HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-8 " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAl~ 83- 8 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, HEREBY ENACT AS FOllOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal an Agreement between HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the said Corporation dated the /O+t.- day of --r~ A.D. 1983, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". By-law read a fi rst and second time thi s 10th day of January , 1983. By-law read a third and final time this 10th day of January , 1983. G.B. R;Ckard~ #~~/. Mayor ' Seal Clerk(~7~ Town ~Ie NOmmJQ.:.m;J,.'m7m....m..ml . , l~ ~ X'i File: 10402/304/002 MINISTRY OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOUSING MUNICIPAL ACTION '85 AGREEMENT , This AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 10th day of January, 1983. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, hereinafter referred to as the "Province", OF THE FIRST PART, AND: Town of Newcastle, hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality", OF THE SECOND PART. WITNESSES THAT WHEREAS the Province wishes to assist Ontario municipalities under its program "Municipal Action 185" by funding individual municipal initiatives aimed at increasing productivity, improving cost effectiveness, and refining staff expertise; AND WHEREAS the Municipality wishes to participate in the program. AND WHEREAS the Municipality by by-Ia~ No. 83-8 passed on the 10th day of January, 1983, has authorized the Mayor and the Clerk of the said Municipality to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that the Parties agree as follows: I. The Municipality shall undertake or have undertaken the Project, hereinafter referred to as the "Project" to update computer service, financial and tax systems, in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. 2. The Project shall be completed on/or before the 31st day of July, 1983, hereinafter referred to as "the completion date", unless extended, up to a maximum period of six months, by mutual consent of both parties. A penalty of 10% reimbursement of funds to the Province may be imposed by the Province, if this condi tion is not met. 3. (a) The Province agrees to contribute to the actual cost of the Project, the sum of Three Thousand and Five Hundred ($3,500). (b) The Province may make a payment of $3,500 to the Municipality as soon as may conveniently be done after the signing of this Agreement. I By-law No._._<l~__:_L I , , - 2 - (c) In the event that the Project is not undertaken, the Municipality agrees to return all monies advanced by the Province, in accordance with this section. (d) In the further event that the Project although undertaken, terminates prematurely for any reaspn, including termination by the Province in accordance with section 8; the Province, taking into account all the appropriate circumstances, may determine, in its absolute discretion, that a portion of its payment to the Municipality shall be returned by the Municipality to the Province. The Municipality agrees to forthwith make such repayment to the Province. 4. The Municipality shall provide the Province with a statement certified by the Treasurer, setting out in such detail and in such form as the Province may direct, the Project costs incurred or paid by the Municipality in carrying out the Project. The Municipality shall also provide to the Province invoices and receipts regarding such costs, if so requested by the Province. 5. The Province or its agents may attend any meeting related to the Project and for that purpose the Municipality shall advise the Province of the time and place of all meetings in sufficient time to facilitate attendance. 6. The Municipality shall at all times permit all staff or agents of the Province to inspect any component of the Project. The Municipality shall also submit to the Province progress reports at such intervals as the Province may require. 7. All data, working papers and other documents prepared for or by the Municipality in connection with this Project, including the documentation, manuals or reports provided for in Schedule "A", shall be and remain the sole property of the Municipality. However, the Province shall at all times, after the completion of the Project and in consultation with the Municipality, have the right to publish or otherwise disseminate any such documentation, manuals and reports, except for documentation, manuals or reports which the Municipality is prohibited by any agreement to which it is a party, from publishing or otherwise disseminating. 8. The Province may at any time, by written notice of at least seven days to the Municipality, suspend or otherwise terminate this Agreement. 9. Any notice herein provided for or given hereunder if given by the Province to the Municipality shall be sufficiently given if mailed to the Municipality by prepaid registered post addressed to it at: Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3A6 10. Any notice herein provided for or given hereunder if given by the Municipality to the Province shall be sufficiently given if mailed to the Province by prepaid registered post addressed to: Director or Acting Director Municipal Management Policy Branch Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 3rd Floor, Mowat Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontrio M7A IC2 , . - 3 - 11. Any notice deemed to have been given on the date of mailing. Either the Province or the Municipality may at any time give notice in writing to the other of any change of address of the party giving such notice and after the giving of such notice the address therein specified shall be deemed to be the address of such party for the giving of such notice thereafter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Mr. Alec Trafford, Director, Municipal Management Policy Branch, has, on behalf of the Minister of Municipal Affairs on behalf of the Province of Ontario hereunder set his hand, and the Mayor and the Clerk on behalf of the Municipality, have hereunder set their hands. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ;O~ Witness Witness ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ /- L~~ ~ ) ON BEHALF OF THE MUNI ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ON c!CG~ NICIP ALITY c . ~ }1/ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE By,law N(J.__..~3 - ~ -------..........................-..... 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVlllE, ONTARIO II C JA6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 Report to the Mayor and Members of Council for the meeting held on December 14th, 1981. Report Number: Subject: TR-103-81 Updating of the Computer Service ------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------- Reconmendation: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. The Treasurer be authorized to negotiate an agreement with Real Time Data Pro Limited for the updating of the Town's computer serviCE with the institution of an on-line computer service; and 2. The costs for such a change in the computer service be included in 1 1982 budget as follows: Capital Purchases and Installation $33,060.0( and 1982 Estimated Operating Costs $50,800.00. Background and Comment: In 1979 the Town of Newcastle made its first step into the use of computer technology for the processing of its accounting records. This system enabled the admlnistratton to handle the growi'ng volumne of financial transactions. Since that time computer technology has made great advances and the Town should now take the next step in its logical progression towards a modern financial information system. The system which we recommend to Council can meet the present infonmation needs of the Town on a more timely basis. Unlike, the present system, the on-line system will provide monthly financial statements of the position of the Town. In addition it is a system which has the capability to provide future management system~ for the Town ie: M~intenance Management System and Recreation Registration System. . . . . . . /2 " . . . , TR-I03-81 - 2 - o The biggest step forward will be the on-line availability of financial information which would be as up to date as the latest postings to the accounts. This would provide much better information for decision making and analysis of the Town's financial status. In the area of taxes receivable, this system would provide current information to the taxpayers on a much more timely basis than is . . presently available. The information on the taxes can be accessed by roll number, name, address, part of a name or by account number and be readily available on a screen for review in moments. If desired, the information can be transferred to harl copy on our premises through the Matrix printer. The use of the video display units should reduce the need for the large volumne of paper which we presently process monthly. Through a system of security codes, the information available for viewing by anyone person may not necessarily be able to be accessed by that person for updating. All accounting entries would be processed through Treasury, which would have the highest security clearances, tit Eventually, all departments could be hooked up by telephone lines to the Treasury department and through their video display terminals have access to the most up to date information on their accounts. In selecting this particular computer system, we reviewed several options including two basic 4 systems, and I.8.M, system and another outside data service. The greatest flexibility can be found in the in-house mini-computer systems. This opti on would requi re a temperature-humi dity controll ed atomosphere to operate proper also, most probably anaddtiona1 staff person who was moderately well versed in computer programming. We feel it would be foolhardy to go into an in-house system without the aforementioned assets in place. These systems would require an outlay o' approximately $120,000.00 for the software and hardware plus the necessary facilitie~ and manning. e ..,./3 r....1w.ufi llll JUllllrnll'll.nill~".~~~'_rlu.'''''''_''IfI~~_.!'~~~ilM/~~lJ\~'lI$. ~::::", ' ; . , . o & . 9 "..; TR-I03-81 - 3 - Since the Town is unable to provide the necessary facilities and staffing at this time, the on-line system which has the ability to meet both present and future needs for at least a three to five year time horizon is the best option, Recent discussions with Real Time Data Pro Limited indicate that , implementation and testing could commence in early January 1982 with full implementa' in February 1982. Respectfully submitted, :~C~C:B.com.. Treasurer. 14 12 81 R81-DP-l ., , 'II . , . . Dncember 14. 1981 o Schedule "A" On-Line Computer Costs 1982 Capital Costs Equipment Purchase 1 Communication Controller 3 Video display units 1 Matrix.Printer 2 Modem 2 Video display units & Lookup (if required) $8090, 6420. 4550. 4000. 5000. $28060. Installation costs (wiring) 1000, Software costs 4000. e 33060. 1982 Operating Costs Telephone Communication costs Processing Costs Taxes/Tax Billing General Ledger Equipment Maintenance Purchase new forms $7800. 23500. 12000. 4500. 3000. $50800. t) "'" ". .... Schedule "B" December 14, 1981 It 1982 Operating Costs Telephone Communication Costs $650./month $7800. Processing Costs Taxes - m line chan~es software charges - report printing - billing 11000. 2400 k- 4500. 5600. 23500. . General Ledger - software charges - accounts payable - general ledger processing - report printing 3000. 1600 vfI\t 3900. 3500. 12000. ~ Equipment Maintenance - monthly charges 4500. Purchase New Formes - receipts, tax certificates etc. 3000. $50800. --RP ~~ C-()~ ~ T l'f 1....~ '1-~ .~. ~ ~\~U f..-(~ ~ "1 dO~ ~ f l eJUO .-=-- \;f.. 1suo .-'