HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-45 ... ~ ? . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 81-45 being a by-law to amend By-Law 79-104 being a by-law to provide for the Maintenance, Management, Regulation and Control of Cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle on the 9th day of October 1979 did pass By-Law 79-104, and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to amend the Tariff of Rates for the Cemeteries owned by the Town of Newcastle: THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule IIAII Tariff of Rates be deleted and substituted by the attached SChedule IIAII Tariff of Rates. . 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the 1st day of July 1981, subject, however, to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. By-Law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of April 1981. Garnet B. Rickard Mayor 4~~ ! ~ '1-/-\/ Joseph ~~O~ Clerk- . I file NO....mJ.!LnH.:JD_n..1 . . . ~ " ": . Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Schedule !'AII Tariff of Rates By-Law 81- 45 Sale of Plots BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY Single Graves 31x9' Bapyland Lots l~x3' Cremation 2' x2 r BOND HEAD CEMETERY Single Graves Babyland Lots Cremation 41xl0' l~x3' 21x2' Land $162.50 48.75 45.50 Perpetual Care $87.50 26.25 24.50 ]62.50 48.75 45.50 87.50 26.25 24.50 Perpetual Care On plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid - $2.00 per square foot. Interment Charges Adult Child or Infant (Babyland Lots) Cremated Remains Extra Charges - Double Depth - Saturday Funerals Disinterment Charges $150.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 75.00 a) Disinterment, including reburial at other location b) Disinterment, including lowering remains at same location c) Disinterment, for reburial in another Cemetery d) Disinterment, as in (a) from Double Depth e) Disinterment, as in (b) from Double Depth Total $250.00 75.00 45.00 250.00 75.00 70.00 $375.00 250.00 225.00 350.00 250.00 .' . . . . ~. Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Schedule "A" Tariff of Rates By-Law 81-45 continued Monument Foundations & Setting Markers Foundations Flat Marker Foundation Cremation Marker Removal of Monuments Other Services At cost for time & materials Transfer Fees $2.00 $ 5.00jcubic foot 30.00 15.00 20.00 , t/ ~~ Ministry of J ~" ~ Consumer Bnd . Commercial Ontario Relations 566 Yang. Street 8t1r~oor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2J3 Cemeterift Br.nett 41elllN611 June 4, 1981 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Refer to File No. 8-3-37 ;-41 Attention: Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Re: Bowmanville' and Bond Head Cemeteries )C~1{MI1i~ . As requested in your application dated April 29. 1981 we return herewith the documents approved or filed. They form an important part of the records of the cemetery and should be kept safely and available for public examination by your officer responsible for administration. 1IJ)Jr(C1E Enclosed ora tho numbers of copi.. shown of tho itams check d:JIl/Jil' rrWIEllJ) _ of By-law No. ~, _ sectional plans of section JUN 1 0 1981 TOWN Of NEWCASTU CLERK DEPARTMENT _ overall plans - _ construction plans of _ crypt or niche numbering plans for _ sales agreement or contract or receipt _ rules and regulations _ amendment to approved rules and regulations --L tariff of rates (Schedule "A" to By-law 81-45 - 2 pages) . Yoursy<l1YI ) ):'S ' 'i (,.. -'- -' ~,. ..... .,,---. ,~' ,,,/ ,_\., Ld____ '--_ ~_::>_~- CEM EJ1:_~~ES-8ffANCH ~. j . /. - /.' -1 ......:.'1: '.:.....,' " > . C E n T IrE J) _______ 0__- __...__ ..._..