HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-68 ,I . 'IlIE OORPORATlOO OF 'IlIE 'rQWNO:F'NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 81-68 being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with Anton Jukic '!he Colll1cil of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle hereby ENACTS AS :FOUOWS : '!hat the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle and seal. with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Anton Jukic and the said Corporation dated the 3 rcJ day of ~ 1981 which is attached hereto as Schedule "A". . By-law read a first and second time this By-law read a third and final time this 1st day of June lst day of Jlll1e 1981 1981 Garnet B. Rickard4~ / Mayor ~ ~ llivid W. Oakes ~..;t:.c..J .~ Clerk . l File NQ.u.--.ka_,..5Lo.~_____uuJ .i ..'! ," l.. A-u.~<< l'2fZ9 R,/ ~ Y~t-~ -<.Jo KI.-f.8 1)'1 ~ e , .J r 1911 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT made (in triplicate) this 3~ day of ~ A.D. 1981. BETWEEN ANTON JUKIC, hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART, -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS the lands affected by this Agreement, which are described in Schedule "A" hereto, are hereinafter called the "said lands"; . AND WHEREAS the Owner warrants that he is the registered Owner of the "said lands" as stated in the Certificate attached to this Agree- ment as Schedule liB II ; AND WHEREAS it is the intent of the Owner and the Town to detail the "Development Provisions" applicable to the "said laods" pursuant to Town of Newcastle By-law 75-34, as amended. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: . 1. The Owner and the Town mutually agree that the "said lands" should only be used for a tourist camp and/or private park within the meaning of By-law 75-34 of the Town of Newcastle, as amended, to include a maximum of one hundred (100) camp lots as specified by Restricted Area By-law 77-84 of The Town of Newcastle. 2. The Owner agrees that only those structures and uses, as identified on Schedule "C" hereto, referred to in Clause 1 above shall be permitted on the."said lands", and that the enlargement of existing buildings or structures and/or the erection of any additional buildings or structures on the "said lands" shall require permission from the Town of Newcastle Committee of Adjust~nt or an amendment to the Restricted Area By-law of the former Township of Darlington. G1.;!:W No._.. "/~IoK ,L,-~-~... ~ ~, . . ., ~ ~-,: o - 2 - 3. The Owner agrees that no building permit for any additional buildings or structures which may be permitted under the provisions of paragraph 2 above shall be issued except in compliance with the provisions of a subsequent development agreement, to be negotiated between the Owner and the Town, which will incorporate the prov,isions of Section 35(a) of the Planning Act. 4. The Owner agrees that no part of the "said lands" may be used for the purposes of a tourist camp or mob~le home park unless the Owner has obtained a Tourist Camp Licence from the Town and has complied with the provisions of By-law 75-34 of the Town as amended and has complied with the. "Development Provisions" of Schedule liD" attached hereto pursuant to Subsection 1 of Section 5 of By-law 75-34. 5. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their hands and seals and/or their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) in the presence of ) ) ) ) L1 ~j(;,i.; Ec':[" -',,~t, 'l. Commissioner, etc., ~ Judki i ui_._ ")urham, for The ) Corporation of th", l.Own of NewcQsUe. ' Expires Julf 6, 1982. ) ?r~ t,. /3.u:t/ ~ ) ) ) ) ) l~~ ANTON J~C THE CORPORA~N OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE per7~OR Per: -~a~ CLERK lj'"...,.~" I ~... .4_'_'__~"____~"_4_~."",,,,,,~~ ,._"......_'_.._.._.....~..._.....~. ''''''''_'~I . . -';' :" .. " o o '. ..! THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" of a Development Agreement between Anton Jukic and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. "The Said Lands" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, more particularly described as Part of Lot 15, Concession 6, of the former Township of Darlington being. approximateiy 27.2l acres. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) in the presence of: ) ) ) Marjorie Edith Best, a Commissioner ete ) Judicial District of Durham for Th~ .r) Cor~oration of the Town of Newcastle. ) EXPlIes ~ltly 6, 1984-" ) in~~.d~' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~~ ANTO~UKIC THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE :~::4:::~ CLERK ~,...;;l~~, ~J4TI"_ IT'ijJ' ,,.11 )-~~'''''''''''''''''~'''~_''"I~'-~:''''''~'''.~'''''''''._''''''''-'''''-''h'". .....,.,~..~".',T,"",:o."'.:.-,".-:.,..".l"_" , . . .' .- ... THIS IS SCHEDULE "B" of a Development Agreement between Anton Jukic and The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. I, ANTON JUKIC, do hereby sol~mnly swear that I am the registered owner, in fee simple, of the land described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement and subject to By-law 77-84 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED in the presence of: Marjorie Edith Best, a Commissioner, etc. Judiciu.l District of Durham, 'for The I Corporation of ,l'e Town of T-T(i'-r---'le Expires July 6, 1982. ,. ., --~. . /?1~~.I3~v . ::~~..-._' ~I. j --'tLU'AlJI ~""'JlIt&'"~i<\.:t:-f'-' '.' ";~";''''''''''''''''-~'-'''''-''""'~''-''-'~'''-~~''1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ ~:-- ANToJf JUKIC THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per:~ Per: :./LJ~ CLERK ("'. ..." "', [' : ~ :: ..f. : ,'~ . . ._~,", ~> .~~~, '" \0. \ I" ,~~ \ )" t \\.J' ,j[ (/f . t{ ('"'' ~""'-'''l ,.V!\ ", ~'" )-.[ i / '. /' '.. " . ~ I ~;~f~ ('" ,Ii \. f. /1.,.1 I 1 ./ '\,..../. ! '. 'II \,~ /.' / , J f t " '] ; { \ I ~! i ! t ' '. f i 'i ~ f ! \ t , l " $' ~ ~ ! ~ ; !, ; ,P ..." ./ ! I;' 'r j ~ f t > ~ , ! 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'" . -'_ ~ .... {"',,': . :/' -. ~ JIll" #~'.r,'...'(> (' ,.,~ '.. 'J, , l""-:, <, ',.,r'."Jf,../. J..I, )".J', _ or "_ '" ........, r N, . _..... .,..... r :~: )( ~ f , ,...... . t~-'" r-.- 1/ ,~; } , , I J, I J < .:.. I j ,~ 'j'; J (', i .",. I" J.," /} " , ~ , . /,"\"J :>. i ';, l' , I SCHEDULE "c" '} . f~J) I I ----- . . "' . . . o o SCHEDULE liD" "DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS" The Owner hereby agrees to provide, operate and maintain the tourist camp and mobile home park in accordance with the following provisions: 1. LOCATION OF CAMP LOTS No part of any camp lot shall be located closer than 50 feet to any public road, nor 100 feet from any residential building or structure on another prope~ty. 2. SCREENING Screening in the form of fencing, natural vegetation and/or planting shall be provided: (a) between any service building and the adjacent camp lots; (b) along any public road abutting a tourist camp; and (c) between any adjacent residential uses and the camp lots. 3. CAMP LOT AREAS The minimum area of each camp lot used for: (a) a tourist vehicle shall be 2,200 square feet. 4. CAMP LOT FRONTAGE Each camp lot shall have a minimum frontage of 25 feet on a driveway. 5. SIGNS Each camp lot, driveway and service building shall be provided with a clearly visible identification name or number. 6. TABLES Each camp lot shall be provided with a table constructed and finished to withstand outdoor use. 7. PARKING AREAS There shall be 1 parking space for each camp lot plus 1 additional parking space for each 4 camp lots. Each parking space shall be at least 10 feet wide and 20 feet long. A minimum of 25 visitors parking space should be provided. 8. DRIVEWAYS , Each camp lot shall abut upon a driveway which is maintained with a stable surface which is treated so as to prevent the raising of dust or loose particles and which is well drained. The driveway shall have a minimum width of 15 feet. No parking shall be permitted in. any driveway. 9. WATER AND SEWAGE FACILITIES All water supply and distribution facilities and all sewers and sewage disposal facilities constructed and used to service a tourist camp shall comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment. ~- ~""". JllWfi'~ ___~~....",,~......' " . . I~ "---,,. o "' - 2 - 10. GARBAGE CANS 11. Each camp lot shall have a garbage can constructed of metal or hard plastic, having a cover and hung securely on a post above ground level and/or the Owner shall provide a central garbage storage receptacle. . ELECTRICAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT All electrical facilities and equipment installed to service a tourist camp shall comply with the requirements of the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and, where ground conditions permit, wiring shall be placed underground. 12. LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE Not less than 30% of the area of a tourist camp shall be used for trees, bushes, flowers, grass or other vegetation. The required landscaped open space shall not form part of any camp lot. 13. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Not less than 10% of the area of a tourist camp shall be devoted to recreational facilities which may include playground, community buildings, . swimming pools, and similar uses. . 14. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Every mobile home and tourist trailer unit is required to contain a suitable fire extinguisher rated for the type of unit in which it is located. . SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) . in the presence of: ) ) ) Marjorie Edith Best, C1 Commissioner, etc"IJ ) Judicial District of Durham, for The ) Corporation of the Town 01 Newcastle. ) Expires July 6, 198~ _ -.I. ) ?7~ .t./~ . ~ ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~~' ANTON ~IC THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE per:~/~ n,' 'MAYOR Per: ~~, CLERK ,...1<_,H~""'__..." TI_..,&:,_~."",IlNo(..""'~"'.""."'."'",.,..", c . . ...'" ---""~,~,-,~"'....' ...,-":.....,.&.:.OIf:'....~~'~>Wlol"'IiW''\<''''~l(', .ii:.,~..;_'''','t,.'M.:,. ~) . J . ...._~ . ANTON JUKIC - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT . '. ".,.,-,~,........"..,._..-..."...~". -..._...,.--~'.",.,,~'.,,~,1lL-10__,.....~.,......~~