HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-7 REPEALED BY BY-LAW #.9~;.rl1. . TEE CORPORATION OF TBE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-law Number 81- 7 A By-la.w to amend Town of Newcastle By-law 16-24 WHEREAS it is deemed desira.ble to amend By-law 16-24 of the -Town of Newcastle. NOW ~ the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: Seotion 2 of By-law 16-24 of the Oorporation of the Town of Newcastle is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following, namely: 2.6 EXCEPl!ION . Provisions of subsection 2.2.3 and sections 2.3 and 2., shall not a.pply to buildings oonstructed or erected by Ontario Hydro for the purpose of a Nuolear Generating Station or accessory uses thereto, located on lands comprising Lots 18 to 24 inclusive, >>roken Front Conoession, fomerly Darlington Township. BY-LAW READ So first time this 12 day of January ,A..D. 1981 BY-LAW READ So second time this12 day of January ,A.D. 1981 BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this12 day of January A..D. 1981. ~~ G. B. Ric.ke.'rd, ~ (seal) c~-~_. .....~ 0. Me Monre;:- Clerk . \ File NO.m_m~~--,_-'fjJmu__muu I