HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-172 . . . ,. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By-Law No. 8l'"i72 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanville. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanville. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: 1. Schedule 'A' to By-law 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to SPECIAL CONDITION 16 the zone . designation of the lands indicated as "ZONE CHANGE TO SPECIAL CONDITION 16" on the attached Schedule "X" hereto, and by adding to the lands so indicated cross hatching and the figure 16 encircled. 2. Schedule 'B' to By-law 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following SPECIAL CONDITION 16 as follows: "SPECIAL CONDITION 16 The lands shown on Schedule 'A' cross-hatched and marked with the figure 16 encircled shall be subject to the special regulations hereinafter contained and where there is any conflict between the regulations hereinafter set out and any . provision of By-law 1587, as amended, then the provisions of this Special Condition shall apply, but in all other respects, the provisions of By-law 1587, as amended, shall apply. 1.1 Defined Area The area subject to this Special Condition is shown cross- hatched with the figure 16 encircled on Schedule "A" hereto. I File NO.n..&O_,..3.!i,.l'i~~__......1 .. . ; .. - 2 - . 1.2 Permitted Uses No person shall use any of the lands in the defined area, or erect, alter, or use any building or structure on such lands for any purpose except one or more of the following uses, namely: one single family dwelling uses, buildings and structures accessory thereto. 1.3 Zone Provisions (i) Lot Area (minimum) (ii) Lo t Frontage (minimum) (iii) Front Yard (minimum) (a) Single Family Dwelling (b) Accessory Building or Structure . (iv) Side Yard (minimum) (a) Single Family Dwelling (b) Accessory Building or Structure (v) Rear Yard (minimum) (a) Single Family Dwelling (b) Accessory Building or Structure (vi) Building Height (maximum) (vii ) Lot Coverage (maximum) 1.4 Frontage on Private Road 1317.0 square metres 30.5 metres 6.0 metres 27.5 metres 10.5 metres 5.0 metres 24.5 metres 6.0 metres 10.5 metres 10% Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, the lands within the "Defined Area" shall be considered a "lot", as defined in By-law 1587, notwithstanding the fact . that the lands do not have frontage on a public highway. 3. This by-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 35(10) of the Planning Act. By-Law read a first time this 1.~t.h.. .. day of . .Q~"tQQ~r: ... . ., A.D. 1981. By-Law read a second time this .l..9.t,b.. day of . .Q~t.QQe.r: . . . . ., A. D. 1981. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this .l.9.th. day of . . . P.~t~~.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., A. D. 19 81 . /;.'7 G.B. RiCkar~~~/ ::~rOakes ~Po~ .~. Cle rk (Seal) THIS IS SCHEDULE 'X. TO BY-LAW 81-.m., PASSED THIS lCH-l1 DAY OF Oct. 19 A.D. 1981, . . (SEAL) ;~. /~/?~~ G.B. Rickard, Mayor 20.117m co en z <! -.J a.. <9 w a:::: ~ ~ U o -.J (]) 20.117m JJ~.~ D.W. Oakes, Clerk SCHEDULE 2 (ii) u z o (.) u; ID ~ ..-'f-.. :.. : ...~...:: -.:. ., , :..~ j" ._e. .. E lX) lO lO Q N7100l' E 47'816m E o lX) <:t o 10 ~ ZONE CHANGE TO ~ SPECIAL PROVISION 16 BLOCK ID' REG. PLAN 198 E I'- o C\J 0 5 10 20m ~ ~.-- I 5 KEY MAP TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE I : 25 000 LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT 12 9 7 6 5 , SUBJECT SITE LAKE ONTARIO . ~ ~--,.. Ontario Form R-6 .. r The Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance St. BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LlC 3A6 L Ontario Municipal Board 416/965-5689 180 Dundas St. West Toronto, Ontario M5G 1 E5 Quote File Number R 820317 July 12, 1982 ..~. Dear Sir: 11 ~tCIEHWIEJJJJ JUL 16 1982 IOWN OF NEWCASnE -CLERK DEPARTMENT Enclosed is documentation as follows: c=J Copy of Decision dated c=J Duplicate Original of Decision dated ~ Board's Order made July 7, 1982 c=J Appointment For Hearing Yours truly, /{~--o~ . C. Saruyama Supervisor Planning Administration JC:ak Enc!. (s) R. 820317 Ontario Municipal Board IN TEE MATTER OF Seo~ion 39 of The Planning Aot (R.S.O. 1980, o. 379), -and- IN 'rHE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcas~le for approval of 1~s Restricted Area By-law 81-172 BEFORE I - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 7th day of July, 1982 A.H. ARRELL, Q.C. Vioe-chail.'lllaft e.G. EBERS, Q.C. Member '!he objectors 1:0 approval of the said by-law having withdrawn ~he!r objec~ion8; '!'BE BOAJU) ORDERS 'tha't By-law 81-172 is hereby approved. .,~. .~;;;;"".~>. ."".""'.~ ,~ C,~j , fb' SECR.'ETARY ENTERED 1?K~-~ O. B. NJ.........)?Ci ",' 1 Folio No. ..........................., .;UL 1 2 '982