HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-94 .' '" rFORM AB-PR- t7A R~V'. MAY t 973 , BY-LAW NUMBER <( -s /'j cf OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE / A BY -LAW TO AUTHORIZE the execution of a proposal and estimate of cost pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Trans- portation and Communications, entered into under The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R. S. O. 1970, Chapter 201. "WHEREAS the appended proposal and estimate of cost dated the 20th day of June 19~, for the construction of King Street. King's Highwav No, 2. Former Village of Newcastle being part of a highway de signated as a connecting link has been prepared pursuant to the said agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, In Right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the said Ministe r. II BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Corpor- ation of the Town of Newcastle 1. That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of cost be approved. 2. That the Mayor /Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of cost and to affix thereto the seal of the Corpo ration. PASSED by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle this 20th day of June 19 ~. A::~~ Mayor/Ml_~e (SEAL) ,D~~ Cle rk [File N!':oc",..'-~~.:m(9.L.c.....1 FOr1M AB-PR-17A RE."V . MAY 1973 . June 20, 1983 APPENDIX NO, 3 DATE PROPOSAL AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KINGIS HIGHWAY (OR SECONDARY HIGHWAY) NO. 2 IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IN THE COUNTY (OR DISTRICT) OF De s ignate d Route: King Street, King's Highway No.2 Pursuant to an agreement dated the 21st day of April 197~ hereinafter called the agreement made between the Minister and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and subject to the te rms and eonditions thereof, and subject also to any necessary approval of the Board under The Ontario Municipal Board Act, the Corporation (Minister / Corporation) propose s that the following por- tions of highway, heretofore de signated as a connecting link, be constructed by the Corporation (Ministry/Corporation) namely, (describe portion(s) of street( s) to be constructed): King Street, King's Highway No, 2, from 96 metres west of Baldwin Street to 270 metres east of Beaver Street and illustrated on the plan or sketch attached thereto; provided construction to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Minister and the Corporation in the manner and at a cost estimated and divided substantially as follows: (a) Type of construction Complete reconstruction (b) Length 666 metres (c) Width (not less than 22 feet) 13.50 metres (d) Commencing at Baldwin Street (e) Terminating at 210 metres east of Beaver Street (f) Total estimated cost of construction $ 969,107.00 (g) Deduct: Items not chargeable under agreement: (I) Items to be paid by the Corporation $ 55.260,47 (II) Charged to others Newcastle Hvdro $ 70.328.28 Street Lighting Account $ 47,249,12 Newcastle B.I,A, $ 45,264.76 Bell Canada $ 4,200.00 (III) Char ged unde r Part X of The Public Transportation and Highway Improve- 5,012.00 ment Act $ Total Deductions $ 227,314.63 (h) Total estimated cost of construction to be shared $ 741,792.37 ( i) Minister's share ( 900/0) $ 667,613.l6 I By-law NO~~"~~J FORM AB-PR-17A , REV. MAY 1973 (j) Estimated annual expenditure of Minister's share for fiscal year(s): April 1 st, 19 ~ to March 31st, 19~ $ 376,013.16 April 1 st, 19 ~ to March 31st, 19 ~ $ 291,600.00 April 1 st, 19 to March 31st, 19 $ April 1 st, 19 to March 31 st, 19 $ $ 667,613 .16 It is understood that the estimated cost is based on the best information available at the time of submission and that no substantial increase in such cost will be undertaken or incurred without the prior written approval of the Minister, and where necessary, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. This proposal is hereby submitted this 20th day of June 19~ by or on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (SEAL) ~~~~ ~I'fOK ~k1)~~ ~~ and is hereby accepted by or on behalf of the Minister. (SEAL) (Note: Attach a statement of the total estimated cost in detail and a breakdown thereof showing how the Minister's share was computed on Form AB-PR-3) -1 @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications APPENDIX NO. 3 CORPORATION OF llIE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Preliminary Estimate June 20, 1983 CONNECTING LINK in the FORMER VILLAGE of tIDJCASTLE being KING ST., KING'S HWY. 112 Street from BALDWIN STREET to 210 m EAST OF Br:AVr:K ::iTK~~T. DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO EXPLANATION GROSS COST C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION OTHERS. B. LA. - $38, 36U. UU Construction Cost $744,474.00 $607,936.05 $3,400.00 $46,830.95 $86,307.00 Newcastle Hydro - $24,854.50 Street light. - $23,092.50 Soils Investigation 1,428.50 l,428.50 Legal Surveys 1,000.00 1,000.00 Bell Relocation 5,200.00 1,000.00 4,200.00 Labour Est. @ $2,000.00 Hydro Supply & Lighting 70,000.00 9,000.00 61,000.00 Labour Es t . @ $18,000.00 Newcastle Hydro $41,000.00 Street light. acct. $20,000.( 0 Traffic Signal Adjustment 13,000.00 13,000.00 By Region of Durham Design and Supervision ll1,670.00 91,l89.5l 51Q.00 7,024.57 12,945.92 B.I.A. - $5,753.94 Newc. Hydro - $3,728.14 St. light. acct. - $3,463.84 Contingencies 22,334.50 18,238.31 102.00 1,404.95 2,589.24 B.I.A. - $1,150.82 Newc. Hydro - $745.64 St. light. acct. - $692.78 TOTAL $969,107.00 $741,792.37 $5,012.00 $55,260.47 * $167,042.16 . . -a.argeable to others: e.&, Local Improvement Act; Railway Grode Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: *B. LA. Newcas de Hydro Street Lighting Acct. Bell $45,264.76 70,328.28 47,249.12 4,200.00 AB-PR-3 7-72 . ts~/<: f../ ~ / ~ ~ 0 17-fp(C;=7? Co p/ Ej b f) L,u J <(l-f 151 r~..r 1J /--'rr C ' "- .-ro--;-r?:j...) I S- J ,,--<,.5' (v I '... i..- f,. Z (\ I T '--1 f' 'D --J ~I e-S P~1j IV! OC /,) ".-Y ~ ~ @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONNECTING LINK in the FORMER VILLAGE of NEWCASTLE being KING ST.. KING'S HWY. 112 Street from BALDWIN STREET to 210 m EAST OF BEAVER STREET DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO EXPLANATION GROSS COST C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION OTHERS. - . 1. Clearing and grubbing Lump Sum @ $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 2. Earth excavation (grading) 11,500 m3 @ $4.00 46,000.00 46,000.00 3. Water for compaction and dust control 1,000 m3 @ $4.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 i 4. Calcium chloride 10 tonne @ $300.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 5. Granular 'A' 5,000 tonne @ $6.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 6. Granular 'B' 15,000 tonne @ $4.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 7. Removal of unreinforced concrete pave- ment with bituminous surface 4,200 m2 @ $2.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8. Hot mix, H.L.-4 (surface course) 1,100 tonne @ $40.00 44,000.00 44,000.00 9. Hot Mix, H.L.-4 (binder and lower binder) 2,150 tonne @ $35.00 75,250.00 75,250.00 -- TOTAL *Ouugeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: A8-PR-3 7-72 @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications NEWCASTLE being KING ST., KING'S HWY. 112 Street from BALDWIN STREET 210 m EAST OF to Br;Avr;K :STKr;~l CONNECTING LINK in the FORMER VILLAGE of DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO EXPLANATION GROSS COST C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION OTHERS. 10. Removal of culverts and sewers 860 m @ $8.00 6,880.00 6,880.00 II. 150 mm dia. P.V.C. pipe sewers 200 m @ $50.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Private storm drains 12. 250 mm dia. concrete pipe sewers 143 m @ $90.00 12,870.00 11,610.00 1,260.00 Park Works - 14 m 13. 375 mm dia. concrete pipe sewers 111 m @ $120.00 13,320.00 13,320.00 14. 675 mm dia. concrete pipe sewers 108 m @ $170.00 18,360.00 18,360.00 15. 750 mm dia. concrete pipe sewers, Class II 218 m @ $180.00 39,240.00 36,624.00 2,616.00 Ratio 700/750 16. 750 mm dia. concrete pipe sewers, Class III 340 m @ $190.00 64,600.00 60,293.33 4,306.67 Ratio 700/750 17. Removal of manholes and catchbasins 26 each @ $250.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 18. Manholes and catchbasins C.B. in Park - 2 m 3 3 120 m3 @ $400.00 48,000.00 43,603.72 800.00 3,596.28 C.B. in Beaver St. - 2 m - --_._- TOTAL *Orargeable to others: e.&, Local Improvement Act; Railway Grode Crossing Fund: Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: AB-PR-3 7-72 @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications CONNECTING LINK in the FORMER VILLAGE of NEWCASTLE being KING ST., KING'S HWY. 112 Street from BALDWIN STREET to 210 m EAST OF lS~AV~1:<. lSll:{t;lH DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO EXPLANATION GROSS COST C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORA TION OTHERS. 19. Break into concrete culvert Lump Sum @ $1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 20. Adjusting and rebuilding manholes 3.5 m @ $500.