HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-63 . . . ..,. 4 THE CORPORATION OF THE 'lUVN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 81- 63 being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with Barbara J. Misener '!he Council of the Corporation of the 'lbwn of Newcastle hereby ENACTS AS FOIJ.CmS: '!hat the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Barbara J. Misener and the said Corporation dated the 22nd day of May 1981, which is attached hereto as Schedule "A". BY-law read a first and second time this 19th day of May 1981 BY-law read a third and final time this 19th day of May 1981 -? Garnet B. Mayor Rickard~~~ Oake&L~~! David W. Clerk f File No.,~....~~.<>."~..~(..<2..~,;;I__.____1 -- --- --- -- - --- -- -- - -- --- --~ .~1t-,;.;.3a;o-:"'" """",,,__,""_~_~M_ "{"-"Jli!!Ii-. --:-"-~"~"!\.'!.:t:: -- -, -. .. ' r:::; No._._l(~~3mJ . - r , , ~-:' If' DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MADE (in triplicate) this ~"HJt> day of /14At A.D. 1981. BETWEEN Mrs. Barbara J. Misener hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affected by this 'agreement, are described in Schedule A hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; . AND WHEREAS the Owner has represented to the Town that the said lands are registered in the name of SOLINA INVESTMENTS LIMITED although BARBA:'A J. llISENER is the beneficial owner of the said lands as stated in the affidavit attached to this agreement as Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS the Owner proposes to construct a building for industrial purposes on the said lands; and has requested the Town to approve the said development pursuant to the provisions of By-law 79-151; . AND WHEREAS the Town has resolved to approve the said development pur- suant to the said By-law 79-151 provided that the Owner enter into this Agreement with the Town; AND WHEREAS the Owner acknowledges that the lands will not be serviced by a municipal sewer or water system and each building or structure to be erected or altered shall be serviced by a private well and a private sewage disposal system as approved and/or required by the Durham Region Health Unit. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "e" is a site plan showing the size, location, elevation and exterior architectural design of the building which the Owner proposes to erect on the "said lands II , which is hereby approved by the Town. , c - 2 - 2. The Owner agrees that no buildings or structures, other than the building shown on Schedule "e" shall be erected on the "said lands" and further, that in the construction of such building the Owner will comply with the elevations, exterior architectural design, the location of the building on the lot and all other matters relating to the building shown on Schedule "e". 3. PARKING AND LOADING The Owner agrees to provide and maintain off-street parking and driveway access in accordance with Schedule lie" and to do so in accordance with specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works which shall include a surfacing of parking areas with concrete or . bituminous asphalt unless otherwise shown on Schedule "C". No parking of vehicles shall be permitted on access or driveway areas and said areas shall be signed and maintained as'fireaccess routes to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. 4. GARBAGE AND WASTE (a) The Owner agrees to provide and maintain internal gar bage \ and waste storage facilities as may be required by the Town for the storage of garbage and other waste materials . from the buildings on the said lands, in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. (b) The Owner further agrees to remove garbage and other waste materials as often as may be required by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. 5. SNOW REMOVAL The Owner agrees to remove all snow from access ramps, driveways, parking areas, loading areas and walkways within twelve hours of the cessation of any fall of snow. 6. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The Owner agrees to undertake the grading of and provide for . at his cost the disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the "said lands" and from any buildings or structures thereon in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works. .- '. - 3 - 7. FLOODLIGHTING The Owner agrees to provide floodlighting of the, "said lands" and building in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Public Utilities Commission having jurisdiction and to refrain from erecting or using any form of illumination which in the opinion of the Town would cause any traffic hazard Of would cause a disturbance to residential uses adjacent to the "said lands II . 8. FENCING AND LANDSCAPING . The Owner agrees to plant and maintain, trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover in accordance with Schedule "C" and detailed plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Planning to provide adequate landscaping of the "said lands". 9. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS . The Owner agrees that the issuance of any building permit in respect of the "said lands" shall be prohibited until all plans and specifications required pursuant to this Agreement have been approved by the Town. 10. REGISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT The Owner agrees to register this Agreement against the title to the "said lands" and that the Town may enforce the provisions of this Agreement against the Owner of the "said lands" and subject to the pro- visions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act R.S.O. 1979, as amended, against any and all subsequent owners of the "said lands". The Owner further agrees to provide the Town with a registered copy of this Agreement within thirty (30) days of execution. II. BUILDING PERMIT The Town agrees that upon the Owner complying with the pro- visions of this Agreement respecting approval of all plans and specifications required herein, building permits will be issued in accordance with the plans subject to payment of the usual permit fees and other fees as are payable under by-law currently 1n force 1n the Town and provided that all building plans comply with the Ontario Building Code and such other Municipal By-laws as may be relevant. '. - 4 - 12. LAPSE OF APPROVAL In the event a building permit has not been issued to the Owner within the period of two years hereinafter in this sentence referred to, the parties agree that the Town's approval of the site plan and draw- ings referred to in paragraph number 1 hereof shall lapse upon.the expiry of two years from the date of the registration of this Agreement. 13. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT The Owner agrees to commence construction of any building or buildings for which a permit may be issued under Paragraph II hereof as soon as is reasonably practicable following the issuance of any such permit. . 14. INTERPRETATION NOT AFFECT BY HEADINGS The division of this Agreement into paragraphs and the in- sertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 15. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their . corporate seals by the hands of their proper signed officers duly authorized in that behalf. Mrs. Barbara -J. Misener Per: #/~J ~ ~ Per: THE ~ON OF THE TOlIN OF NEWCASTLE Per: ~~_-L,~ M MAYOR Per: -M.~' ~. CLERK {--., \ \ : ~ LIST OF SCHEDULES A Legal Description of said lands B Affidavit of Ownership C Site Plan including: Location of buildings Building elevations Landscaping and fencing Parking and Access Floodlighting Grading and drainage ~. ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ .' THIS SCHEDULE is Schedule A to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. fU-b~of the Tm.rn of Newcastle, enacted and passed the I q /{day of ~d- ' 1981. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID ~\~S All and singular that certain parcel or tra~t of l~nd ~nd premdses situate lying and being composed of Part Lot 30, Concession I, Geographic Township of Darlington, former County of Durham~ now within the limits of the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham and more particularly designated as Part 3 on a Reference Plan of Survey deposited at the Land Registry Office for the Land :. Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Plan 10R-8l3. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. Mrs. Barbara J. Misener, 126 Bridge St. E., Belleville, Per: .A'v....,.L.__J a ~~ / Per: THE ~ON OF TH2;?E, TOW OF N,EWCAS .Per: ~ (~~ ~ . MA R Per. -.&~ ~ CLERK .' . . . . THIS SCHEDULE is Schedule "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law Number %l-~~ in the Town of Newcastle enacted and passed the Iq~ day of k~ 1981. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP COUNTY OF HASTINGS, CITY OF BELLEVILLE I, BARBARA J. MISENER, of the City of Belleville in the County of Hastings, Married Woman, make oath and say as follows: 1. I am the purchaser under an Agreement of Purchase and Sale from Solina Invesments Limited dated the 5th day of March, 1981 of the property described as Part Lot 30, Concessional Parcel Number 3 consisting of 35,671 square feet of land with an M2 zoning industrial more particularly described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement of which this Affidavit forms Schedule "B". 2. The said Agreement of Purchase and Sale provides for a closing on or before 60 days from the date of acceptance which has now been extended to June 8, 1981. 3. A copy of the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale between myself and Solina Investments Limited is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit "A" to this my Affidavit. SWORN BEFORE me at the City of Belleville in the County of Hastings this rJ 9a:;/.day of April, 1981 6'~)- -7-;.~ &~ - ~ :,"4:,\'t. (:; ti"..- r ,-.. ... - ,-, -.,. ,,~~l"" '''~ \ r I! _''')'''~''''_''..~~r>,:>'' .e:o... ~j,,' ',~ o:R'/':' ;'. ~ tT"': '.' "., - ., ;.';-.g .' x....- i'" ',':,,: ,:; )~-'". !1u:Ui1d A COMMIS~:r~~!I{1~,,:itt~. r:om",bion H 787;'1 ~, --~--- ...... ~. ill .'- . . . ..' .. .~'. E:~f.ljr8'l'T , "A" ONTARIO REAL ESIA TE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE I" l:CII.\SER, Hnrb,u'A riTiscner . "'''''' \ I "J1)(lit ' "":01 ina Jnvcs tmentsT,imited '"'''''''' A( iFNI', ,. cc'~nt' H0;<1 ty r,irni ted' ",,'''''''' . I'ROI'ERTY: fronting Oil the 1ITot;th side of, GigClSRoCld known municipally as ,.' . in the Tl'wn of f-.Tewcestle. "''''''''''''Rep.::J.on'''''' of ""DurhaM"'" and h;nilll! a frontage of p~r survey more or less by a depth of per" s",-rvey more or less and described as ,1';' rt T)t '30 r;oncesr:;i.0nlParcel"'I!), consisting of) 5, 67l"sq ft"of'land "" ,d.th An 1\~2' ?:oningTnctustrial"" '" , ,offers to buy from ,,,, through Vendor's ",,,,,, the following at the PURCHASE PRICE of Twenty ~ifht Thousqnd on thE' f('flowing terms: I. I'urchaser submits with this offer F'.ive lIundred Dollars ($ 500.00' ,) ,}(,lfll'lle<juc payable to Vendor's I\gent as ~I deposil to he ,hcld hy him in trust pending completion or other termination of this Agreement and 10 be credited towards the I'urdlase Pnce on completIOn. " Canadian Dollars ($Can"28, 000.00 ,,) 2, l'urchaser agrees to p:lY a further smn of 'T'wenty Seven Thousand F'i ve Hundred ("'27, 5nn ~OO) Dolll'rs in CAsh or by certified cheque to the vendor on clo~in~, subject to pd~ustm8nts. 'vcnrlor ~hnll dischnr~e nIl existin~ mo~tgC1~es, liens, chnrges, or other ,cnc1.1mner.!lnces nffectinp: the real property nt their own expence on or . h~for~ 'clo~j np:. "f"t1('1f1r co"(ennnts ['nn WC1rr":mt~ th:lt the reA-I property complies \vi th nIl rl'mir:i.r"'l,~rovjncinl {1nd other relev:'1nt p:overnmentnl laws,by-1C1ws, .' '"nrrl111nnCf"S ,:lnd rer:ulCltiol'\S anrl thnt the real prop. er,ty is presently Zoned .P~ ,,'nrl'there FIre not 110'~' ,and "rill not he on clos; np" ;:II1Y outstrmdine; ~'lork J , "l'riers ,rlefic5.ency notices or ny-1m., violati.ons against the real property, .t.hir- covennnt nnd wArrnnty to survive closin"'. . ""n(lor :.'lrrees to p 11m1 the purch,q~er to erect a met;~l C11 d Butler Style hui 1d ine: on the s::1id property, provided that the purchaser is able to ."l ("-l1d J'E' the nGcessnry permits nnd approv31s of thG T.lunicipali ty \'Ji thin t5 d-ys from accaptnncp of