HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-130 . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 8l-l30 being a by-law to authorize the entering into an agreement with Rudy Faber and Bonnie Faber The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: nAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Rudy Faber and Bonnie Faber and the Corporation dated the day of A.D. 1981. which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". . BY-LAW READ a first and second time tbis 2lst~dayof September, 19 8l BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 21st day of September, 1981 :;~~t B. lli<kar~~~ David W. Oakes t l..:'~.-.el.x:{),.(:11-o Clerk . I File NO..m...m...Ce.9.,mSL,mQ,1Ot.1 - .. . [BY-laW NO_u_--u~L:nJL.1 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MADE (in quintuplicate) this;:2~ day of~~ A.D. 1981. . ,.. BET WEE N RUDY FABER and BONNIE FABER, hereinafter called the "Owners" OF THE FIRST PART - AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affected by this agreement are described in Schedule "A" hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; - AND WHEREAS the Owners have represented to the Town that the said lands are registered in the names of RUDY and BONNIE FABER although the is the beneficial owner of the said lands as stated in the Affidavit attached to this agreement as Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS the Owners proposed to erect a one storey frame gift shop on the said lands; and have requested the Town to approve the said development pursuant to the provisions of By-law 79-l5l; e AND WHEREAS the Town has resolved to approve the said development pur- suant to the said By-law 79-lSl provided that the Owners enter into this Agreement with the Town; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "c" is a site plan showing the size and location of the existing buildings and the building which the Owners propose to erect on the "said lands", which is hereby approved by the Town. 2. The Owners agree that no buildings or structures, other than the building shown on Schedule "c" shall be erected on the "said lands" and further, that in the construction of such building the Owners will comply with the location of the building on the lot and all other matters relating to the building shown on Schedule "C". / ~ .' ~ - 2 - 3. PARKING AND LOADING The Owners agree to provide and maintain off-street parking and driveway access in accordance with Schedule "e" and to do so in accordance with specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works. e 4. GARBAGE AND WASTE (a) The Owners agree to provide and maintain enclosed garbage and waste storage facilities as may be required by the Town for the storage of garbage and other waste materials from the buildings on the said lands, in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. (b) The Owners further agree to remove garbage and other waste materials as often as may be required by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. 5. SNOW REMOVAL The Owners agree to remove all snow from access ramps, driveways, parking areas, loading areas and walkways within twelve hours of the cessation of any fall of snow. 6. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The Owners agree to undertake the grading of and provide for at their cost the disposal of storm, surface and waste water from the It "said lands" and from any buildings or structures thereon to the satis- faction of the Director of Public Works. 7. LIGHTING The Owners agree to provide lighting of the "said lands" and building and to refrain from erecting or using any form of illumination which in the opinion of the Town would cause any traffic hazard or would cause a disturbance to residential uses adjacent to the "said lands". 