HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-90 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83-90 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Grant an. Easement with Pypker Enterprises Limited. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Offer to Grant an Easement with Pypker Enterprises Ltd., which is attached hereto as Schedule IIXII. By-law read a first time this 13th day of June 1983 By-law read a second time this 13th day of June 1983 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of June 1983 4~~-4~ Mayo r L.()~,~ Clerk [fil. NO.-. ~~ii!()L.____1 i " I OFFER TO GRANT AN EASEMENT ,f> I/WE, the undersigned ... '~'I.1?1>:s~.. {;/!.r!:.~ t:~ ~ ~.c;.~.. .~:.c:.. . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. of the .'~. w. ~ . . .C? . .f. . . . . . . . . ..Bt;Jw.J:1t11l.C;II-$t.-~... in the Town of Newcastle, as Grantor(s) in consideration of the sum of $2.00, the receipt whereof ,.. is hereby acknowledged hereby agree to grant to the Town of Newcastle, its successors, and assigns, free from encumbrances, an easement and right to enter in perpetuity, through, in over and across the lands more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto for the sum of . ~f"~7~~~. ._H"~tcl42F;Q. . .<)Ph <r-A~ A . . . . . . . . /L/ x:>'~o /:} ($...7/........) and a temporary easement and right to enter through, .. in, over and across the lands more particularly described in Schedule "B" attached hereto for a period of .... ON!=:. . .... years to be fully completed and ended on the ~~:.~. day of ..~/.1.~.........:......, 19.$.t. for the sum of . .c;::~.~. /!f':u."?(Z.l!!fL? ."t'. /f<itf:^-(T,;r.. /:.(~~.. .4JP.,-;~4-.~ ($. .L ;<~". ~ . . . ) . This Offer to be accepted by the Grantee within sixty (60) days of the date hereof otherwise this offer shall become null and void. This Offer when accepted" shall thereupon constitute a binding contract of purchase and sale and time in all respects shall be the essence of this Agreement, the Grantee to e~amine the title at his own expense the Grantor not being bound to produce any evidence of title except such as are in his possession. The Grantee to make objections and requisitions on title within sixty (60) days after acceptance hereof and title to be'deemed accepted except as to any objection or requi- sition made within that time and if any objection to title be made - which the Grantor is unable or unwilling to remove and which Grantee shall not waive the agreement may be declared null and void. ,~ This offer may be accepted by a letter delivered to the Grantor or mailed, postage prepaid, addressed to the Grantor at ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The above transaction of granting the ease~ent shall be closed sixty (60) days after the acceptance of this offer and on closing the Grantor shall deliver a fully executed Grant of Easement in register~ble form provided by the Grantee I BY-Iaw~o:~_;~:~:,_:] ..a full release on a form to be , ' - 2 - , . .' for damages, if any, to the Grantor arising or resulting from the construction, operation, repairs and maintenance of the works and for services more particularly described in Schedule "C" attached hereto and forming part of this agreement. The terms and conditions of the easement are set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. Upon acceptance of this offer on behalf of the Grantee, the Grantee for itself, its servants, agents, employees, workmen and assigns shall have the right to enter upon the property as described in Schedules "A" and "B" for the purpose of laying down and constructing the works and services as set out in Schedule "C" attached hereto. The Grantor acknowledges that no verbal guarantees or promises have been made to him by any of the employees or agents of the said Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal on the day and in the year first above written. I -r l..s v^" DE 12 'S" TO 0 0 /-lA/I;)' A 6A?~ tE:.,D T/~/,4:r 7~/e -O/Tc../-) JC,H!"dr.? C/VD CJ.t'" Se~;:;/C:. 'To C/<€&K 84,/oJ/C: C-u/<.-L.. /3& C:=K.4-Oe~ c:.u/r/-7 ..2: / S/,,()e S'-DJoe 5 /14.//./ ~o"JJPE,C). DATED THIS /-3 77t day of .... .1Y~1-.7. .. .. ............, 19~~~... ~fl ~!t:?8 - l .~ ) r /. .. l~~// a~ ). :.'