HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-67 '. .... ,., ~, , THE CORPORATION OF T~E TOWN OF NEWCASTL,E BY..1AW' 83", 67 being a by-l aw to authQri,ze the, executi'on of an Agreement of Purcha.se and Sal e with Joe and Mari lyn Dieleman The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Cle.rk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal" an Agreement betwee.n Joe and Marilyn Dieleman and the said Corporation, which is attached hereto as Schedule II X" . BV-l.,AW read a first time this 9th day of May 1983 BY..LAW read a second time this 9th day of May 1983 BY-LAW read a third time and final,ly passed this 9th day of May 1983. .c:;. ."""" -' ,. ,~. L / ,..,...'...,7 .;'~ _.~% .;:2z..._- 4~ Mayor ! ~~ Clerk I file NO.nnm.l~_.Jn:__!_~_~nn--n___nm I - . :@B 1 SCHEDULE II X II to By-l aw 83-67 ONTARIO REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT OF PURCHAse AND SALE PURCHASER, Joe DielE!lllan..~ ,~rilyn ()i.elE!ma,l"!~ R.R. #5, VENDOR, The Corporation..of the .Town of Newcastle AGENT, N/A '.,....,...,.,..,.., , ' ,..', '..,......,.... PROPERT\': (ronling on Ihe west aide of Sol i naRoad in Ihe Town of Newcas t.l e, ...........',.... ' , , anJ having a frontage of 43.77 8m more or leu by a deplh of Bowmanville, Box 57 , oClen to buy from , throuSh Yendor's . the following known munidpally as Pa rt 3 of 75 . 712 more or less and described a.\ Part 3 on Plan 10R-1522, J9J.?,~,LG,Q,I]<;:.E!~~i.QI) 5, former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle at lhe PURCHASE PRICE of TwentY:-fi ve Thousand and F.i ve, HU.l"!dr~d.. Canadian Dollars (SC;IIl. 25,500.00 on the following lcrm~: I. Purchaser ~ubmits with Ihis offer Fi ve Hundred DolI.1n ($ 500.00 cash/chelllle ra)'allle 10 Yendor's Ailent as a deposil to be held hy him in Irusl pending comrlclion 'lr (llher lerminalion or Ihi\ A&:recO\enl and to Ilc: c redited tu~ MJS the Pun;hasc Price on compleliu'l. 2. ""rchaser aBrees to 1. Pay the balance of $25,000.00 on closing, October 1st 1983. 2. Apply for and receive approval of all of the necessary building permits requ ired. 3. This offer is conditional on the purchaser being satisfied that the title to Part 3, Plan 10R-1522 is free and clear of all encumbrances. 4. The vendor agrees to pay all Town of Newcastle and Regional Municipality of Durham Lot Development Charges and to bear all legal and survey costs. 3, purch;L\er ;lIld Yendor agree that all nistin" fixtures are included in the pun;hasc pril:e Cll:ept Ihose Iisled hereunder: and that the rollo\l,'ing chOlttels arc included in the pun;hasc price: 4. I'urcbil.,er apee, Ih;ll Ihis OCler shall he irrevocOlble by him unlil 11:59 p.m. on the 12th day or May . I')~.j ,.IIl.:r \l,hkh lime. if nOI accel'led. Ihis OHer shilll be nllll ;lnd ,'oi,1 :lOll Ihe dcrusil shall 1>4' (('1111 114..1 10 1'11I "laser wilholll inleresl UI .klh....lill/l. 5. Thi~ A!:reem':l1l shall be ,ompleled on the 1 s t day of ' Oc to be r rosses,\ion or Ihe I'rol'erlY shall be lliven tQ Purchaser unleu otherwise provided as follows: ' . 1'1 83 . lil'ul1 \'lImplcriun, \'al:anl .'