HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-72 ... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83-72 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with E1 don MacKay The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between Eldon MacKay, and the said Corporation, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". By-law read a first time this 9th day of May 1983. By-law read a second time this 9th day of May 1983. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 9th day of May 1983. __<~4'~/ · ~1ayor ...LM.xt:Ac Clerk i I File N O....i<..,_.::z.,-j;J.L.n___J J ..... "- , ,6 ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE PURCHASER, Eldon HacK::tY, R. R. #: 2, Blackstock, Ontario VENDOR, The Corporation, of the Town of Newcastle AGENT, N / A PROPERTY: fronling on lhe west side of Sol in a Road known municip3,IIy as in the Town of Newcastle Xc)fX an.! having a fr,)fltage of 43.75 met res more or less by a depth of 75.936 metres more or less and described a.~ Part 1 on Plan 10R-1522, being .part, .of Lot 25, Con. 5, former Township of Darlington, now in the Town "Of'NewC'astle . oHers to buy from , through Vendor's , the following Part 1 at the PURCHASE PR ICE of Twenty Four Thousand Dol1ars----(~24,OOO.00)---- Canadian Dollars (SCan. 24,000.00 on the followin~ terms: I. Purchaser slIbmits wilh lhis offer Five Hundred--------------------- Oollars (S 500.00 cash:chclJlI" payahlc 10 Vendor's At:ent as ~ deposillo be.held t.y' him in Irllst pending cl'mplclion ,'r olher lermin.lli.>n of lhi_ Agreemenl and 10 he creditl'd to""hls Ihe Purchase Prll:e on complelloll. 2. Purchaser agrees 10 1. Pay the balance of $23,500.00 on closing, October 1st" 1983. 2. Apply for and receive approval of all of the necessary building permits required. 3. This offer is conditional on the Purchaser being satisfied that the title to Part 1, Plan 10R-1522 is free and clear of all encumbrances. 4. The vendor agrees to pay all Town of Newcastle and Regional Hunicipality of Durham lot development charges and to bear all legal and survey costs. ~. Purchaser and Vellll,'r agree that all existing fixtures are included in the purchase price except those Iislell hereunder: and thai the following chatlels are included in the purchase price: 4, Pur,ha','r agl\:cs Ihatlhis OHer shall be irrevocable by him untilll:S9 p.m. on the 12th day o( May , 1'183 ' aflcr \\hkh lime, if not accel'ted, this Offer shall be null :llld void and the deposit shall he returlll'd to I'lIn:haser wilhout interest or ,kdlldi,'n, ~. This Agre,'l11enl shall.be completed on the 1st day of October posscssion of the property shall be given to Purchaser unless otherwise provided as (ollows: ' . 1983 . (ipon ,ol11l'lelion, V:lcant ~ ..J.;yyr ~ CAN'T/L C L onur;, 6. Purchaser shall be allowed the "&)'5 Rext Hllla'NiI'll the liate af aeeeJltaRee af thi5 Offu 10: examine the lille lothe prorerl)' at his own eXJlCnse. to satisfy himself Ihatthere are no outstanding work orders affecting the prOrerl)', thaI ils present u~e ( may he lawfully continued, and that the principal building may be insured against risk of fire. 7. Vendor and Purchaser agree Ihatthere is no condition, express or implied, representation or warranly of an)' kind thllttlle (uture intended use of the properly by Purchaser is or will be lawful except as may be srecifically stipulated hereunder. ... . ''''''n~ avln.: Inspected the property prior to sublnlllln.: Ihls Offer and understunds Ihut upon Vendor acceptln.: Ihls Offer Ihere ~hall he a bin ing agrumenl of purchase and sale bcl"'een Purchaser and Vendor, By-law No._._._._t:~__:::__l ~ ~" 9. Provided Ihal Ihe lilk III Iheproperl)' is good and free from all encumbrances Cllcept as aforesaid and e\.:epl fI'r 3n~ relll\leled le,rfl.:lil'n' I'r ':Il\enanl' that run \\ilh.lhe land prcwiding that such are complied witH and except for any minor ea'emelll\ II' rutlh.: ulllllle, re'luued rl" the ,upply Ill' dl'me,li.: ulllity ,er\'ices 10 the properly. If within the lime allowed for examining rhe IlIle an~' \ahJ 1,I')e"III'" II' IIrle, 1" II' ,111\ out'tandlllj: ',,'rl ,'rder, or to Ihe raet Ihe said present use may not lawrully b'c .:onli"ued. or that Ihe rfll1.:ll'al 1'llIldI01I,m3)' IWI be lO'ule.1 3~ain'l ri,ll'! file I' m3de in wriling to Vendor and which Vendor is unable'ol un",illinglo lelllo'e, leme,l, III ,.11I\ry allll llih..:h I'ur.:hol\el will/1ll1 \\oll\C, Ihi, :\j:recmenl, not",ithslandin. any intermediate acu orr'le,otiations in lespe':l .,r ,uch .,tlJe.:l...n'. \h,ll1 tic al an end and all ""l1lie, IIH:rcll,fMe rolld ,hall be returned without interest or deduction and Vendor and Vend,'r', Agenl ,hall IIIlI "t' hable h'r any' ':OSI' 01 d3maj:c" Sa'c a' 1(l ;IIlY 'alid objeelion so made by such day and excepl for any objecli,'n goinll I., Ihe ",.'1 .', Iht' III Ie. 1'1I1.:ha'er ,hall be (("KIII,i,..." d...cJllcd I,' ha'e accepted Vendor's title to the propert).. 10, I'u"ha,cr ,hall 'WI ':;111 rllr Ihe plodu.:tion of any tille deed. abstract, SUf\'e)' or other e,iden.:t' Ilr title II' Iht' 1''''1'<''1\ e\.:el'l ,".:h a, ale In Ihc I'"'''c,,"'n 1'1 ':llnl",II'1 Vendol. Vendor agrees that, if requested by' the pur.:haser, he ","II deh,t'1 an, ,let.:h I'l '"1\t'y .,r tht' r"'relly' m his r"'''c"illn I'l \lilllln hi, .:ontroltllPurchaser as soon as possible and prior to the last da)' allo"'eJ r,'r e\alllllllll': litle, ". All bllildin):' I'n Ihe I''''rert). and all olher thin,s being purchased shall be and remain unlll .:omplclllln .1t the mk Ilr Vend,,!. l't'ndUlll .:,'mrl...lIllIl, Vendl'r ,hall hold all insurance policies. if any. and the pro.:ccds Ihereor in trust ror Ihe rarllh a' Ihell IOlele'l\ ma) al'l'<'al and in the e\l'nt Ill' 'ul',I;I/Hial damage, Purchaser may either termin;lIe Ihls A,rccment and h;I\'e all m,'me, Ihelt'II,r.',e raid relurned "'1I1,,'ul inler...,. llr d...dlKlilln Ilr ...he take Ihe pro.:eeds of an)' insurance and c,'mrlcte the purchase. 12. I'rmid...d th.1I thi, :\):recrnenl shall be dre.:li\e to creale an interesl in Ihe prol'trl)' onl)' ir the \utl.II\1\II'n .:.'nl",II'''''I\II>11' .,1' lhe I'lannlllll A.:I arc ':Ilmpllcd \lllh h Vendor on or before comrletion and Vendor hereby co\'enants h' r,,>.:eed ."hllenlly al 1m e\ren'e h' "btam ;111\ nc,'es,;u\' (('n,cnt Iln I'r bdore completion. 13. Pur.:hascr her...hy warranlS that he is nota non.resident or Canada pursuant to The Land Transrer Ta\ Act. 14. Pur.;hascr shall be .:redited towards the Purchase Price with the amount. if any. ,.'hich it shall be necessary for I'urchaser to pay to the Minister of National Revenue in order to satisfy Purchaser's liability in respect of tax payable by Vendor under the non-residency provisions or the Income Tax Act b)' reason of this sale. Purchaser shall not claim such l"~e(llt if Vendor delivers on completion the prescribed certlflc:ate or his statulm)' dcclaration Ihat he is not then a non.resident of Canada. IS. Fire insurance ,hall be assigned to the Purchaser on closing subject to the consent of the insurer ha\'ing been obtained 10 such assignment. and the vendor shall surpl)' to the purchaser at least rhe (S) days before the completion date detajls of any such policy to be so assillned. 16. Unearned fire in,man.:e premiums of any policy to be assigned pursuant to paragraph I S herein, rcnls, nlOrlllage illlere\t. tues, 10.:;11 illlpflwemcllls. waler and assessment rates and the cost of fuel shall be apportioned and allowed to the dale or completion (Ihe day ilself 10 be apronioned It' Pm.:haser). 17. The deed or lransrer shall, save for the Land Transrer Tax Affida,'its. which shall be prepared and completed by' the I'urdlaser. be prepared in re!;islrahlc ''<'fin al the exrense or Vendor and the Mongage It the upense of Purchaser. 18. Time shOlIl in all rcsrc.:,s be of tht essence hereof pro\'ided thlt the time for doing or complellnll or any mailer 11IO\'lded ror herein may be extendcd or abridlled b)' an agrccment in ""ritinl signed by Vendor and Purchaser orb)' their respccti\'e sllli.:itors wh" arc her~by upressl\' appoinled in this re~ard. 19. Any lendcr or dl'':UIllCIllS or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor .or Purchaser or their resre.:tive sllliciton (lIl the da)' for completion of Ihil Aj:,eernent. ~h'ne)' may be tendered by bank draft or cheque certified b)' a .:hartered bank. trust company ,'r I'f(wince of Ontario Savin):s Orri.-e. 20. This :\!;Il'elllenl shall constitute the entire agreement between Purchaser and Vendor and there is no represelllation, lliarranl)'. .:ollateral OIgreclllL'nl III .:nndilillll affectinlthis Agreement or the property or supported hereb)' other than as expressed herem in wriling. This Allreement shall Ile rcad wilh all chanlles of gender or number required by the context. DATED 011......... .~.9.W:l!:l.~p.. yJ 1 ~.~ .J.. ..OrA :t.~.:rJ.Q...... ..this....~. .13..... .day 01................. ..Hay................................... .19..8.3..... SIGNED, S 'ALED AND DELIVERED in the prese 10f: - ......'...... ..'...t.{./'.~.:r:.~.......... ~~~..;L...I--{.. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and scal: r~!.7:!.::.:.~f4~:~......................... Date.t.11.7...;:.:tfz../..r.~ ~urchaser) .... ....... ........................... ip~~~h~;~i'''''''''''''''''' .. Date.................... .......... /'-l If! DATED al.,..,.,......,....,................................. ................. ..this.................. ..day of.............................................................. .19........... IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal: ;~.~.~~~.N O:,~~.~A~.~~~D . (j, ~ \ (Vendor) Hayor t/ .....~.~e-rk...,..Date~.lll.(.!..t? (Ve:ndor) The Undersigned Spouse of the Vendor hereby consents to the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of The Family Law Rdorm Act, 197R, S:O. 197R, c.::!, as the same may be amended from time to time. In .:onsideralilln l,f Ihe sum of One Dollar ($1.00). the r<<tipt of which from the Purchaser is hereby acknowledged, the nndersigned ,pouse of the Vendor hcrch~' OI~rees wilh Ihe Purchaser that he I she will ex<<ute all n<<essary or incidental documents to gi\'e full force and dfect to the salc evidenced herein, SIGNED, SEALl'I) AND DELIVERED in the presen.:e of: \\'ilne" s~;;........... ............................................... Date.............................. ACKNOWU:OGEMENT I a~Lnll"le"g< ,e,cipl of my ,ianed copy of Ihis accepted A.rc:cment or I'ur~ha'e anll SOlie. ,Illd dile.:! the agt'nl 10 rorlli'ard a COP)' to my solicitor. I acknowle:dle receiPt of my silned copy or this. accepted A.reement nf Purchase and Sale:, and dirc.;tlhe alent III f"'IIiard a copy III my solicitor. """",..,......,........:...Oale:,.................................. .....................,........,.......,.........",..,...""Uale................................... (Purcha<C11 ..............................,....,..........."..,.",.".,Uale,..,...."........................, (Purchaser) '..,..'""...',.',.."""""""""""""..........,..,Dale................................... \\....",11"1 t \. end.'r) Address: Address: Tclcpllllne N". ..,...,.....,........ ................ ...... .......................... Telephone No. ..... ................;.................... ........................... \' endl,r's Slllidll,'r .,'.."."..,'...'....,.......................... ......... ....... Purchaser's Solicitor..............................................,............... 1"flnS" UU