....' ---=::> ) ,~ . .., ;0 ~ l ~.';; SCHEDULE "A" Offer to Grant a Permanent Easement from ............... . PX!? K~~ . .4 !'!.~~/f !:~~~?"~ . . ~T~ . -. to the Town of Newca"stle. ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the----JOwN 0./ NCtJC45/LC , in the Regional Municipality of Durham and being com- posed of /11l'f?i L-o T KOt..JH/fut//L- L- e 13) ~AJCcs.s/u~~, %k/'#{/ , designated as Part I o~ on a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan No. /0 R /60/ . ) t j 1 I j 1 ~ 1. ! r \~ .~ II By-law No.__l3:::__~Q_______1 J -i . - . f " ~ t ~'.' ,. Bit SCHEDULE. "." ~90ItA.fL.., Offer to Grant a P8..an~I&~ Easement from ............... .. .1?'y:.;::.;r~;;c;.. Sy?:e:/~?~/{>Fi?. A~~;. to the Town of Newca.stle. ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the ~ / lou'//J) ("),LJ A./c:/.....x:::A,5/L-c. , in the Regional Municipality of Durham and being com- /;; LJ n..J o;! /~ (b,J ) , designated as Part '/T posed of ?;::::;"er 10 T .&LUr-fAA/U/L L.-C on a Reference Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry 'Division of Ontario County as Plan No. /0 K /60/ 'J 1 By-law No.____<Lt::_l_!L_-J ~l' 'j ~ <5'C~EDU L-E .'t'1US moEN'rtm!: made in d.uplicate this day of 'e' .. B E or WEE N: Py PlCE:R E f\JTc-R. PRISES L-r.o. hereinafter called the "GRANTOR(S)n of the first part -and- ."" -V-T- -- I: of rtJ~ TD~'" 0 i' NE\MC.AST(.c _ _ ____I "TME. CotePo~AT'ON hereinafter cal.led the "GRANTEE" of the second part -and- WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the 6rantor (s) . to execute t...1.ris conveyance and t...'le Grantor(s) agreed to do so in order to facilitate the works program of the Grantee; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and the sum of ($ ) now paid by t...'1e Grantee to the Grantor (s) the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. t..'le said Grantor (s) do hereby grant, transfer and convey unto. the Grantee, its successors and assigns tile free, '.JJ1- interrupted and unobstructed right and easement to construct, operate. and maintain such sewer or sewers toget...'1er with any and all appurtenances thereto as may be required from time to time on, in, across, under and through the lands situate in the City, Town, Town- ship of in the Regional Municipality of Durham and more particularly described in Schedules "A" and "s" attached hereto; TOGETHER with the right of the Grantee, its successcrs and assigns and its and their servants, agents, contractors and workmen with all necessary materials, equipma~t, machinery and vehicles to enter upon the said lands at all ti~es and to pass and repass thereon for the purposes of installing, constructing, reconstructL~g, examining, altering, repairing, renewing or replacing (including replacement with a sewer or sewers of larger size or capacity) and maintaining the said sewers or any part t..'lereof whet.'1er or ::ot any part to be so constructed, installed, repaired, renewed, altered, replaced or rnaL~taL~ed is situate on the land described above. r By-I". No,-_l!_=-'-Q-_J L.'. ~" ;. -2- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said ea.sement or riqht in the nature of an easement on, in, across, under and through the lands descr:iJ:)ed in Schedule "A" attached hereto unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns for its and their sole and only use forever. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said easement or riqht in the nature of an easement on, in, across, under and through the lands described in Schedule "B" attached hereto for a . period of years to be fu1.1y completed and ended on the day of , 19 ~ the Grantor(s), for heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assiqns covenant(s) with the Grantee, its successors and assiqns to keep the said lands described in Schedule "An attached hereto free and clear of any buildinqs, structures or obstructions; not to deposit on or remove any fill from the said lands, and not to do or suffer to be done any other thinq which mayor miqht injure or damaqe any of the works of the Grantee herein. AND the Grantor(s) covenant(s) with the Grantee that the right to convey the said rights and easements to the Grantee, notwithstandinq any act of the Grantor(s) ~ the Grantee.shall have quiet possession of the said riqhts and easements, free from all encumbrances, save as aforesaid. ~ the Grantor (s) covenant (s) with the Grantee that will' execute such further assurances of the said rights a..!ld easements as may be requisite. ~ the Grantor(s) release(s) to the Grantee all claims upon ~e estate herein conveyed for the rights granted by this indenture. ~ the Grantee covenants and agrees wit.'1 the Grantor (s) that it will fill in all excavations and, as far as is practicable, restore the lands and premises to t.