~ C' 0 P Y I, JO~i(:ph 1.1. ~kllruy. \/1' tlll~ '1'11,.11 lIf 1l1~\':C;lf;I.1I~, JIl til,: Region of Durham, Municipal Clcrlt, ))0 lIEHEDY CErn IFY thut n t tnched hereto is n true copy of By--Law Number 81-45 passed by the Council ot the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the 21st duy uf Apri 1 , 19 81 . WITr,ESS my ha:1d and ~;eal of Tile Corporatj,on. DATED this .....TweY)ty.-~il1t.h(l:\y of ....~p.r.iJ............., A.D. 19 .61 ~' ,~/ >:. L.."-'- .._-.__n-----...'-' C;le,Ck>;'7 -1---.~~ . . ,:,~~,.,j.g.,: // .0 TOWN OF' N'EWCASTLE BY-LAW 81-45 being a by-law to amend BY-law 79-104 being a by-law to provide for the Maintenance, Management, Regulation and Control of Cemeteries in the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle on the 9th day of October 1979 did pass By-Law 79-104, and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it desirable to amend the Tariff of Rates for the Cemeteries owned by the Town of Newcastle: THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule IIAII Tariff of Rates be deleted and substituted by the attached SChedule IIAII Tariff of Rates. &l 2. This By-Law shall come into force on the 1st day of July 1981, subject, however, to the approval of the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. By-Law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of April 1981. Garnet B. Rickard Mayor ) ), I ' , , .' I Joseph M. McIlroy Clerk / /' / / (_/~;:.-~:_,J)' /; ~ / . ./- , j" ~,( //' F!<-,-,r / " ~ ---- . Sale of Plots BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY Single Gr,aves Ba}:>yland Lots Cremation 3'x9' 1~x3' 2'x2' Land $162.50 48.75 45.50 Perpetual Care $87.50 26.25 24.50 Total $250.00 75.00 45.00 . Corporation of the Town df Newcastle Schedule Tari ff of Rates By-Law 81- 45 BONO HEAD CEMETERY Single Graves Babyland Lots Cremation 4'xlO' 1YaX3 · 2'x2' ]62.50 48.75 45.50 87.50 26.25 24.50 250.00 ' 75.00 70.00 . Perpetual Care On plots on which perpetual care charges have not been paid - $2.00 per square foot. ~ I__~~~ Interment Charges Adult Child or Infant (Babyland Lots) Cremated Remains Extra Charges - Double Depth - Saturday Funerals MINI~)Tl;:"( OF CC)il,';UMER & "ll',"',\\CI/\\ F'..I,,!\TIONS \...... .,' ,',I . _.-.._-,..-~.~"_P_'-"'- ---.--- $150.00 j;l ~:C"f i 1 50.00 '.illd;,I' 50.00 bf~ [' , 25.00 75.00 Oat: of i 1 iil ~ fC;', i. i~ n:; ",; r:tcs shall ',I, i', \ , ,:,,1 llie dote of ')J Cc'I" , ;:'J ),'1. Number .., .. Disinterment Charges .....~.~..'"'..u~ a) Disinterment, including reburial at other location $375.00 b) Disinterment, including lowering remains at same location 250.00 c) Disinterment, for reburial in another Cemetery 225.00 d) Disinterment, as in (a) from Double Depth 350.00 e) Disinterment, as in (b) from Double Depth 250.00 e " r ',/ ~ / Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Schedule "Au.....'''f) '..' " (,o.:j:;~> " I I. 1../1/ c <;. Tariff of Rates- By-Law 81-45 .j, ' "I. ;. cD (~ continued \." ,~y l.lS<<! i~ i:'. CEM ,QJ, "?'. F.,1J:", LC- , BD '> Monument Foundations & Setting Markers~. l\ANcli Foundations Flat Marker Foundation Cremation Marker Removal of Monuments $ S.OO/cubic foot 30.00 15.00 20.00 Other Services At cost for time & materials Transfer Fees' $2.00 .. FILED MINISTHY or- CONSUMER & C 0 ~:.!'~~::;(_~_1 !'~ '= __:!_~ L 1\ T ION S in ;;cco'J " '-. undci 1 : ., b,; p::l i:: filing: : . ;h'; r!:; ",- I " r;'-;"l.") , ' ~ 1'1 r:~tllS shall J ,:~, lei tli~ date at Date of [i::~~-1. / /!'# I / ,,/./.....7.~./.... Numb8~~...f -:/7' _u J ~ .. .... .......1....'/..".,(..,( . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ " . ' . ' " _f ,~.,..,. .t,t-_'t....4-l.,.),.~ ., ---~. "1i~t.... -,~~.,~~~~~ '.'-"~.-.