HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-15 ,.. . y':..' ~ \ 'I'I~E ~ ~~ CORPORATION OF THE ,. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE . BY-LAW NO. 81-15 Being a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law 1592, as amended, of the former Township of Clarke ~ .~ and Restricted Area By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law No. 1592, as / amended, of the former Township of Clarke, and Reqtricted Area By-law No. 2111. as amended of the former Township of Darlington. NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS as follows: ~ 1. Restricted Area By-law 1592 of the former Township of Clarke, as amended, as it applies to certain lands within Lots 33, 34 and 35 of Concession 1 of the former Township, shown in "hatched"markSGn Schedule "A-I" to this By-law, being a part of Map 2 to said By-law 1592, is hereby repealed. 2. Restri~ted Area By-law 2111 of the for-mer Township of Darlington, as amended, as it applies to certain lands wi thin Lots 1, 2 and 3, of the Broken Front Concession of the form~r Township, shown in "hatched" marks on Schedule "A-2" to this By-law, being Map 29 to said By-law 2111 is hereby r~pealed~ 3. The lands described in Schedule "B-1" to this By-law being part of Lots 33, 34 and 35 of Concession.l of the' former Township . of Clarke and being part of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of the Broken Front I File No,---___~_:__~$._.jn._________1 '- . , . . . : - 2 - Concession of the former Township of Darlington area are hereby zoned as a RESIDENTIAL MOBILE HOME PARK (RMH) ZONE and within this zone no person shall use any land, erect, alter or use any building or structure for any use other than as permitted in this By-law. 3.1 Defined Areas The area subject to this By-law 1S shown on Schedule "8-1". 3.2 General 3.2.1 Interpretatio~~ For the purposes of this By-law, words used in the present tense include the future: words in singular number include the plural and words in the plural include the singular number; the word "shall" is mandatory; the words "used" and "occupied" shall , include the words 'arranged' and 'designed to be used or occupied'. 3.2.2 Interpretation: The provisions, of this By-law shall be held to be the minimum requirements EXCEPT where the word maximum is used, in which case the maximum requirement shall apply. 3.2.3 Public Acquisition: No person shall be deemed to have contravened any provision of this By-law by reason of the fact that any part of the land has or have been conveyed to or acquired by any Public Authority. / 3.2.4 Validity: If any section, clause or provision of this By-law is . . . - 3 - far any reason declared by the court of competent jurisd~ction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the By-law as a whole or any part thereof, other than the section, clause or provision so declared . to be invalid. It is hereby declared to be the intention that all the remaining sections, clauses or provisions shall remain in full force and effect until repealed, notwithstanding that one or more provisions thereof shall have been declared to be invalid. 3.3 Definitions: For the purpose of this By-law, unless the context requires otherwise, the interpretations and defin~tions given in this section shall govern. 3.3.1. Accessory Building or Structure: shall mean a building or structure, the use of which is customarily incidential and subordinate to the / principal use, of the mobile home park,' including a cabl~ T~V. tower. 3.3.2. Accessory C~~ercial Use: shall mean the use of land, bufldings or structures for the purposes of buying or selling of commodities and supplying of services to the occupants of the mobile home park, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, business. or professional offices, craft shops, eating establishments, financial offices, laundromats, convenience stores, beau-ty shoJ?s, cleaners, mobile home supply and repair shops, T.V. cable system - 4 - office and sales and administration offices. . 3.3.3 Accessory Use: shall mean a use customarily incidental and subordinate to, and exclusively devoted to the main use of the mobile home park. 3.3.4 Business or Professional Office: shall mean an office in which any administrative business is carried on or any profession is practised. 3. 3.5 Communi ty H_~}._~: shall mean a building, or part of a building, in which facilities are primarily provided for such purposes as meetings for educational, political, religious or social purposes and may include a banquet hall, private club or fraternal organization and permitted accessory . commercial uses. 3.3.6 Convenience Store: shall mean a retail commercial establishment supplying grocerles and other daily household necessities to the residents of the mobile home park. 3.3.7. Dwelling Unit: shall mean a suite of two or more rooms, designed or , intended for use by one or two persons only, in which sanitary conveniences are provided, in which facilities are provided for cooking, in which a heating system is provided and containing a private entrance from outside the building. . - 5 - 3.3.8. Eating Establishmen't: . shall mean a building or part of a building where food is offered for sale or sold to the public for immediate consumption and includes such uses as a restaurant, dining room, cafe, cafeteria, ice cream parlour, tea or lunch room, dairy bar, coffee shop, snack bar or refreshment room or stand. 3 . 3 . 9. F ami 1 y : shall mean one or two persons living together as a single housekeeping unit. 3.3.10. Financial Office: shall mean the premises of a bank, trust company, finance company, mortgage company or investment company. 3.3.11. Finished Grade: --.- . shall mean the median elevation between the highest and lowest points of the finished surface of the ground (measured at the base ot a building or $tructure) but exclpsive of any embankment in lieu of steps. 3.3.12. Floor Area, Total: shall mean the aggregate of the-horizontal areas of each floor, whether any such floor is above or below grade, measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the building or structure at the level of each floor. 3.3.13. Height of Building: shall mean the vertical distance". measured between the . / . finished grade at the front of the building, and - 6 - , . (a) in the case of a,flat roof, the highest point of the roof surfilce: . (b) in the case of a mansard roofi the deck roof lines; and, (c) in the case of a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the mean heights between the eaves and ridge,exclusive of any accessory roof construction such as a / chimney, tower, steeple or television antenna. .3.3.14. Landscaped Open ~p~ce: shall mean the open unobstructed space from ground to' sky at grade or on a mobile home site which is.suitable for the growth and maintenance of grass, flowers, bushes and other landscaping and includes any garden surfaced walk, patio or similar area but does not include . any driveway or ramp, whether surfaced or not, any curb, retaining wall, parking area of any open space beneath or within any building or structure.. J..3.15.Mobile Home: shall mean any dwelling unit that 1S designed to: (1) be made mobile; (2) connect to sewage disposal facilities, hydro and/or gas services and/or any other necessary utilities; (3) provide a permanent residence for one or two persons; but does not include a travel trailer, or tent trailer or trailer otherwise designed. ... 0 . 3.3.16. Mobile Home Dwe~li!1g Unit Area: shall mean the habitable area contained within the - 7 - . inside walls of a mobile home, excluding any porch, verandah, or sunroom (unless such sunroom is habitable in all seasons of the year); excluding stairways. 3.3.17. Mobile Home Park: shall mean the whole of the lands shown on Schedule B-1. 3.3.18. Mobile Home Park Road: shall mean a private road or roads providing access to and from a public road to the mobile home park and shall also mean an internal road or roads located wholly within the confines of the mobile home park, which have not been dedicated or assumed by the Municipality, Region or Province. 3.3.19. Mobile Home Site: shall mean a parcel of land within the mobile home park upon which it is intended to erect or place a mobile home and surrounding lands which are or are intended to be leased to the owners or occupants of the mobile home. 3.3.20. Mobile Home Site Area: shall mean the total porizontal area of a mobile home site. 3.3.21. Mobile Home Site Coverage: shall mean that percentage of the mobile home site . area covered by the perpendicular vertical projection of the area of all buildings on to a horizontal plane. . . - 8 - 3.3.22. Park, Private: . shall mean any open space or recreational area, owned and operated or maintained in whole or in part by a private organization for the use of the residents of the mobile home park only, and may include therein swimming pools, boating facilities, picnic areas and gardens. 3.3.23. Parking Area: shall mean an area provided for the parking of motor vehicles and includes aisles having a minimum width of 5.5 metres, parking spaces having a minimum width of 3 metres, and related ingress and egress lanes. 3.3.24. Parking Space: shall mean an area of ,not less than 6 metres long and 3 . metres wide, exclusive of any aisles, ingress and egress / lanes, for the temporary parking or storage of motor vehicles, and may include a private gar~ge or carport. . 3.3.25. Service Shop: shall mean a building or part of a building, not other- wise defined or classified herein, for the servicing or repairing of equipment, machinery, goods or materials. 3.3.26. Storage Areas/Lockers/Maintenance Buildings: shall mean buildings, structures and lands used for the storage of equipment, goods or materials. 3.3.27. Structure: , shall mean anything that is erected, built or constructed, the use of which requires locati6n on the ground or . attachment to something having location on the ground. . 3.4 . . . - 9 - Permitted Uses: . The lands described in Schedule "B-l" may be developed only for the following uses and in accordance with the following provisions: 3.4.1. Residential Uses (1) mobile homes 3.4.2. Non-residential uses (1) accessory commercial uses (2) business or professional offices (3 ) cable T.V. Tower (4) community hall (5) convenience stores (6 ) eating establishments (7) parking areas (8) private parks ( 9) service shops (10) storage ateasjlockersjmaintenance buildings (11) accessory uses. .. 3.4.3. The Mobile Home Park (1) shall have a maximum of 860 mobile home sites (2) the total floor area of the community hall shall not exceed 3,500 square metres (3) parking shall be provided on the basis of two (2) parking spaces for each mobile home site and visitors parking on the basis of one (1) parking space for each four (4) mobile home sites . . . " . - 10 - " (4) parking for all accessory conunercial uses within the Conununity Hall shall pe provided on the basis of one (1) parking space for each 28 square metres of total floor area (5) parking for all uses other than accessory commercial uses within the Community Hall shall be provided on the basis of one (1) parking space for each 12 square metres of total floor area 3.4.4. Each Mobile Home Site (1) shall have a minimum mobile home site area of 325 square metres (2) shall have a maximum mobile home site coverage of 45 per cent (3) shall have a minimum landscaped open space of of 35 per cent (4) shall have only one (1) mobile home (5) shall have no accessory buildings. . (6) shall have no outside sto.rage. 3.4.5. ~ach Mobile Home (1) shall have a minimum mobiie home dwelling unit area of 60 square metres; (2) shall be connected to a sewage disposal system acceptable to the medical officer of health; (3) shall be connected to a potable water supply; (4) shall be a minimum distance of 3 metres from any other mobile nome: '. / . . . - 11 - (5) shall be a minimum distance"of 5 metres from a mobile home park road (6) shall be a minimum distance of 15 metres from the boundary of the mobile home park (7) shall be a minimum distance of 38 metres from the nearest portion of any Ontario Hydro Tower. 3.5 Enforcement and Penalties: 3.5.1. Violation and Penalties: / Every person who contravenes any provision of this By-law shall be guilty of an offence, and upon. conviction shall pay a fine not exceeding One Thousand J ($1,000.00) Dollars, exclusive of costs, for each offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under The Municipal Act and The Provincial Offences Ac t , 1979. THIS BY"LAW READ a first time, this 26th day of January , 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ a second time, this 26th day of January , 1981. THIS BY-LAW READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of January , 1981. MaG;o~. RiCkardP4.--L--r:- J. M. Clerk McI1ro~ 1~ c:::? THIS IS SCHEDULE PASSED THIS 26th lA-II TO BY-LAW 81-22-, DAY OF January A. D. 1981. F ~ I ;.; I" f t I 'H~ CON. III .. , " . "...... ............ .-..... t rrll A I I A I I I L~I I ~ , . CON.".. ." ~ t.", ~. A , 14 1-' I; " '10 " ,. " A A I ,~ " 10 A " CON./I A 1(1 G'j Villog, of N,wcoslltl CON. I CON. 0 OF. SUBJECT LANDS I -;~Ion:: C%.~ 0 ~s lion . ~-- ,. -.:;; J. I " 0 .. ' r-J-.~- 2000 ~ 2000 4000 6000 ft. . . TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE PART OF MAP 2 l[G[ND Z()frll[ "ou-o."" He lONe eAU ,uru"n PROVIfrfC1A\. ";HW&Y COON'" !tOADS OTHr. iteAM THIS IS SCHEDULE PASSED THIS 26th 'A-2' TO BY-LAW 81-~ t DAY OF January A. D. 1981. t 24 LOT --5. LOT 5 LOT 4 LOT J \ 'Lor2 Lor I '-...1 .... ! lA.J '" .~. ~. ~"- .... ~ ""- '--."'t ~-....J ~~ . \ (J , ~ " ~ , '.. _4/Nn .r .... ..... -:. .t( ... '-. ~- ::t V) < ~---- ~ \J h. TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON KEY MAP 29 SUBJECT' LANDS LAKE ONTARIO ~/Z~ G. B. Ri ckard J Mayor o ~ 800 400 800 1600 2400f1. ~ -- -~ I \J7 /' /~ /' .../1..... ~ ;--r-- \. v ",/" J. M. Mcllro~, Clerk I -.I C\I I ~ I rt) , j- PART 3 PLAN lOR - 37; ~~.. - /..;_ ~~\\O") --~~:::::-1- \ - Q ~~~-"" -- /--- '3. j.> p~l?Q5\~~olJ ~<- \\A,7 \':l t =-.. \B~l'-\.S\::--:::/-- _(,~ ~'-~E,e (It> _ ._ ~~.: ~fi~::_ 9190 - NGI(> 50'50"liMlIosl '1162" ;9'20E(IO~-373) NS\ ~CO"J F~ 0 I P le:lOl 7603 tJ56004: 00"[ IMeos) N56Q3e Oo"E{IOR<'173I ~.o \ 7~~ArO. t>o ~~. 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Z <t i< 0 LOT 2 --' --' <t 0 FRONT " 0 a: OF N1ZO 36' _0" E (IOR- 3731 N12cO:-' ~O"E (Meo~ ~ ~--To 06 {Meos 1 IOOS(IOR-:'..731 ; ,.',:he "''''1 of LO~e 0 L'hI9h~O~:;' O"OO/Oble n::~~~n:S sh".." he,~["_ I't,~ "me Olm~:; Or "(Her'S :d9: 'he O"'';''~~I J TO...nShIP of 00fI1010;;:,no. Sur"!:'l 0~~:~I,n9 0' n os s;,o"", on PI;n fO- ....- 37~ 500m , :6~ ~~ i?E , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,,""" """ t N76" 20' I~' E (IOR_313i; (~~J '"N:~750 ~~T40}li:O~1 \'P- "~r'~.'r:: ~:::~6: '":'(lOR - N a07 71 c;r--~':2-f r~!3) ItATER .. THIS IS SCHEDULE 'B-1' TO BY-LAW 81-21-, PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF January A. D. 1981. /' ~ '" "\ I oETA.IL \ NOT TO SCA.LE / / / " ~ '" {C_N 1'1 1 ~~ z"'" ~ d i< t;;z alO... ~o \ +4""..;'1.:0. FClS' _ fClSIS'" ,,,,"i lOHI ...J (no) ~ ~~ 0- ':4CS -;;f ~ 0 ~ It ~ ~ FdSJ8 ~o~~ ~ ~ ~~~ /~~ If" ".0 \\ (' ..:1" t'. 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" Sf~B N69"4C!, 20,{il~:;5716r~3125_>-~- '~~ -0;" N69" II 52.... -.-- IO~''''' 152,:J 9,2.". l,~;.-r--P 107'- 2CZ ~ ~ '" ~I_ Z~ ;~: ~~:~ (I(;R-767 'QIo~ 1I.3-t::-T- _I'::- .". 53' \ ' -"'710 2,5' ~O~,'E (JOR-373} : fd ~~t'~ 0 f (""eoE I J~~_O; fl{860 - i!J;::~6.~ ~~, OO~ '0..-:-,. jO'''''OR J - '.. 'f;~ltfeos/'3) Ji.~ ~9~ 21 ~B ":;:;~-2~1 1'~;>c I ......::::.::: 4')')',,'.J. I ')... ~.e- "'-0.", "-~';;- -!::/~: ~Z~ .f?,3 1< "'9i;'-.~~3) :: ,J\I:;:::.Jo:- 7"')'t ...~~.: F"dRle~(J<9~5~.J~~~{4r. t~~~ ."..0' - ~,{~~~ ~ 0 " '" t1fJ CD~ Z::: ;g: 50"[ (lOR 34 ~ c;"l-? 20'\.j..M~.) 9.' I} If.' : ;r-- - . 21!:, f 2'023 :)-- ,~ !, e 'nOI 11'~~i'leI':1 0' LO~e On'o"o 0 . If o"o"Obl ' sho.." '" 11~:h,.::I: ma,. Oft w::~~e~: of the o";~:O"1 [01 C10'_e on';e 0"91nOI !...rve~~ 't~st'n9 Ot os ShOWn On 1>(00 IO~_T~~~h'p LAKE i /,~ht:el'::stof lO~e Qr,'o<lo 0' Sh i_ ~.'ht9h 10(11" :1!J~'loble hlO'ence 0,0;;:, h,tllOtl /~w:'" 11m. Of :h:' O~O!,: s .dge e~,s~:~:jflOI IIOR_ ~~~ :1 ,CIa., 000'9 PI;~s I~O"R" ,01 'he un IOR_ 349 - 73, ONTARIO ,4A_~ G. B. Rickard I Mayor LOT 32 BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION PART 1\ PLAN IOR-373 J.M. ~v M~y,Clerk - ~ DATED: January 12th, 1981 " , . ' , ~- . BY-LAW NO. .81- 15 . .. SIMS MORT0N McINERNEY & BRADY Barristers and Solicitors, 117 King Street, Whitby, Ontario. . ~ '\ ~ [tj '11III..." Ontario It 81822 Ontario Municipal Board IN '1'HE MAT'1'BR OP Sect.1on 35 of The Plannini Ao~ (a.s.o. 1970, o. 349), - and - IN '1'BB MATTER OF an app11ca.~ion by The COrporat.ion of the 'fown of Newoastle for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 81-15 BBFORE I V.H. SINGER, a.c. Member - and - D.L. SAN'l'O Membel:' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, t.he 23r4 day of Marcb, 1983 The obj~ors t.o approval of ~e said by-law hav1n; withdrawn their object,ions, TBB BOARD ORDERS that By-law 81-15 is hereby approved. /' l -=--=- /') ~.,;--- .. ~('-" . .." A..... " -~-'c....:_...\.--,~~ .- .. -::..~ SECRETARY .."...... _......, ..~._..-_..-:~_._;=;;...J;.-.,.-,T' I r. c, rio, ':~h ,C? , , , I',.!:.~ r.~.~ ~1 (/1 ; ..:t,l tv.. . .Cl!I.O. ..,... I. MAR 2 3 1?83 '~/'I) I"".'" 't.' I r ..... "J J " , .' ._--v:/::..:,~e....0:'fA.~ , ''''-'::r'~:;> 411!{t t. '~"'''ET''~'' r)~.;" "1"';.o')'I'"'I',f'>II";'''L~....ft~ ....t:.~. ....' ,~,-... . .,'j "'" -. r.4-.~l1" ...""',~'l-..~ ~.. . ~",".......--,_l" .........,4;'..,."'..: ....Al"Pl...TJ;