~e condition existing prior to any entry thereon to exercise the rights hereby granted. IT IS UNDERSTOOD and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the burden of this indenture and of all the covenants herein contained shall run with the lands hereinbefore described and the benefit of this indenture and of all covenants contained herein shall run with all other lands and interests in land owned, occupied or used by the Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purpose of operating and maintaining the said sewer or sewers and t.'1at this indenture shall be binding upon and enure to t.~e benefits of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, ~~ecutors, administrators, succ~ssors and assigns. ~ ~..'...." . :'~_~ .' _..4 . . :.. ~- . ,1t.J :. -3- ~ the Enc:umbrancer(s) to the extent of Grantor (s) hereby eonsent(s) to and aqree (s) in the qrant herein contained and for interest in the land of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assiqns hereby subordinate and postpone all riqht, title and interest in the lands herein to the Grantee and to the riqhts and easements herein qranted. AND wife of the Grantor hereby consents to the .. qrant of the riqhts and easements herein and hereby bars her dower in the lands herein to the extent of the riqhts and easements herein qranted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Pa~~es hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM CHAIRMAN CLERK PlAN MATERIAL PLASTIC MATERIAL. MYLAR GAUGe: - 0,003 INCH PROCfSS - PHOTOGRAPHIC INK - SPECIAL uTI! METRIC DISTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY DIVIDING BY 0.3048 SCHEDULE mRT LOCATION AREA I Lor 13,CONCESSION I 519 m2 2 (80'NMANVILLE ) 232 m2 ~~-- 1~~..,..,...........bOtk'l1lo~..~~'.'.t:inoa.-.S:.J"'~~1.~""'lIIW:a H' .Iat.'/ No._ _ 8 -3 - 70 ~~'L '_'~ A_'~_ _,~ .~.::~:_::::::::,~:.:::; - - ......... 1----P!iR~ ~-- -1 (1I0~1 --- SIB ~~, -I- -- , I ~-r L_ lJ I /7 , '-') ~: ~i ~I I (on ~~ ~A' SI8('Nlr) '1-.- f4" 0 44 . 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"'...I . ~ Cl: ~~ '..r, Co!) ~) (" 'oJ ....... ~..J r~ 'v) !' ;,'J (0 i'. III C\: <1: ~~ t\.. ~-\ -.. l\.. INS! Ng I REOlJlRf fHlS F\.AN TO Sf DfPOSITED uraR mE RfGlSTRY ACT. PLAN lOR.- J fa 0 I 106 "26 RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED APRIL 4 I '983 DATE (JPf<IJv ~ ICf~3r- OAU ~ . . SIGNATURE M, D, BROWN NAME IN PRINT PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF Lor 13, CONCESSION I, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF . NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCt\LE: I 500 M. 0 BROWN 0 L. S. 1983 10:) e , s , . , Z I 0 ~M~ 10 ~ 4O'tET'AES t 20 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CERTIFY THAT: fHIS 9JRVEY AND PLAN APE. CORRECT AND IN ACCOROAW,;E WITH THE SURVEY'S ACT AND Tl-E REGISTRY AI.:T MD mE REWLATIONS MADE THEREUND€R. 2. 'HE SURVEY WAS CtJMPLETED ON THE 31 S r DAY OF MARCH, 1983 APRIL 4,1983 ~ ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR BEARING REFERENCE rHE 8EAR/NG OF niE WESTERLY lIMtr OF SCUG'OG STREEf, SHGWN AS NI8<>15' 30"W (ASTRONOMIC) ON PLAN lOR (453, GOVERNS ALL BEARINGS <3HOWN HEREON. -<r CENOTES MONUMENTATION ~ANTED -t- D€NOT!S MONUMENTATlON FOOND 918 r::e.oTES STANDARD IRON BAR,25 MM. SO. ,122CJ riM. LCNG, IS DENOTES IRON 8AR, 16 MM. SQ., 610 MM. LONG CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN lliE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT: MERRILL D. BRONN LIMITED LAND StJRVE)'ING AND ENGINEERING 16 TEMPERANCE STREET, 80WMANVILLE, ONTARIO. PHONE: 416-623' 72~1 L1C .3M DATE' APRIL 4 , 1983 SCALE.' I: 500 DRAWN. ff( , M 0 a. FILE.' 83035-R L