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 21- 150 nun dia. corrugated plastic subdrains 880 m @ $12.00 lO,560.00 10,560.00 22. Removal of concrete curb and gutter 100 m @ $3.00 300.00 300.00 23. Concrete curb and gutter 1,150 m @ $25.00 28,750.00 28,750.00 24. Removal of concrete sidewalk 1,750 m2 @ $4.00 7.000.00 7,000.00 25. Concrete sidewalk 1,650 m 2 - C.L. 2,500 m2 @ $26.00 65,000.00 42,900.00 2,600.00 19,500.00 750 m2 - Corp. 100 m2 - Part X 26. Removal of cable guiderai1 121 m @ $5.00 605.00 605.00 27. 3 cable guiderail 121 m @ $12.00 1,452.00 1,452.00 ._---- --- TOTAL *Ozargeable to others: e.&, Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act. etc: AB-PR-3 7-72 @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications CONNECTING LINK in the NEWCASTLE being KING ST., KING'S HWY. 1/2 Street from BALDWIN STREET to 210 m EAST OF . BEAVER STREET FORMER VILLAGE of DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE D SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNOER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO EXPLANATION GROSS COST C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION OTHERS. 28. Anchor blocks 3 each @ $500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 29. Topsoil (imported) 120 m3 @ $l6.00 l,920.00 640.00 1,280.00 Park area - 80 m 3 30. Sodding (nursery, unstaked) 1,200 m2 @ $1. 50 1,800.00 600.00 1,200.00 Park area - 800 m 2 31. Sodding (nursery, staked) 150 m2 @ $1.80 270.00 270.00 32. Water for sod 25 m3 @ $4 . 00 100.00 28. 00 72 . 00 Park area - 18 m 3 33. 100 mm dia. PVC pipe san. sewers 50 m @ $100.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 34. Relocate hydrants Lump Sum @ $3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 35. Remove sidewalk grates and frames and block up openings 10 m2 @ $300.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 36. Supply and place interlocking paving 2 90 m C.L., conc.s/w stones 120 m 2 @ $45.00 5...L.400.00 2.340.00 -. 3,060.00 1 _ R T " ._._---- ~.- -- TOTAL *a.argeable to others: e.&, Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: AB-PR-3 7-72 @ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications CONNECTING LINK in the FORMER VILLAGE of being KING ST., KING'S HWY. 112 DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 37. Rigid PVC duct, direct buried 2,100m @ $20.00 38. Rigid PVC duct, concrete encased - a) 1 duct, 16 m @ $50.00 b) 2 ducts, 63 m @ $60.00 c) 3 ducts, 15 m @ $70.00 d) 4 ducts, 15 m @ $75.00 39. 70 watt high pressure sodium luminaires 15each @ $600.00 40. 3.0 m cast aluminum light pole 15 each @ $800.00 41. Concrete foundation for street lighting 15 each @ $250.00 42. Hydro Connection 24 each @ $150.00 43. #6 AWG bare copper ground wire 196 m @ $2.00 TOTAL NEWCASTLE ESTIMATED G ROSS COST 42,000.00 800.00 3,780.00 1,050.00 1,125.00 9,000.00 12,000.00 3,750.00 3,600.00 392.00 Street from BALDWIN STREET to 210 m EAST OF BEAVr;K STKr;r;T EXPLANATION 200 m - B.LA. 940 m - Street lighting acc t. 960 m - Newcas tie Hydro SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS. -Drargeable to others: e.&, Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act. etc: AB-PR-3 7-72 42,000.00 800.00 3,780.00 1,050.00 1,125.00 9,000.00 12,000.00 3,750.00 3,600.00 392.00 l6.00 m - Street light. acct 31.5 m - Newcastle Hydro 31.5m -Street light. acct. 10 m - Street light. acct. 5 m - Newcastle Hydro 7.5 m - Newcastle Hydro 7.5 m - Street light. acct. B. LA. B. LA. B. LA. B. LA. 20 m - Street light. acct. 176 m - Newcastle Hydro 1 . 'W ~ , ~ Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications CONNECTING LINK in the FORMER VILLAGE of NEWCASTLE being KING ST., KING'S HWY. 112 Street from BALDWIN STREET to 210 m EAST OF Bt:Avr;K STKr;~T DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED SHAREABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO EXPLANATION GROSS COST C.L. AGREEMENT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORA TION OTHERS. 44. Ground rods 5 each - B. LA. 49 each @ $50.00 2,450.00 2,450.00 44 each - Newcastle Hydro 45. Wiring and connection of decorative lighting poles 15 each @ $180.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 lOO% - B.LA. 46. Concrete cap l20 m @ $5.00 600.00 600.00 60 m - Street light. acct. 60 m - Newcastle Hydro 47. 19 IDm dia. copper water services 100 m @ $45.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 48. Curb stops and main stops 5 each @ $lOO.OO 500.00 500.00 49. Insulate Watermains (a) 315 m @ $38.00 25,200.00 25,200.00 (b) 315 m @ $42.00 .--..- --- TOTAL $744,474.00 $607,936.05 $3,400.00 $46,830.95 $86,307.00 *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: AB-PR-3 7-72