this offer, f;<ilinp: which this offer shall l'f'f"nl"'" null Ann voict And the purchf1sprR deposit shall be returned to him ill nl11 without deductions of any kind. ':hn111d the purchaf;p-r find thnt the present use or IcontemplAted use of the p",l rq"()perty hy the purchnser for the storar;e of" nnd the distrihution hv t,rucl<' 0 f hev~r;l:-:e products mny not he l~"'Tfully continued, after the ~'!'l..,(' of '-'cceptpTlce, he mr>y notify the Vendor in writlnp.: Rnd this offer fih,,'l hnC()Tf1(~ null :md void ::>nd the deposit to be returned in full without rl"dllct:i.0ns of any ld,nd and the vendor of the vendors Agent shall not be 11.,h1" for ~ny cost.s or clnme.p;es.' :.. '''he T"Hrr:h~ser herehy offers to purchAse from the vendor those lAnds herfdn r" ren~ed to CIS f'Rrt r,ot )0 (;oncession 1 Parcel {I) and being outlined in }'(vl on(~clledule "^' " flnnexed hereto. T"'rc!tnser m::lY M~~ir:n d.p;hts nnd ohli{':::1t:i,ons here1'~nder to (;hr:Jrles t,. Ilisener, P..,~,l..'l':' r"jsenr'r,nny o'~.her member of their fnmllY,or Rny Company the shares or "Ihich nrl? mmed by, or the control of which, 'is exercised by (;h':)rl('s,~ .'"isener or HnrbnrR r~isener. H~ '(.1()~J!' ~11,.~1 TI'.Y"1."lCiG:3 t;.~t ;'.:~~: i:!l'O'JrJ ~nt,~"',.i ';.">nlt1.t"i()I"\Q .~""f~ ~":".t:- ':\..,'" :.....~.,::t'1.t .,.c"' t;'lt~. : I~t'-:-:.,.... .....'ll(~ ~" ll(' tv,~(1 1-.. th,~ rl1rcl\".;,~t" i1t'l'~:: o"tion.'lhis l\gr(,OM~nt !.h.l\ll 1;,0) co;"rll'J!t~., on r:" :)o"~rc:rt' 60 .1 II'lI,l ',', ,', '''','' ;'cu",n;:t,IlC':) ,.," '.",1" '.,....:'... "1'llvl.l~:: t.1 I'" t. t~d,5 ..on,.)'~rlP- (,h,~J.1. h.. c(':~l"'\l",,:,.,'l lr\ days ollO:':,i'l PJ;~\:~:': )': t:1,,~ ",,~::r'(" ,..,,.. it~ llo1icll'':>t' ':\~, '.')t1~" ~~ "'11: ,,"7':'C'1: -t11111 tiHl f,lr(;."l:1:::cr. 3. Purchaser and Vendor agree ,that all existing fixtures are included in the purchasc price except those listed hercunder: and that the following chaHcls are included in the purchase price: 4, I'llTcb~~er agrees that this Offcr shall he irrevocahle hy him until II :59 p.m. on Ihe Ot h day of", 1\,1 'J'r'l'! h . I" ~".L ,afh'r which lime. if not a,'cepted, this Offer shall hc null and void and the ()cpt)'1;it slHlII he rehlfnt!lrrtt I'lIIchascr wilhout interest or dcdm;lion. 5. This Agll'l'nlenl shall he CCI/llpkl<'d 011 IIIl' day 01 possession of the property shall be glvcn 10 l'uIl'haser nnless olherwise lll'Ovided as follows: I 19 $1 . lJJ)(m completion, vautlll (,. l'uHha',"1 shall he .,1I0wt'clthl: h 5 clays lIl'xl followillg lhl' clalc of Hceq,lallll' of thi, O/flor 10. n.ullilll' lhe 'ilk to the pwpc.ty at his own expense, to satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders affecting the property. that its present use ( 7on0d ,~r2,..Industri[}1 may be lawfully continued, and that the principal building may be insured against risk of fire. 7. Vendor :lnd~Purchaser agree that there is no condirion, express or implied. reprcsenlalion 1'1' warranly of any kind thllt the future intended use of the properly b}" Purchaser is or will be lawful except as ma}' be spct:ifically stipulated helcundcr. {..., '1,'11" \r....!l.h~ :-:"""'-'!l(:\,Jlt~J tu .>"l.:s.V('}; to t'H~ t'urclla'l(~r on or i,t~for~ clo';i..~ :\ .;,~~"4:t"!.c,~b~ frOM th . ,...t... ,;:' ,~,';i~ll't~<,ti '~:.~,i~~;"i~,i:~l'~r~~';',\I;,,:ii~~' !',:;l:'.~~:~,lj):~'~,r.n.'''' 'r.';~ ,:':: I,':j,nj>~~',~ll' -:~~'.t~~:I",>::~,~~i:~~fi is \... "'t""~ ~',~::-:." '7t'~~~I'!i'''~'J't{n.n. s. "lIrch:,~rr ackno"led"cs h:nin!: in~"cdrrl the prollerty prior to suhmiUiul: this Offer and understands that upon Vendor accepting this Offer '''t're !lhall be R bbulin!!: Rl!:reelllt'lIt of Jlul't'ha~ and sale between Purchaser and Vendor. , .. 9: ""Hided 11",1 '!l! lilk In ,h... plOl'llly i, ,."od and f11'e f,olll all cIKnlllhl,<Il1'e' ,",,'epl ,I' af'''I'said alld e\l'("pl 1'0' ,lilY n'!,isl,'n'd "',lIld,,'n\ ,Ir ""..."",,' :!"" 