HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-90 . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 81-90 being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with G. F. Saller, (Salco Sand and Gravel) The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby ENACTS AS FOllOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between G. F. Saller~ (Salco Sand and Gravel) and the said Corporation dated the 27th day of July A. D. 1981. which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". . By-law read a first and second time this 27th day of July 1981. By-Law read a third and final time this 27th day of July 1981. Garnet B. Rickard ~~~~~. Mayor r David W. Oakes Clerk LQ~.~ . r File NO'..mJ".Q...5L~;>'~ ~'nnn.~ I ~.~ .., L r .. e - e ~ . " '" "' 4., ,. ~RI~fD THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (in triplicate) made effective this;t7'~ day of Tu L( , A.D. 1981. BETWEEN SALCO SAND AND GRAVEL EASTERN LTD. (hereinafter .called the "Owner") OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (hereinafter called the "Town") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affected by this Agreement, whic~ are described in Schedule 'A' hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; AND WHEREAS the Owner has represented to the Town that the "said lands" are registered in the name of LUISE SALLER although :k/C()S4"dfiGrdvel E~f/.eNI L-fa, /I is the beneficial owner of the "said lands" as stated in the Affidavit attached to this Agreement as Schedule 'B'; AND WHEREAS the Owner proposes to conduct sand and gravel extraction , operations on the "said lands"; and has requested the Town to approve the said use of the "said lands" pursuant to the provisions of By-law 81- ~ ; AND WHEREAS the Town has resolved to approve the said use of the "said lands" pursuant to the said By-law 81X! provided that the 'Owner enters into this Agreement with, the Town; AND WHEREAS the Owner warrants that it has or will satisfy the require- ments of the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham, fin- ancia1 and otherwise; in respect of access to Regional Road 20; signage; the dedication of an appropriate road widening; the dedication of a 0.3 metre reserve along the entire frontage of "said lands" abutting Regional Road 20, save and except at that approved point of ingress and egress identified on Schedule ,'C' hereto. The Owner further warrants and agrees to provide to the Town a copy of any Agreement entered into with the Reg- ional Municipality of Durham in respect of the foregoing matters; e e e - , .. - 2 - NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein con- tained and the sum of TWO--~----------($2.00)------------00/100 DOLLARS, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto covenant and agree hereto as follows: 1. Annexed hereto and identified as Schedule 'c' and comprised of maps 1, 2 and 3 are site plans showing; the location of the lands in relation to the surrounding lands, the limits of the lands and the existing on-site conditions; the extent, location and progressive develop- ment of the proposed sand and gravel extraction operations, as well as, the proposed points of ingress and egress, internal roads, proposed and existing landscape screening and fencing and proposed grading and drain- age; and the intended final grades and drainage, slope or slopes of the rehabilitated site, the angle of repose and description of mat~rials utilized in establishing the final grades, and the intended final use of the site ~ which the Owner proposes on the said lands, which are hereby approved by the Town. 2. (a) The Owner agrees to provide and maintain off-street parking, loading and site access in accordance with Schedule 'C'; and shall, at regular inte~vals, cause all roads within the pit or quarry to be treated with oil, calcium chloride, or other dust controlling substance, except water, as often as may be necessary to control dust, and/or whenever requested by the Director of Public Works for the Town of Newcastle. (b) The Owner agrees that during the period that the lands are used for extractive operations, all vehicular traffic will enter into and exit from the lands only at those points of ingress and egress from the lands as identified on the approved Site Development Plans attached as Schedule 'c' hereto. To implement the provisions of this Section 2(b), the Owner agrees to convey to the authority having jurisdiction over any abutting street or road, 0.3 metre reserves along the entire frontage of the property in question, if required, save and except at those approved points of ingress and egress identified on Schedule 'e' hereto. e e e - ,j , " - 3 - (c) The Owner further covenants and. agrees to ensure that truck traffic entering and leaving the lands use only designated Regional Roadsand Provincial Highways. ?-l Y - (d) The Owner agrees to erect at points on the public street or road, "Trucks Turning" signs in accordance with applicable. Regional or Municipal policy. Such signs warning the public of the operation of a pit or quarry shall also be erected at each entrance and exit. (e) The Owner agrees to undertake, at his cost, the grading of (f) 3. (a) the lands and provision for, the disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the lands in accordance with the approved Site Development Plans and Ultimate Rehabilitation Plans iden- tified as Schedule 'c' hereto, Maps 2 and 3 respectively. The Owner agrees to satisfy the requirements of the. Town, financial or otherwi~e, in respect of the Town's Entranceway Policy as it applies to the "Emergency Access" identified on Schedule 'c' hereto and not to permit the use of said "Emergency Access" by any vehicles save and except emergency vehicles. The Owner agrees to establish and maintain within all front, rear and side yards a suitably landscaped berm or embankment and/or planting strips as approved and identified on Schedule 'c' hereto. Such berms or embankments shall be not less than 1.25 metres and not more than 3.0 metres above the natural level of adjoining streets or roads or adjoining property; and shall be graded, properly drained and seeded to perennial grass which shall be cut and maintained at appropriate intervals. Planting strips, other than those existing, shall be comprised of at least two (2) rows of trees planted at 2.0 metre centres and which will attain a normal height of at least 10.0 metres. (b) The Owner further agrees to erect and maintain on the lands, around their boundary, fencing as approved and identified on' Schedule 'c' hereto. . All entrances and exits shall be equipped with gates which shall be kept closed. and locked during the periods when the pit is not in operation. e e e e ~ " , , 4. (a) - 4 - The Owner agrees not to create a nuisance in the conduct of any sandor gravel extraction activities or in respect of the use of the lands so as to ensure that there is a minimum inconvenience and hazard to ratepayers and residents of the Town as a result of the operations of the Owner as aforesaid. . (b) The Owner agrees not to operate a pit or quarry or permit the operation of any machinery or equipment used in conjunction therewith, other than water pUmping equipment on the lands, , between the hours of 1900 of any day and 0700 the next day or on any Sunday or Holiday as defined in the Interpretation Act R.S.D. 1970, Chapter 225. (c) The Owner agrees that no processing of aggregate materials save and except extraction, crushing, screening and washing ~ shall be conducted on the lands except by amendment to this Agreement and amendment to the applicable Restricted Area By-law. (d) Prior to the commencement of any extraction operations on the lands the Owner agrees to have prepared, at his expense~ an inventory of all existing wells within one hundred and fifty (150) metres of the lands which shall establish and record the water level of said wells. In addition, after commencement of extraction operations, the Owner further agrees to undertake periodic measurements and recording of the water levels of the inventoried wells in order to monitor for any possible effects upon the local water table which might result from the extraction operations, if such operations proceed below the water table. The aforementioned inventory shall be filed with the Director of Public Works for the Town of Newcastle and all measurements ,recorded ,therein and subsequent periodic measurements shall be signed by the well owner verifying said measurements. The Owner agrees to assume all.responsibility for restoring and/or providing temporary or permanent water supplies to any and all residents of the Town of Newcastle or a neighbouring municipality where