~ u~TIL C.c..t).s/~~ 6. J'urchas.:r sh..1I be ..lIo~'ed tl" lIa)'s Rut (elhl'''iA, t~.llal. IIr BEIii.,taRee sf Ihis OUrr 10: examine Ihe tille 10 Ihe I'wl'Crl)' at his own eXPtnsc. 10 salisfy himself thai there arc no outslandinB work orden affeclina the property. thaI its prescnt use ( may be law(ully continued. and that the principal buildina may be insured aBainst risk ot rire. 7. Yenllor ..nd Purdlasc:r ..~rce that there is no condilion, express or implied. representalion or warranly or an)' kind Ihal tile (ulure inlendc,1 \lse o( Ihe properly by "urchaser is or will be law(ul Clll:ept as may be sl'CciCic:ally slipulated hereunder. 8. Purchaser aeknoKledl:cs havlnl Inspected the property prior to lubllllttlnc this Offer and unden'ands ,ha' upon Yl'ndor 8Cuptlng this OCCc:r tlu:rl' shall be . bindln, lercement of purl:hasc and sale bct"ccn Purchaser and Vendor. ~ i _ . 9. Providtd Ihal Ihc IIIlt IU Iht proptrlY i~ ,ood and frce from .11 cncumbranca neepl .~ afolt~aid aOlI t"tl" ll'l an~ Ittll\ltltJ 't,JrI':lhlll' "" .:u'ellalll' Ihal '"11 ",ilh Ihc Iilnd I'rovidin, Ihal sucb are complied wilh and exc:tpt for any minor ea\ernen" h' rlll-h.: IIl1hllt' It~ulltJ f,,, .he \ul'pl)' uf dllme\li.: Ulllil)' ~erviccs 10 the proptrly. Ir wilhin Iht limt allo""ed for' namininl Ihe IIIle all~' \.1h.1 "I-)e':II,," h' IlIle. "' h' ;III~ Ilul'lamhll!: ""',L Mde'. or 1\'1 Ihe flel Ibe said pratnl Ult may nOI la"'fully be conlinutd. or 'holl ,ht I" In': 11>'1' "u.ldln' ma) n.'1 ~ tn,ule.! allam\1 "'L uf fue 1\ m.ule In _'rilinllo VendOl and _'hic:h Vendor i~ unable or un'Aillin, 10 rtmll'e. rtmt.h UI ',\11,1) olnJ ",lIlch I'ur.:h;a'tl ""ill nol "'011\1.'. llii\ Attretmtnl. nOI",'ilhu.ndin, .ny inlermediale 'cl~ or nclolialion~ in rt\I'<<' .,f \uch .'I1)t':II,,",. ,h;all ~ ;al ;all end ollld ;all ml>niL" Ihl."('II'''''t r;lId 'h.111 be relurned wilhoul Inlereu or dtduClion and Vtndor .and Vendor', Altnl \11.111 IWI ~ lial1lt f,'r oln~' .:Inl\ u, dama~c,. S;r\t a\ 10 all~ nhd objeclion ~o madt by such day .nd except for .ny C1bjecli(ln lOin, III Iht h'." ..I Ihe IIllt. l'II,.:h..'tr ,h.\I' I-t CllUchl\I' (I~ ,h:l.'lIItd III hit\e I'cepaed Vendor's lillt 10 Ihe properlY. 10. "U,dlol'CI ,hall '"" ,'all for Iht produclion of .ny Ihlt dced. ab~lracl. ~urve)' or olher t\idtnct of IIIlt h' .ht 1''''J'tIl~ e\.:tl'l 'lI.:h ;a, oI,e III Iht I'\"'C\\IUII "1 c"nlh" 01 Vendor. Vtndor a,rces Ihal, if requt~ltd b)' Ihe purchlltr. he ""II deli\el an~ ,~tl.:h ", 'UI\() .,f Iht 1'"'J'tIl)' III his ('(I,\("ion ..r ,,"ilhm hii control 10 Purchaser IS lOOn IS possible and prior 10 Ihe la~1 da)' i1l1o,,"tJ for tUlIlIlIIlIllllllt, ,I. All hUIIJIII~' 1.'Il Iht Jl"'ptrl)' and all olher Ihinls brin, purchastd ~hall be and remain unlll compltll"" ,II .ht "'L .,f Ven,hlf. I'endlnll CO"'I'IcIIUII. "tl,dur ,hall hold .all insurance policies, if any. .nd Ihe proc:ceds Ihtrcof in trusl (or Iht 1'11I1t' ;1\ Ihtll IOltlt\I' ma);aI'J'toll and in Iht t'C1I1 of '"!>,laRlial damale. Purchaser may eilher lerminalt Ih.. A,rcemtnl and ha\'t all mOlllt\ Ihtltlllf.lIt I'ald ,elulntd ""lIholll inlCrt\1 or IItllu':liml or clit lake Iht pr~ccds of any insurance .nd complctt lhe purchase. ' 12. l'llnided Ihal Ihi, ^llrtchlenl ~hall be tfreclivc 10ertalt an Inleral in Ihe properlY only i( Ihe sul>dl\UIOII ,,'"u.,II'''''''II'"' ,,( Hie 1'1~lIlllnll ACI a,c ,o"'l'hcd ,,"lIh by VendOl on or brfOle complelion and Vtndor hereby cove""nls 10 rUlo:<<ll dlhlltnll~ ill h.. t\l'el1\e "' ,'hl;lIn ;Ill)' ntl:n~r)' cuniCnl on 01 before complction. 13. PurchaiCr hercl>)' ,,"'arranls lhal he is nOl . non-residenl o( C.nad. punuanl 10 The Land Trani(tr Ta\ ACI. 14. Putcha~er ~hall be crediled low.rds the Purchuc Pric:c wilh lhe amounl. ir .ny. IWhich il shall be ncecnary for l'Uf(:hascr 10 pay 10 Ihc Mini"er of Nalional Rt\'enut in order 10 IIlidy purchucr's II.bilily in rapcct or lax payablc by Vtndor under Ihe non-residency proviiions of Ihe Income Tax Acl by rtason of Ihis .Ie. Purchaser "'all noc claim sucllrrcclil If Vendor deli"", on compltlion Ihe prescribed C:CrllflC.le or his SliUIlllll)' Jedarali.'n Ihal he Is 110I Ihen . non-raidenl o( C.n.d., IS, Fire in~urance ~hall be: ai~iantd 10 Ihe Purcha~er on dosinl subjecl 10 Ihe c:onsenl of lilt insultr hnina been oblainl.'J 10 sllch auianmtnl. anll Ihe \'tndor shall ~UI'I'I)' Illlhe purchaser ar IClSI fi\.t (5) days before lhe complelion dale de.ails ilf an)' such 1'\'lic)' II' he so auillncd. 16. Uncarned filt in~llranct premiums or .ny policy 10 be ISsilned punuanl 10 paralraph IS hertin. milS, nlllllllagc inlele\l. laxts, local impro\'tmcllu. "'altr and aneUmcll1 raIn .nd Ihe C051 or ruel shall be apportioned and allo,,"cll 1.1 Ihe dale .,f cllmplelion tlhe lI...y iuelr 10 ht apporriont" 10 Purchalert, 17. The dctd i'r uan~fer ~hall. "ve for Ihe Land Tran~ftr Tu Affidavin. IWhlc:h shall be prtpared .nd compltleJ !>)' Iht I'urchil,tl, be pltpaled In rtliSllahlt (or", al Ihe exprnse of Vendor and Ihe MOII,a,e .1 Ihe expense o( Purc:haser. 18. Time shall in all rt~l'c.:ls be of Ihe asence herror provided Ihll Ihe limt (or doin, or compltlinl o( any lIIi1l1er rro'Ided (or htrein may bc eXltndell or ahridlled b)' an 'Ircemenl in .,ilinl si,ned by Vendor and Purchucr Of by Iheir raptClivt sohcilon ,,"hll alt herehy ul'rtul)' appoinltll in Ihis re,ard. 19. Any lellllcr o( 1I000ulUcnu or money htreundcr m.y be made upon Vendor or Purchastr or Ihtlf lel,,"li\lt solkilors Oil Ihc day (or complclioll or Ihi~ AC:I((Inelll. MOlley may be lendcrctl by bank drall or cheque cerlified by . eh'rlered bank. trun cOlllpan)' .lI I'ro\'illce or Onlario Savinlls O(fi.c. 20. Thi~ ,\gll.'CmCnl ~hall conseilult Ihc tRlire a,rcemenl bclIWccn Pur.:holSc:r and Vendor and Ihere is no Itpre~clllalioll. ,,"arranly. collaltlal a.:rtL'IllCnl or cIlnJilion afftl:linllhis A,rccmenl or lhe properly or supporled hereby olher Ih.n .s upreutd hemn in ""riling, This Attl<<IUtlll shall bc 'c"J ",ilh all chanles or ,endtr or number required by Ihe conlexl. DATED al....... .I !?~.~.. ~ f.. .~~~.~.~ ~~.1.~.. ......... ............ ..Ihls....~n.d ....... ..dlY of,... ..,....... ..May............................,.......... .19...? ~..... SIGN' . SEALED AND DELIVERED in Ihe r nee or: .... ..... .......... ...........t!b..................... J2....... ......,..~.