HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-186 . . .. THE COHPOHATION OF Till,; TOWN OF NI';WCMiTI.\'; BY-LAW 81-186 A DY -LAW TO CONFI RM THE PHOCEIWIN(iS OF TilE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT 1'111 S MET-;TI NG HELD ON TIlE 16th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1981 WHEREAS by Section 9 of The Municipal ^('L, IHdng Chapter 281 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario uno, the powers of a munieipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council. AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Section 211 of The Municipal Act, . being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW TUEJmFOHE TilE COUNCI L OF TUE TOWN 0/0' NJ.;WCMiTLI-; 1-;NM':'1'S M> FOLLOWS: 1. The actions of the Council of the Town or N(~wcastle at this meet ing held on the 16th day 0 r November 1981n res{we t of each recommenda t ion con tained in the r(~p()rts 0 r the Conuni t tees and et\ch motion and resolution passed and other aetion taken by the Council of the Town of Newcastle at tllis meetinf; is hereby adopted and confirmed as i r a1 1 ~,lIt'li proc('('dings W(~l'(~ (~xpressly embodied in this by-law. 2. The Mayor and proper o[f'i('ia!:-: 01' lill' ')'()WlI of N('wea~;1..I(~ an' he)'('LJy nulhol'lzl'd and dirl'l'lt'd III till ;111 lhillg~; lIl~e(~:;:-;aI'Y to give effect to the acLioll:-: or L1H' Council of' the Town of Newcastle referred to ]11 the pr'cc(.t'dillg ~;C'ctjoll hereof. 3. The Mayor and Clerk an' :lut!lOl'iZI:d alld di.rectud to ex(;cute all documents nccl'ssary in that bellal!' illld to arfix t1H:reto the Seal of the Towll of Newca:-:tl(~. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 16th da y () I' NOVEMBER 1981 ~..--' Mayo I' '. Aj.-. ~ ~. - C l"'-kOO-"-- ---- ---'---- ,'..; i~__"'_.~~-::::..:::~,....,. ..~,".~.__......."^_.......: