HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-52 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . By-law No. 81-52 being a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: . 1. Section 13 of By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto subsection (ee) as follows: "(ee) Part of Lot 25, Concession 3 In addition to the uses permitted by Section 11 hereof, that portion of Lot 25, Concession 3 designated 'SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 81-52' on the attached Schedule "A" hereto may also be used in accordance with the following special provisions: (a) Permitted Uses an existing equipment storage building and a limited expansion thereto, not to exceed a combined gross floor area of 500 square metres. existing fuel tanks and pumps associated with . equipment storage facility. I File No.__.______.h.Q.,...~.5jQ.o:______1 - 2 - . (b) Zone Provisions (i) Lot Area (minimum) 5.7 hectares (ii) Lot Frontage (minimum) 55.0 metres (iii) Front Yard (minimum) (a) equipment storage building 38.0 metres (b) existing gas tanks and pumps 48.0 metres (iv) Side Yard (minimum) (a) equipment storage building 15.0 metres (b) existing gas tanks and pumps 7.5 metres (v) Rear Yard (minimum) . (a) equipment storage building 334.0 metres (b) existing gas tanks and pumps 350.0 metres (vi) Building Height (maximum) 10 metres (vii) Minimum Separation between equipment storage uses and other permitted uses. 3 metres 2. Key Map 17 of Schedule "A" to By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 81-52 the zone designation of the lands designated "ZONE CHANGE TO SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 81- 52" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. . - 3 - . 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 35(10) of the Planning Act. BY-LAW READ a first time this 4th day of May , A.D. 1981. BY-LAW READ a second time this 4th day of May , A.D. 1981. BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this 4th day of May A.D. 1981. ~~~~~-/ ( G. B. RICKARD, MAYOR (seal) .n .:"Y'J /Y~,~ D. W. 0 a k e 5, CLERK . . . THIS IS SCHEDULE 'x' TO BY-LAW 81-52 , PASSED THIS 4th DAY OF May A.D. 1981. ">t ">t 10 f2 I'- "Z0NE CHANGE TO SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 81-52" E C\/ 0) o cO 10 RD. ALLOW BTW. CONC. 2 a 3 o 10 20 40m~ '\D I 10 5 LO C\J d5 v oC\J <t(/) 01- 0:::0 -1 ~~ -1~ o (/)~ 9 -1 <t o 0::: ~'~~L~/-/ -~:~ David W. Oakes, Clerk BY-LAY! 81-52 KEY MAP - Showing the location of G. Gerrits property. PART OF LOT 25, CONCESSION 3 former Township of Darlington , .1 I I I I I LOT I 129 28 27 26 25 24 23 2\ 20 I I I I I I I Q:ON . I I II I 13 l!l I a:: I 1 1 .. c:i II! I I I .. :l<: a:: I u 0 I I 0 l- I a:: u .. ~ a:: I I I z ::I: 0 I I ...J I I- 0 UJ If) I I it I w a:: ~ I c.. I r.- NASH D. I . CONI 2 I I CGUmCI I : I I . . I I I . c I 0 . I I ~ I c . I ~ . I .. II . I I CQN. \ I I :.- \ . I ~fl I 1"'.. , . .l Form R-6 . Ontario Municipal . Board r Mr. David W. Oakes Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L LIC 3A6 416/965-5689 180 Dundas St. West Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number R 811446 October 14, 1981 "'" '~(GlEaWlElID ~ OCT 27 1981 Dear Sir: TOWr~ OF NEWCASTLE CLERK DEPARTMENT Enclosed is documentation as follows: ,,:. o Copy of Decision dated o Duplicate Original of Decision dated ~ Board's Order made September 16, 1981 o Appointment For Hearing ~-". DISTRIBUTION , CLERK:... .~.O. ....... ACt<. BY: ...... ~~.. .. . .. TiLle... TiJ ORIGINAl 10: .J.~.~:,;,J) COPIES TO: Sl :vq '1<'. ,...1 fe\ (d,j(C/-lr,4~ A--{ i e-rXD/",'O - PILI................... Yours truly, S"-' .,/,(.....a.tt.-k.(.,..../~-~....4Z.l /J ':./ C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration 'o~ .. ~. ... ~ ~mmDrm- Ontario It 811... Ontario Municipal Board D THE BftIlD: 01' ..cu._ IS of The PleM.lD9 Act (B.8.0. 1970, a. 3Dl, - and- IN 4fU Mi\.ft'Ba OF _ appUoaUoa by 'the COl1'OraUoa of Che TOWJl of _.aRle fo~ approval of lu ...~d.cted Ana ay-l.. 81-52 B.woaB. B.A. SBABOM ..... ] _....481', t.ba 16th cia, J J 0' IepCeDbe~, 1981 'flUS APPLlCATIOItJ ooa1D" Oft fOl" pubUc beaa-1a9 tbi. day aa4 eRe.. tbe heaZ'lD9 of the appll.oatJ.cm, Tn SOARD GRDSIS tb.~ By-law 91-52 Ie "..by appn_d. ,.7 \ ="~ENiLRZD -==~cl , o. B. l,jo.P%!~3..,..,. 1 OCT t 4 1981 ~ '1f?t d2.{yrt;C/1 SEGRE1Ai>'l', o:n,\i~ MUrlICIPAL ~,:.',n~_ ~ ->>' - - -1