8. FENCING AND LANDSCAPING The Owners agree to erect and maintain fences and plant and maintain, trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover in accordance with Schedule "c" hereto. - - 3 - 9. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Owners agree that the issuance of any building permit in respect of the "said lands" shall be prohibited until all plans and specifications required pursuant to this Agreement have been approved by the Town. 10. REGISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT The Owners agree that the Town may register this Agreement against the title to the "said lands" and that the Town may enforce the provisions of this Agreement against the Owners of the "said lands" and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act R.S.O. 1979, as amended, against any and all subsequent owners of the "said lands". e 11. BUILDING PERMIT The Owners agree that upon the Owners complying with the pro- visions of this Agreement respecting the approval of all plans and specifications required herein, building permits will be issued in accordance with the plans subject to payment of the usual permit fees and other fees as are payable under by-law currently in force in the Town and provided that all building plans comply with the Ontario Building Code and e 12. LAPSE OF APPROVAL such other Municipal By-laws as may be relevant. ,DJi.ut 1- ~/ ~::;~ In the event a buildingVhas not been issued to the Owners within the period of two years hereinafter in this sentence referred to, the parties agree that the Town's approval of the site plan and drawings referred to in paragraph number 1 hereof shall lapse upon the expiry of two years from the date of the registration of this Agreement. 13. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT The Owners' agree to commence construction of any building or buildings for which a permit may be issued under Paragraph 11 hereof as soon as is reasonably practicable following the issuance of any such permit. 14. INTERPRETATION NOT AFFECTED BY HEADINGS The division of this Agreement into paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way affect the interpretation of this Agreement. '" - 4 - 15. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, S D & DELIVERED / e e ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RU FABER _ ~~_~ o?[l~- BONNIE FABER ~ON OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per. ~ ~ per:~ ~ · . -CL~~ ~ LIST OF SCHEDULES A Legal Description of said lands B Affidavit of Ownership c Site Plan including: Location of buildings Landscaping and fencing Parking and access e e '" e e - . THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been author- ized and approved by By-law No. jl'~so of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed theo</-Aday of~, 1981. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS (metes and bounds description to be provided by Owners) ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, being that part of Lot 18 in the Fifth Concession of the geographic Township of Darlington, in the former County of Durham, known and described in a plan thereof made by L.H. Short, P.L.S. for one Benjamin Fairfield Perry bearing date the 24th day of December, A.D. 1986 as Village lot number 6 in Perry's Plan of the Village of Hampton, which plan is on file in the Registry Office of Durham West No. 10, and was registered on the 5th day of January, 1857. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CLERK 4~e 1'" R DY FABER '7~ L C:~- ~ (~ ~ BONNIE FABER prrence of: J ~ \\.\\- THE Per: Per: -&~,~~ ,~ nns SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "B" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. ~O-(JOof the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the d:<(oA. day of ~f~1981. AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP (to be provided by Owner) WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the three pages attached hereto form a true copy of an instrument registered in the Land Registry Office No. Newcastle (No.1Q), on the 20th day of October, 1972 as Number 56643. e e DATED at the Town of Newcastle, this ~O%day of Ju LV- 1981. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, EALED AND DELIVERE~~ ~ . ~j Ru Faber 1n J(e pr S~\\b' /d~ ~ Bonnie Faber e e THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTL~ per~~ / o 7 Mayor fa~'~ ,~ Clerk Per: ... ". e e ;> I i Duda Form No, ).4 John A. N.....ome, Limit.!<!, Toront,? 1Chis jndcntUfC, made in duplicate the third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two. In IImJlUamt of t1Jt &1Jnrt lformJl JJf Q!nnufgamfl1 Art: Ijdfttlfn FRED A. LODGE, formerly of the City of Oshawa now of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Dunlop Employee, and ELIZABETH LODGE, his wife of the same place, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, hereinafter called the Grantors OF THE FIRST PLACE; - and - RUDOLPH FABER of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham, Plumber, and BONNIE ELIZABETH FABER, his wife of the same place, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, hereinafter called the Grantees OF TH:L SECOND PLACE; _iblfSStU, that in consideration of certain other valuable consideration and the sum of one ---- ($1.00) ------------------ dollar of lawful money of Canada now paid by the said grantee s to the said grantors (the receipt whereof is hereby by them acknowledged) t heY the said grantors DO GRANT unto the said grantee s in fee simple as join t tenants and not as tenants in common. ALL and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being that part of Lot 18 in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, known and described in a plan thereof made by L. H. Short, P.L.S. for one Benjamin Fairfield Perry bearing date the 24th day of December, A.D. 1856 as Village lots number 6 in Perry's Plan of the Village of Hamptgn, ",-, which plan is on file in the Registry Office of Durham ~'Icst;:'ahd VIas registered on the 5th day of January, 1857. " "i " ;," '!II Srd 1', o..d without Dower as joint tenants and not as TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said grantees ,/their them and their sole and only use forever. tenants in common, heirs and assigns to and lor SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS to the reservations, limitations, provisoes and conditions expre::.&eJ in the original grant thereof from the Crown. THE said grantor s COVENANT with the said grantee s THAT tJle y ha ve the right to convey the said lands to the said grantee s notwithstanding any act of the said srantor s. AND that the said grantee s encumbrances. shall have quiet possession of the said lands free from all AND the said grantor s COVENANT with the said grantee s that t he y will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite. e AND the said grantor s COVENANT no act to encumber the said lands. with the said grantees that t he y have done AND the said grantor s RELEASE the said lands. to the said grantee s ALL the ir claims upon e IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto filet their hands and seals. ~~/-{ ~A<'. ,/ ,// / ///PCL-</ /~ ' //". \, ' 1 . (, \ . \. . '\;~ \ \')' ...~ -~~ \.._,\{;{ j' L~ l t A.__ e e &tgnrb. &rwb anil IIrltttrrrb IN THE PRESENCE OF J ..-'" . i' ) . .,},,/ J.lnaert Cou n ty. DII. trlet, Raalonal Munlelpallty ~te. and nam. Itf !IIRm.. Strike out word. and parte not applicable and Initial. If Attorney !\f'e footnote. ~;r;VERALLY e ^~ II.". J91J Insert County, llia.. 1 riet. Regional Municipality etC. and name fll same. Th is affidavit may IX' made hy the l-urchaser or vendor or by anyone actine (ur them under power of II t turney or hy lln a~nt accredited in wTitinlit by tht" purchaser~ or vendor or by tht' ~olicitor of _either or them or by ~,')me othe>r IN:'raon al'proved by I he Miniall'r pf lh'v('nue. l AFFIDAVIT AS TO LEGAL AGE AND MARITAL STATUS COUNTY OF DURHAM 1 JYWE of the To Wit: in the in the within instrument named, make oath and say that at the instrument, Fred A. Lodge and Elizabeth Lodge Township of Darlington County of Durham, the grantors time of the execution of the within . 1. '\/WE were of the full al<e of eighteen years' and married to each other.._ 2. At the time of execution and delivery of the within convey'anc~ ~~~twe the grantors were residents of Canada within the m2an1ng of the Income Tax Act. ~~m~~~~~a~-Mmm]n~rumffit-----------orffie~rra~or~~1~ny~~ 3':"'-w"fiS' TegallY -married1~rh~ -P;r";;;n -name<lth;'r;in -a;" my -;"Ti~7h;;sb;nd; .. ' 4": '-was unmarried! d1'vorced7;;id~w~;:: SWORN before me at the Village t f ,/,. ,1 T \ f t, \ . , t..\Nk' ..... I.V-, \, ((1{.-- ... U ',-\ l " <~~)~--.) f.- .re.. 1~~~ of Orono County of Durham this 3/l.'t/ day of OC~~ber 19 72 A Commis~~~s, etc. NOTE: If Attorney, ,;ub~te in space provided, "I am Attomey for (State name) . one of the parties named therein and he/she was of the full age of ehrhteen years, at the tinw of execution of the power of attorney." in the Affi~anit UJl1r ijau~ wraufl'r Wax Art IN THE MATTER OF THE LAND TRANSFER TAX ACT PROVINCE 01<' ONTARIO ) I, Fred A. Lodge COUNTY OF DURHAM , of the Township of Darlington J' in the County of Durham, To Wit: named in the within (or annexed) transfer make oath and say: 1. I am .__"__,, 1:h~",g:r.~:l1t,9r "'n_ mu m m named in the within (or annexed) transfer. 2. I have a personal knowledge of the facts stated in this affidavit, 3. (1) The total consideration for this transaction has been allocated as follows: (0;) Land, buildings, fixtures and goodwill (b) Chattels-items of tangible personal property TOTAL CONSIDERATION $~ 7 , 000 . ~. 0 ,u$u___.~~lm' ... 37 000.00 _$,.L"..,_ (2) The true cons.ideration for the transfer or conveyance for Land Transfer Tax purposes is as follows: (a) Monies paid in cash (b) Property transferred in exchange (Detail Below) (c) Securities transferred to the value of (Detail Below) (d) Balances of existing encumbrances with interest owing at date of transfer (e) Monies secured by mortgage under this transaction, ,...$,..b ~DOl.0D (I) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance char~es to which transfer is subject $ n~ (g) Other (Detail Below)" ", '$ .. nil TOT AL CONSIDERATION (should agree with 3 (1)( a) above) $31 '; 000.00 4. If consideration is nominal, is the transfer for natural love and affection? $3 2,0910 . 00 $ n~ nil : nil All hlank:-'> mu;<"t be filled in, 5. If so, what is the relationship between Grantor and Grantee? (If other than husband and wife, complete 3(2) (d)) 6. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary "~'t..__.._----_. '. .