directly and conclusively affected in the event of temporary or permanent dewatering of wells resulting from the extraction oper- ation on, or site rehabilitation of, the lands. .. e e -- e l ~ - 5 - (e) All internal combustion engines located and operated on the lands shall be properly equipped with sound muffling equipment equal to or better than manufacturer's specifications and all equipment shall be so operated as to avoid any unusual, unnecessary or excessive noise. (f) The Owner agrees to store within the boundaries of the lands all top soil removed from the surface of the lands from which the pit or quarry is made and shall use such top soil for the grading of the sides and floors of the excavation at'such time as the restoration of the site is undertaken. (g) The Owner agrees to collect and store all scrap materials within that specifically designated scrap storage area approved and identified on Schedule 'c' hereto. 5. (a) The Owner agrees to restore, rehabilitate and reforest the lands " in a progressive manner in accordance with the Site Development Plan and Ultimate Site Rehabilitation Plan attached hereto as Schedules 'e', Maps 2 and 3 respectively. (b) The Owner agrees that if the pit or quarry has not been operated for a minimum of two (2) weeks in any period of twelve (12) con- secutive months, the Owner shall, within two (2) months of the expiration of such twelve (12) month period, undertake the follow- ing: (i) Remove from the pit or quarry, and the land used therewith surrounding the pit or quarry, or from that portion of the pit or quarry not being excavated, all structures and equip- ment used in such operations, save and except fences; (ii) Grade the floor of the pit or quarry so that it has a gradient of less than one and one half metres (1.5 m) vertical in thirty metres (30 m) horizontal, and all. protruding rocks or boulders are covered; (iii) Grade the sides of the pit or quarry so that the angle of the sides measured in a straight line from the point of intersection of the side of the floor to the rim shall not exceed a gradient of one (1) metre horizontally and three hundred (300) centi- metres vertically; (iv) RepJ-ace-on~'h~.~xcavated areas soil in sufficient quantity, quality and dep_t:~. to raise and maintain a healthy gro:wth of plant material adequate to bind the so:!-l; "- (v) Where tree cover has been removed to create the pit or quarry, the Owner shall plant the restored area with three (3) year old seedling trees in a similar manner to that described in Section 3(a) above at a minimum number of two thousand, five hundred (2,500) trees to each hectare; e e - - ~ - 6 - (vi) Remove the berm or embankment established in accord- ance with Section 3(a) above and shall regrade the lands affected to its original contour level. (c) When any portion of the face or working section of the pit or quarry reaches the limits prescribed by By-law 8l-~1 and delin- eated by Schedule IC' hereto, then the Owner shall forthwith rehabilitate such portion of the perimeter or working face of the pit or quarry in the manner prescribed in Section 5(b) above. 6. The Owner covenants and agrees to provide all reasonable assis- tance including documents, information, data and other information necessary to enable the Town to apply on behalf of the Owner to the Ontario Municipal Board, if 'necessary, in order to obtain final approval for the necessary amendment to Restricted Area By-law 1592, as amended. While it is recog- nized by the Owner that the Town will use its best efforts to ~mplement the - - provisions of this Agreement, the Owner acknowledges that this does not bind " the Town to obtain such approvals where required. 7. (a) The Owner hereby covenants and agrees to reimburse the Town for all reasonable administrative, legal, engineering and plan- ning costs incurred by or on behalf of the Town in the preparation, execution, and implementation of all of the terms of this Agree- ment on the part of the Town to be observed and performed. (b) The Owner agrees that prior to the commencement of any extraction operations on the said lands, he shall furnish the Town in cash or by means of an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Chartered Canadian Bank and renewable annually, the sum of TWENTY THOUS.AND-------($20,OOO.00)-------------00/100 DOLLARS. The Owner agrees that the Town may, at any time, by resolution of Municipal Council authorize the use of all or part of any cash or letter of credit provided by the Owner, if the Owner fails to pay to the Town, upon demand, any monies payable or that may become payable under the provisions of this Agreement, or if the Owner is in default of the performance of any works required by this Agreement. 