11111 \\I'h Illl' land plll\llhnV Ihal \lllh all: ,'''Illl'linl \\ilh alld e\tepl f'l[ an\' min'" eaSt'lllents II' puhlic' ulihlks ll'IIIIIIl'd h>r Ihe '"I'pl\ ..I d""It'<,li, 1I11lily sel\IITS II' II,c l'I"l'ell\ It WlIhin Ih... IIIIH' alllll,,:d lor e\alllilll11l' the lilk allY' valid ohJt'cllon In lilk. "rll,.aIlY lJlI1ttilndil11' \\"I~ Older. {If III the LIt'I Ih,' ';lId pn'St'II1 IN' nlaY 1101 I,mlnlh' he ClJlllllltlt'd. IIf Ihat Ih,' pflllcipal tllllld~jllllay n,,1 he 1,I1'lIfed aJ'.ilIII"1 risk III tilt' IS made ,n writing 10 'em!.lI allll whil'h Velldor i, unahk or IInwilhng 10 rernll\T. lernedy I'r ,alisly alld whic'h I'url'lla'er \,ill,",' \\;li\, , Ihis AI!lel;lllcnl. nntwilhst.llltlill!, any inl"fmediale at''' 01 11l'!'llllations ill respel'l of ,uch objeclion'. ,hall he at an t'nd and all 1I1I'1Ilt' Ihuc"'"'''' paill 'ha\l be n'llIfnnl \\llhO\l1 intl',,'sl or ",'dllction alld Vendm and VI'ndo,'s ^l:enl shall not ne liahk 1'01 an\' CI"" IIf - dama)'l" <-;;I\e :1' 10 allY valid oh.1CI'llon 'I' mad,' hy 'IKh d:IY alltl except for any ohje,'t;on l\\lin~\ In Ihe mot llf Ihe lille, purchaser shall be l'f,""'",hclv IIeenll'd 10 havl' aeceplell Vcndor's title to the p,,'pcrlY. 10. \'lIIl'ha,er shall not call for the plolllltlion lif anv lilk ticed. ahsllact, surv,'y 01 olher evidence of ';tk 10 thl' prl'pcrty excepl ,nch as ale in I hI' po"cssion 01 conllol nf Vendor. Vl'Ildnr a.'.rces Ihal,il fellueslnl hy the pllI\:hascr. he will ddiver any ,ketch or survey of Ihl' properlY in his po,,'I:'.sion or within h;, conllol 10 Purchaser as SO/ln a, possihle and prior 10 Ihe last day allowed f(lI' eXillllininglitk. It, All hwlding" ',n Ihe properlY and all olher things heing purchased shall he and remain until ,'omplelion at Ihl' ri,k of Vendor. Pending 1'(III1I"l',joll. Vendor ,hall hoW all imurance polide'. if any. ;lnd the plncel'ds Ihl'reof in trust for the parties as theil inlerests may appcar and in tl,,' nC1l1 "I' ,uhslanli:ll damage. Pmdwser may eithl'r terminate Ihi, Agreement and have all monil's theretofore paid relurned without i11"'I\,,1 0' d,du\'lion /11' d,... lakc Ih\' prpn'('ds of any insm:mee and complete Ihe pmchase. ,2, ".." ide" Ihal Ihis Agle,'menl shall "e dftot'live III ele.lle an mteresl m Ihc properly only if Ihe suhdiviSlou control pr/lvisions of 1 hl' I'lanlllng I\d ;\IT l'ol11plied wiih hy Vl'I1dor on or before completion and Vendor hereby covenants to proceed diligently at hiS expense to obtain any nccc\,a,y (on'ent on n' l1efme completion, 13. Pmch;1'I'r hel':hy warrants that he is nol a non.resident of Canada pursuant to The Land Transfer Tax Act. 14., 1'\lI'I:h;I\er shall bt' crediled towards the I'ur(hase Price with Ihl' amounl. if any. whieh it shall he necC\sary for Purchaser to pay \0 the Minister (II National Re\'cnlle m order 10 salisfy I'urchasl'r's liahilit~' in resp,'et of tax payable by Vendor uuder the non-Iesidency provisions of the In\'oOle 'I a~ Act by rl'a'on Ill' this s":llc, I'url'haser shall nol claim sllch erl'dit if Vendor delivers on eomplelion the prescribed certificale or his st:ilut\ll'V dcdaration Ihat he is not then a non-residenl of Canada, 15, rir.. in'urance 'hall be :1\Sl!?ned 10 the pUlchaser on dosing subject to thl' consent of the insUl'l'r having heen obtained to such assignmenl, and tht' \I~l1dor ,hall supply to Ihe purcha:;er alleast five (5) days hcfore the cOlhplction date details of any such policy 10 be so assigned. UIlI';'"1ed rire insurance premiums of any policy to be assigned pursuant 10 paragraph 15 herein, rents, morlgage interesl, taxes, local impl o\l'lIIClltS, waler and assessmenl rail'S and Ihe cost of fuel shall be apporlioned and allowed 10 the dale of completion (the day itself to be ,11'1'",lioIlCd It, Purcha\er). ' 17. 'till' dccd III tr<lnsfer shall, save for Ihe Land Transfer Tax Affidavits, which shall be prepared and eompleled by Ihe Purchaser, be prepared in rq,;"lahle f<'rm at the cxpl'n,l' of Velldor ami the Mortgage at the expense of I'nrchascr. lit; lime shall in all rcspccts bc of Ihc essence hereof provided thaI the lime for doing or completing of any matter provided for herein may be e\lended Ilr al-ridgl'd by an agreement in wriling signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective solicitors who are hereby expressly al'rnillled in thi, regard. 