HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-177 T . TilE COHPOHATIUN OF '1'111,; TOWN OF NEWCA0TI.I'; BY-LAW 81-177 A DY -LAW TO CONFI HM THE PHOCEIWINeiS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AT TillS MEETING HELD ON THE 26th DAY OF October 1981 WHEREAS by Section 9 of The MUllicipal A('t, i>,dng Ch,lpLcr ~H'1 of the Hevil:icd Statutes of Ontario tWIll, the POWCl':-; of' a munic.:ipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council, AND WHEREAS by Subsection 1 of Sectioll :2'11 of The Municjpal Act, being Chapter 284 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1970, the powers of every Council are to be exercised by by-law; NOW TIJEHEF'OHE 'I'll E COUNC I L OF 'I'll J~ TOW N () F N I';WCASTLI'; ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: . 1. The actions of the Council of the Town of Newca:-;tlc at this meet ing held on the 26th day 0 j' October 1981i II respc.'c t of each reconunendation contailwd in t1w }'('PO}'l,s of' tile Comml ttee~> and ea\ch motion and rcsolutioll passed and other action taken by the Council of the Town of Newcastle at this meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all SlIt'l! proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law, ~. The Mayor and proper officials 01' Ull.' Town oj' N(:wcasLle arC' hereby au thoI' i zed and d i }'('c ted to do :t I I ih i ngs nece~:;sary to give effect to the actions u" L1ll' C()ulll~il 0" the Town of' Newcastle referred to in the pr'l~c(.'l~dj ng :;(.'ction hereof. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are :llltllOrizl)U and directed to exet.:lIte all documents necessary in that behalf and to afJ.ix thereto the Seal of the Town of Nl~wcast1e. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this 2nd day of' November 1981 ~~.~~ . d1 .,~~...,., _____. ~_. m __ . .___oo__ Clerk ~~'!1~.i' ,',~t, ..':'t:r'~::=:t~:-....:L.,",-,~"-,__..............,_,,,...