HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-28 . TM~ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF N~WCASTL~ BY -LAW 83- 28 bei'ng a by-law to establish a Community Recreation Centre at Sol ina in the former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle, and to provide for the establish- ment of a Community Centre Board WH~REAS the Community Recreation Centres Act, 1974, provides in Secti'on 2(1) that the Council of any municipality may, by by-law, provide for the esta.bl i.shment of one or more community recreation centres and for the establtshment of a Communi'ty Centre Board, in accordance with the sai d Act; AND WHEREAS By-law 81-151 of the Town of Newcastle established a Community Recreation Centre at Solina and designated the composition of the Community Centre Board; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wiShes to redefine the lands so designated; NOW THEREFORE the Counci 1. of the Corporati on ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT a Community recreation centre defined as a playing field be established and operated by the Corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Community Recreation Centres Act, 1974: 2. THAT the lands designated hereby shall be those more particulary descrtbed in Schedule "A" hereto, which is declared to be and form part of this by-law. 3. THAT the aforesaid community centre be under the management and control of a Board appointed by Council, to be called liThe Solina Athlettc Fiel d Community Centre Board" comprised of 7 persons, all of whom shall be appointed annually by resolution of Council; two members of which shall be members of Council. 4. THAT by-law 81-151 of the Town of Newcastle is hereby repealed. ..... READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 14 READ A TH!RDTIME ANn F!NALLY PASSEn this 14 day of February d(l,v of February 1983 19R3 /~~ MaYOJ~~~ Cl erk . I File NO"uu.J_5c__,_(~IL',ud..(IL__'_u] SCHEDULE "A" TO BY -tAW 83- 28 Al,L. AND SrNl.3Ul,AR tha,t certa5n parcel or tract of 1 and and premi ses sHuate, lying and being tn the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Muni'ctpaltty of Durham and bei'ng composed of part of lot 24, Concession 6, tn tl\e former geographtc Township of Darlington, which said parcel is now shown as Parts 2 and 3 on Plan 10R1523 and; part of lot 25, Concesston 5 tn the former geographic Township of DarHngtoo, whJch parcel is now shown as parts 1, 2 and 3 of Plan 10R1522. .. . PlAN MATERIAL ASTIC MATERIAL MYLAR UGE . 0003 INCH OCESS - PHOTOGRAPHIC <. SPECIAL "T'. ",I_'I.J, . ._ --.J , ,-- L_ (../ / .,"" 01 ~ - IBY"L.A~ 83-28 PLAN ~ .' <4 , " ~~-l ':' \. ~- :. 4 ~ :d/,.l\ _'~ , ~.' ,.. ,}. ,I..: -./ . ... \ ,::,-,1. t: }' .. IH ~ f "vG. f ~l ~ l...,r.. .,Cl~~. I. 1 u , r~ .......-, lID Z .. I~: '" '! 2~5 '!J rJtl ~-{"'T ?~. /, ~ J !';;.f: l~-: 'fr ,);) .J ,z. , ~J !PIIl04C'f '~<;r 'Ill.' ~ '"~ 4l.104.' 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