HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-29 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW 83-29 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with Ontario Hydro The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between Ontario Hydro and the said Corporation, with respect to Supplementary Agreement Number Nine, Advancement of Improvements to the Library System and Museums. By-Law read a first time this 14th day of February 1983 By-Law read a second time this 14th day of February 1983 By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of February 1983 ~~d~A ayor JLe~~J. tL__ Cler r;i1e No. if! : ? 7. 7 (? ) I . . . ~ .. DARLINGTON GENERATING STATION SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT NO.9 ADVANCEMENT OF IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LIBRARY SYSTEM AND MUSEUMS THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 8th day of April 1980. BET WEE N: ONTARIO HYDRO Hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation" OF THE FIRST PART -and- THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Hereinafter referred to as the "Region" OF THE SECOND PART -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NE.WCASTLE Hereinafter referred to as the "Town" OF THE THIRD PART Whereas the Corporation and the Town have entered into an Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Newcastle Agreement), with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Darlington Generating Station (hereinafter referred to as the Station) on the Town dated March 22, 19771 5670K - 2 - AND WHEREAS the Corporation, the Region, and the Town have entered into an Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Regional Agreement) with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Station on the Region and the Town, dated August 8, 1977; AND WHEREAS the Newcastle Agreement and the Regional Agreement provide for the entering into of supplementary agreements between the Corporation, the Region and the Town; . AND WHEREAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town have entered into a SUpplementary Agreement entitled Community Impact Monitoring Program which involves collecting and updating data on certain impact items which may be affected by the construction and operation of the Station; AND WHEREAS it is seen that the social services as well as the cultural facilities of the Town of Newcastle are to be subject to an impact due to the increase in demand placed upon them by the growing inflow of tit Darlington construction workers and their families, it is deemed necessary to advance funds to improve these services and facilities for the advancement of improvements; AND WHEREAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town agree that the Town has undertaken initiative to advance improvements to its Library System and Museums; 5670K . . - 3 - NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the Corporation, the Region, and the Town hereby agree as follows: 1. The Corporation agrees to pay to the Town from Station Account "B" up to the sum of $35,000 in advance of the evaluation of the future financial impact to be incurred by the TOwn in advancing improvements to the Town's Library system. On completion of advancement of the improvements, the Town shall submit a claim for payment from Station Account "B" for any financial impact incurred by the Town. 2. The Corporation agrees to pay the Town from Station Account "B" up to $30,000 in advance of the evaluation of the future financial impact to be incurred by the Town in expanding its Museum facilities allocating $20,000 for the Bowmanville Museum improvements and $10,000 for the Clark Museum. On completion or abandonment of expanding Museum facilities, the Town shall submit a claim for payment from Station Account "B" for any financial impact incurred by the Town. 5670K . .. . - 4 - The recitals mentioned in this Agreement form part of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation, the Region and the 'lbwn have caused this Agreement to be executed by the affixing of the corporate seals attested by the signature of their proper officers duly authorized in tha t behalf. ONTARIO HYDRO ONTARIO HYDRO J~ Secretary } THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM Oi K~~ GEl 12 rema, Olairman . "oF::;~;; ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~~~ Garnet B. Rickard, Mayor f ~.w~. Iavid Oakes, Clerk 5670K tP . DATED 1982. BET WEE N: ONTARIO HYDRO - and - THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DARLINGTON GENERATING STATION SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT NO. 9 5670K , ,. :~ 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 July 4, 1983 Our File: NK38-11B40 P Mr. D.N. Smith Chief Administrative Officer The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle V/ 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 3A6 --' ~ Mrs. M. Hubbard, Councillor The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 132 Wellington street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC lWl Dear Mr. Smith and Mrs. Hubbard: Darlington G.S. Supplementary Agreement No. 9 Advancement of Improvement to the Library System and Museums We are in receipt of the notice of thepassqge of by-laws by the Town of Newcastle and the Region of Durham authorizing the execution of Supplementary Agreement No.9. . Enclosed herein is an original of the subject Supplementary which has now been executed in triplicate by the parties to the Hydro/Newcastle/Durham Agreement. Authorization is here in given for the payment of $65,000.00 from Account "B" of the Impact Fund to the Town of Newcastle for the purpose stated in the Supplementary. Your acknowledgement of receipt of this document is requested. Yours truly, --'\ '" . - fI'<....r Credie P ject Manager arlington G.S. Encl ,,". .,":'-'-'; ..'~ -' ,-', . .1983. Delo1tte, Haskins & Sells. Chartered Accountants. 2 Simcoe Street South. Q$ha~a,Ont.t1o. Attention: Bernie Chandler: , Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Agreement No. 9 -Adval'lc(:!ment of Improvement to the. L1btarySystem and. Museums Our File: 10.57.7~ . j ...~ Pleasef1ndencl'sedherew1th', a copy of the above-noted Agreement, for your 1nfonnat1onand records. '(ours truly.. $,. Dav1dW. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.l. Town Clerk. ~,' ) -VI. ~ . 'I //0 DWO/ms Enclosure. .-( ", -~- -:'~ .July8, 1983. ,Ohtar1o.Hydro. 700 Un1 vers 'I ty Avenue. Toronto, Ontario. M5G lX6.. . ' Attent10n:Mr. Johl'l~Cred1e. Project Manager . 'Oarli n~tonGenerat1 ngStati(m ~Oear Sir: Re: Supplementary Agreement No. ,9.- . Advancement of. Improvement to the l tbrary System and Museum.s .. Our File: 10..57.7. As requested 1n your letter dated July.4, 1983.. receipt of an original. executed copy of the subject Agreement ..is acknowl.dged. If.youhave not already done so. would you forward an executed copy of this Agreement to the Region of Durharn, to the attention of t'eClerk's Department. . Thank you. YOJf~Y' Da\'.1dW. Oakes, A.M.C.T.. Town Clerk. .." DWO/-. cc: Br:uceHogarth.Clerk'sDepartment, Region of Our ham