-. Village SWORN before me at the of Orono in the County of Durham this 3 jUI day of October 19 72.1 ,-::7-...;,(..._,~ /~~L-<'" r "-t'lf-< / /). -----/. ,- /~;- >~-/;'('/ A Comtll~Oner;)t{',' ,,;;-' Retail sales tax IS payable op;:ihe valuation of items shown in 3 (1) (b) unless otherwise exempted provisions of The Retail Sales Tax Act under the ... For place of 1""!oOidence ill.'i~rt "ppropriate County, ni~trict, Hp~ ional .\Junici- pnlity, etc. e COUNTY OF DURHAM } - I, of the To Wit: (l.1'j~/f (. G uJ; &- L t::- / Beatl"i",c !{eed Village of Orono in the County of Durham, secretary (Occupation) make oath and say: 1. THAT I was personally present and did see the wIthin or annexed Instrument and a duplicate thereof duly signed, sealed and executed by Fred A. Lodge and Elizabeth Lodge two of the parties thereto. Village of 2, THAT the said Instrument and duplicate were executed by the said part ies at the Orono. 3. THAT I know the said part ies. 4. THAT I am a subscribing witness to the said Instrument and duplicate, SWORN before me at the Village of Orono in the- County of Durham this c3",A ,/. day of Ootober ,/~. . A c......;."~ · T. Wit, } I, of the - 19 72 } ." /c../ ,/~~"__.,.'l..4.J# ). '/' /..:/ /7 {,> ./ f.- p/ make oath and say: 1. THAT I was personaJly present and did see the within or annexed Instrument and a duplicate thereof duly signed, sealed and executed by ( Occupation) 2. THAT the said Instrument and duplicate were executed by the said part at the 3. THAT I know the said part 4. THAT I am a subscribing witness to the said Instrument and duplicate. SWORN before me at the in the. this day of A Commissioner for tak1na Affldavitll, etc. N r-- ~ I:) ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ , '0 "0 G e ;~ ~~ -II C.!) ~ ~~ ~Q ~~ C.!)O 0 ~4 .. Q...:I Ct:lN ~ ('f) 9::= E-< r.4H f,l..,...:I }- M .f3 ~ Q) ..... ~ ..... .Q <~ p..~ 0 ....:lH ~ Qt-3 oz C) ~:J qZ 0 ~g .. f.I..~ UJ UJ "'0 t ~ "'0 .... c1l "'0 0 -< , . " l HI } }!::) = ft:S~ f;I(~ ~~ Q;:J o ~~ ~ At s:: o ~ "bO s:: s:: 0.'; rz:l of.J r-f ~ ~~ ~ ~o _ 4-4 OO'HO o At (I).'; bO.c: res rI) ~$ .,; 0 >E-f ~ e {:. 1 E ~ I .. :II ..: II i .. .... o fit "-' C'CI ;:; 8"2.5 : ~. ~ I ~I ; ~ j~ ~ 1 ~ Ee C) ~ ~~, ~. ~: ~ ~ I,.... .;: r- ~ ... i~ g ,g~~ :1!li5 i1;; Q:ao- 2: .- . t; .s~<J.: -is . .~\I) € ",g d . ,j- - ~ za::- . GJ>lic5 SV)CX S3.1.VJIjI.L~3J 3JJjjO J..~.1.Sm3~ ~Oj a3^~3S3~ 3g 0.1. 3JVdS SIH.1. of the parties thereto. of o E-- Z ~ ;::J E-< W ~ \" '-.,J ,'<,) , \, , \J <t;~ ( .~ .J .~"~ ", '.) , '\ '\.:j ",\',\ \ ) > . 0:: ct;~o ~.~ ii: <( ~ ~ ~ W I- 0 , 0 u ~.:i ' ..J 0 I III >- Ii 0 < III Z '~ 1-' ."i ~ ~ ~ III SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HERE8'f CfRTlF'f THAT" I nil' SURV!'f AND PLAN ARE CQRAfe r AND IN Ao;~OANCE Nt rl1 rHE SlJRVU'S 2 rnE SUAVE'f ,liAS COMPLETED ON Hi( ~I/l DM Of NOve:...aIR ,1980, ACT AND rHE REGfsnH ACT AND n1E REGULAfIONS \lADE fHEREIJNCfR NO'lIMBIR Ie, 1980 --~~ OIHAHIO LAND SURV!. 'fOR THE ASTRONO \fIC BEARINa 0' SCUGoa ROAD. SHO'.m AS N 31023' 40" 'N BEARING REFERENCE ON PLAN 10 R 399, aOVIRNS 4LL SEARING'J SHOWN HEREON. .is.a. / " .'t'"" Denote" 2 'SQUore ~ro~ Bor --Q- Denotes ," SQUore [ron Bor 'f- Denotes 5/a"squo(e I(on 80(. Pt. Denotes planted. )0 ,~, Denotes found (20.593rn) Denote, Metric equivalent MERRILL D. BROW'N.LIMtTED LAND SlIlVf!YINO a ENGINEERING 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVILLE.ONTARIO. ~- ReviSI\)M: November '8. '980 Scale: "':20' (I: 240) Prawn by: M. O. a. fife: 80217.SP PLAN OF SURVEY AND SITE PLAN OF VILLAGE LOT 6 ACCORDING TO THE PERRY PLAN OF THE UNINCORPORATED VILLAGE OF HAMPTON MADE BY L. H. SHORTT,P,L,S, DATED JANUARY 5,1857, (PART OF ORIGINAL LOT 18,CONCESS/ON 5) GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FORMER COUNTY OF DURHAM) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE: I inch = 20 feet ( I: 240) M. D. BROWN O.L.S. 1980 ) * / / SfY. BR/CK RE" OENC! · ('T L. ~ ,.. ~, ~ J '0 '" 1.'.IFd,s.e,(r'oll~p,oL,s" U 1I(?0_1I9.,20" r: -_ --'-. _- .00' Fd.',e.<n-~k~~, I ~ 1 Wlt-2,~0 W.d -.--- Ll..Po.J ~--~~~ t.AAOI' --clOAR -H!lMr --- --r - "" '6J. - (~O,292 nt) .------ - ,----. I WIt,0,64' ~ . 1',.1;' ~ '-~-~~".'-- "'-'--- '~'--............~. 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I o I~ '.' 1'd.1I0001_ ,," , . 'pC'n ~, ,'I. ._. ,J oJ," ^'I'.-~" ,''- I.'" e.;.j~,- l. TH1:S SCHEDULE 1:S SCHEDULE HG.' , to the AS1=:eement whi.ch ha.s been authop;ized and approved by By-law NQ. 8 (-l30of. the Town of. Newcastle, ena.cted and passed the ;)..J/>I- day of ~~ , 1981. 1:N ~ITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have a.ff.ixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing. officers duly authorized in that Dehalf. SIGNED, S~ED & DEL1:VERED ) 1 ) 1 ) 1 ) ) )- y ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~~UDY~~ Z3'~'o - ~ e BONNIE FABER THE COlll'~_F THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE per~ -~~,,/ Fer: j)~. ~ CLERK _U" ----- .....~~.~~-'~..._.:::-:.--==::;:,;,;;,...;;;::=-~,...~:;-..;.:;.;,oo...----,;;;~_......... ~ Ovt 6 Own.... Co l""ltd. 1&) a.,..... 0,..., Toro"to Form No, 114 AFFIDAVIT OF SlJRSCRllIlNC WITNESS I, George T. Pollitt of the Town of Newcastle ~ the Regional Municipality of Durham, solicitor make oath and sa)': I om . slIbscribing witness to the attached instrumrnt and I was pre~nt and saw it executed at the Town of Newcastle by Rudy Faber and Bonnie Faber .Sf'fO t.....,t".,. O. .~"' fn..ttno,e I verily believe that each perllOn whose ~illnah're I witne~se-n i~ the party of th~ same name referred to in the InlltTlIment. SWORN hefnre me at the- Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipality of Durham. ,/ o <; I ~~ this~.c> (ay of :a " 8l e · "'''''If' · ''''''v " "UGhlt' l(t ,,..d tit, .rut,..""", tU ",,,,,t' . ,..,rt" '.,:ru J.v ",.ii". '-U ....,. 0' in Jo,,..,,'I cJw,nrtr" tldJ "',.,.,., ,1\.. '''''''''''''('''1' Nul lu-rn ,..ell '0 liim .rwl It, ep,.,.,'" lull" '0 Wr\J"""4n4 itn _ ".,,4"'...... ..I('('uh'd ""dt'r . '110\&.',., uf ""0"""'1 ht~..,., U(na..,,. 01 .uo"""VJ ... ."o""V 10, t........ 0' pertvt-; ."" JM 'W'I" d."".. ,..lNt"..,.. "1 wf'tlv Iwlin:c ,h., ,,,~ 1'C"IO" wl.o'C' ...."',. I Uli,~,....d w'n. n"tho,.iard '" ",....t, ,IN- ,....."."',.,., ., ""tt".~ In' (""",.1". , i Jar.. tll ,1"'II(f'ln...rl ," ."".&\# Counl)'" ! r 1.- \. Meow loftal I' \o."lelil1. eU4 AFFIDAVIT OF Sl'J\SCRIBI:'\(: WITNESS I, e of lhe in the make oalh alld ~ay: 1 am a slIbscribinj,l witnt'lIS to the atlal'he-d iri~trl1lnl'nt and I wa~ pre~l"l\t and saw It I'W("lIll.d at hy -~,... "~"nnl. .",,___# '..11"0'. I verily believe that each prrllOn who~r ~iltnalllre- I witlll"~~I'c1 i~ the party of the same- 1I.1I1lt' refcrrl'd 10 in the in~tnllnt'nl, S\\'ORN lW!rnrl' ol" nl th,. in the this day of "' \ HI \ .. CO"'..I"IO.... .". ...,,.e .."10....'.. .TC . ".,...,.. · '-"t u ........... ... ....., ,''' ,~"''''...., ., ",,*,4'''' . ,..rr\f J'fl'", b1;' ",,,ll,,. It., ,,.,..,. oll "I """'';'1 (1.'''.1( ',"'J 0../.1 ....,... tll.. ....,......"'" ..... .... ...... ... ..,... .oJ It... "dO'" /,,1/'1 ,,, ...,J"".,NI ,," "'11,., "0,.,,,,.../ ..'"t.. . """.0 "I ""pm,V ""..... "...- lit ~)~:o.,."...-=- to- ..""..... 01 I Jr'; ."'/ for ...." 01...., ,,,/"',,,.,, "I .....v" ",it,,,. ,,,... ,,,, """u, ...11.." ......, ---.\~ ' -, Ie .1, ,,,-,. "~I ., ft""'f"\I'Ii"'\t 'ur tv",,.)'. .. .--................,...- " . 1 . RUDY FABER - and - BONNIE FABER -; -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTL e DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT e