HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-78 . . THE CQRPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83-78 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Fi rst City Capital Ltd. in respect of a lease for AES Word Processing Equipment. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between First City Capital Ltd. and the said Corporation, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". By-law read a first time this Twenty-fourth day of May 1983 By-law read a second time this Twenty-fourth day of May 1983 By-law read a third time and finally passed this Twenty-fourth day of May 1983. ///~ #~A'L~ ~ - . Mayor l]o.u:..Lw .~. Clerk r file No.;g.,.),.,.l_....-_.....J tmstOty CAPITAL LTD. HEPD OFFICE: 1200 - 1055 W. GEORGIA ST. P,O. BOX 11151, ROYAL CENTRE, VANCOUVER, B.C. V6E3S6 SCHEDULE "X" to by-law 83:l8:-- ) IV __5(f ../ Cffices in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Itondon, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal ,t,DtJITIONAL LEASE TERMS FIRST CITY CAPITAL L TO, dS L ~ssor and Attached to and forming part of the lease agreement made between First City Capital Ltd. as Lessee, d~ted the day of Cption to Purchase lessor agrees that, provided Lessee shall not be in default under tl; ~ ~ aid lease agreement, at the expiry of the month of the lease terrn, the Lessee shall have the option to purchase the bupment for the price of $ payable in cash r-1us applicable provincial and federal sales taxes. This option shall b(~ exercisable by Lessee by giving notice in writing to Lessor thirty UO) days prior to the expiry of the said month. Tranfer of title to the Equipment shall be without warranties or !,'pmsentations whatever, either express or implied as to the dura- l; lit/, suitability, quality or condition of the Equipment. This Option If 110t assignable. I By-law NOhm~}-=-_~L_1 ,\9 Name of Lessee Per >- CIS Per_ 2"" Name of Guarantor Guarantor's Signature --------------------- CIS Guarantor's Signature FIRST CITY CAPITAL LTD. Per .' ~,,,,,,"'~"'H flMtClty HEAD OFFICE/SIEGE SOCIAL: 777 HORNBY STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. V6Z 1S4 SCHEDULE B/TA8LEAU B Attached to and forming part of lease " Joint . et formant partie integrale du bail II between entre lessee. ______ locataire, and FIRST CITY CAPITAL lTD.. lessor. et CAPITAL FIRST CITY l T~E. locateur. RENTALS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE AREDICATED ON FIRST CITY.S RATE FOR Three ( 3 ) YEAR FIXED RATE LEASES BEING 9.90 % as at May 5th" 1983 RENTALS WILL BE ADJUSTED AT LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE TO REFLECT ANY CHANGES IN THE ABOVE RATE. ome FIRST CITY CAPITAL L TO. CAPITAL FIRaT em LTEE Name of LesseelNom du Locatalre Authoriled Sigl'latutelSigna1ure .u~tO(itWJeo Titlerrltrt' ;&~~tldS~n;;:~~-~~:",~,. -, -r.-5(~ - ," , ftBS.atv CAPITAL LTD. Ji-S(.e) LEASE No HEAD OFFICE: FIRST CITY BUILDING 777 HORNBY STREET VANCOUVER. B.C. V6Z 1S4 Offices in Vancouver. Edmonton. Calgary. Sib~;atoon, Winnipeg. Lon,jon. TOlonto. HamiltorJ, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City. Halifax and SI. John's. ISSUINU OF F ICE ADDRESS " LESSEE~S FULL NCA,ME, fDDRESS" , "', ,. i ALL T L.: <. '':'IO(l,~r7r;;#,- .', I tot'"' - a...c,,,",, ,.,_., ~ t.-..v( ....s' L. "- ..,,' '-I ~ () 7'L'~ ,"LU' If)/v" t.' -;, I /.~"",;, ''''A,''''- ...': .It.'' I ,,~') , PERSON TO CONTACT ..0 j-it,YT"'NI C/' ,(, TELrf/~ ').,3 33;l~ -.-...--.---.-..-.-.----..... .--- ----.-..-.--.- ---,-. ...."-.---.....-. ---- DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT SUPPLlER'S FULL NAME. ADDRESS , , ." 1\ -, ..~ /J t,iJ . I IV \.,. S;- I- L (: /.{ (1/(. S '" "....\J t.' I... ...'" . SUPPLlER'S SALESMAN :r (tl ,,, '/ ''- tJ 1- TEL. ,,__ ,~c~~z.,.. /1' r PRICE -I .- QUANTITY .~,' ,1t,;tc "LV"s r;;:_ v,J ,~"'''':' ,'it.;. ,- ,A.'toJ 4,-.t c5) vwl t-,"" /5'/,:/ ~"" /"" T~'r': .()"',.I.... $' /..11:::""7 /- J::"I. "':)k- n, L(, tr.lll"'::ll.. I~ " If rt , Joo1 i. /1 L ,".:t.( ., 4;' ,:-,.)... '7L/<- TOTA~ PRICE /H ... '" n I W k: I ,5 t: f ': r14' ...,1 t. FEDERAL TAX "- -------------------- - --- ~~kS'I~!_~~I~_~~!_ L!~_:l _/1. ):..._,,_,,_"!~ -.!~ 1','1/"""... 7/1tJ..s.u.! 7. l TOTAL C<?ST I ,/ I I 1~.1.~'j'?(' --- i ~.. '1'1 .' .' TERM RENTALS DUE .....-,. - --~---_.- flENTALS NUMBER AMOUNT .~ ,':;, Of $ S3'J,,':I LEASING PARTICULARS TAX TOTAL RENTAL :~ h $31 Ji $ O' 7/;', TERMINAL RENTALS -. _. ....--.. -..-..-.--.--...-.,.-- NUMBER AMOUNT OF $ RENEWAL TERM . -.--:- YEARS AT EACH DUE ON MONTHS IN ADVANCE EXCLUDING TAX RENTAL COMMENCEMENT SEE ATTACHED "SCHEDULEs WHIcH FORMS AffINTEGRAL PART OF THIS' DOCUMENT. ~~)€*)(~<<~K<xm~~9tX~~<<XXXX X xx X X-X~~)r; XX<<~)l~~ <<r~)f~~~K<XX<)4~ l(<<~X xxx XX-XX XXX X xx X XX)(>~~~l(r)t)41; ~Xl)(?)( XXXXXXX~XXXXXX~>>XX~X ~X~IX'Xl(~ X!XXK')(~)(*~)(lJ(9(K'*XX~ XX ~K~*Xi)( ~~~9(:}€lx!)(~)(lx!9(~K X~)(~X'x X!~)(*~mcx ~X!K~KrX~~ ~K'1~OO~K<<:X<f1XKXoo( 'n~~X!K~m*~~Xl)(<<~)(~~X1(~)@9(i)fKm~XXX xX-xx XXXXX-X X xx~x X XXXXX-~)li(~*<<<)()(ll(~rm€'X'X>>>X~XK*X~X>K. nmueumill~*'XX')(~~'~mJ{x~~)(1x>~*mX>)(X>K9f)E~~X~KX~~)(~X'X~l)t:X~t}(~~~)(OO~K~X4(,)(<<Xoo( PER YEAR PA Y ABLE ANNUALL Y IN ADVANCE $ - PLACE OF REDELIVERY TO l.ESSOR --TLOCA-rION OF Eoui'PMENT."IF-D"IFF"ERE"NT FROMABO\,~m "JJR-ESs:--.- Of~IGIN,AL TERM COMMENCES AND FI!-lST HENT PAYMENT DUE SUBSEQUENT RENT PAYMENTS COMMENCE 19 19 MONTH DAY YEAR MONTH _ _M____.. ~_ _._ _ ___'__M_' LEASE AGREEMENT This Aqrpement made by and between Fifst City Capital Ltd., (herein tdferred to as the LeSSOr) and the Lessee namecf above (refer red to as the Lesseo), WITNESSETH: That In consideralion of H1e covenants hereinafter contained including those on the reverse hereof, the Lessor and Lessee have mutually w]reed as follows' . . 1, LEASE: Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and the Lessee hereby hires and leases from Lessor the equipment described above. together with any parts and accessories relating thereto or affixed thereon (herein referred to as the Equipnlent). 2. TERM: ThiS lease is for an origlnallerm commenCing on the date specified in the Leasing Particulars above and unless sooner terminated as set forth hel 81n. ends at the expiry of the nUrf!oer of months indicated under the heading "T arm" in the Leasing Particulars above. 3. RENT: Lessee shall pay as rent 10 the Lessor for tllO (!quiptn€Hlt liUJing the original term in advance in lawful money of Canada the number of rent,II" If' the amounts and at the times 'ihoV\"n In the Leasing Particulars above. Ttle rent sllall be paid IQ the Lessor at First City Budding. "/77 Hornby Street. Vancouver. BC V6Z 1S4. 4. TERMINAL RENTALS: The number of terminal rentals to be prepaid, as set forti, in the Leasing Particulars above. if any, shall be paid to Lessor bv Lessee on date of commencement of the original term Such termillal rentals. when paid to Lessor, shall be deemed to have been received by Lessor not as a depOSit nor as a security to C{)fnpensate Lessor for any cJarnaqes It mi-lY suffer by reason of a breach by Lessee of any covenant or con- (jition of lhls Lease, but as a condition preil!ninary ior tile execution thereof, and :;hali remain the ab~;olute property of Lessor, shall not be refundable to Lessee under any circumstances but shall be ilpolied by Lessor against the subsequent rentals In reverse order of their matUrities If this Lease remains In force ollld In good standing. 5. PROVINCIAL SALES TAX: Lessee ~:Ilail pay to Lnssor on anj wilh each rental. the amount of provinCial sales tax. If ,1nY, thereon atlhe rate :lp- pllcat)le Iromtime to time. ProvinCial sales !iix at Ihe rate now appllca:)le on the amount of each renta, IS as set forth above 6. INTEREST ON OVERDUE PAYMENTS: lessee shall. withcut notice, pay :ntere;1 at the rate of 240: per annum on :lny overdue inr:!a:rnent Of re'll. and upon written notice from Lesso'. at t;ie 'iame rate on alt otlle: dmounts rPqulred to be paid by Lessee 11ereunder and which shall have been paid by Le<;sol 7. USE: Lessee shall use the Equlpnwn! !n a careful anj pruden: mannfJr and not for any uniawful purpose and shaH at Les~;ee's expense comply With all(] conform to all federal. prov'neral, municipal and o!h,~r laws. ordinances ana ri-'9u1atlons In any way relating to 'he possession, use 01 mainten,nce of the EqUipment DAY YEAR 8. NON.CANCELLABLE: TillS Lease C 111110t be cancelied or tE"rT\lnated exc8Dt as eK~)fessl'l prOVided h'mlin (SEE REVEltS: ;'0 IDE FOR CON TI I'oJUA nON 01: TER~lS t~ COtJDITIONS 01: THIS LEN;EI Date E>ecuted by Lessee FIRST CITY CAPITAL LTD. 71.~ _(t"!ij';;j{1~; /0." f",J7j~.L_ ,,1c.l.l', ,.'/ 'Lk(.,,~' "'1;~l: Narnp of Le,;sf't' PH: F'f~r )\ Authorized S:gnatur P Title CIS I By.i~;" N",--.!~.:..?J_._._I , <~', -"-'",'~'~~l'-~~'"Tr 1f,~'" ',~- ';1:': Ilf(~,~ ")."'\' :"..t.',;~ ''1;t:~,,>.;;;,?:'-~ Pur )<, Authorized SI9rJa!ure Title