HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-201 .,. . . .' . . ~: THE CORPOHATION OF TilE TOWN OF NEWCASTLI'; -----------.- --....- ~- --. + BY-LAl~ 81- tOI A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM TIlE PHOCEEDIN(jS OF TilE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT 'I'll! S MEWl'l NG HELD ON THE 14th DAY OF DECEMBER 1981 WHEREAS by Section D of The Municipal Act, being Chapter 2H1 of the Revised Statutes oIOntario uno, the {)()wer~ of a rnunic.;ipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 211 of The Municipal Act, ,being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers ot every Council are to be exerc ised by by-l aw; , NOW THElmFOIU~ TilE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NJ.;WCMl'l'Ll'; ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of t}w Town of Newc.;astle at thi~ meet ing held on the 14th day 0 r December 1981i II resf.l(;c.; t 01' each recommendation contained in the reports of the Committees and each motion and resolution pas~ed and other action taken by the Council of the Town of Newcustl(~ at this m(~eting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceLJdings were expressly embodied in this by-law. ~. The Mayor and pruper ofri('ial~> ur tll\' T(Jwn of' N(~wc.;a.~ll(~ arC' hereby nutJlOi'ized and di I"('cteu tu d(J :111 things n(~cessary to give effecl to lhe actiolls 01' till..' Council of t}w Town of Newcastle referred to in tlw IJl'(!cc'('dill{~ ~jC'ction hereof. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are authorizeu and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to afLix thereto the Seal of the Town of Neweast1e'. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 14th day 0 r December 1981 ~~ -_/ .-/ ~tay()r ~~- ~ ~4.- . -_____ _._ Clerk 1;;;;1:::17 L_lM:l.-.........._".,~_'.-C"'I' >l''''''''~ ::~'>:~-';J....!'_\!..~'" ......