8. The Owner hereby indemnifies and saves the Town harmless from and against all actions, causes of action, suites, claims, costs, expenses and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly by reason of the Town entering into this Agreement and the implementation of any of its provisions e e e - ~ - 7 - 9. (a) The Owner agrees to register th~s Agreement against the title of said lands and to provide the Town with a registered copy of this Agreement within thirty (30) days of execution. The Owner further agrees that the Town may enforce the provisions of this Agreement against the Owner of the said lands and sub- ject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act, R.S.O., 1979, as amended, against any and all subsequent Owners of_the said lands. (b) The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall run with the title of said lands until all of the terms and conditions here- of have been fulfilled, provided that the Owner is entitled to a release in form suitable for registration against the title to the said lands from all the terms and provisions of this Agreement, excepting Section 8 above, upon the Town being rea- sonably satisfied that all of the terms and provisions hereof have-been completed in full and that the Owner is in good standing hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if requested by the Owner after the complete and full rehabilitation of the said lands, the Town may consider also releasing the Owner from Section 8 above, if the Town is reasonably satisfied. 10. In the event that the Owner has not commenced pit and quarry operations upon the said lands within the period of two years hereinafter in this sentence referred to, the parties hereto agree that the Town's approval of the site plans and drawings referred to by Section 1 hereof shall lapse upon the expiry of two years from the date of registration of the Agreemen t . 11. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their cor- po rate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behillf. e e e e 4 SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) in the presence of: ) ) ) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) - 8 - SALCO SAND AND GRAVEL EASTERN LTD. Per: ~7~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~ ~.~--L_~J ~ OR ~.~ CLERK Per: Per: II e e e e ~ " LIST OF SCHEDULES A "Legal Description of Said Lands" B "Affidavit of Ownership" C "Site Plans" Map 1 Site Plan including: key plan property boundaries existing site con- ditions Map 2 Site Plan including: location of excavations location of buildings ingress and egress internal roads landscaping & fencing grading and drainage Map 3 Site Rehabilitation Plan in~luding: final grades & drainage /I intended slopes of the Rehabilitated site description of materials utilized intended final use of the site e e e e , ( ~ TIllS Sa-IEDULE is Schedule A to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. 'B (- qo of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the .). 7 IJ. day of :r .-L; , 1981 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional M.micipa1ity of Durham (fonner1y COlmty of Durham) and Province of Ontario, and being composed of the whole of Lot Number 32 in the Tenth Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke. ~ /:Z~~ , ~ , lHIS SCHEDULE is Schedule B to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. if-C/O of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 2'1 ~day of ~ ' 198' AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, FRED SALLER, of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Mmicipality of Durham, President of Salco Sand & Gravel Eastern Ltd., MAKE GAlli AND SAY AS FOLLOWS: 1. Luise Saller is the registered .owneron title in fee simple of the lands described in Schedule "A" to the Development Agreement hereinafter referred to and that Salco Sand & Gravel Eastern Ltd. is the beneficial owner of e e such lands. " 2. That there is a first mortgage registered against the subject 3. This affidavit is given by me to the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for the purpose of having the said Corporation act in reliance e e on it in entering into the Development Agreement. TO~tJ SWORN BEFORE ME at the~ of If..~~e:th' Mull.. l'ty f ,. el'8ftte.,.. m e 1c1pa 1 0 l>u. ~ tff:; ^"'. , I ..,., NP+T"'>11it8h 'fM8I1te, this I", "\ day of' A Pil.I ~ 1981. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~7~~ Fred Saller A. Commissioner, etc. Marjorie. Edith. Best, a CommissioneX, ete., , Judicial DistIict of Durham, for The Corporation of th~ T01{lXl/of NevycastleitB..u-t . Expires July 6. 1982. ~ ~'; SHEET OF 3 SHEETS NOTES o . FD. ~IbP '1-,'\ DENOTES 5.S.I.B. (SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR) DENOTES I.a (IRON BAR) DENOTES FOUND DENOTES SPOT ELEVATIONS )( DENOTES FENCE ~ DENOTES EDGE OF TREED AREA -0- DENOTES POLE LINE DENOTES PIT BOUNDARY 2 3456789 EXISTING SITE PLAN OF PROPOSED SAND AND GRAVEL PIT IN LOT 32, CONCESSION 10 IN THE GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE FORMERLY IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM NOW iN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNIClPALI1j 250F 25 DLJRHAM SCALE: I INCH = 100 FEET ~ 1980 50 0 50 2 OF -"""- THIS SITE PLAN IS PREPARED FOR SUBMISSION TO THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN APPLICATION. FOR A PIT / QUARRY LICENCE UNDER THE PITS AND QUARRIES CONTROL ACT, 1971, (STATUTES OF ONTARIO, 1971, CHAPTER 96). APPLICANT : FRED SALLER, R. R. # 2, ORONO, ONTARIO r. TOTAL ACREAGE': 66.623 ACRES I '~ -- , . : KEY PLAN SCALE: I INCH = I MILE -1130-- DENOTES CONTOURS BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED ASTRONOMIC AND ARE DERIVED FROM THE NORTHERLY LIMIT OF LOT 32 AS DEFINED ON REFERENCE PLAN Ni RD 19 (PART 15) AS N nO II' 20" E THEREON. ELEVATIoNs ARE DERIVED FROM GEODETIC DATUM, REFERRED TO GEODETIC SURVEY OF CANADA BENCH MARK Ne 214G (ELEVATlON- 1090.46). L.-4IVD \ Bt1"TRT" CONTROL - TOWER a SCALE \ \ I ~ I n----I TWO -STOREY Ut"UCK HOUSE \~\\O~ ?\-~~ OP~/\j ?\~( LICENCED GRAVEL PIT J OPERATION ) ,- ,~ " 1\1 ; 1\' \v' I:' I' ,j I I, ,-\ I ~ ~1 ..,.,,'\ ~_u _____------ -- l\~" "" 11:"1")(' ~ 1 ,,1-\' ~ ~ ...".:./ ",lb' ROAD."'7 1- 1 TELEPHONE , 1 FENCE "'~. ~ ~,~. \ --- -- ~f,u"" . 'JY~'\ ,'~. .,.'\ --- -- -~ ~~. !: III lL U Ib Z' oJ ",fJ. 1~~Er~ I\I'-'^'("" I\'~-' ,= Z .. 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CONCESSI~S +."~ +' 19 AND "1-' 10 ~"J1-+ -1-'1. + . -4:t___ D.O' ___ _"ficO. _ __,_d_ .p~____ '1,~ -- ~~-------- ~\~ -- ------- O~':' ,\ -~9-~&:t -- -\'1,'1,~ 1- 1- \' .,." +,,00 f."ti 1-,,61 +--,,110 ~,".j f. \\ 1-' :'" J -- ~f\; I =0 10 w z \ ""~ \ ~ll. ..,.,\"':J . 10 ~ f."";" o <D 00'" 1 \ ;.. \' i- \\d>' \ \ z\ 01' ~ ~ -~ lC) , \\0 " << \ \ z '" 0.. ",- w o r0 l-- <:( I- Z <:( ..J 0.. ~~~ .,.,'i. \ \ ~, -..... CL '.. ,--.. o \~f), ,,\ "" ~ o --- O\~ , ,tz: . 0"" \"*:>'1'1- \fO."l.1 --/ I >---->---"'----"'---_____~ )1 - (114l2l ~"'_,- CEHTR..E.:~_"i-"~~ - ~,~f",1~ -- _____It-'\. . U'ASPHALT ROAO~--"'I ~r ~ o ...-..- I-+"~ I : . o<f' ~~ 0<< <<-- *' r;:;0 i. ~o <( ty: ~~ ,\,t:~ \~~0~ 00 ( iltr o r \ SOUTH WEST ANILE LOT 32, CONCESSION 10 ~EXISTING ENTRANCE .AND EXIT 10 8E REAUGNED .. \'1,. ..,..,\ -- --- -~.tJ-- .,..,\ ~f), - 1-"'1 - 0__ __ ,-. 1\1,," 1- " (" i ,..... 1\\ ,_ I f,) I 'II .. J I:' ,::.J ,oJ I ... ) I \t ~1 an!) "lit' i- ~t\~ , \:r- 1- r ,-, -1- '.-' "/ r' ...) (~ ~~ 0<( ~<v 'vty.. (201 301 ) PIN E ~P L A'-'N TAT I (; N I I .--1-- I:) '....:' .~ _J .' SCHEDULE MAP lei SURVEYOR1S CERTIFICATE I CERTI FY THAT: I. TH I S SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE PITS AND QUARRES CONTROL ACT. 1971. AND THE RE- GULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2 THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 18th DAY OF MARCH, 1980. REVISED APRIL 14, 1981. ~' /' / -'".JIll' MAY Z. '7' 1980 /r~ ~ DATED MALCOLM R. ELMS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR SMITH a SMITH OF LINDSAY LTo. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS I ALBERT STREET SOUTH P. Q BOX 24, L IN DSA Y ONTARIO K9V 4R8 TEL. (7050) 324_2511 80_028 THIS SCHEDULE is Schedule C, Map 1, to.the.Ag:r;eement which has been authorized and approved by By-law no.g(-qOof the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the ~7fkday of M ,198/. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written and the parties hereto have he~eunto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF SALCO SAND & GRAVEU LTD. ,~7 G. SALLER, PRESIDENr'I' Per: I' '1. TlIE~ON OF TH. E TOWN OF NE:t'ICASTLE Per:. ~~ I n MAYOR Per: -/.J/~' ~ CLERK \~, .. '......., t i: ~I "J. -01 0' 101 ~ . '" -~- ~ CENTRE . \.I~E OF 22'. jlSPHALT 12= I I \ 1____ 80_028 RO~O. ~ OPERATING SEQUENCE PROPOSED SAND LOT 32, CONCESSiON 10 GEOGRAPHIC AND CONDITIONS GRAVEL PIT ON AND II' .j Ii" I \J THE TOVv'r\JSH IP OF CLARKE F'ORMERLY IN THE COU~~TY OF DURHAM I"JOW Ij\J THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIOr~AL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM 75 25 25 75 SCALE: INCH :: 100 FEET ~ !IO 0 eo 1980 NOTES o . FD. DENOTES S.S.I.B. (SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR) DENOTES 1.8. (IRON BAR) DE.NOTES FOUND DENOTES PIT BOUNDARY )( DENOTES fENCE DENOTES EDGE OF TREED AREA DENOTES FOLE LINE ~'---^-"""~- ---C) -- _.------~-- -- 500' -~ LIMIT ~ -~--~ t", , .I \ ~ I v~ i J ::) 1--; '-" j- (-1 - ".1 I C\ ~ /\ (\ I " ' I V I /-\ I \i V I=- I~~ " 1_ 1.'\ ,'-) 'RAtU}-r:t CARAM ~ ~FRAME SCHOOL HOUSE NOW rJ ~U9ED A! DWeLL.". U l ,=::'h.._,"II-' f\: I:\t:. ~ '" I:' r:.., ~ TO BE USED AS PRIMARY INGRESS AND EGRES\ '-' ,I L '--_ i 2 u t. .... ....J '3 NOTES PHASE TOP SOIL TO BE USED FOR BERMS ON SOUTH - WEST CORNER, ADEQUATE TREE SCREENING TO BE MAINTAINED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF PHASE I. PHASE 2: TOP SOIL TO BE USED FOR BERMS ON NORTH LIMIT. EXCAVATION TO REDUCE ELEvarlON OF SOUTH PORTION TO 1120 t. PHASE 3: EXCAVATION TO CONTINUE OVER ENTIRE AREA FROM NORTH TO SOUTH. NO EXCAVATION TO EXTEND BELOW WATER TABLE. EXCAVATION TO BE STAGED NOT TO EXCEED A 2:1 SLOPE. FINAL ELEVATION 1050. NO WASHING PLANT IS PROPOSED. NO PER MANENT STRUCTURES ARE PROPOSED. DEPOSIT AND EXCAVATION EXPECTED TO CONTINUE TO SETBACKS. ENTIRE BOUNDARY WILL BE FENCED TO MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES STANDARDS. REVISIONS 'pj... ~ "TRT" CONTI'OL v---';TOWER a SCALE I ' l ! I \ I "" G ----fTWO - STOREY 8RICtt MOun - I 'M I~\r~\!~rt~-) --- f\ ",.'"'\ 1-\,...... -------- __ .____---------;-I.._~^-~;:.--t:- ,,,.. \.lf~' ,~;= .\,c "~''''IJ-\o,-J' i_t_ . t).lfl\t ...1 -------.-- w i\ ~ ~. .., <lo.... .... __------- II: 11:1 >------ IE~:-\: -------- ------ ~~-=-=.r ASPHALT ~9AD~--- _120 25' 0- - - 769.55' RIED f\ ~I ~~&8N :(~jJtIDfr~'AM /- \ i \I 'D.{1l42) WIT. E~~/ ZZ//7z:zz.L7;- /' /' /~~f7 BERM (PHASE 21 N 120 51' 2d'~1 I ~ _----l44.!5~ 1 . .. . . I ,-, . . .' . . . . . .' . , . . '. "'. :. . : 'j .' .' .' SoUTH EAST ANGLE;" " ". '. .' '. ."E'XISTi NG'. ". TREE' . S~RE~NIf:JG '.~~ ~~ ~'~"~~~SI~~.IO ;....:: .' " . . ( Pl'NE' . 'Id ~ I I). ,'. ....,.' .., . . ............._..:::::~~.~.,................... 13,33.34 0 LINE---........ '- FENCE (SEE NOTES AHD DETAIL! ---:::-:-'-'.1\1(''0' ,,,-. ~ '..j '4 t I ,...:)I-"~ OF \ zz' E TELEPHONE 70-- ----~-- 1~\ i_ ;... '...... \/'I:'.~\ ~ ~ '..-; r:. l~ ':; I~\;; OF __ ~ CENT~-LINE -,-- . ,1.fQ!L 20"- E ~ LINE - -.~~ .~c\'~mi,t:if- -:: I =ro ..-"'''''0 N"'. 120 ,- p, ;'\ ' ,5-, 1-- -I - -... . ~~ ' I ' .... t'" . ~ll1 i~ !<"t~~~~~~+~~ o ! Ft).(Il42)~n: . . . "li;t"'" UN {iflo 50 ~O E ~ I, I - '. ro ----138,37' Z I \: (... ~ - I Z ~AWION SETBACK / [I'RESERVE - Not To Scale /4 l(REGION OF DURHAM) ,// /v+ . -<fO~ -i~'" /,o~C, ~~ oq, ~ ,.~ /.c,~ /~~ k~' /~~ /~~ ,1"vq: / C:) /..c,. 1 /.~~~ , /v~ l~ 1, i I I 1 I A '- ----' lod EXCAVATION SETBACK - .. r;. ..J, I o -0 ~ o. I '. u.f J ')1( . J i I ...~.j: I '.-l I I) '. ... ,~ "~'j . . l " -0 , '. z 01 I . w. . z. . . CL . \ \ \ NO\f-S') \5(( -<0 CD cO V o N , \ \ f> "" ~St. 3 .(9 w' Z' ... . ... -' :I .Z. ~. W. ~ 'W. ~ '. 0:: . z . O. g . Cf) \ \, \ \ \ \ \ i ,{-:. 1\ I ~ ,,---- I" .I !. r' ~ 0 ~ I L ~ ~ '..W .W '0::: 'r i"':<l i\:A. <II c . . I , k c.9 .~ I ~ Z' Ii .r' \lll: Cf):j ~ .'. O.,~\ ~ . '. z '. '. Q '. 1~ \~ I-g ,- I ; P H AS E o C} ;;;1&. G2 c.!.o CD I l ~ J~ \'>; c z .. .. -- n-----~--.-------l f J , ,- I I ~ I ~ :;) I u. .-- I : ~ I -.--------- ~~- i tv.....~1 . . .)1 .... ..~ . , ~ -1 f I REDUCT 10 r~ HILL. TO OF , . --------- -.... ---- 1120 Ii ELEVATION TO -- EXISTING GRADE OF LAND // -" c.:... I to!) · LoJ \..... ..,. \-- ~IJ Clj / / / ,/ f\JORTH. Tn . '-' / / I /' \ 0 I il I:,J 0 i :.;; .... I~: j (~ I ;~ I;:' 1_-- I ~J 1 I <~ I I I / I I / / / I / k / / / /' 11;07' ('8) f:J /Y4s ~ (8('(' I / / / / /1 / I c.~ <-1 / .~ '-' !:( " /1 ~ z . g I .!! o ~ I I I I I I I I 1 j ~ - o z I UJ > It: UJ (Il UJ It: \ \ - PROPOSED BERM -- -. J I' RESERVE - Not To Scale T N Of SOUTtI LIMIT ~__L 730 .,..- HYQRO N , , 0 o~1 ! 0 -----\ i /1 I 1/ I , t I. 0' i / I I \ I I I I I ; I I j /11 · I /' III I // 0 I \ // ~ I ~ ~' . 0 ,/ a: .. 20' GRAV[.L.. ..ROAD ~. ,..-- ~JNTRE - LINE .9F ,"',-\"\1,'"\':'...'1.' .,~.f\tc...' ""ull. ...'I_oJ.') t.... I"..:) 9 ... ,\1 ,-" I." ..v l=i C ..~\C ^, I ("\41/\ f\'I'~ 1.....1_1__."'.-~I'V ...II:' 13:~-:. ~'f;~ E rJ - , ~'\ <}O.L ,1 oCj~" PJ<Vj ~. ()ty:. ~~ / , GO <(., / ~CJ / ~~ I I / - - 'I i.... 1:- ' -. I.... (. ~ I \ ; \ 'J '_ ,~) '':) ,-\ 1\ ; \ I ,\l c. oJ I ,........J-;- - \,,;" I '? ,.. ,} l~ ... ..J <ll :I: Cl.. ~: 'N N 1-- ~ ~: -' ~l ~I Ulj ~ I "- -"'--- 500' LIMIT ./------------.- -- SCHEDULE ICI MAP 2 ---.--- - - . CABLE_ 564.82 0=--==--===- ---- ~\J I I- iO ~ ("NORTH EAST ANGLE LOT 32, CONCESSION 10 i"\~ t\~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED: I I. TYPE OF FENCING- EXISTING FENCES TO BE RESTORED WITH SIMILAR MATERIALS. 2. TYPE OF GATES - TUBULAR STEEL AND WIRE I- ~ ..J \ \ \ I t- ,"'- '..-.,/ ...., '_.I _J , I -~ I -- ' ~~ l1 ~ '~ /: "'\\( U X\ \ \ \ .~ \. ~ ~ '~':.~~'." I .'.2 . .:W'.' ':W'.. ~: .g> ~ ~ .:.... a: c:> CL I:; :J ~ u x UJ .' ... ~ ~ .. .--1- --t FENCE (SU NOTES ....0 Df1llIL) XISTING LANE TO BE REALIGNED TO ENSURE CLEARANCE OF EXISTING UTILITY POLE TO BE USED AS EMERGENCY INGRESS ANJ EGRESS ONLY. PROPOSED GATE (SIE NOTE AND DETAIL! o ',. . , "-- I RESERVE - Not To Scale (TOWN OF NEWCASTLE) r L ......... (.~~ -- f\~ I i'0 L I I .-- 1-- ~ ..., ...."" ,_-, \_.-J I I SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT: I. THIS SIJRVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ;:.t;T AND THE PITS AND QUARRIES CONTROL ACT, 1971. AND THE RE- GULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 18th DAY OF MARCH, 1980. SMITH a SMITH OF LINDSAY LTD. ONTARIO L AND SURVEYORS I ALBERT STREET SOUTH P. Q BOX 24. L I N D SAY ONTARIO K9V 4R8 TEL, (705) 324_251' REVISED APRIL 14, 1981. MAY z.. 7 1980 I DATED ~~ tC.L- MALCOLM R ELMS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR THIS SCHEDULE is Schedule C, Map 2, to the agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. g~qo of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and pas sed the 2."7 "A. day of M , 198/. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF SALCO - SAND & GRAVZRN .LTD. , /7k' Per: G. SALLER, PRESIDENT THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE per:~~~~~ MAYOR ~.~, Per: CLERK -;;;:'. ~ .. "'" / "-" / ,/r -Alw_ ><"'> _..---- ... i ::i 'b o on , ~if,JI"~.W. OF 12'. ~LT r= \. "'O?8 R04.0. -::-- 000 0052 mO)o 10 U) .- o - I .I ~~~) \ \ \ \;i;! _ ~~) \~] :;.r.;)~ ---.{IP ) ~~ :lif::: -- ____ '0:' . . . ---- r;J1P : r-:' ...: ____ ___- -----__-==-"c:F J-~~ .'~:::.." :.Z',''- -1120 --- _",01 tn.,':) --1130 ---......... ~'X : : .f' _ '" W' - - , ~ -~ f " O~-...~------.......---.........--..;; u CC~ISTING ... . TRE~C~EEN~I~~.... '""~'~J.W":'~~XI ~~~~~~19, -'-''--' .' ( ., POLE 1333.3 0 1.1. -...... 0 ......11I1. ____'....._~-.~.,,........"..._"',. _.._"''-......,.'''...".".,._.-...~.~......._,,__-'''___,,~..... ~~__"......'-"i""".'" ..,.,,""""'"~...,.""*"""'_......-.,_ PROPOSED REHABiliTATION ON PROPOSED SAND AND GRAVEL IN LOT 32, CONCESSION 10 IN THE GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE ,'-':",", FORMERLY IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM NOW IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM 75 25 25 75 SCALE: I INCH = 100 FEET ~ 50 0 50 :PIT 1980 "'. NOTES o . FD. )( DENOTES FENCE DENOTES S,S.LB. (SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR) DENOTES LB. (IRON BAR) DENOTES FOUND DENOTES PIT BOUNDARY -0- DENOTES POLE LINE ----- 500' LIMIT (\' ,.... I I I 1"1 I (; 'V\' I \I :) I-I I 1-' - \- U j- l\ n f\ ~, \ I 1:- I~ (..... IV, (-\ I'J" 1- I") ~=}--~ JFRAME SCHOOL HOUlE NO" G~USED AS D"ILLIN. ~._...,...~.-"t. I:\C. I .".:'1:.111 22' MPHALT I AND . = 0 -769.55 EXISTING I '"' I ^ 1\ , ~ GATE 1- l _ ,-, I" n>.{U41U WIT, 1")1\ 1\1..... -----;11-\'.1' ^~T"I ',=- , " &:. ~, '\o~ j-...'J I ,_ - .,..- '"".,.- .c\~~ j) TOWN M,~\rijVER~J - - J CA.'.~ 564,82 OF rO~";NSHI~ FD.(421 WIT. ,~"_ i_ (; '.\'J~~~'''~~ .!'9AD- I l.'('..-~/~\;~ OF __ ___ CENT~.L1NE - - - - - - I It E LINE ! 0 _HYDRO N~-720-I'.fQi.L 20 - -0-__ ...... ^ 1""\ I C" 1-\ (\ 1 LOT S~crNtml~ ~ ~= l5 o ..... Z If;::' \ ",)'1 FO.(II42 WIT. . :~/:. y. . =Yo .~~l,//O ?(:b~"""""'" ..............,:.. "~ ~'. :-:l-~ /. .::. fl)'-~ . I II "-.. FO.U'4l)~..i., '. . ~.r-- ~ -- N 7.1~ E ___' (r.....~~/ ~___ SllT. ~____- -~ 100 o . ( .. .p" #--- --- ~ ------------- ~ - {, . ~ ---- 0[.:>:1\\ .I( 1 (- '(9, I ;; . '2, I i:! .- S. z' i o'.re \ ! : if \ ~ I' RESERVE - Not To Scale (REGION of' OURHAM) - SETBACK===-=------ -1110 1100- - ---- ___ 1090~ ____ 1080- ---- -- 1010 ~ _ 1060 --~-- - ~ ~~8 ~ cg \ ~\ \ . ~ \ \ \ \ ~ ti \ \ - - ~"O - 0 -0 . .,2 15 ;. z 10&0 "T . .~ ^' f\; 1'; '<; o 'A . 00 o Sit ~CQC) o 000) (5022 \: '\ i y, '(9 ) C': 2:~ . '\- '\ , Cf) "I .,X' , w' ~ o - - !::! -" <"-... <10 II '\ III ~ J~. -- f\; o ~ , " \ \ I-- I ........ '.........1 o o I 1-- ....., I I ....~ ,...... .... ~-- ., , , -, III ~ ~ 100' ~n . " ~ ,'. ::- .' . - \ '.' ',' Z. l.!J , !!J -0 4> IIC). .._ ~- I 10\ ~ ~ '1"\,.. J / . I J8 ~.::: ) . L.l.....l. , -- : \--' (9'. : o '.' "Z"') ~I .: --: . 'Z' .'. "\ o . . '.1 Cl. . '.' :W:"J I" 0 ....w, ~~ t:\: (9 '.5 .. . ;~ . . z Cf)'. q, -\-- eo ,". -- I '. (j) . ..' . -} ~~ z. G]': .> 1 ~ L \~ ----10110 \ (l '9._ -1060 \ \\\-- ~~ \ \,..~ 1090 \\~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ \.. ~ . r-~_ ~~. " 4.; C~ <-1 () 0: 'iii g C u :it III Z ... o z :it g -1100 -1110 .I! o ~ ~ 15 z I ~ > ffi ID ex: .0 2 ---- . ~ ~1140 t SETBACR E (' ,.... I :. ,,) ~) I ,\.&&0 I'RESERVE - Not 10 Scale (TOWN Of NEWCASTLE) , ... ,-\ 1\ I ,.... '..I \.. I" \J I I I o~-+-.. 1 0 1 I SOUTH LIMIT OF LOT 52 E: ...,-- HYDRO N 730 ~ .. 20' . .R9AD :::::="a-. GRAve:J.. .9'" r- ~1N1'RE - LINE .. 13E:~:-\V;::Er~ '..~C':~~':;I:S~) i!:'NS 9 " ,\11,,-\ (." ....... ;(: ALLOWANCE I~ () AI:} 0<[ s<<. ~*- 0 ~o <<ty:. o\)~Cj G c., <(... 0'i:f- ,..... (-\ l\ I ,.... 1- ,-. ("' (-,,, i \.1 .of 1\ 'J .:. ,-) ,'") \..1; " o -.J I l: 1 ! I o C ~ I ""-- 1 I . - 'of I '?. ') "'. 1- :3 .._ ..It.' "~___,"'.~''''~-''''''''''"~'''',''f':.,,,.._:..,.,..,<"<,,~___._"....,_~_,,,"_..... NOTES '''"-'r r'. ,ct.,;:' Hi- . , ~~,~ SIDE SLOPES TO BE GRADED TO MAXIMUM SLOPE OF I TO 3. TOP SOIL TO BE REPLACED OVER ENTIRE DISTURBED AREA. ENTIRE AREA TO BE REPLANTED WITH CONIFERS ASRE- FORESTATION AREA. FINAL ANTICIPATED ELEVATION IN PIT 1050 (t) ~,' ~ .. " '" REVISIONS '\. ~ '"TA''' CONTROL J.---jTOWER & SC ALE \ k I l \ I \ \ I , I \ , \ ' \' :\ I. n jTWO-sroM'Y LJ _/rt'.1CIl MOUII III I ~ ~ . I -I C to- III __._ _____ \~~~\r--.-- -- ----------~ 0 ~-- -- NOItTH EAST ANGLE LOT 32, CONCESSION 10 ----- \'1..0 :> If) In rJ (\oJ 1/20 O{' l .. t: :I ::; o o on ... ~ ..I 8 .0 III I" - ~..... ,~-' _J ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED: - NATURE OF SUBSOILS TO BE USED IN RESTORING SIDE SLOPES - Existing Topsoils And Subsoils, :I m o ~ z ~o . _{i='l~x:W! ..- -------.- -----.- -- ---_._--...-- r ,,, I ..... - -- ...... ,,'-' i"i )1" ) 1050 ~ ~ c :z: Cl. ~: "N N FINAL ELEVATION ~ .---: ---- 500' LIMIT ~, ::i' ~l ~l , '. SC HEDULE lei MAP :3 8 50' I , ,-- ,-- " ,."'" \, otI '....;1 I I -- -- , SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I CERTIFY THAT: I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE PITS AND QUARRIES CONTROL ACT, 1971. AND THE RE- GULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 18th DAY OF MARCH, 1980, SMITH 8 SMITH OF LINDSAY LTo. ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS I ALBERT STREET SOUTH P. 0, BOX 24. L I N D SAY ONTARIO K9V 4R8 TEL, (705) 324 - 2511 REVISED APRIL 15. 1981. MAY 27, 1980 DATED ~~~ MALCOLM R. ELMS ONTAR 10 LAND SURVEYOR THIS SCHEDULE IS Schedule C, Map 3, to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. f/-t; 0 enacted and passed the -::2;~ day of ~ of the Town of Newcastle, , 198/. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written and the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF SALCO SAND & GRAVEL M. L~TD. /;7 ..., & G. SALLER , PRESIDENT Per: THE CORPORATION OF ~HE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE per:+~~ MAYOR &~~, ~ Per: CLERK ~~ '0,.... r y# -' c SALCO SAND AND GRAVEL EASTERN L TD . -AND- TIlE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTl II . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT .