HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-128 I. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY...LAW Number 81...]2 8 being a by.-law to authorize the entering into an agreement with Geraldine E. Balint The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are herby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between Geraldine Balint and the Corporation dated the;;23 day of ~ A.D. 19 8l which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". . BY-LAW READ a first and second time this 21st day of September, J98l BY-LAW READ a third and final time this 2 lst day of September, 1981 Garnet B. RiCkard~~ ~--' Mayor "a ~ David W. ,Oakes I" ~~({)~ Clerk . rFile " -- ~..""'.:.,,..:,;._'!J:i;...1f I foe ~_ 5/. 0 "31 ." . . ~ '11I1I. .~~ilf O>ioi;. \ (P' N f, L.. VOl( REGiS TRItTION [ By-law No.----~L:::I)t--"31 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MADE (in quintuplicate) this ~~{ day of 4 - 1-1..... . A.D. 1981. BET WEE N GERALDINE E. BALINT, hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART - AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, hereinafter called the "Town" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the lands affected by this ,agreement, are described in Schedule "A" hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "said lands"; AND WHEREAS the Owner has repre~ented to the Town that the said lands are registered in the name of Geraldine E. Balint although the is the beneficial owner of the said lands as stated in the affidavit attached to this agreement as Schedule "B"; AND WHEREAS the Owner proposes to construct an expansion and enlargement to an existing retail commercial establishment presently located on the said lands; and has requested the Town to approve the said development pursuant to the provisions of By-law 79-151; AND WHEREAS the Town has resolved to approve the said development pursuant to the said By-law 79-151 provided that the Owner enter into this Agreement wi th the Town. AND WHEREAS the Owner acknowledges that the lands will not be serviced by a municipal sewer or water system a~d each building or structure to be erected or altered shall be serviced by a private well and a private sanitary waste disposal system as approved and/or required by the Durham Regional Health Unit. NOW ~EREFORE. in consideration of the mutual agreements and coven- h=.J ants hefeirtafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: L Attttexe8 flefetb and marked as Schedule "c" is a site plan showing . ~he slz~i io~aEi8fi. elevation and exterior architectural design of the building which the Owner proposes to erect on the "said lands", which is hereby approved by the Town. .,..., ... -~ .."'--"............." ~......_....- .,,.,.....;-~ .>~-~ -, \ ::~.._:"'_..~-~-:-"'~~--, ..,-=:=._-=~ ~----"'~~.'~"',li; 'dl"o'r;r;;~"""",~...."...._.. .,....".........~., .~_.____..'2:.:'::.,.~..".:.--......-...-.-.._-,-.." r.. '" . G 2 - 2. The Owner agrees that no buildings or structures, other than the building shown on Schedule "c" shall be erected on the "said lands" and further, that in the construction of such building the Owner will comply with the elevations, exterior architectural design, the location of the building on the lot and all other matters relating to the bUilding shown on Schedule "C". 3. PARKING AND LOADING The Owner agrees to provide and maintain off-street parking and dr1 veway access in accordance wi th Schedule "C".. 4. GARBAGE AND WASTE . (a) The Owner agrees to provide and maintain internal garbage and , waste storage facilities as may be required by the Town for the storage of garbage and other waste materials from the buildings on the said lands, in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief. (b) The Owner further agrees to remove garbage"and other waste materials as often as may be required by the Director of Public Wo rks and the Fi re Chie f . . 5. SNOW REMOVAL The Owner agrees to remove all snow from access ramps, driveways, parking areas, loading areas and walkways within twelve hours of the cessation of ahy fall of snow. 6. GRADING ANfiDMINAGE The Owner agrees to undertake the grading of and provide for at his cost the disVbsal of storm, surface and waste water from the "said landsl! "e"; . and from any buildings or structures thereon in accordance with Schedule ~: ~e The Owner agrees to provide floodlighting of the II said lands II and building in accordance with plans and specifications to be approved by the . ........-....-.--,.-:W<:i,'"-"~.....'-.___....__ '. .,-._-..-.........._u...,__,..~..,_. .:.>fOlI"",,. ............""" '~~l'""'".t ~~~...~>Jf,i;~'.c ._.... c. ;; . - 3 - ~ Director of Public Works and to refrain from erecting or using any form of illumination which in the opinion of the Town would cause any traffic hazard or would cause a disturbance to residential uses adjacent to the "said lands". 8. FENCING AND LANDSCAPING The Owner agrees to erect and maintain fences and plant and maintain trees, shrubs or other suitable ground cover in accordance with Schedule "c" hereto, to provide adequate landscaping of the "said lands" and protection to adjoining lands. 9. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The Owner agrees that the issuance of any building permit in respect of the "said lands" shall be prohibited until all plans and speci- fications required pursuant to this Agreement have been approved by the Town. . 10. REGISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT The Owner agrees that the Town may register this Agreement against the ti tIe to the "said lands" and that the Town may enforce the provisions of this Agreement against the Owner of the "said lands" and subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the Land Titles Act R.S.O. 1979, as amended, against any and all subsequent owners of the "said lands". The Owner further agrees to provide the Town with a registered copy of this Agreement within thirty (30) days of the execution hereof. . 11. APPROVAL OF COST ESTIMATES The Owner agrees that, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the building identified on Schedule "c" hereto, the estimated cost of construction and installation of the external works required by this Agree- ment, hereinaftet called the ''Works Cos t Estimate" shall be approved by the Director of ~liblie Works and annexed to this Agreement as Schedule "D". The said appfowd '~orks Cost Estimate" shall be deemed to have been included in this Agreement at the date of its original execution, . . ~lethet or not it was, in fact, so included and whether or not it is, in f~t:~. eHterea Hi Sclletluie "n" hereto. i:2 i PSit.F(j~CE -GUARANTEE _RE,QUtRED fU P*ier to the issuance of any authorization to commence work, the Owner shall provide toe Town with a "Performance Guarantee" , in the form of cash or an irrevocable letter of credit issued .-.....-..-..-. - -, Jr"'_,<",,_:::':~-'Y<';' =~=:="___,., "~~~-=-~._.,,~_~.__,._ , " ."..........,....;.< '-<0 --"~~~''''''~TIf'' , (~ '" . ~ - 4 - by a chartered Canadian Bank in an amount equal to the "Works Cost Estimate". The "Performance Guarantee" may be used by the Town of Newcastle as set out in clause 19 in the event that the Owner fails to satisfactorily meet the requirements of this agreement in respect of the provision of the specified works and facilities. (2) All submissions made under clause (l) above, shall be approved by the Treasurer of the ToWn of Newcastle. 13. USE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE (if applicable) The Owner agrees that the Municipality may at any time, by resolution of Municipal Council, authorize the use of all or part of any Performance Guarantee if the Owner fails to pay any costs payable by the Owner to the . Municipality under this Agreement by the due date of the invoice of such costs. 14. BUILDING PERMIT The Town agrees that upon the Owner complying with the provisions of this Agreement respecting approval of all plans and specifications re- qui red herein, building permits will be issued in accordance with the plans subject to payment of the usual permit fees and other fees as are payable under by-law currently in force in the Town and provided that all building . plans comply with the Ontario Building Code and such other Municipal By-laws as may be relevant. 15. LAPSE OF APPROVAL In the event a building permit has not been issued to the Owner within the period of ~o years hereinafter in this sentence referred to, the parties agree that the Town's approval of the site plan and drawings referred to in paragraph number 1 hereof shall lapse upon the expiry of ~o yearsfrdm the date of the registration of this Agreement. 16. CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT r The OQrier agrees to commence construction of any building or bUiidihgs for ~hich s permit may be issued under Paragraph 14 hereof as . ~d8ri as is feaebRabiy practicable follo~ing the issuance of any such tie ttiii t. J."-~ ,.,..~---, .~ .~- .----...,~-- .r:1ilJ.U._....~~h..:l/j~~,.........,.,'~"" ,:A\.w""- . " . Co - 5 - 17. INTERPRETATION NOT AFFECTED BY HEADINGS The division of this Agreement into paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not in any way affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 18. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) ) ) - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~4i G DINE E. BALINT e in the presence of: . \)~\jJ~ THE~ OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per' ~ ~ - HA-;OR L '.C~ Per: CLERK . .. . - '..:-.......~>~':..,.I ~,., "."1&Q1~ :,.~.,~..., ..~.~;t~j'~~<1~'" -'~"~...~,.,."~",;;,. .,....,.$J.;;w..~'~::._.~:.;.:.~~_J.;I,.'........~-_~___..\~-""- .' . . .... ....." ......-- ~."""""""""'" ~ _... ......' .....-.-... '~',""i-t'_<~"~~ ' A B c D . LIST OF SCHEDULES Legal Survey of Said Lands Affidavit of Ownership Site Plan including: Works Cost Estimate . . . '~~~.." '~::';::-. .L"""m';,~...,:._......"",.. Location of Buildings Landscaping and Fencing Floodlighting Grading and Drainage " Q Co " , , ('~ I'; .. & HIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "A" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No. &1-/Ai of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the ')..f.-:>J- day of~' , 198/. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SAID LANDS (metes and bounds description to be provided by Owner) . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~~~;/ GE DINE E. BALINT e in the presence of: \J~0J~ IllE ~ON OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Por: ~? / MAYOR JJ?-<-~~~ Per: CLERK .~.. .... -L _~............. "..1....'( ~'" _Ullj,_ ...'~~ - ----.... ....... '._. ~ .. ""'.~..:, -".'i4,., ~~,.o(-"...,~ SCHEDULE "A" Description of land Re: Part of lot 31 COD. 5 newcastle ( Darlington) l~ '.;. '~~I; i I i I j I ! , All and sihgular that certain parcel or tract of land and prer4ises, situate, lying and bein,-; in the Town of r':'~i"castle in the Re~ional Municipality of Durha~, formerly in the Township of Darlington in the County of Durharr:, and being. composed of that part. of lot 31 in concess:i.on 5 in the said Town of r;ewcastle, described as follows: Premising the ea;3terly limit of said lot 31 to have a bearing or North. 18 degrees 01 minutes 10 se'conds Vlest and relating all bearin;:<;s herein thereto; . Commencing at a point in said lot 3l,diatant South 71 degrees 14 minutes 20 seconds \iest 35.0 feet f.!"Om a point in the eaeterly limit of said lot 31, distant 18.92 feet northerly thereon from the south-east angle of said lot 31, said point being the south-west angle of Part 14 as shown on Plan 10R-1066; Thence l~orth 9 degrees 4fJ minutes West 172.13 feet j Thence North 18 degrees 01 minute 10 seconds Wast 31. 44 feet; ~'hence South 71 der;rees 49 minutes 10 seconds West 171. (,1 feet; Thence South 1$ der;rees 31 ninutes 30 seconds East 201~49 feet to a point in the northerly limit of Taunton Road as widened; Thence i:orth 72 degrees 02 minutes East along said widened 1imi t 120.17 t'eet to an an/~le therein; Thence lforth 71 degreen 1;'~ r:-d_nutes 20 seconds East and continuing alon~ said Widened limit 8. distance of 24.~6 .feet to the Poin:. of Commencel.1ent. . iCALE :0.. ,- DRAWN 8 1r:'AtEO ,,'IY CleED IY i.:::' ...' -'~ . :H. Fl.I.M;lTO. . .. .:..;.:..., ..," . ~ "_;..... 1-'", ONTAJIrIO .u.o I\MVIYCM 0tI0e - 41 ',,-- ..., OSHAWA. ONTAIUO Otfk;e: 725-8111 Aeeidence: 85W142 ..0. 7925 ' . . €anaba PROVINCE OF ONTARIO REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM TO WIT: ~ GERALDINE BALINT, of the Town of Municipality of Durham SCHEDULE "E" Dye & Durham Co. Limited, 160 Bartley Dove. Toronto Law and Commercial Stationers In tfJt ~atttr of Form No. 1~1 Title to the Lands Described in Schedule "A" attached hereto Newcastle SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT in the Regional I am the owner of the lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. DECLARED before -me at the of Oshawa in the City Regional Municipality of Durham this 2 5 t h day of . Au g u s t , \J~ W^-^-qM. 1981. A Commissioner, etc. BiWfaGHt · CommtMlonett tal Dllt;/Ct of Duma"" /. &..'" ..,saPda,. B.rrlst.~.!... ~MJ\jI~~'."_; . ~.f#~/> GERALDINE ALINT ' , .', '" "'I, "" " ~.- "';j:',:"," '>-" -, 'i' Dated August 25th 19 81 IN THE MA ITER OF ~tatutor!, 1!leclaration of Dye & Durham Co. Limited, 160 Bartley Drive, Toronto . . 1m '- r. ...'~ .. (:, J .,. 7 I'") -'- . t;; r f " j; ". , , 1 i , f I I I, \< 1 ~ .... . ~ ~: - \ 1) I I I . i ~~--~---_._-- Q -~ ..... ()I () ~ ~~--- 0, _\ I ~I 1 ",-' 1'- \Df OF- ~MII~G/ ~----- J ~ _ , ~ ~- \ '01 \\J Y:\!-o\\ c?~"'1? 14-r f\.OO~ I I I ~-- STORAGE STORAGE Ne\;\) STORE ;ff I N.e\^.! STORE ~ 2 Z~?/- Sl (N . T. -;,. ) r1 " ...,.. GROU N D FLOOR PLAN , r,.~ \ ~~tf' <;rflN6teS \ 1 , ., 1---;-4.-- --- t i i f r 1~\?.Dlll0~ Ne;w , ~~ I' I' ! /_-- ELE1VATION SOUTH - r'~_(aNC-_. ~,--- PM N~ "0 MA1"C-t't l - --.-'-- ----,.+, F.G. '" -- ---..-- ---~----- ----- WEST ELEVA TION "" ---.. r I ~ THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "Cn to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-Law No.~/-/~g of the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the -;:Zr.?f- day of ~or~-/, 198[. /' \e IN WI~NESS WHJ;:REOF the parties hereto have "affixed their hands an-d seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. ~~(~l1NG- ?1VF-S'So '>.~ SIGNED, SEALED & DEL Iv""ERED) ) } ) ) ) ) ) ~ ) , ) ) ) -) ) ) ) ~;;~ ...... GE DINE E. BALINT -in the presence of: I - \J ~ 'v\J ~\\ l. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE <:",.-. --;r Per: r. I - MAY.R f~tfJ~ \ CLERK Per: i' --rr 'n If I I In O.m ~~.~ t - ~1~TIt46 bUIl,QING N 1/1 r.~ ~~ ........ 1 I I ~- --------------- ---,- r'-' - ---.--, : I ;-------- ---.-r---- ! 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A-Gtf;; ( \V\A-~. ) G;:O% ~ ~ , 62, 4'29> ~ (3012 ~.) 3 ~7S r;tl 4 9S)3 ~ \"I~ G1'V\~ r;-~5' Q1 l --.... \ ~frO V',) I p~ I NG e-,.:.CJ...,~' Oet::> ) (~60 Mo.) (~GO M~) OJIVC:>lNG- ~~ r~\-O'\ \ 'S, ::>.G M) ~ N~ -srv~~ ~ ~I'- 'STO~es ;2-~S\ ~j~ ( ~ Xl,;" ) (N~ ~ A1?PI'\1or\) 1'\0, Of' UNII~ ... 110. CF p~{J'tG 5PA~S LfrN~APW ,A~A 17 r+, 2~ '1SD ..., \ ( 2132 M 2. ) ffi z EilJ\ rQ u' e~ ~ < -:1'- ~ (\1 9~ {~ 0. uf\ ~~ Revisions date no DEVELOPMENT FOR MS.