HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-89 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83-89 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Offer to Sell with Jouke and Tjitske VanDerVeer THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Offer to Sell with Jouke and Tjitske VanDerVeer which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". By-law read a first time this 13th day of June By-law read a second time this 13th day of June By-law read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of 1983 1983 June ~ ~-4~r" Mayor &~.~ Clerk / [ Fi', No"...uJl:__}_,S,JQa._u:] 1983 .' OFffJ< '1\' ~r.Ll . ~. '" rTO: TIlE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE l/WE, th~ undersignt:-d . .JQ~k~.& ,Tj.i.tske, Va~,Der. .\leer.,.."..,..,..........".",...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8S Vendor (s) hereby agn:e to alid wi tll t.h" Town of Newcastle as Purchaser, to sell all that porti6~ of .. .L.o:. }~~!. ~~ ~~~ .I. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. John Grant Plan, Bowmanville ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 n tile Area Uunicipality of.. J'{e.w.c.a.s.tJ~.......... . ....... ......... .. .... .. more particularly described as follows..................... .................................................................................... Part 2, Plan lOR1587 2 . , , 25.7 m (276.6 sp. ft.' (h l} d) contal.nl.ng. .................. .....l............. -.... as s own on p an lereto ar.nexe . at the price of..... :~~~~ .h.u.n~.r:~. ?9} }~~~................................ ($.13QQ"QQ...) payable on closing: which sum includes all compensation to which t~e VendorCs) may be entitled under any statute of the Province of Ontario in reference to the con- struction, diversion, widening of the municipal Road on which the lands described abutt, including compensation for severance, injurious affection or otherwise arising howsoever. ADDITIONALLY, the Purchaser agrees wi th the Vendor (s) to. the fOllowing terms and conditions: The purchaser agrees to pay reasonable fees for legal' services required by the vendor to complete this transaction. P~0VIDED the title is guod and free from all encumbrances. The Purchaser is to be allowed sixty (bO) days from the date of acceptance hereof to investigate the title a~ it.s own (:xpense and if within that time it shall furnish the Vendor in writing with any valid ouj~ction to the title which the Vendor shall be unable or unwillinQ to remove, and which Purchaser will not waive, this agreement shall be null and void. hdjustiT,'.?nts to be proportioned and allowed to thE: date of completion of sale. TH1S offer to be accepted by the Purchaser within sixty (60) days of the date herein, otherwise this offer becomes null and void; and the sale to be completed on or before sixty (60) days from the date of acceptance hereof on which date vacant possession of the said premises is to be given to the Purchaser. This Offer, when accepted, shall constitute a binding contract of purchase and sale and time in all respects shall be the essence of this agreement. It is agreed that there is no representation, warranty, collateral agreement or condition affecting this agreement or the real property or supported hereby other than as expressed herein in writing. UPON acceptance of this offer by the Purchaser, the said Purchaser by its servants and agents shall have the right to enter upon the property intended to be conveyed hereby for the pU1Fose of .... ... ... ......... ......... ...... ... ...... ......... ..... ........... ................ This offer may be accepted by a letter delivered to the Vendor or mailed ~ostage prepaid addressed to the Vendor at .................................................. DATED thiS........~.~~........day Of....~~. ~A . ,.. .~~ .... ...............,19.Rii:.. r ... .. wi \.1' es B 13y-'2W NO'__m~3 - 8'9 . C', ~ ~(A'I~VA ~ Vendor PlAN MATERIAL PLASTIC MATERIAL - MYLAR GAUGE - 0.003 INCH PROCESS . PHOTOGRAPHIC INK - SPECIAL !tTII ~! a;, -- Q:' ~?I c(. , a. ' . $'8 I ---l -'/ <11 \ I Z ) )~ ~ ~-J ..t ,,- a. -------- '-'-- /// .~;, l, 0 W ,1 ,,' t." E ~~, '~~ I '1-r L_ (,., I '1-.1 ~ ~ :>... "7 O~ ~ C'(, ".c ..... 0: l'-J ~ ~ ~J ~ <:) ~ BE r U'l::E N I I -"! E .'1 0_ E fl A V t: tV ~ =jt N_E.ANOL! I r LOT 12,H.? 82 ~ ~ I ~~ CO, _ (4). () -.I Pel I ~ .t~ '": -/-J.. J t ~ ~ (~ ~ J ~ N ~ .. q) 1- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i - -----~3 - -H-r-! 3 lQliJ i I ~ ~!i: r...J .~- ~ - -h411~ : s.81 ,.. ,., So.: c:. ~ ~ .... "" <: . ~J 4.1 ~ j..... ~J -Q) 1< ~ '"t3 ! ~ ') "'I....{--C'~l/l I ~ I(~ (-, , " '-"'- -\",,'\J I ("" I " / ~ ',\ l'C -1----- ~---- .'7 t? I~ .') /' 1 ^' " t: ~ c...' '() ^.' t. (., ,"'I t, ,_ ...7 ...1 , '-' IV fJ) ....; ......... Q~ :I ------------ ....'-." I r....." ~ .~ '-J . - .... :.~ 0,: f'f) ..... SCHEDULE LOCATION AREA I NST. --- ~--.. -'" ~ ..... , 1.~ / .. (.., I r: N' /' 1).' ( \ ' t\ ,) , I 1,\ "I · (" ~ . \.I ~ - Q) mRT I 2 ,... .....J ~ ~ \\; 6.3 m2 25.1 mil LOT 13, CONCESSION 2 LOT Ie 6.1 a l. 0 C K r JOHN G/1ANT PLAN 111150,13090 126~ I v I " Ii:: ....... (r ~~ <:J . t'-.. 'o.r l. ~ I . "'I~ ....-.; . ~J 0: I i""'. \.rJ / tv -- V \,"' 0 N C r:: S s " (] N S A ,IV.? 2 I . _// ~:"-E .'>' r~;::::/~h- ---~~ ---- S TOr.' l.. .,- " I,;;. ~ , ~ -..--.., . ---- ~._-;-- -------- t..) :"'J ,~ ~j -fj; ..... t~ ~, -~~/ -. > .... /' '1 I'.II~ L-'~ (~ I "/ " I V l.., ," V L. \) \~ I (" I " ~ ~/~ /7' '-) /~~. c, _____ / ~~--~/ ~'.I'~'{ ~A , ~Y' .... \ ~ \ \-" /' C{.- ?"~ . ...J ~ ~ '-4 O. METRIC OlSTANCES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN METRES AND CAN BE CONVERTED TO FEET BY. DIVIOING BY 0.3048 I '-...... ------- .""'- ------ ~ _____~,_.~_ T ~ [,lV., p. W No. h.. K 3..:::.. K.2...._.... --_......,. . '~......._~""---_.....~.~ /" "" . .# 1/~1 9 "r:" / "', ~/ \, ' ~ ~/ f. ~ .# / J -( J FEBRUARY 24,1983, ,/// ~ ,..1.' '\ (' ./V ~ Ctt IJ · , ()~'J 1\'.-/ \ '-, V~ ""ll' " I 'I ~ Po ~ · BEARING REFERENCE N. ,Utl\ll! . 0 I ./ IlEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARa' ASTRONOMIC ,DERIVED fROM POLAR OBSERVATION \Lor 18S, a lOCK I ~::..~, ""'-. , ./ AT mE MERIDIAN rHROUGIf THE NORTlf 'WESr ANGLE OF BLOCK I, JOHN GRANT'S ,,.. \ +,,> , ('" I ('~J -r ~"O I I 'J PLAN Ar WNGITUDE 78c)4" 4O"WEST. "oJ 1 '/0 .. '" I ...... I t' ~ ~ I.~ ~ 4"',,/ It_ "'" '" ... (") I 1_ (" r) ''>!la' ~ ,"'I~ ... 3'6 " ... '-' l ~ I -t ~ '" /" !"...... -41 ~ z- 1, ~~~ ~ ~ u "'~) /, ',"- \.!J (J.llJ t ..~ ~ ~ - ,,'" '" "'- .. " "'-.:;' II' , '. ~~o . ./ ....'" ....,,- ,,-) ~, -'O~ . ...? 'z (/) /J. " '-" ':\I If, , .... ~ ! ~ .~~~ ...... ....' .........,. SIS -1~ . 1 ==--F=-.. --=.- 1---- ~ t' ....) ~ 'T ~ () "J ....J ~ - /'.',/",/ (0 N fJI <>> \0 I"l ,I 8f? II ~ l.) ~ () 0:: (I) ~ -Wl o o t - !-: ~~. ::a: '.. z I I 4 ~8-li + ~ ~..rCI , / \ St ~ '.....~ 1<,<-' ..~. .,^ I'S ~, I ~ ~ /,/ ,. :v ~I - <S> " < o C'" ,< .. "'---7 " " O' . '\I ~/ " Ng I REOUIR! rJilS FUN fO BE DEPOSITED UtUR mE RfGlSTRY ACT. PLAN lOR - 158 7 RECEIVED AND OlPOStTED FEBRUARY 24. 1983 OATE ~~ Fer?f(vf.}!J.'/ ~5 /9t?J. ~ ~ ~~J ~J. Cf:PU LAN R GIST R R)R REGISTRY DIVISION OF ~CASTLE (N910) M. O. BROWN NAME IN PRINT PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT 13 IN THE SECOND CONCESSION AND PART OF TOWN LOT 186, BLOCK 'I'ACCOROING TO JOHN GRANTS PLAN OF PART OF LOT 12 IN THE FIRST CONCESSION, ALL IN THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANV'LLE, NOW WITHIN' THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY. OF DURHAM 'SCALE~ 1:500 M.D. BROWN Q,L,S. 1983 It). . '" ,. J, 10 10 ,0 .30 ~ 1 40 "'ETRf~ , . SURVEYOR'S I CEwrl'Y THAT: J. mtS fJ.JRVf:f AND PlAN ARt CORRECT AND IN ACOOROANCI WITH THE SURVEY'S ACT AND nE REGISTRY N;T MO mE REflJlAT/ONS MAD! nffREUNO€R, 2. mE SURVEY WAS COMPl!TED ON THE 22NO DAY OF FE8RUARY.'983. ~- . 0, aROWN ONTA 10 LAND SIJR\IEYOR CERTIFICATE -?- c€NQTES MONOMENTAT/ON PlANTED -t OfNOT!S ~UMENTAnON AX.INO AND I4tJM8€RED '''06' SI' WlJTES STANOARO IRON BAR. 25 MM. SQUARE, 1220 MM. LONG DENOTES IRON BAR, 16 MM, $QUARE) 6'0 MM. LONG MERRILL O. lTE LAND stJRVrttNtJ AND ENGINEERING 16 TEMP!RANcr STAllr, eOWMANVlLl!, ONTARIO, PHON&:: 416-623 - ne, LIe ..3M OAT!: FEBRUARY 24,1983 PA::rr CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBOIVlSION WITHIN THE MEANING sc OF lliE PLANNING ACT. , ~. ^ N . L.i.'. ..,""'- lOR , 0 ~J , · 000 f1 . 83014.R