19. .,. ny lellder or docume,ils or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purchaser or their respcctivc solicitors on Ihe day for completion of 'hi, Agrcemenl. Money may be tendered by bank drafl or cheque certified by a chartered bank, trusl company or Province of Ontario Sa' in!?' Ilfricc, 20, \'Ilis :\grccmcnt shall con,lilutc Ihe elllire a!uel'menl between Purchaser and Vendor and there is no representation, warranty. c(lllall.'l'al .JgrecJT\cnt or eondilion afkding this Agreement or Ihe property or supported hereby other than as expressed herein in writing. This Agreeml'nl -hall be read wilh all changes of gender or number required by Ihe contexl. OMI n al " ",,, .0~.rh,~..fl........"....... ....... .... .., ...... .this.. .,...... 5:~~.~.day oL... ...~~f.~~::,:..~:S..... ......... ..... .......... .....19...~: .'..... : (.. .,-' I < C. ". , , . . SIG~JlI I. ~I' \LED AND DELIVERED In thl' I'rtSenee of: ~)!", "J>o-j ~"--""'~'--'~~:=~ .~,. ,~'.. j,... ...'....... ..............~~;....:~ ,. .... ;.... ". .... I N WrJ::E~S ,,-:.ereof I h~e,hereunto set my hand and seal:, " :1) ct fA ~'- j'1 ~,~---- 1" /) --/-~ ....~...y;..6-~~,~"~w...:.~.......Date.(..~.~~...~-::.:~.~~..) (.;' (J '" (Purchaser) .,..... ..................,.................................,........ .. ........... ............ ..:.,...... "(i;~;~',;~~~~)"'''''''''''' .... '. Dale.......,....., .... ....... Ihl' 11I1IIl'I',j!'II,'<1 :tn:'1,ls Ihe altove off.., amI .W.rees wilh Ihe ^J\enl ahove narm'd ~H ' eration 101 his ,ervin's in ploClllin~ Ihe said Olh'l ," ' ' r..;..J :./ f-' v \ " .-" , In pa\ hlll1 011 the d:lIl' aho\(' fixed lor t'llIlIpleIiOI1, a comllllS\IOI1 01 H'"'''' .~.....,n/n 1 all alllonlll,'qu:,110 till' alllWl' 11I1'nlloned sale 1'1 Ill', \\hldl {IlHUlllS';;1l1l lIla~' he dellllt'le,1 from Ihe deposi!. I hereby irrevocably instruct . 10 the said Agent any unl2"i, \llcl1ll1ml"'OII llolll'thepl(lcl'etl,nl the sale. (o~"",(f"'(;'O,.J t>n\/I't'~L.I;; 0"'1....( OM (Oi"'...,..~,,-,o,.J C'F:::;{1(;.,.:' /l{ ,,'~ 1 .1"11 ...//~.l c'" ' 11'\1'1-1) al",..~:"." ,~. .':-:w...':. ,~:~~. .tt:.t. .........."......... ... ...this.. ....., :~!?... ... .day of.. ..f... ....~.!:~.... ~..~~...~....... ....... ............. .... .19.. ..?f f '. '" . Sit .NIP. sr AII'I> ANI> l"'lIVERED ill 1111' 1'''''CIIC1' of: (/"f" ~.~:~~.~.~::-::'.:~..:~:..~:.,~ /, IN "'cr:.:ITNESS,WhC, 1'1 have hereunto Sel,lllY hand and Sl'al: ~ __ _C:---:? /// ...-- .. ... /. ~.~ ~ ./ ,C" L..,,-- .. , -7....-./' -; / ~. ,~ez~,~~ / ...... ...... ..... ..... "(V~;'d~~)'" ...........;........*11.'..... ..:.... .....~., H' H (," " .."... "......,. ...... .., ...,.. ...,.,.,...... .,...,........ .... ................. ";V~;'d;.~i""'" ......, .... ...... Date.......... .... .... .".... ..... 1 h, I ,,"ll'l 'I~nl'd <'pollse 01 tht' Vl'ndnl hereby comenls In Ihe disposition evidenced herein pursuant to Ihe provisions of The Family Law Reform ,\. I, ,'r's, S,(l, 197K,l'.2. as thl' same Illa~' he alll~'ndl'tl frollllime 10 tillle, III ""idcratll\ll 01 the 'UIIl 1,10111: 1)(,lIar ($1.00), Ihe rcedpl Ilf which frolll the purchascr is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned spouse of lhe \'-t'I\,I..r hl'l dw agrees with the purchaser I hal he IShe will exceule all necessary or incidental documents 10 give full force and' effect 10 Ihe sale evidenced herein. ...................;....................................................... ..',.... .......... ..... ......... ...... ..... ..,. ... .......... .... '. Date.... ..... ........ ........' .... Spouse \\ 'tne..... A< 'KN( )\\,\.EU(a:MENT I .1.~llll\,II'dJ'I' 1t'I"lpl 111 III\! '01"11,11 lllp" tit fhi', ;ll-l"pt!'ll "I',n.'lIwlIl 01 PUh 1I;I\l' ;lHd ~.Ih'. .lIttl "" n. t 1114..' tI,I('HI IU Itll \\;11 d a ,ltl" I" Ill\' '.1I11t 11111 . I ;l1-'-I)lIWlnl,Ic,:. It'ft'II,1 (1.1 my ...h',lll'cl ""'flY 1~1 Ihi" an'('plt'" ^~"l'l'lI1l.t1t of PUh'h...,t'.aml Silk. :lml <<11It'c;1 IIH' flvenl leI In,w;ud ;;1 (,'ol'Y In my ,ulkiIlH. "," H" """"Dale, ' ..",."."""".,,""""" "."""...............""",1>:111.'........,..."....,......,....."" (Purchaser) 1\"'11.111'1 ,I)a'r " ,," '.. ",'.,.,.,.., ,....', "., ,.I)ule..,..", ,.,..,.."",' ,.' (l'urdl;I\CI) (\ l.'udt11) Addrl'\s: ..................4...4........................................................ A.llh,''': ........................................................ 1',l<'plll'"l' N,', ........... ....................... ................................. l ekphone Nil. ....... ...., ..,.................. .......' ............................ f'lIIcha,er', Sohcilllr .).;:-.~~.~.~\....l:{.,...?~U.~I, ,l,....-::..(: ,..... ~/o J...,i'::\"'~, 1""C.14CNC",'2, C,?f1NS"'-cN ":-11/?~ U 1,11-1 tl'~~ ~ '" .W>?' <1" (0 ;;u('O r:,t~f erf",i'-l~1 nN P"",lC C '-:") \,'lldl'I', S"Ii,irllf ..1\.,iFII.'}'.?,~....~~~~,~,~~ 1:"........ ;'3C' t(. '" '; 'i ( L (3$ ,lIp-v n ". Ill! -..-c &.. t! ~ 71- 1774-: ---t'O ~t() J\I -r () i'\ or{ '/. , A 2 -~'~{;,;i;;',.,2 ;;,s.~~,~~': . ! '. . , 'S.. fnotnote 'SH footnote . ..... pla"e of ...I"'nee Inoert ..propriata eoullt7. 'iltriet. R-.Iotaal lunlelpaUb'. .... . 's.. loot,,_ "s.. loot_ .. L" ~ , , Oy.' Dum..., Co, l.I\lI~. 160 8.,,~ Drive. Toronto Form No. 114 AFFIJ)AVIT OF SllRSCRInING WITNESS I. of the In the make oath and say: I am a subscribing witness to the nttached instrument and was present and saw it executed at by I verily believe that each perl'On whose sijtnatllre I witnessed is the party 01 the same name relerred to in the instrument. SWORN before me at th~ In the . this day of 19 a CD.r......O.... ,.0. ......c A'''.DAYI''.. ..,.e: I WMN' . pe"" N ur.."', ,,, rrod tM i""..._", or "'~, . perf" .ill'" ." ...I:i". II,. _.1: 0' ... I~p e""Mflrr. ..,d ".ftn tM itufrumen' ""II bu" ..ad to IIim .nd II, OPf1',nrd full" to und,rrtand i,", Wllne ftuu,..1I und... . _'n 01 ,,"CIt"IVV I.unf "(Mme 01 "no,.,."" .. "flo,.,.", 1fti' (...me of perty)"; "nd 10. ''''0 etawe lUll"i'uf" '" HriIr ""ift.. 'M' 'M p*",,, ...,... ria-..... , "",,,,.utI u"" .,,'M.ieNt ,. hrffuf. 'M lout......... .. """"lev lor (...mer. . AFF~ OF SllRSCR I. ,od~ uy , . ::~/ ~~~# :~7~~h<d 1:"~'1 make oath and say: - P~~"!~ I verily believe that each perl'On whose 5iJtllatllre I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument, SWORN belnre me at the -~. 4/ in the this /~ day 01 ~ Ie .R / ~~~, ; ...., a............. .... ....... .........,..... ~. ~ W""- · ...... .. ........ '" ~ "... ...._ _ ""'"'" . perty .ilfrU ." _lin_ .. _.t or .. 11H'ri".. e""_,no ...fI -.,.... · raut",*"" ...., '"'"' "'08... .,. .ntI .. .,.,_..... full'l In untln"and it". W~ ftNVtrd und... " __ ., .,,......,, ......,. ,,"'- ., 'tftio~ ;!!;J!!!!!!~ ".. (...- 01 r ,J"'; tIftd 1fti' MO c14we ...bnit..." "I ..... brlift" ,Jr., lit.. .-- .,..,. ~ f,~ "'" ---,. -.... ...; ._.. .""""" lor (-r, . .... ~ ~ '() CI i i fArd ~~ ~ ~d Q ::Z c:::::> ~ ,. . .... . ~~. BARBARA J. tHSENER -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLJ . DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT . 08' Q !;'i i ~ =:;;1 ..3nc.. SS" III <D 710 ~QI<D _. -co ffi" ~. ,j it l~ ~ -710 () <D ~! ~~..~J ~~~ =rS:: e:. a-/ ..... :;"::J :;::- Vi' Q.. ~ -< ~. Z 0 ~ 2~ ~Q ~ ::> '" :-, ;; r-.: V1_, ~ N in z. \h 4.n <0 9, f'J ::x:- !!i' 0 __ ::JI: W - --. 00 ~ . - Ii .l 5.' it. l I' \ , .\.>\ ~ \ \ \! ....". /./::: "w r 10:;1::. Q) __-----;-) _ --1 ~- . ! """"T. w....~ I r-.----------------:- ~ 'f, '! . I J, i I I I . ~ H" ,.. .. .'., 'I l ow' I 1 i : "" '? ~ i t " I I ;'I' ~ i t ~ I ! \CC ~ I I ~- ~ Jo I 1:,' SEED ' , rlo"9:- o....t ! ~~ i j .ill' ,;' ~- '~ m . :~ (V) .:,J' ..) .....s. :~ N 'W' '. '~ '. 'Ii' '~ '. ~,). 10"11 " . .,.... "" jt ,~ ','Gil";o .....~ WP,";;; .:"'~"tI: .~""~ , . ~"",...~~ ~ ..."",,,,, ""......<er c~ ~,~ ".)'~. "" ,..,. ~,. ~ U /' ~ 9! /' .... ... ...... - \r " "~14 .~ W , "''''.... \, V "" w '" " i' . ""-, V') '.. \JW:"~ \.." , ",,-' ~ ~ \;'"~ ~ ", \ ~~\'. "\\ V ~ '\ ~ ",*", ...., U "\. ' "" .. '\ \'0 \~ , \ \1 \J \. \' \! ! 1 . h '"', / ".' ,,0) 0(0' / ,I .i / / / /,/" /' ~.A>".-1.,r yItI ... ~ .; "" GRAVEL )II" il; \,.} ;~ "" 'lit' y ..w:: y ~, y- j,t!' . , I .': l.t<>a.~l ,', "'- ._-,,~.~_.~ . ; .~,'.," r1 .. ,. r , r , .' ,,. ~''''' ,. ;.,,,,, >''''' , ,. " ., r , , , " , ~ j.. . ,; :"J~ .: "1' . t l~ ,~ ' '"-.~ ' I , 1,"1." ~ '., . ~.') , " , I A 1 I "", If A 1 .....,,1 ~ .;l :{ ~ ~ 0'1 4, '" ~ .. ~. jp ~l'S! ..to' ~'. ' ~ -1 ~ ..,.. t .. ~ 50': v 7r;'x I p' .A. ,_, ... ..J PROPOSED BUILD! \iC Soli. \.>\ ""-lio. "",,- "..w",,- 0-- 'T I ... i;. ~,\:;o. / , 1 aoo'~1 ~ ~ -'....,,~'" l-:~ : l ,~...... ~- ~ V l~ ~ ~~,' ~~ fi O\,.<>'J \0'. "'. l..:. ,c.:..,1I JZ:..~' " .,.,..-11I;. .... .1Jt '!ooi' ';'. .f' ':, '" . ,;.'. .. '" .1' ~~ ii.' , r',/' , .' 4"'1" ' [}~o-j' i l 1 1'< 1 ! 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'A,' ,1\.. } r- L.~ f~,' " -'--'.-.,...."'.....,.~~ -~~ ",~~ -l L.LI > <, cr- (') I 't' t 1 i :. r r,~.,l- ..~ I r J I I \ .1' r .....s , .- ''"''-J , CJ'} i ("...! f ' " ~J ~ ~' I 7./1'0(;>" Iroo.::'1 ;'4 '0 \4, ~ ~ .-..,. ~ a:- ~' ...... o f ,'; / ~ .~ 0) ,. / i l 102.6 101.7 . U'-) I 10G,8 't) cc, , ...I -I. ,,, 'gQ '~.' ,u-.v Q"7 r ~ ...../.0 I<<W'~ ~,~~ ~v ~"',0\0,9 . 95,9 , --95;1) ,", 01? ~" .J~ III unl il:~ 1 ,MIl 11 (~N. '0 I ~,' ~) I i I ! i ,I iig, ~,'Il,~ 1!11 RIVERS1D,E STRU,CT,URe5 QU!NTE ,LiMITED R.ft,3 FRANKFORD ONTARIO ,PROJECT: c;,!\AT r l-J Pt:: \ j F'~ l\ ~".E., '. C (t11 O.r'7/....Q:."l, TC\,) -:.;' ~ .... I . ~ I...J \..-.. \; _I "/""'f<. \,;..I' . , _...;) \ ' ..,,#" V ~ i ~.. I ~_:.:.."..~...,,.7-7..:;""~...-~-..:~...,~~~.'"'~:...,...;~_._,~,;=..,.~_~.:~..'.... ~~r ~~,~_ t REVISED MAY12/81 RELOCATE SEPTIC SYS TEM R. p,,kp;.t' <.; ,1"'\ ( \. , "\. '._ '. DRAWNSY: 2. 0, E '.,or .. "!"'c '\ L '---'''"'t\.... GRAVEL OFU \, E t";: /ti,t t .- '1W, DATE: A PR I L 2 8 /81 JOB' No; DWG:~ 1 . " THIS IS SCHEDULE C to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by "'~.~.:_~~".;.. By-law No. of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the day of , 1981. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. BARBARA J. MISENER ~ 'M. JLL,per:L'J~;;. ~~ Per: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per: MAYOR Per: CLERK . .. ':i~:;~~~~::,',':-:~;;}~~:e~~;~'~'~::~~' , / If 50.>>0 , '2 r,-' 0" >> ',J' d 25:0 ~. ~ j" , " 22,0 . '\ ' 22: 0" . /' . t.cr t IT 2.,,0' ~11'1' ~ M. c~",Q... "'):0" L ti'1t14'a.~ t}C;'14 (.. ... 8"6'; , d 9-6 ,:')1- . t "I' l., ~ .,,' ll~. (:.c...;L r/tt ~ o;~ t;.:..,),~. ~'i.' ~~ c~~>t. l'i... :.,t o.~ 'OQ~llt. C) C) 0-1 -:Jj u r. 1.:' .. ,.... > {:I 24:0" , /tI 2{~. '6 ,...,. .\.1< ,... 2 5~ cf .j .25:0'-' ~~IER T\(PE~ c PIEP SIZE J ~ I '"' 2-0 X 2,0. F () 0 T r N G SIZE ,., .. II d kQ X 1.-0 X 8 =P' . "f: r~,~~==n I 1-----L1 ~ -- ------f I [I I I , ~ ~- .- ~ -- t ' r-=~.=F---LL~-:--l L_~:~='":,~",:~,::!:="'-~::::~~,,,-!J -b -,a.A:P_ 'r-H'.-$ (.t t';,:~ ;;tl-r.. 4-'S e^,J\~ Vi!..tl~^\. ~<::ltn '1\l>t.u lrt;;t",h~.J~~. ~. -' ~ 0I\~.f) ~,~ '0",) l.~ R.. !llU F~ R..;' I<.l.e;. . . , ~.~ t ri~~ " -"''''~''''''''~'''''''",(7''<:S<~''' r'.....-'r-!...t'-<..."t~._..~'~~'" '.'(SQ-'~T"-:" " r,;r~ - . , 'x'" /X A." '.;$; "",. ~"',)" /0, // "\"'-, .j' 'X" '...QrQ>, .I F' ~,' ", , '''" X:, <( ':"'~"< t l,~' i . ~,X ) , " -...:'- /"", ''#'. .( ,/.. ,,':"/, .1- : I" '.1 . ". x ',;<~ - V. ""- ,r V''", \..~"..., f."-""- 1" J t "' ~/ '\r "'~.,"........ ~..- _L~,,~~ --:L..'--'--....-..::..1 4_, I? 1 .j 1 -, ..c._~ ._~;--, . ~"-,- 'h -.... [ .f..i.j....~_.L, , . I. .. .; ~ i I L..,_______.......--:....! ,to "-!it,, I ~,. ~,l:'<.ItA" t}<lI\"l~ P~p.1. .,;' TYPE 'A~ 2:0"X 3:0" F)IE: F< PIER SIZE FOOTING SIZE ,# ~tI P 4.0 X 5. 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"" ,..."...~ .,_..' ,._*..._-:-.,....,__ .'!('~""..'_~ " : i ., I' . .' '" ,-I ,', , . - f, . , .( :. .. .. . . .... ~ .,.;, ~ S!> , < . . , ~...~. ", i'. 7 . " RiVERSIQE.. 5TRU~lUR~$ QOf~Te llMrreil 'ftR" 3 'FRANKFOFlO ~-~---..,- , ,f- ' , . ,. . '--'"7'~--'~ ON1ARl,O ~ .~ THIS IS SCHEDULE C to the AGREEMENT which has been authorized and approved by ~y-law No. <6/- (., 3 of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the I Of ft day of /}-.-..j , 1981. ,., IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate ~~ seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. BARBARA J. MISENER Per: ~/.U~ c:/Q-~~ Per: THE:?, ION OF TIlE TOWN OF NDlCASTLE Per: .~~~ MAYOR Per: M.... ';/'J.~. CLERK ., " ./ " l " ,r,. " "