-G. E. BALINT TAUNTON ROAD RR.I HAMPTON ONTARIO PLANS ELEVATIONS date .ze AUG I e\ \ ,;;lo..\ K' .:Jur\e c.A scale 1/4-11 0;: \ \-0 V (~I\'t7 f\.fo.N \ 16/1 c \ :"0") drawn -;3. So, ~A checked project no drwg no r" '4 . 0, THIS SCHEDULE IS SCHEDULE "D" to the Agreement which has been authorized and approved by By-law No.g/-l)...gof the Town of Newcastle, enacted and passed the ~(SJ- day ofs;,r~, 198 (. WORKS COST ESTIMATE NIL . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have affixed their hands and seals and/or corporate seals by the hands of their proper signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ ~<</ - INE E. BALINT -e in the pre~ence of: . , \J~0J ~ THE CORPO~N. _'OF ~HE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE .per:J~~ Per: ~ ~_ CLERK ,.....,_.-.._:-~~,.-. ..~A~"--""-""_.___;. . ..,.......;.,.;_........_....._~~_~"~~,_,,,. .._ .'"___... ~.A4 .M..IHitdt'~_.,-~..~~w-.~;>..~~~#1t",.:.,i->,"lk,>'lll+)::,iIf.fU~lf. *'....-~~~<!"~~. ,~..,..."., f.. t: . Oy..It o...r._ Ca. l....lI<I. 160 ....,.. 0..... T__ Fnrm No. 114 3 AFFlnAVIT OF SURSCRIIHNC WITNESS I. \.)~~~~\~ W~,b~\ 01 tbe C, '\ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ \\\\ vv(\ In the '\t ~ <0 \ U\i\J ~ \..., ~ ~ V\,) '\ <.. '- () ~.l..A \: '\ () ~ ~W \h..~n. oath and say: I am a .uh.albln. wltne.. to the attached Inttrllment nnd I wu prelent and lAW it executed at D:> \~~ ~ (\ i () ~'f\~ \;) by G t Q (\ L~, '(\)c,c ~ '\\u 'to--. . '5.. r_'",",e .~" fOOl "OW J verily belJeve that ellch penon whoM .llP'ntllre I witnesst'd i. the party of the lame name referred to In the lnstn'ment. SWORN heEnre me at tfw. C \ ,,,- ()~ ,,) ~. ~l-- ())\~~\,/\J~ in the ,Q~ b.I.'N\\L 'fY'.'^ "-.J" L,- 0 A \..A,~ U (:' ,"-' ~ \~Vr- thl. .....,.;;,. day of ~ k \>\ ~. 1900\ "" -.> F\ V\. 6 ~~~.::.~ DOROTHY MAY LITTLE, a CommIssIoner for taking Atlldavits, Judicial District of Durham, for Richard G. Matthews, Barrister & Solicitor. · w~""""rlh ~4~.... ,,,, "*- .. ~ . ~"W "II'" ." -.... .. _.. .. .. I~... c""......rn tuU "..~riIW lout",.."", Ii..,/ Hno ",11II .. Mwt ..w IN ._"'"' 'vii., 10 "rt4not.fIWII if". "'~ ftN'ttltrd "..4" . _'n of .,~ ,- "i..._ of .No......,,1 AI .".""'" ,.. t_ of "."Wr; eaII It>< _11 cI._ """"'- "I ~ ~Wor' ,loot ,,,, "'_ ,.,..., ""- I _ow...., ".". "",....1.-.1 .. ~, ,.., -.....- .. ef'_ ,.. I__J", . , \)~~~Yv- . ;.I.~., 41' .\rnc. "U..,. ""1"'.'. C4.tUnl,. \ , ld. R..I."aJ '>Idp.UlJ'. .... AFFIDAVIT OF StJRSCR1fHl';C. WITNESS J. . nlthe In the make oath nnd say: 1 am a slIbk'ribinlt witM'SI to t~ nttllched in"fIlm~llt nnd I WlU ~~nt and IllW it t:'",~."ted at hy "s... I....,lRo.. . S... 'nul no,. I verily believe that erich ~ who.- ai\tllntllff' I "'itnrssf"d is t~ party o( t~ same nOlme re(erTf'd to in the iMlTllmrnt, .. SWORN hefore me lit thi- in the thl. day ot ]e . " , ;. C....M........ ... ....... AP......'.... ..... . ~~ L"'''' .. ~ 100 - - __ .. .......... . ,....~ ........" . rQi;.,~~~ '"'- ...., ~ """ -'. IN n,"_~ /00/1. ,,, .....t....".=~~.,,~~_-,. ~J..._~......O(.. ''''''ae-,,.., ..u '.. .. ~ ... r',-_ of }" --~ , __ ""'""ow ,,_... . .......... '" "'__ -~ uJ.. _ ..._" 7 ; -- /0. '>rrf d...., ......_ "I ___ WIw..~ ,L. ," ::~..:'_~ ' -. '-.............",.. I_r, ~- - n" ~_ _ f. ,~j4J . _. ,.. .~.::-~'.;;;;-a;~:;;,.;;::;,:k;.,;:..'~."'_~:,::::;;==-...::=' $f~~,i'"""',,;..-"-''-...'' ..... 1".. c; . .. if \~ e, .. ~. ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ '~ - ~ V\ N -0 iii' X .. - .!. c::o e: --l- I S" Q. f . , THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ? ~ . f-' - VI r' - .. ~ ~ J ") DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT . .. . . .>.- -'--'~--_.-.-~. _n '---""-""":>O""''''-Y'~'~_'''-'~;'';:O'~~'',.,. .o-...;!--_... :.,~~: