 2. The Owner agrees that no buildings or structures, other than the building shown on Schedule "c" shall be erected on the "said'lands" and further, that in the construction of such building shown on Schedule "c" the Owner will comply with the elevations, exterior architectural design, the location Qf the building on the lot and all other matters relating to the building shown on Schedule "C". 3. PARKING AND LOADING The Owner agrees to provide and maintain off-street parking and driveway access i~ accordance with Schedule "c" and to do so in accordance - with specifications to be approved by t~e Director of Public Works which shall include a surfacing of parking areas with con.crete or bituminous asphalt. No parking of vehicles shall be permitted on access and driveway areas. Said areas shall be signed and maintained as fire access routes . to the approval of the Fire Chief. 4. GARBAGE AND WASTE (a) The Owner agrees to provide and maintain enclosed garbage and waste storage facilities as may be required by the Town for the storage of garbage and other waste materials from the buildings on the said lands, in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. . (b) The Owner further agrees to remove garbage and other waste materials as often as may be required by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. 5. SNOW REMOVAL . The Owner agrees to remove all snow from access ramps, driveways, parking areas, loading areas and walkways within twelve hours of the cessation of any fall of snow. 6. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The Owner agrees to undertake the grading of and provide for at his cost the disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the "said lands" and from any buildings or structures thereon in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and annexed to this agreement as a portion of Schedule "C". ''. " - 3 - 7. LIGHTING The Owner agrees to provide lighting of the "said lands" and building in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Public Utilities Commission having jurisdiction and to refrain from erecting or using any form of illumin- ation which in the opinion of the Town would cause any traffic hazard or would cause a disturbance to residential uses adjacent to the "said lands" . 8. FENCING ANp LANDSCAPING The Owner agrees to erec~ and maintain fences and plant and maintain, trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover in accordance with Schedu:I,e 'c' hereto to provide adequate landscaping of the "said lands" and protection to adjoining lands. . 9. SIDEWALKS (not applicable) 10. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Owner agrees that the issuance of any building permit in respect of the "said lands" shall be prohibited until all plans and specifications required pursuant to this Agreement have been approved by the Town. 11. REGISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT . The Owner agrees to register this Agreement against the title to the "said lands" and th,at the Town may enforce the provisions of this Agreement against the Owner of the "said lands" and subject to the pro- visions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act R.S.O. 1979, as amended, against any and all subsequent owners of the "said lands". The Owner further agrees to provide the Town with a Registered Copy of this, Agreement within 30 days of the date of execution. 