HomeMy WebLinkAbout81-110 '" . . . . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 81- 110 being a by-law to raise money to aid in the construction of drainage works under The Tile Drainage Act 1971 The 1. Council, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act 1971 enacts as follows: The Corporation may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the Corporation such sums not exceeding in the whole $155,000 (One Hundred and Fifty Five Thousand Dollars) as may in manner hereinafter provided, arrange for the issue of debentures on behalf of the Corporation for the amount so borrowed as provided in the Act payable to the Treasurer of Ontario at the Parliament Bui1dings,Toronto, which debentures shall reserve the right to redeem the debentures at any time on payment of the whole amount of principle and interest owing at the time of such repayment. Where an application for a loan under the Act is approved by the Council and the inspector of drainage has filed with the Clerk an inspection and completion certificate, the Council may apply to the Regional Municipality of Durham to include a sum, not exceeding the amount applied for or 75 per cent of the total cost of the drainage work with respect to which the loan is made, in a debenture payable to the Treasurer of Ontario in accordance with the Act, and may approve of the Corporation lending the said sum to the applicant. 2. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principle and interest as provided by the Act. 4. By-Law 75-25 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle on the 7th day of April 1975 and By-Law 81-27 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle on the 23rd day of February 1981 are hereby repealed. 3. By-Law read a first and second time this Eighth day of September 1981 By-Law read a third and final time this Eighth day of September 1981 - Garnet B. Rickard ~~ ~~/ Mayor David W. Oakes Clerk L~~ ~i'e NO..........mLSLXL~__mn..l . ~.~ ~~,,~ Ontario !: 817t5 Ontario Municipal Board iii TO HAftBa 01' SeoUoa 64 of file on~o -.1811&1 Soard Aet., 1..8.0. In., 0. J J) - u4- iii 'fBB HAftBa 01' an appUcaUcm. by 'lbe CoqoraUoa of the '1.'Own of Newou'tle for lApp_val of t:be boROriD9 on 1u bebalf by TIle ..ponal MuJ'l1oipall t.y of Dullam ~. __ .f $155,000.00 to be _4 by the appUoant fo&- t:be pw:poa.. 0' fte ~11e DealBate ~, 1171, o. 37 , 8BI'OREI - _4- J J J ) J ] J Tuesday, the 23rd day of June, 1981 A.B. ARBBLL, a.c. vtae-chail:'lDaft D.S. COLBOUDB Vioe-cbainan THE BOARD ORDERS t;bat. tbia appu'caUoD be CJftDuc! and that'llie Regional MUD1cipal1 t.y of Duzilam may now . proceed w11:b the bonowiDg \\POD debeDt.w:ee Oft behalf of The COl:pOraUon of the 'lown of Newaastle in . total aum DOt. _ exceed $155,000.00, and for such pwrpoee bo1:b. 'the said .,1onal munlcd.palJ. 1:7 and tile appliOBD't . COJrpO&,.UOIl may pa.. all requiaite by-law_. SECIUft'ARY ENTERED No..$8:'J-;l tulio No.,R?f.~""""""" .............. JUN :1 6 1981 /-~~ :U\'<I\';.IAI1 . .. 1- ~, ONTARIO "'UI/ICI '1Jl t! PAL BOARD