HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-134 ;. 1c ,} .,Y .'" , li I, i }.<V' liT! ,A\ ~i' '. \ ." \J THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 8l-134 Being a by-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with Trahor Limited lheCounetl of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Trahor Limited and the Corporation dated the day of A.D. 1981 which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". BY-LAW READ a first and second time this BY-LAW READ A third and final time this 2lst day of September, 1981 2lst day of September 1981 . Garnet B. RiCkar~~ Mayor ' - n , .rflA David W. Oakes ~..v Clerk . I File NO.___uuk1.{L.__6:_L_ujJ_~_____1 . . I By-law No___ugL=!~~____.1 .. " ..., DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MADE (in quintuplicate) this a. W day of .f;pT~&v A.D. 1981 BET WEE N TRAHOR LIMITED, hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affect by this agreement, are described in Schedule "A'~ hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; AND WHEREAS the Owner has represented to the Town that the said lands are registered in the name of Mcqueen Motors Ltd. although the Trahor Limited is the beneficial owner of the said lands as stated in the affidavit attached to this agreement as Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS the Owner proposes to erect a retail commercial building on the said lands; and has requested the Town to approve the said development pursuant to the provisions of By-law 79-151; AND WHEREAS the Town has resolved to approve the said development pur- suant to the said By-law 79-151, provided that the Owner enter into this Agreement with the Town; AND WHEREAS the Owner warrants that it has entered, or will enter into an Agreement with the Corporation of the Region of Durham, for the pro- vision of services from the St. George Street frontage 7'~' '-with the approval of the Director of Public Works of the Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenat1t:s hetl:!inafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: L Arlhexed heretd and marked as Schedule "c" is a site plan showing . the siie~ idcatioti. elev~tion and exterior architectural design of the building which the Owner proposes to erect on the "said lands", which is hereby approved by the Town. oJ- ~ ,. -0" - 2 - 2. The Owner agrees that no buildings or structures, other than the building shown on Schedule "c" shall be erected on the "said lands" and further, that in the construction of such building the Owner will comply with the elevations, exterior architectural design, the location - of the building on the lot and all other matters relating to the building shown on Schedule "C". 3. PARKING AND LOADING The Owner agrees to provide and maintain off-street parking and driveway access in accordance with S'chedule "e" and to do so in accordance with specifications to be approved b~ the Director of Public Works which shall include a surfacing of parking areas with concrete or bituminious asphalt. No parking of vehicles shall be permitted on access or driveway areas which shall be signed and maintained as fire access routes to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. 4. GARBAGE AND WASTE (a) The Owner agrees to provide and maintain enclosed garbage and waste storage facilities as may be required by the Town for the storage of garbage and other waste materials from the buildings on the said lands, in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. (b) The Owner further agrees to remove garbage and other waste materials as often as may be required by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. 5. SNOW REMOVAL The Owner agrees to remove all snow from access ramps, drive- ways, parking areas, loading areas and walkways within twelve hours of the cessation of any fall of snow. 6. . GRADING AND DRAINAGE The Owner agrees to undertake the grading of and provide for' at his cost th~ disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the . "eaid landiill Gild from any buildings or structures thereon in, accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and annexed to this agreement as a portion of Schedule "C". """ 3 - 7. FLOODLIGHTING The Owner agrees to provide floodlighting of the "said lands" and building in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and to refrain from erecting or using any form of illumination which in the opinion of the Town would cause any traffic hazard or would cause a disturbance to residential uses adjacent to the "said lands". 8. FENCING AND LANDSCAPING The Owner agrees to erect and maintain fences and plant and main- tain, trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning to provide adequate landscaping of the "said lands" and protection to adjoining lands. 9. SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS The Owner agrees to construct or repair, to the Town's specifications a sidewalk along those portions of St. George Street and King Street which abut the "said lands" and which may require construction or repair as a result of the construction of the building and structures to be erected on the "said lands". The Owner further agrees to construct or reconstruct, to the Town's specifications, curbs and gutters along those portions of St. George Street and King Street, which abut the "said lands" which may require construction, reconstruction or repair as a result of the redevelopment of the "said lands". 10. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Owner agrees that the issuance of any building permit in respect of the "said lands" shall be prohibited until all plans and specifications required pursuant to this Agreement have been approved by the Town. 11. REGISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT The Owner agrees that the Town may register this Agreement against the title to the "said lands" and that the Town may enforce the provisions of this Agreement against the Owner of the "said lands" and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act R.S.O. 1979, as amended, against any and all subsequent owners of the "said lands". The Owner further agrees to provide the Town with a registered copy of this Agreement within Thirty (30) days of the date of execution hereof. l2. APPROVAL OF COST ESTIMATES The Owner agrees that, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the building identified on Schedule "c" hereto, the estimated . ~ - 4 - cost of construction and installation of the external works required by this Agreerent, hereinafter called the "Works Cost Estimate" shall be approved by the Director of Public Works and annexed to this Agreement on Schedule "D". The said approved "Works Cost Estimate" shall be deemed to have been included in this Agreement at the date of its original execution, whether or not it was, in fact, so included and whether or not it is, in fact, entered in Schedule "D" hereto. 13. 'PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE REQUIRED (1) Prior to the issuance of any authorization to comrence work, the Owner shall provide the Town with a "Performance Guarantee", in the form of cash or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a chartered Canadian Bank in an amount equal to the "Works Cost Estimate". The "Performance Guarantee" may be used by the Town of Newcastle as set out in clause 19 in the event that the Owner fails to satisfactorily meet the requirements of this agreement in respect of the provisions of the specified works and facilities. (2) All submissions made under clause (l) above, shall be approved by the Treasurer of the Town of Newcastle. l4. USE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE The Owner agrees that the Municipality may at any time, by resolution of Municipal Council, authorize the use of all or part of any Performance Guarantee if the Owner fails to pay any costs payable by the Owner to the Municipality under this Agreement by the due date of the invoice of such costs. l5. BUILDING PERMIT The Town agrees that upon the Owner complying with the provisions of this Agreement respecting approval of all plans and specifications re- quired herein, building permits will be issued in accordance with the plans subject to payment of the usual permit fees and other fees as are payable under by-law currently in force in the Town and provided that all building , . . plans comply with the Ontario Building Coae and such other Municipal By-laws as may be relevant. o 16. LAPSE OF APPROVAL .. .'J, - 5 - In the event a building permit has not been issued to the Owner within the period of two years hereinafter in this sentence referred to, the parties agree that the Town's approval of the site plan and drawings referred to in paragraph number I hereof shall lapse upon the expiry of two years from the date of the registration of this Agreement. 17. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT The Owner agrees to commence construction of any building or buildings for which a permit may be issued under Paragraph 15 hereof as soon as is reasonably practicable following the issuance of any such permit. 18. INTERPRETATION NOT AFFECTED BY HEADINGS The division of this Agreement into paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way affect the interpretation of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) TRAHOR LIMITED Per: Per: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per: Per: CLERK . . LIST OF SCHEDULES ~ A Legal Survey of said lands B Affidavit of Ownership C Site Plan including: D Works Cost Estimate . Location of buildings Landscaping and fencing Floodlighting Grading and drainage o THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been authorized ~ and approved by By-law NO.~/-/3<t ,of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the ?./.-t- day of hf~, 198 f. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY: Firstly, all of Town Lots lO, ll, 2l, part of Town Lots l2, 20, 31 and 32, all in Block C according to C. G. Hartning's Plan of Part of Township Lot lO, Concession 1 in the former Town of BOWIDanville (geographic Township of Darl- ington, former County of Durham) now in the Town of Newcastle, in the Region of Durham more particularly designated as Part 1 on Plan lOR-l3l0. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their authorized irt that behalf. corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , . Per: THE CO~.. ORATIO.OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per:.. "~ ~. cCU:YOR Per: _ CLERK . " -__1 THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No.~/~3~ of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the -:tf -of- day of~~' , 198'. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, GODFREY TRAUB, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, am the President of Trahor Limited and as such have knowledge of the matters herein deposed to: 1. Trahor Limited is the purchaser, under an Agreement of Purchase and Sale from Mcqueen Motors Ltd., dated March ll, 1981 of the property described as Part of Lot lO, Concession 1, and more particularly described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement. . 2. A copy of the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale between Trahor Limited and Mcqueen Motors Ltd. is annexed hereto as Exhibit "A" to this my Affidavit. A.D. 1981. ) } ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ A Commissioner, etc. /~~. GO SWORN BEFORE ME at the ci; of ~ ,in the tl~ (//~' this Il'day of ~ ......... . .,.".. t',~"I..f. . ..04...... ..' .... .. ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE . Trahor Limited, In Trust PLRCHASER. . ... .. ... ....... ..... ...... . . .......................... ...... .... offers to buy from VENDOR. . .l\1~Q~~~I1. ..N9.:t9..r....~~1..~.~.....I..iJl.l:~..t~4.................... ,through'Vendor's AGENT, .W......~r.a.nk..Re.n.l....Es.t~te....~~m.i.te.d........................ George Street.... . ....., ttle ro!lowing PROPERTY: fronhng on tbe ..S.Q.uth..... side of K Ing....s.t......E .. ,..at S t , kr.o~n municip..!lr as ." 2 ~~.. .t~ 1 ng . S :t..~ E~. in the ..r..9.Wp....QJ...l(~}~.~.~?tJ.~.....C:f9.!.m.~.r.J.y....th~..J.'g.~p............. of ~O~~m.~I)y.1.J !.~ J... ... ..... ... . ....., ......... . 160"1" 780' . and havmg a frontage of .... . ..~............................. more or Jess by a depth of.- ....... ....... more or kss and descnbed as .L9.ts.....l..Q.).....l~...J:IJJg....~.1....?D-.4...p.?.x.:t:...9.J...~9..t.?.....1 .? '-.....2 0.,.. 31 . aD-d.. }~..,.. ..~}.~.~~....~J.. ~.a.l!.~.~.Ilg...... .p.l.a.n.,...B.o-'~m~n.hj.ll'h.)....Qnt.~r.;i.Q..)....~JJ....<!~....~.hQ~~!J...().l.,lt Ii n eq ..~:~L.r.~.<:1..o..~....!h~.. .P.t?-.n. .C?-K... .Sur.Y~Y...~.'t.'t~.~....~........~.!.~.~g..L............. ...................................... .... '. .......................at the PURCHASE PRICE of Three hundred and ten thousand------------------ .310 000.00 ........................................................................................... ....................................................... Canadian Dollars (SCan. ..... ...' .... ......... ., .....) on tbe following terms: . . 1. Purchaser submits with this offer ...9.n~....~~.C?ll.~.~!l.~.:-:..~..-:-..:-:.:-:.~..-:-..-:-..::.:-..-:-..-=-.-::.-:.-. -:- -:.:-:.~.:..:-.:-: Dollars ($ } ). Q~.9... 