12. APPROVAL OF COST ESTIMATES The Owner agrees that, prior tathe issuance of any building 'permit for the building identified on Schedule "c" hereto, the estimated cost of construction and installation of the external works required by this Agreement, hereinafter called the "Works Cost Estimate" shall be approved by the Director of Public Works and annexed to this Agreement as Schedule "D". , . - 4 - The said approved "Works Cost Estimate" shall be deemed to have been included in this Agreement at the date of its original execution, whether or not it was, in fact, so included and whether or not it is, in fact, entered as Schedule "D" hereto. 13. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE REQUIRED (1) Prior to the issuance of any authorization to commence work, the Owner shall provide the Town with a "Perfo.nnance Guarantee", . in the form of cash or an irrevocable letter of c!edit issued by a chartered Canadian Bank in an amount equal to the "Works Cost Est;:imate". The "Performance Guarantee" may be used by the Town of Newcastle as~set out 'in clause 14 in the event that the Owner fails to satisfactorily meet the requirements of this Agreement in respect of the . provision of the specified works and facilities. (2) All submissions made under clause (1) above, shall be approved by the Treasurer of the Town of Newcastle. 14. USE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE . the Owner agrees that the Municipality may at any time, by resolution of Municipal Council, authorize the use of all or part of any Perfonnance Gua.rantee if the Owner fails to pay any costs payable by the Owner to the Municipality under this Agreement by the due date of the invoice of such costs. 15. BUILDING PERMIT The Town agrees that upon the Owner complying with the provisions of this Agreement respecting approval of all plans and specifications required herein, referred to by paragraph 10 hereof, building pennits will be issued in accordance with the plans subject to payment of the usual permit fees and other fees as are payable under by-law currently in force in the Town and provided that all building plans comply with the Ontario Building Code, such other Municipal By-laws as may be relevant. 16. LAPSE OF APPROVAL In the event a building permit has not been issued to the Owner within the period of two years hereinafter in this sentence referred to, the parties agree that the Town's approval of the site plan and drawings referred to in paragraph number I hereof shall lapse upon the expiry of two years from the date of registration of this Agreement. '. n o , , - 5 - 17. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT The Owner agrees to commence construction of any building or buildings for which a perndt may be issued under Paragraph 15 hereof as soon as is reasonably practicable following the issuance of any such permit. 18. The Owner hereby acknowledges that portions of the said lands are subject to flooding and erosion under regional storm conditions and hereby indemnifies and saves the Town harmless from and against actions, causes of actions, suites, claims, costs, expenses and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly by reason of the Town entering into this Agreement and the implementation of its provisions. 19. INTERPRETATION NOT AFFECTED BY HEADINGS The division of this Agreement into paragraphs and the insertion . of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 20. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Per: Per: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE per~~~~ ~ MA OR d . ,~ Per: CLERK , . . .,---_._-~.--- h. ...---...... '.._...~~ -"-"-'-.~~''''''-''''IiI>_....<,h~""",_""", . .....-~l'-'illM........M:.;;~.~'_. ~~"",,,.-"'f>""~"'~'" "."....."'.._~,'....'''''''''R._':_....._~. .......-...c_._._....;..,.~,:...... .' . ".,..--...-----~,,"-""~ - ....."",1 1if'_.~'~~l4l,",",".UQ.:;~.~:',~~'~ ~, ,...) LIST OF SCHEDULES A Legal Description of Said Lands B Affidavit of Ownership C Site Plan including: Location of Buildings .: Building Elevations Landscaping and Fencing Parking and Access Floodlighting Grading and Drainage D Works Cost Estimate (to be added) --~--"".~..... '. . -.,' o o THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been author- ized and approved by By-law No. tl-qJ of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the rTt. day of A<<~ 1-, 1981. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY: (Firstly, part of Lot 9, Broken Front concession,)in the former Town of Bowmanville (geographic Township of Darlington, former County of Durham) more particularly designated as Part 2 on Plan IOR-1321 ctam ~ 0~)o)4-)5 Lfbce t: G2/d doCtJ/tJ Lr:!J 1)Q))~)4)5 ~ 0) 0/lt:2dJ _~~ . The Owner hereby agrees that the Plan Number referred to in this Agreement. Schedule may be added by the Town subsequent to the execution of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate that behalf. seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in . ~"JI!l ,.~_, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ANDRE WIGGERS C~TRY9TION CO. LTD. Per:~ ~ Per: THE CORPORATION O~E TOWN.?F NEWCASTLE per:~d~~ . n MAYOR Per: -&V~Lw' ~ CLERK ' \ --... - . -. -"-~._._.,...-.........,. ....... ,- ---"_.'~'-'-- Noelll .,"",__",..,:..:.....~._~ ..,..:........_:,.,._,.""'".""........". ,~, . . .'- o o THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No.~1-9B of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the ~~ day of ~~ , 1981. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, Andre Wiggers, of the City of Oshawa, in the Regional Municipality of Durha~ am the President of Andre Wiggers Construction Co Ltd. and as such have knowledge of the matters herein deposed to: 1. I am the purchaser under an Agreement of Purchase and Sale from the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, dated October 16, 1980, of the property described as part of Lot 9, Broken Front Concession more particularly described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement. 2. A copy of the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale between myself and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is annexed hereto as . Exhibit 'A' to this my Affidavit. SWORN BEFORE ME at the ~ ".AU7L/of 7L~ , -L j)~ in the R~ 7' this q day of ~/ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ . I? . 1 ~ 81.... t Commissioner, eto. ) MaIl one Edltn: Df~S , a , The Judicia.l District of Durhamf, fI~r stl'" h T wn 0 .~ewca .~. CorpoIction of t 9 .01)" ' ' C' o+- , J 1 6 lQS2.ud- d~ @ 4J.J?~ ' Expues u Y 'A Commissioner t e tc. ~;)f Andre gers \ '. - l<I -:.""'--"~'-'_____"--' "..........""_....~.......,___. __'" . ......:-"'--._""-'~ ~"-"'~[__1_"'.._ -:--- "'lll;;;"l4~'a..lC-' ~'~~" ...-~ ,~ , - ,- ONTARI\.J REAL ESTATE ASSOC1A110N AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE I'URCH^$ER, Andre Wiggers VENDO~ The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle :\(1;~ ' PROPERTY: rronline on Ihe .. ,ide o( known mllnicip~,lLy M in Ihe ..." o( and havinl a fronlale of " , "., '.. more or les\ 'by a deplh o( more or less and descrihed as Part ,of Lo.t 10,J..~rqk~,l),FrQnt Con<:;~,$,$ion" Town of Bo,\'manville, no'" the TO\.m of Ne'"castle.1 ..peJng ,aL6..acr,~..parcel located at the corner of Simpson Avenue ~nd 2nq, ~.treet~ -.~ ':". ':".:-: ,-'..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - al Ihe PURCHASE PRICE o( , (lreerS 10 hu)' (1(,"' , )h"(lJ\jllh\~,^,);~\ . the folic'" inr Th i r,t y - seven t.hou 5 and J fi v~ h u nd red --- -- -- -,- - -- Can:ldi:II\oOollm (SCan, 37 , 500. 00 on Ihc follo\\ inlllerms: 'I. Purch;"cr suhmils wilh this oHcr Three hund red- - - - - -- ,~.~, - - - - - - -- - - Dollars ($ 300.00 c:lsh/cheque paY:lhle 10 \'endor'K~~a< :IS a dermil \0 he held by him in truSI rrndin&: ('(\mr1c1ion or olherICrmin:1li(\n o( Ihi~ ,\p\"'n1enl and 10 he c.edited lowar"s Ihe J'urchue Price on coml'lelion, . 2.l'ur('hasera~reest(\ pay the balance of the purchase price b)' '\'3)' of cash or certi cheque on closing, subject to the usual adjustments. This offer is conditional upon the Purchaser satisf)'ing himself that the propert)' is zoned in a manner satisfactory to him and that a building permit will be available for construction of his improvements within six (6) months of the date of acceptance hereof, failing which this offer shall be null and void and the Purchaser's deposit refunded I \dthout interest or deduction. These conditions are inserted for the benefit of the Purchaser and may be waived by him at any time. . The Vendor will provide, at its expense a surve)' of the property to be purchased hereunder) and a legal description in registerable form, On or before the closing date, the Purchaser will enter into an agrccml'1l with the Vendor to commence construction of his improvements within onc (1) year following the closing hereof, failing which he will agree to reconvey the property to the Vendor for the aggregate purchase price of $37,500.00. 01 or before the closing date, the Purchaser will enter into a site wi th the Town of Newcastle in accordance with By-Law 79-151. plan agreanen t .. d /{ ;(p /'J~ /".;"/- , . ), J',,":h:I\cr :.nd VenJor :tert'e lhat all exislina: (i,~lu/cs ..re included in lhe I'''rch''~e price e\eepl lhose lis/cd hereunder: ;and Ih3t the (0110\' ins challeh arc included in Ihe purch..~e price: 4, Purcj1~'er :.pees lh;tllhis OUe( shall he ir't'\'oc~blc hy him lfnlilll:5!>' p,m, ?n the 22n.d ,dOl)' o( , Oc tober , 19 8 U . afler "hich lime. if not aecepled, Ih,s Orrer shall he null anu "OIU ;lnd Ihe oeposl\ :.h:lll he relurnt'd Ie> Purch;"er "ilhoUl inlcl cst or ,1\'<I"clion, 5, Thh .".Ilreement ~h311 be completed on the, ,31 s t day or" Au g,u S t.., ro~~euion oC Ihe property shall he: i!i\'cn 10 Purcha:.er unless olhcrwlsc plo\'ldrd :,s Collows: ... . " 8 4~. <omp''''o.. ,,,,., . removal of conditions 6. rureh:l~er ~h:lll be allb~'fd tHe.. 30..,.. .. day, nul rOllowin, the d:lle of ~OIlX'Kor this Orfcr 10: examine Ihe lille 10 Ihe proJ>Crt}. :II his o"n CAJ>Cnw:. 10 !3Iisr): him~elf Ih31 Ihere arc no oll,lslandine worl orders afft'clinJ: the prof'CrI)', Ihat its rre~enl u~e ( ,... ............................, ...... m:l)' he Iawtlllly C\,nlinllcd, :lnd that the rrincipal builllinl: ma)' he in~IIred "pinSl ri~l. or fire. 7, V~n\I~lr :ihil j'\'Hl'h:"H ,:llli(e Ihallhcre is no ~'('lntlili()n. e~J'lrcss or implied, r('rre~('nl:llion or \\:lrr:lnl)' o( :In)' l.inJ Ihlll .he (1IlIIre inlen,lcd '"c ,.r .He phl.l...'II) I,)' l'II,d'.I\('r i~ ur will he Ia" (III e""1'1 :J~ "':I)' }-." 'J'C',j(j"tll)' ~ljr"I.1I('.J "('/('lInder, ii. i'uh'I""", 'lId,/I" ,d. .I:/-, !."I.-' ill&: IIl'I,...'I,.1 1111' t""J.., I." II! III,' It,r '''.''1111110'11 ".j, I Iff"r :.",1 ':Il;l,'""OI"" .h'l \' i .., . ,. II'. . ., . .,. 't' ,t .n ,I ... ,.t,h'I!' 'I"',. '''f Ilf "r !"I:.1 .1':' ',!.I \..1,. lit:." "lit PI." 1.'I'.lr :lud \"'lIduI, .. . ~'UJ','n t'.Ut ur SIC'f('1' IUS: 11\ ~.......,...........,~'::-~-"-,'~= --,-""""I!I - =-==- ~, ,- . ~, .