~.....,......... IN WITNESS ",herror I ha\'e hercunlo stl my hand and 5.:31: . ........ .............,..... Dale.,...M..9.Y...f.,..J~.?~ tPII'Chase.t .....4~.......P~.. Dalt..:,.~.~.Y.,.~,~...~~,~.~ tPllrchilse.) N/A The undersi,ncd a.:ccph Ihe abo\'e Offer .nd 'Irees wilh Ihe Alenl .bo\'t named in consideralion for his ~el\'i.:c:s in procurins Iht said Offtr. 10 pay him Oil Ihe lIale abuH fixed Jor l;ompltliOll, I commission of ..................ll't o( In amounl tqu.1llo Ihe abo\'c lIIellliolltd sale price. which commission mOl)' !>c dedll"cJ (,om Ihe deposil. I herebY irrevoc.bly insuUC:1 my Solic:ilor 10 pay dirtcl 10 Iht laid AStnl any unllAid balance o( commission from Ihe I'hlCttds or Iht SlI~. DA TEl> al....... Jh~.. JRW.O. ,9.f...N~Wf.9.~~1~.......... ,.....Ihis,.........,... .....,d.y of...,......... ...M9Y..,..................,..........:... .....19....a J... IN WITNESS IWheWJ.\.~ii~~~Jo ~ ntl..nj~W~a~f r~EWCASTLE ~~...;;~.:<~I.?..Dalt.~n../../.:....Z;,3 I) 'j , ~ t/ .....~~........"..~.....~.<;.~'!!:((.. Dale./.?:??~.lld..f./.3 tVendor) "f" Tht Undcrsillllcd Sl'ollse o( Ihe Vcndor hereby consenn 10 Ihe disposllion e\'idenc:cd herein pursuanl 10 Ihe provisions of The Family t.w Reform Acl. 19111. s.n. 19711. c.:!. as Ihe same may be .mtndcd rrom lime 10 lime. In con~illclallun llr Ihe ,11m of One Dollar (SI.OO), Ihe receipl of whic:h (rom Ihe Purchaser ii htreby adno",'ledlltd. Ihc IInlltrsillllcJ ~l'Ouse or Ihc Vtndor hCleh~' a~"l.'s wilh Ihe Purl;haser Ihar helshe will execule all neceuary or incidcnlal documtnu 10 81\'c (ull r(lr~C and d(ccI 10 .he SOllc tvidenced hertin. SIGNED. SEAU:I> AND DELIVERED in Ihe presell~e of: ...............\................................................ Wilnt\' ~;';"''''''.'' ......................,...................... .. Dale......,......... ............., ACKNOWU:OGDIENT I ad,no",ltdlt l(.:tll'l .,( R\~ \lIned eopy 01 lhis ~Plcd AllCCmeAl of I'u,,"a\( ami Salf. and IIlIt.:l Iht i1,CNIO (orwald.a COP~' 10 lilY lOIic:ilor. I acknowled,t ,cetipt of my li,ncd copy of Ihis letepltd A"ctmelll of Purc"ast and Salt. and dil<<llht altPllo fOI"",d I copy 10 my IlOliciIO.. ....,..........,."."."......."."",..,...,..,...........Oa"................................... l\'tlld"'1 I' .......................,..............,.........",...,...",Iblt......,."......................... (PUrchasel) ..... ......... ...... ........ ............. ............,...... .I).It,..,...."...... ................... IPurchMcra ............,.."..."""".,."..,."",...,...............Olle................................... I \'tnd,"1 Address: ....,......................... ........ ...... ....... ......... ......... ........ Address: .............................................,........... ..,.... ,......, ..,.. Tclephonc N.,. ...................... ........... ........... .......... .... ......,.... TtltpJ\onc No, .... ........... ...,...................................",............ Vendor'~ Solicil.,r .....................,........ .........,......., ......... ........ Purch.ac,', Solicilor ..........,.............."."."................",.......... .. ."'.. N.. 1111