0 Q...........) c:ash/cheque p~yable to Vendor"s Asent as ~ deposit 10 be .held by him in lrust p:::ndirlg .::ompletion or other termination of this Agreement and to be credited towards the Purchase Pnce on completion. . 2. Purchaser agrees : (a) to pay the sum of Ten thousand dollars (510,000.00) by way of cash or certified cheque on the date, sixty (60) days after acceptance of this offer, which sum will be credited to the purchase price payable hereunder in the event of the successful completion, but \\'hich sum in no event will be refundable to the Purchaser. (b) to pay the balance of the purchase price, in cash or certified cheque ~ubject to the usual adjustments, to the Vendor's solicitor on closing.. 3. The Purchaser'is aware of the fact that the property is subject to a water and sewer easement crossing part of the property and it agrees it is willing to take the property subject to such easement. 4. The Purchaser shall have the right to assign the benefit of this agreement to any other cOTporation, and upon such assignment the above- named purchaser shall have no further liability ar obligations here- under and the Vendor shall make the deed in favour of the assignee concerned. -~; (f A /j This is Exhibit.......... ... ............re/erreJ to in the affidavit of .......G.*.....~ ,worn before me. tlus ............//.:.................:... Jay of........d~J:.. ...........'9 .R:.L. ............................ 3. Purch...~er and Vendor agree that all existing fixtures are included in the pur.:h;,~;:- Fi.::e (::>...::epltlto~e listed hercundcr: ~nd thai the rO~.I~\~.i.n.g..c~,~tt;1~..~rlrn3u~~~.i.~..~~~.;~;~~~~~.~;~~'~';':.J~u r ~ 4) 1 i gh t . stan d a'!,I's.' t o'''ill ~ ::":::.:::' . north qf ser.,vi ce s :t.~.t:i.g!.1..a.I1<:l...4.11.e.1....pos t sIgn on c()rner,. ayprox, 8 feet hi gh Fu~therd at the time of demolition Qffthe buiJdingl. the \'cndorshcin"'f>e en Itle to remove such chattels and lxture$~a~ IL may desJre. 4. Ven r.'Ciee" that this Offer shall be irre-m:"t>le by him until 11 :59 p.l:l. on :h~ ~:. t h lby of. ~'la rc n ]9 f, rIfler \\hi.:h time. if nOI ",'('epled. Ihis Ofier sh..n he nlll! and \0;,; .l~'': ::-.,: deposit ,hall be returnl'd !l) Pnr,'h:.se-r v.ithollt inlerest or de,!ne-tion. s. This Agreement shall be completed on the.2 9..t.h..... . day of ....."... .July ..... ........... 19.~}... Upon complelion. vacant possession of ~he property shall he given to Purchaser unless otherwise pro\'id<.>d a;; fC'llows: .................................................................................. .......................................... . .. - ... ........ .. -..... ....... ............................ ........... ........ ~..... ........ 6. Purcha.-.er shall be allowed the ......80.......... days next following the date of acc-e;:ance of this Offer to: examine the title to the property at his own expense, 10 satisfy himself that there are no outstanding worT;; orders z.ffe;;:ting the property, that its pre~ent use (...................... .... .~. 9. mJl).~. r.~.~ .~.1..................... ....... .............. ................... ...... ......................... ........ ...... ......... ... ............. .................... .... .............. ...... ..... .......... may be lawfully continued. and that the principal building may be insured against ris}. of fire. 7. V~ndor and Purcha~er agree that there is no c:ondilion. express or implied. represcnt"tion or warranty of an}' kind that the future intended use of the pr~rty. br purchaser is or will be lawful except ~s may be sredfica!lv s:i~l.I1.aled hereunder. . See Schedule "Aft hereto formIng part of tnls agreement. ............-......... ............ ..................................................................... ..... ............. .....- .........-... ...................................... ............................,....... ._ .......... ..'.0' ..................-............ ........................................... .................. ...............................................................................,...... 1>. I'\lfCh:I~U :...1""", ,,'d:.:o:~ 11:" in!: ill'l'l.,.tL'd the prop<rly prinr to ~\Ihlllillill;': this OffLr ::\Ild 11Ilil..rst:lIIds th:!t up"n ",'mlor an'f.'I,ling tl.i~ 0.__ ... ___.IL._---"---.._..~~_l I" .l,..r.----'--------.. ....... .....'... ,- ......... .......-................,....................... . .................... ........... ... ........................................ "...............;r;...;..:~~ .. . . ;....- ':-;"": "'- 9. Provided that Ihe titk to the propert)' is good and free from all encumbrances excep: as afore5aid and except for an)' regi\ICrcd rcmiClions or CCl\Cnants that run wilh Ihe land providing that su.::h are complied with and e:\.;ep; foo any minor ea,ements to public ulilities required for the ~urply of domestic utitit}. services to the property. If within the time allo"-c:c ior c\;!:;)ining Ihe title any valid obje';lion to litle, or 10 any outstanding work order, or 10 the fact the said present use may not lawfully be con:ir.ued. or that the principal building ma}' not be insured .againsl risk.of fire is made in wriring to Vendor and which Vendor is unab!:: 0: un'..i:!!ng to remo\e, remedy or satisfy and which Purchaser will not waive. this Agreement, notwithstanding any intermediate acts or nego,i;!tions in respect of such objections, shall be at an end and ;Ill monies theretofore paid shal~ be f.etu~ned without interest or deduelion and Ven:!or ~nd. \'end,?r's Agent shall nOI be liahle for any costs or damages. Save as to any vahd ohJeCllon so made by such day and except fN any objectIon gomg to the fOOl of the' title, Purcha-.er shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's title to the property. 10. Purchaser shall not call Cor the production of any title deed. abslract, sur\'ey' or other c\'idence of litle to the property except such as are in the possess!on or c~nt!ol ?f Vendor. Vendor agrees that, if req~ested by t~e purchaser. he will deliver any sk.el;h O! survey of Ihe properlY in his possession or wlthlO hiS control to Purchaser as soon as pOSSible and prior 10 the last day allowed for examlnmg title. II. All buildings on the properly and all other things being purchased shall be and reraain until completion at the risk of Vendor. Pending completion, Vcndor shall hold all insurance policies, if any, and the proceeds thereof in trust for the parties as their interests may appear and in the event of suhstantial damage, Purchascr may either terminate this Ag.eement ;!rId ha\'e im monies theretofore paid rClUrned without interest or deduction or else take the proceeds oC any insurance and complete the purchase. . 12. Pro\'ided thai this Agreement shaH be efrective to crcate an imerest in Ihe pro;>erlY only if the subdivision control provisions of The Planning Act are complied with by Vendor on or before completion and Vendor heretoy co\'er:ams to proceed diligently at his expense to obtain any necessary consent on or before completion. 13. Purchaser hereby warrants that he is not a non-resident of Canada pursuant to The Lane Transfer Tax Act. 14. Purchaser shall be credited towards the Purchase Price with the amount, if any, which it shall be necessary for Purchaser to pay to the Minisler of National Revenue in order to- satisfy Purchaser's liability in respect of tax payable by Vendor under the non-residenC)- pro\isions of the Income Tax Act by reason of this sale. Purchaser shall not claim such crcdit ii Vendor deli\'ers on completion the prescribed certificate or his statutory declaration that he is not then a non-resident of Canada. IS. fire insurance shall be assigned to the Purchaser on closing subject to the CO;l;enl of the insurer. ha\."ing been oblained to sucb assi!toment. and the v'endor shall supply to the purchaser at least five (5) days berore the comple,ion dare delails of any such policy to be so assigned.~ 16. Unearned' fire insurance premiums of any policy to be assigned pursuant to paragraph IS herein, rents, mortgage interest, taxes.,. local improvements, water and assessment rates and the cost of fuel shall be appo"i"ned and allo,,-ed to the date of completion (the dayitsclf to be apportioned to Purchaser). 17. The deed or transfer shall, save for the Land Transfer Tax Affidavits, which shall be prepared and completed by the Purchaser. be prepared, in registrable form at thc expense of Vendor and the l\.tortgage at the expense of Purchaser. . . 18. Time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof provided that the time fo: Going or completing of any matter provided for herein may .be extended or abridged by an agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Purchaser or by their respective solicitors who are hereby expressly appointed in this regard. 19. Any tender of documents or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Pur.::hasei or their respective solicitors on the day for completion of this Agreement. Money may be tendered by bank draft or cheque certjfi~d by a chartered bank, trUSI company or Province of Ontario Savings Office. 20. This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between Purchaser "nd Vendor and there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting this Agreement or tbe properl}' or supported hereby o:her than as expressed herein in writing. This Agreement shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. DATED at...... ...........fr7.:fr.'X.................... .............. ...this..........l. L#.~..da... oL......N?-.r.~h............... ._~!:!.::.~:........ J9 81 - ,)' 1\1 . ' I . : .... ............ \' -/. .. . SIGNED. SEALED AND DELIVERED IN WITNESS wqercqf I ha~e hereunjP set my hand anc\)S~~I:/..' .., . ", i~.:=.~~.':~.~~.~:~r,............................................... ~.~~.~.~~..,~.'.~'..t~A:d ~0~~.....'.. ...........~~~f f~atj...$v.i.jl;l g I . ...,~ . ..,. ...................." per: (P'Jrchaser) "''',', ", ;.- / \1 t ~ ) ',. 1, '.) I ..>> . ) " ,"I, >>.0 ;.' ~'. :j'l.t" ......................................... ............... ............. ..................................... (h; ~h;~~~j""""""""'" ~ . Dat'ef. ....;........... ............ The undersigned accepts the above Offer and agrees with the Agenl above named in cor.;ijeration for his services in prQCuring the said Offer, to pay. him on the date above fixed Cor compJe~ion, a comm.ission of ...:..............0-, o~ ~n amount eq~alto the abov.e mentioned sale price, which commIssion may be deducted Crom the depOSIt. I hereby Irrevocably IOslruct my SoJICllor to pay dnect to the saId Agent any l!npaid balance- of commission from the proceeds of the sale. ' . I I . :". DATED .t............1!'.!!H.!?y....... ....... ........ ........................i...... ./i::iI::.,r or...............M~r.\;h.... .........,.........:.... .....,..~.L..'. .......................................................................... f I have he:-eunto set my hand and seal.: " . 711 ~0 1.8'1 Date.................. ......... , . . II, .. . SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the pr~ence of: ..................................................................... .............. ..... ~...;. -....... ............... ............ ............... ...... Dale. ........... .................. (\'en~N) The l!ndersignedSp0u,e of the Vendor hereby' consents to th~ dispo~ilion e\'iden.:ed herein rUr,U3m 10 the provisions of The Family law Reform ACI. 1978. S.O. 1971\. c.:!, as the same may be am~pded from time 10 lime. In con..ideration of Ihe sum of One Dollar (51.00), Ihe receipt of whi.::h fr0m t~.e ?"r.;:n:;;.er :, hereby aci-n..,wledged. the undersigned spouse of the Vendor hereb) a!!rees with the Purchaser that he' she will execute all necessar:-' or in.::~er::al documents to give full force and dfe;:t to the sale c\'idcnced herein. ....................................................................................... .... ...............".,..... ,............... .....................~~ Date.......... Sp(lu!'e Iii~ ..............u........ \"J; nc'\~ AC"""OWU:DGE\lE...T I a..~no\\kdl!e rrccipt of my sit:ned copy of Ihis accepted Al!r,e~meOl of purchase and Sale, and direcl the agent to forward a COy}' 10 my sohcllor. I aci.;no",ledgc receipt o,f my signed copy of Ihis accepted AlIreement or P~r.:~"~ a:!" s..le. and dITccllhe al'enllo forward a copy 10 my solicitor. ............................................................. Dale................. .................. (Vcndor) ................ ........................ ..................... Dalc.. ,......... ........ ........ ....... (\'cndor) ........ .... ......... ...... ............... ...... ............. Dale......... . (Purchaser) . ........................ ............... ............... .. ........ ........ ...... ... ... . Dale................. ....... ....... .... (Purehaser) Addrcss: ...................... ................... ............. .,...... ............... Address: ........................... ..... ......... ,.. .............. ............ ....... T dephone No. ......................... .......................... .................. Telephone No. ........... ....... ..... ..... ......... ........... ..................... \' ..-ndors Sol kit or ................................................................. Pur;:ha"er.s Solicitor ...sims...HQ.T.t.Qn...N.cln.ex.ney....& Brady - '....rr.!'\C'- H\1 117 King Street, Box 358 \\'hitby, Ont3rio 668-7704 ",,,,c),j(.' HUIIi .U~'~l'Tt -;..:;c-n. . . ...~ . . ~. I SCHEDULE "A" 22. The Agreement of Purchase and Sale attached is subject to the following conditions~ which have been inserted for the exclusive benefit of the Purchaser, and if anyone or more of which 'can not be met on or before the closing date or other time as' herein expressly provided for, this transaction~ at the option of the Purchaser shall be null and void and the deposit paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor, other than the sum referred to in 2(a) hereof, shall be returned to the Purchaser forthwith, without any deduction, wh~tever, or in the alternativ~ the Purchaser shall have the right to waive anyone or more of the said conditions and close the transaction, notwithstanding their non-fulfilment. The condition are that: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) the existing services to the property have been paid ~or in full; within sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the Purchaser shall have satisfied itself that it will have the right to extend such services in the property for its proposed development of the property, provided that unless the Purchaser shall notify the Vendor in \iriting by not later than sixty (60) days after acceptance of this offer that it has not satisfied itself, it will be deemed to have obtained same; within sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the Purchaser shall have satisfied itself that the existing CI zoning of the property contains no additional restrictions other than those set out in the zoning by-law and that there are no proceedings in motion to downgrade such zoning; provided that unless the Purchaser shall notify the Vendor in writing by not later than sixty (60) days after acceptance of this offer that it has not satisfied itself respecting zoning, it will be deemed to have obtained same; . (f) the Eurchaser will obtain a demolition permit within ninety (90) ~days of acceptance hereof for the demolition of all buildings and structures on the property including that portion of the building on the property to be retained by the Vendor; the Purchaser undertakes to apply for such permit within a period of thirty (30) days after acceptance hereof; the Purchaser will have obtained financing for the construction of its proposed development on the property on terms. satisfactory to it, provided that unless the Purchaser shall notify the Vendor in writing by not later than sixty (60) days after acceptance of this offer that it has not obtained such financing, it will be deemed to have obtained same; there will at the time of closing be no development or other similar agreement with any competent authority limiting the right of the Purchaser to make full use of the property in terms of the zoning referred to in (c) above; that soil tests shall be satisfactory to the Purchaser, and fpr this purpose the Purchaser shall be entitled to enter on the lands to make soil tests without prejudice to its rights under this agreement, provided that unless the Purchaser shall notify the Vendor in writing by not later than (60) days after acceptance of this offer that soil tests taken have proved unsatisfactory, it shall be deemed that soil tests '"ere taken by the Purchaser and were satisfactory. 23. Any written notice to the Vendor may be given to the agent on its behalf. Any written notice to the Purchaser may be given to it at Suite 200, 425 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. . i I ! I I \ I , (g) 24. The Vendor will give reasonable assistance to the Purchaser in regard to the application for the demolition permit as referred to in clause 22(d) above, and shall, if necessary and called upon .... . ~. . . '. ill I ," ~ Schedule "A", Page 2 to do so, execute any applications in that regard as owner of the property. The Vendor hereby nominates and constitutes the Purchaser as its attorney and agent with full power and authority to make such application on its behalf and in its name and place. 25. The Purchaser shall have the right to place a "For Lease" sign on the property of a size and at a location reasonably determined by the Purchaser~ at any time after acceptanc'C of this offer. 26. The Purchaser shall be liable at its cost, to demolish.the buildings and structures on the property, including that portion of the building situate on the adjoining property to be retained by the Vendor; the Purchaser acknowledges that the purchase price payable hereunder is for the lands described above alone ana that no portion thereof is in respect of the buildings and structures on the property. Accordingly, the Vendor shall be entitled to remove any and all assets, fixtures and equipment at it so desires. 27. The Purchaser shall~ at its sole expense obtain any severance required to give title to the Purchaser. The Vendor hereby undertakes and agrees to co-operate in all respects in the furtherance of the severance application. . ..... , .. .. ~ 1 .:. . ~ .)... " ~ 0: ~ UJ , , 0 lij ...1 0 (9 to -0: f{) 0 llJ 19 k (fJ I I I I . I I I . I I I I .. I I I I I I I I ! 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" . i '. .. .. - :-:..:-=- ~==:_-- -=:-:---:- =.::::::::.-::=:=:==---::::.--==:::-=::..====--==-==-===-~:'-=--=-=:-.:::::=:::..-==~.::--=- ------- - -- -- . - - - -'-;"-'~-- ------ ---- ------- ----...- ------- t~ I I lJ-:- _-=::- _==- -=--=-~ ~=-=. _ _ _ ~ ---==- -=-=- _ I . . ----=-=--===---=---=---=_-~.==___=..:.. :.' .- ===- ~_:., ~,~,. ..... .': ---J. _ ~ ___ ____ __._ __ _ ___ __ __ _-=-== ==- ~ , . .1 ' --; . ;', .J . ( ,:i .' ,; , ," -t. . (, _ ., <~, . . - '- .>';" · ..:' < : ,:,.. J . . . South Elevation ~ ;:~ I I , -I ~~~ 0)1] , w -...., M o ...., ,..... z ~ ~ ~ ~ U) '3 Site Plan. Scate: 1 : 200 --.- --"'i I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I . I . I I I I I -------J .,.--. -....- -.---- ? ---~-"-:- T,O,.DKk--r- ::::-U\ ' -' (\1 . . - . -11'" et.oa~ r:-..:.- -J.. ,- 1 ;. -~ . ~ All drawings are the property of the . Architects and may not be reproduced Without their permission. . Con1ractor shall check and verify all dimensions on site. Tr~s drawing must not be scaled . Revisions No. Date Description ~ '~ .- . , , . i ~ , . I' . ~ " _: ,. -,~ '. " statistics: Arro of Sit~ Arto of Buil~jng Coveor6ge Londscaping Parking prov;d€-d Parking requir~ 1.552 s.m. (~9,OOO sJ.) 1033-6 s.m. (11.)25"7 s.1,) 22,7'/. . 8'/.(Ml including Town land) , 75 cars 51 cars - . : ',,, . fi~? . t~)..~~ !nformation provided b~: .. i Survey & Topography SitE' Servic~ .1. , M~rrill D. BrOWn Ltd. Jo mes Johnston~ Me(h:inicol Ltd. Hy- ~ng Et~ctrk ~, L td . ~ .; ,: ~ ~ , ) .>" 5it~ Lighting , Notes~ , . ~, i . i'.: tAU pi~s ond manholes to Regional ?tandards. 2for detaited information regarding the .si\~, including existing grac1es, services and utilities, reter; to'Survey Plan, l.Access. storm seWNS, ~urbs and gutters tobe iCOnS tructed ir) accordance with TQwD of . 'Newco'stle r~uiremrilt$, regJrdingDesign Cdteria and Standards. .' ,," .' ..- ,,~. '-~ " .~ -,' ", - ,.I ..... ..;-' . < ,;- ", ~ 1?1.dA4l'J _Pf-;'OP(.?~?V e;?'A!/t~ M'J~ 01, ft t ~~y.'GT\l....\6 Gr:/~l~S . . .. .f. ,;' . .:~ - : :.. -,:~ Commercial Development BC1Nrmnville Ontario for T rahor Limitgd , , 'J , , I Site Plan.' Elevations . .: ~t' of Sidney Feitelberg · . Architect $(,Iif as not~d ~ June 1981 ()r~M l . , .:! 145 Front Street East Suite 301 Toronto Ont MSA 1B , (416) 368-1685 CHwn by ~~~ .-- .--. ~dN ~M 81 6 c- , IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. ) ) ) ~ ) ) ) ~ ) ) ~ ) ) Per: Per: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per: Per: ..-/ CLERK "- THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "0" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No.&(-/JYo[ the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the 'J..(-o!- day of~~, 198/. " . WORKS COST ESTIMATE Paving of Driveway Entrances King & St. George Streets Sidewalks King & St. George Streets Curb and Gutter King & St. George Streets 12" ~ Storm Sewer & Manhole St. George Street Contingencies (10%) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $ 1,500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 $10,000.00 1,000.00 $11,000.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the partie~ have hereto affixed their corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) TRAHOR LIMITED If ^ if ~ Per: 1//"1 ~ / (1/VJ,kJ~ ) Per: , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per: M~~-/ ~ .-? MAYOR 6iL-O:-~J-~;MAJ r&~ Per: CLERK Cl .~ ~ J~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~;o ~ ~ .~ P:.,,~, l~ ~ ~ .'1.. .....1 .J Jrr[) ~fi , .r~:. )<::l! 2 - ~ !I: .... ~2.. TRAHOR LIMI;' 1"1 ~ i. ~ t~'i ,~ ;s -1 ':-.. :. f co -+> .....0 .....0 o THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT . . ~. ,