- .. ;-..." -'v 'OJ ! 9 1'10\lJ,'d thai th~ IIIIc IU thc rlvp~rl~ j\ ~o,'<.l Jnd r"c rr"lIl :III ~n'I"/l"'an,c\ c\cepl :I, arO"";'IIU :lnd C\,~pl hH ..".~ IC'fl",~~~V. 1I\,'N,i,cIIl'n, ." coccn:lnl\ Ih:ll run "Ilh the 1:I".<.lpro'ldln~ Ihat \uc:h :lrc (om plied "llh :lnd C\.:epl ror :ln~ ,mlllor C:l'C/l"'nl\ II' ru"It, u~IIII;I,~' t~\IWr,cd r,,~ Ihe 'uppl~' or llurn""I'': uI,ltl)' 'er\l......\ 10 thc prop~rt), Ir "Ilh,n Ihe lime :llIo"cd ror eumlnlnl1 Ihe IIIlc :lny \Jlid c'''lc','I\'n Ip lille, Q'i lQ Jnc oul\I;lnl.hn~ ..orl.. or<.lcr, or 10 Ihe r:lCI lhe ,aId prc'enl u\e mOl} nOI 101" rull)' be continued. or lh;1I .he princiral t>uiIJin~ nl;l)' npl bc in'u,,'J ll!ain~1 ri\1.. of fire 1\ made in writ in, 10 Vendor :lnd "hich Vendor i~ una hie or un.. illine 10 reml"e. remedy or ';'Ili,fy ;Ind' ~ hid.. Pur.:!';I,cr ",'ill nOI "31\e, thIS ,"Ireemelll, n(i1..ilh~I:lndini: :ln~ interl1lcdi:lle 3CI~ or ne~oli:ltion~ in re~pecl of such obje.:til'n~, ~hJII he al :In end :lnu 0111 monie, Iherelofore p:lid shall be relurneJ ..ilhoul intcrc.1 or dCuuclion and Vendor and Vendor's Asenl shall nOI be liaMe for :In)' eo\., (\1 dama,es, Sa\e I' 10 an)' 'alid objection ~o made b)' such d:lY and e'cept fQr any objcclion ,oins 10 Ihc rOOI of Ihe lille, PUl\:hJ\er .hJII he eonchni~cl)' deemed 10 have accepled Vendor's lille 10 Ihc Plopcrty, PUfcha\er Shilll nOI nil (or Ihe produclion o( any lille decd, abs.,:lcl. surveyor olher evidcnce of lille 10 ih~ properl}' e",epl such IS ar... in Ihe fIOs,euion or control of Vendor, Vendor acree, IhJI. if reques~ed by Ihe purchaser. he ...i11 dlllivcr 'IllY s~elch or SurH'}' of Ihe properl r in hi, po"e\\ion or .. ilhin hi, conllo'lo rurcha,er .IS ,oon 01\ p(\\\ible'llnd prior 10 Ihe 11\1 dOl)' allowed for ""lIli"in, Iii Ie, All buildin!!, on Ihe prope")' and III olherthin~) beinc purchased shall be and remain unlil tOmplCliofl ~I Ihe rhl of Vendor, P~ndinl1 cumpl~lion, Ven.Jor ,hall hold all in,urance poli.:i~s. if an)'. and Ihe proc~eds Ih~r~of in HUS! for Ihe plrlies as Ih~ir inlernlS 10:1)' apr~Jr :In<.l in Iht e.'lCnl of sutl,unlial dam:\!:e, Purch3'~r mOl}' eilhcr lerminJle.' Ihis Acre.'e.'menl and ha"e all ",oni~s therelofore.' raid relurncu ,.ilh.'UI inlertsC or dedu~II"" I'lr ehe l;al..~ Ihe ploceed, of :lny in\urJnce :lnd complele Ihe purcha,e, Pr(l\'ided Ihal lhh Ag!temenl shall be cf(e.:ri"t 10 CreJI~ an inlereS! in Ihe property onl)' if lhe subdivision control pf\l\'i,il'ns o( Thc "hlnllllli> Ac! ar~ comrlied "ilh b)' "endor on or befort cumpletion and Vtndor htrtby covenanls 10 prl'l'e.'ed dilicenll)' al hi, e'pcnse 10 ohlJin any neceuary (\Jnsenl on or before cOlllrJ.:lion, Purch;aser htrcb} ":lrran" Ih:ll ht is nOl a non're\idtnl of Canada rursuanl 10 Tht land Transfer Tax Ac\. Purcha\er ~h:lll be ,Iediled lu"ards the Purch:l'~ Pri.:e "ilh Ihe amounl. i( any. ,,'hich il sh:lll be nece\S:lr)' for rurchJ'er 10 pa)' 10 the ~11I,,~.tc:r of :-I:lIion:l1 Re'enue in order 10 salisf)' Purch:l,er's liabilil)' in respeCI of ta:\ p:l~':lble b)' Vendor under the non,rc,iJenc:y pro,'isions of the Income T;r,\ Act b\ rca,on of Ihis S'.!I..., Purch:lScr shJIl nC>1 .:Iaim s\1.:h credil if Vendor delivers on cl'lmpklion Ihe pr,',.:ril-cd cerlilic:lIe or hi, St:llulOr~ dc:c1Jralic~n Ihal he is nOI then a non-residenl of CanJ\13, ' Fire in~urance )hall be issisned, to Ihe: Pur.:h:l'er on clc',illl! subjecl 10 Ihe con\enl of Ihe in,urer ha\'ing been o\113ined In such a\,ignmenl. :lnd Ihe ,'endor ,hall supply 10 Ihe purchaser al lusl Ii'e (5) days before lhe complclion dJle delail~ of an~' sllch roli.:)' 10 be so auillned, Unurntd fire insur:lnce premiums of an)' poli,'y 10 bc a~signed purSuJnl 10 par:lsraph I 5 h~rein, renlS, mOrll=:l~e inleresl, 1:I'e). 10':,11 improlCmenu. ":ller :lnd au~ssment r:lles and Ihecosl of fuel shall h~ apporlion~d andallo..ed 10 lh~ dale of COlllrklion (Ihe day il~df 10 be Jpponiolled 10 Purch:l'er), The dt~d or Hansfer shJII. save for the L:lnd Tran,f~r T:I.\ ,\(lid3,'i", which shall be prep:lred :lnd comr1eled by Ihe Purcha~er. be prepared in fClisHable form al Iht e'pen)e of Vendor :In<.lthe ~lorlgalle al Ihe e,'pense o( Purchaser. Timc shall in :Ill r~,pc.;lS be of Ihe cs,ence hercof proc'ided Ihat Ihe time for doinC or compleling of :lny mailer prlwided for hercin m:lY b... e,lended or abriused b~' an a!:rccll\enl ill .. rilin!: siglled by Vendor :lnd Purcha,er or by Iheir respc:ctive solicilors who arc hereb)' eApressl)' apf'C'linted in Ihis rel>ard, Any lender of do.:umenlS 01 monc:y hcrCllnucr 111:1)' be lIIade upon Venuor' or rLlr.:h:lscr or Iheir respecl;ve solicilors on the dOl)' for compklioll of lhis Alreernc:n!. ~Ione)' m:lY be lendered by b:lnl.. drJf. or cheque cc:rlified by a ch:lrtered bank, \rust cornpJn~' <>r Pro\'ince of Onrari" Sa"in&s Office, This A&reemc:nl shall constitule Ihe enlire asrc:ement bC:lween Pur.:ha.er and Vendor 'and thc:re is no repre~enl3lion. warranty. collater:ll alreement or condilion affeO:ling Ihis ,"'~rccmenl or the propc:rly or supporled hereby olher Ihan a~ c,\pre',c:d h~rc:in in wriling, This A!rc:c:me,'l shllll he rC;'ld ..'ilh all chances of lender or number required by Ihe contex\. .TED 11." ,.." ,~~ ,1:1. 1~,p'y'....,.. ""..",.. ...., ,....,..,.. ",....'.." ,Ihis"" ../.~.:,...."day or.,.. ,....', ,QSJ 9,q,~T",.. .." ",.. ""..,.."., ....19, ~,9.""" SIGNED. SeAlED AND DEl.IVEKED // IN WITNESS whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and ,c:al: in Ihe preunce or: I ;. (' /1_ uuu.;;::~;~{f-u"7.u.. -~:~;~:;~12~h;~i.uuueD'''.c.(.,-.//.'' , 10, II. /2, Il, ,14, IS, 16, 17, IS, 19, 20, ..""" ,'.. ..,'.... ".."..,....."..i;;~;~'h~~;i'.. ,'....,.... ".. ,$ DOlle, ..,............"..""""" The undersii:nc:d accepts Ihe Ibove O((er anA .'I.~ il" ,,,( ''.I:,nl .1>" e Ildlll,1I ill .tns;,I.rali81l f"r his S~I i_~s 'I. rl<<tI.:", lilt ,.:~ Ofr.,. If r'8: hill\ 81l Ihe ;leu 8~" t j:j ,<I" fM <illl1ll~li<!". 8 ."",In;,;:.,,, sf ....,......,......'r. sf..n lun<l'..,.1 ~4"'" Ie !I.. ..h.. _ .,....';v...d ..:, ....;<... ..I.;,~, C~"'lI\i"j61l II..) ~_ ..k.f_'(~ ('dIll Ih~ ''-,.,ui.. I I...d,> ;..,.,,-..~l, :...l,v,' "'J $ol:";lor 10 pv) d:.." Iv II.. .w;J '\."'" v.., v.......:J 1,~I,..." v( "".....:..;v,. r.(l... II.. ...1. ,,,.I. ,f Ih~ ,,,Ie, DATED al....""".. ",...., .."" ..,. '..,..",.., ..,..,....',..,......,..,'.. ,this..,...." ....,..", ,day of..""".."".., ,Q,c;:,~, ~ ,9,~. '!:..."""", .,..,..,....",19" 8 0 eGNEO. SEAI.ED AND DEl.IVERED IN WITNESS whereof I have he;~unll' sel my hand Ind se:ll: inlheprmnceo(: ,~~~:.ation of the Town of New~astlc f,~-' .."""":,, "'" .""", '~~;i"'" it 'iY '::.;;' ,\, $ Dale, ,ll.J::l- ,;,(./""" d3 '''\ .1' """.. ~:I':::-;";;;:"iv;~d~;PI v-",/, ..,..,.. -$ Dale",4.,.,~C/.4.., ,',.1.. ,S,; ( The Undersil:ned Sp,'u,e of Ihe Vendor hc:reby consenlS 10,1 ilisposilion evidenced herein pursuanl 10 Ihe provision~ of The Flmil)' Llw Reform ACI. 1978. S,O, 1978. c,2, as Ihe same may be :lmended from lime to lime, In consideralion of the sum of One Dollar ($1,00), Ihe Iceeipl of which from the Purchaser is hereby acknowledged. lheundersilned spou~e of Ihe Vendor hereb)' alrecs with Ihe Purcha~er Ih:1I he I she will e,ecule all necess:lry or incidcnlal documenlS 10 live rull force and erfect 10 the sale evide'\c~d herein, \\'il",," Spou~e ,.."........,. Dale"",.."",....,.."""",.. ACKfI;O\;"LEOGEMENT 1 ,dnn.. kJ~e r~'ell" of m) ii.ritd (or.y of I.his iceeplN ^c,eemenl or PUlch,'e 2nd Sale, 2nd d"t\:llht ~.eill 10 torVo'ald 1 cOP)' 10 my ~ohcilol. 1 .dno..lell,e le<:tipl Or my ~iClled COP)' of Ihii .ecerlell ^.rccmenl or Pureh"e .nd ~Ie. ,nd dilt<:l Ihe 'cenl 10 for"'ud , copy 10 my ,olicilol. """""",..,."..""""",."".."""",."""".."b.,t"",.."""..",;""""",...., I VenJocl ,.........,....,..........",..,...,......"""""",..""0".,..",,"",..,..""""""""" (Purch81tr) ,.".' ......'..', ..:..,.." "Olt.. ....,.."'..,,,. ,..""""""",..,......".""""""..""""",.."..0.1.",..,....",....""".."..""" I PUleh"cll I V.nd", I Address: Address: ............................................................................. Telc:ph,'ne No. Telephone.' No, "",..",,'..', ".." ,.."".."...."".....,....,....,.., ....",.. \'c:n"'~r'< !'c'ltelt<'l Purch:l,er'~ Solicilor '"""""....,..,...."..,..", ....,......",....,..', ...... J".". ~,' .", --.:._~_ ._.._._h___.._~.._~_,_ .~,...".",,>,'.,',' ,~"'~~ ~~", ~-. __ _._.__....~._."";T, ....._"'..',"/'ti;.}.!',.~,:; ""."" < ..'. , - .. :,,- >:-,.,._---~-,"'--" / " ~ ~ ~~ J' SITE DATA TOWN LOTS 1,2,3)1'"4,5, BLOCK G a ~ PART LOT 9 BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION TOWN OF NEWCASTLE~ REGION OF DURHAM .., I I I I , I I I I I I ] I I I l r I 1 I I I I , I I' I I VEl ~4~1 H I EL I I 'I! LOT AREA: 10573.6 m2 BLDG. COVERAGE: 702.24 m2 FIRST PHASE 6.640/0 PARKlNG SPACES REQ'O FIRST PHASE 10 ,SUBSEQUENT LANDSC"APEO AREA 13.220/0 I I I ! II I I I I I I l ! I I l I · I I I I ! I , I t I t I I I !. ~ I I I I I I I I i' I ! ; I I I I I I I I ) I ! I -- I I t I ! I t I , ! I I . ~ I SPACE PER 70 m 2 PHASES . f I I i I I I I I I j j I I I g !! .., tl I ~1 ~~ ", .'0 "-' ,-..' -- ..,- ..- :.=--_-:-.:::::;.~:_:...:::-,~'...:;.....;.....:.;....._,'";:;.___=_:._' ..;.._.,:,:......,..:..:-=__...-' I l tk::::-::. =--- -=::-- -= - -=- -~ - - - - - - - - i i I ! I I I I I GL./ II l , I I . i I ! I i i \ i : ~ f;G I : I I Il ~m - -~..:.:-.:;...:_.,~.---:.-.~_....-:-'".__._..,----"'-----.--=::_...-~-_..::_- ------.~...:..--... ._- ...' --.-. I I L I - '- ------1.4- -- --- ----T -------- -- - - - - - - - i I v I 0(,.....",- I ,~' I ~. w ~ I~ I [, f.> I ~ I I I I: I I I III I I ! ~ I I ! I ,;J WEST E LEV A"T I ON r;..C <(>. 01\ ;1#' -l' E x S T N G BOA T S TOR AGE ,~ ':JO ~. I ; I o 00 -r -;p . ~.ao M. "~ ~ fI' ! I I ! II T H 1 S S CH E 0 U L E .. C .. TO THE A G R E E MEN T 'NtH C H HA S B E6N 11 AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED BY BY- LAW .ll.NO.-------- OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, ENACTED AND PASSED THE ____ DAY OF-""'l"----___, IS8' I i I I I ! 1 N WIT N E SSW HER EO F THE PAR TIE S i I HA V E HER E TO A F F I XED T Ii E I R CORPORATE SEALS BY THE HANDS OF THEIR PROPER SIGNING OFFICERS I I DULY AUTHORIZED IN THAT BEHALF. I' TT II ~ W1GGERS",jYACHTS LTD. 'I bEiH t ! PER: . A- ~~7' I! ~ i 1 j : PER: I I Ii THEt-CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE .; ( , I' ~ PEt;;: f ! I ~ I r I [ PER: t ~. I ! I f ~ II I I I I I , I ~ M II I ' I t I ! I I ~ 1 i i n lr i I ~<; hvlI 22 . 80 II -ta ~O I,) Co z' ~ (.) < Z L1J ..J ~ ::.:: z ..J z ..;:: ..J = < (,) N 7(0 59'20" E IT 1\ 124.968 CH~latl L.lNK FE~CE H o (oC ~. c/ ~C <(>. c-\ II I I II II II I I I I t I I I II I' I I I · I I I I ! I ? I! 0 , ! G) I I - i I ~ - - .- T e:~ >= -, .... I '" , ____ _I 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 l t 1 l 1 l 1 l l o LIJ Q Q o (I) 14.00 PRO P. C H T a BOA. T S TOR A G R AV E L SURFACE ~ " o ::) ~ .... a-= ..J ~ ~ X ~ (,) /::i . ~o 0 '\.~. ~ to- ,.~ 00 / I a:: No 8.00 1'-< ~ L!) Q) .... ~z ..;:: - c I"- U')< 0 > I"- Z !WAYOR C L E R'K I l l N I ~ [ I --~ E )( -,. E N S , 0 8 o ~c 01\'\- c j I I 1 /' 1 DRIVE A CC E S S 6.50 r A , ----l Cl. U Ii 1 I I I AREA ~ OR SOD 0 E 0 ~ 1 l11 I: 1\ II IT I' (\ II I,L~~JJ_~ II O'\II~ I V Il). U 1'b-1~ ! I ! i i i ! ! ! I I t I I · I i , I I I II r I I I i f I Ii 1'1 I ' II I I I r--~ V o E X 1ST. 1. 80 M C H A I N L INK FE t\t C E N 720 20' E 44.5 l 2 !il ~ Oi I \ I, , 1 , ::- 'v'l I I ~ rI ! I II II II II I i ~ I ~c "\,"\,o C I I I ~I 0>1 I I I ~I 'I " ~ 11. Lw _.__ +!-=:::-1"" NEiKCASTLEj J / 7{)~N I I . I I I IJ \~ ! I '-"I FII i- .... ~ I 80WWANV ~LLE I ~ t- Q: ~ In :::i < 11 ill c i 1 I I i I : I , . t t I; o STREET E OFF ~ , D~ I j , E X 1ST. P LAY GrUND "'- S l T E PLAN I : 400 FLOOR P LAN 100 KEY PLAN -- SCHEDULE IICII ADDRESS: 200 VALENCIA RD. OSHAWA LI J IP3 TEL.{41G) 723-0370 1 seA LE SlTE PLAN. GRAD I N G PLAN, LANDSCAPE PLAN . AS SHOWN WIGGERS YACHTS LTD. PROPOSED R E PA I R SHOP FOR ~~ --jl-:)~ --~-"---"""""'."""'~"""'-"'~''''''''~ \ I \~"~"; ~ _~. .'.... ..... I I I '....~".~ ./_~;.:_--,--~. I r , III 'I --, "'r ."">-.'c"" ---'-:;;--- 'r' 1'" . r r I " r 11'" "1"~' '" _-.,....--:-,' I I I : " -":--. :----. '--;;:'J-rr I I I I . ' l i , I : I , , ! n f. ':. --...., I , j 1 ;!!, ' i ' . r'-': I,' I J : , , ! , . . . , ! I ~l rr, !: Ii: ;1,. i , , !lil H I" f!'., " , I ; :'. "It ,II I ',' : I . ; ; : 'J I! I ': ,. ': (' I ' n! ; I i ; i i.!!i . i, ! II ' : lel __ ~ 1; Iii! III Ii ~ ; II! t! ' II d 'H ~ 11 ..;"~,:.'::: ;~~.' ft\ :;.;--:~-:::!:::: tri.. '::~.:,'~-:-~ )/jJ' ~,~-,';'::.:::;::.,'\ 1(1 .:;:;:..:--.... ~~-:,", ~ " ~_:_;:;- z..-:-:: tn. '..:.- m... --::.:-:--: :";"~-:? :::_-----.~., Wf-.-,~~'..~'7;; ~zl-t ~O;'" .-- U ."7-':;:-,.,. t.;=. Lf-,r"" ---:; 1\..,r:'~':1'::.-..,--;;:... 'g;;'" -.' 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A=.:::':. .- -~ ::::..:"_- -.--' -,._::":~,-:- -- - --.....:.:: .:::; '--:. ......;':.:"_.:Jr WEST ELEVATION EA ST ELEVATION [------.---.-------..:-------- ~=.~=~~i~-.jf=..__...___u_~___=~==_~=.~,.~-~M--.~~.' --*--'x ~ o co METAL ROOFI NQ ~{_..,- I ~l ~l <>>1 YEllOW VERTICAL STEEL SIDING 11 ~L-t BROWN ARClllTEC'l CONC. BlK. SOU Tfl ELEVATION NORTH EL EVA TION I : 2 00 (,/) Z o t- Z c( >cC ~ ..J ..J t&JQ. 'l<--.- _._n .-'-' .- -..- ... - - --.-.- -.-.... ~_. ~Q:..l!~ -...... --- - -. -.-. .... --. _n --- -. n. . . - .. -- -. -. . -'t ----.....-... -"-~'-- --........ - - -.--'- -...--................-.--.-.....-.- I i ." f / ! 11 I II I I R II II >- ~ ~o c( 0 Z - ..J 21&. - ..J t&J Q 0: Z a.. c( ARE A ..- N N) I t t I ! i I ,Il 0 a.. .- ~ 0 :r: (f) U) l- I cC cr:: ~ - U c( <{ <{ J: a.. (,/) >- 0 W - a:: 0 ~ 0 U) c( w a:: - 0 U) W Z t&J ~ 0 (!) ..J ~ a.. ~ > : 0 (!) 0::: 0 a.. ~ 0 N t I I 0\ <0: r I I ,-- ._-~ .'- _...I;loji..~t...iJ.w&.'Ir'~ , ... ~ \-., (I . . . ., THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "0" to the Agreement which has been author- ized and approved by By-law No.J/-98 of the Town of Newcastle. enacted and passed the siJ.. day of A, ,~I-. 1981. ESTIMATED COST OF WORKS External Drainage Works $ 4 72 . 00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS OF WORKS $ 4 72 . 00 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Per: Per: Per: Per: ~. {1.r;. YOR CLERK :. ""'~~'~"'-'i."....,,~~:'4II''t'"'''i'Lriil' ""~iidlLl''f\V'f.lJUPl.-'''''--__~~~~ _~ . (-..., .'~ , ',-", .. , , ' ANDRE WIGGERS CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTl . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT . :. . ---...--