HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-17 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NO. 83-17 Being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $350~000 to assist in the provision of storm drai nag.!.." works in the Courti ce Urban Area. ~~ 2./0 (SI) 0/ WHEREAS, Section ~of the Ontario Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 provides that by-laws may be passed to allow for borrowings for the purposes of the Corporation and the issuance of debentures thereof; WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle wishes development to proceed in the Courtice Urban Area; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle~ pursuant to Section ~ of the M..u~i~igal Act R.S.O. 1980 ENACT AS FOLLOWS:- -z..' 0 (S /) v .&. .1!u'7/,/d- 1. That the Town proceed with the construction of the first phase of the storm drainage works in the Courtice South Urban Area; 2. That the estimated costs of the construction be financed through a $350,000 loan from Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, 3. That said loan of $350,000 be repaid in equal installments over a 15 year period, the first such installment to be payable on the third anniversary of the date on which the monies were paid to the Town, 4. That the funds to repay the loan be provided from the letters of credit provided for the storm drainage works which are held by the Town on behalf of the development agreement with Claret Investments Limited and Rexgate Holdings Limited. By-Law read a first and second time this 24th day of January , 1983. By-Law read a third and final time this 14th day of t.1arch ,,1983. ;/ G.B. RiCkar~~ Mayor . SEA L D.W. Oakes Town Clerk ~.(~. I File No.uc.,wilkL.:"'.._.Ol..<l.....uu I .. ~. E 77300 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Sections 63 and 64(8) of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1970, o. 323) (now R.S.O. 1980, c. 347) - and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for an order approving: (a) an expenditure of $350,000.00 for the construction of storm drainage faoilities in the Courtice Area and the borrowing of money by way of t.emporary advances not. exceeding in 'the aggregat.e such estimated cost pending the sale of debentures, (b) the issuance of the necessary debentures by The Regional Munioipality of Durham, chargeable to the applicant corporation, and (c) the entering by the applicant corporation into an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario a8 represented by the Minister of Housing, in accordance with the draft agreement filed with the Board on the 1st day of November, 1979; and identified by the Secretary'. signature for the provision of an inter.st free loan of $282,700.00 for the const.ruotion of said works on the secur! ty of debenture. in suoh amount repayable over a term of five years and declaring and directing that the .ssent. of the elect.ors of the applicant corporation shall not be required such applicat.ion having been approved by order of the Board dated the 26th day of February, 1980 - and - IN THE MATTER OF a present application for an order approving: (d) an amendment. of such previous order by amending the loan agreement to $350,000.00, and (e) an amendment of suoh previous order t.o provide for repayment of the loan over a term of fifteen years f' ': --;; . ] : BY.I'''' No......$.~.=L2........- . . <I ". ~... . . ~' - 2 - E 77300 BEFORE: A.B. ARRELL, Q.C. Vice-Chairman - and - D. S. COLBOURNE Vice-ChaiDum ] ] ] Friday, the l8~ day ] ] of February, 1983 ] ] TIlE BOARD ORDBRS that t:his applicaUoD be gJ:'anted and 'thai: i1:8 previous order dai:ed the 26th day of February, 1980, and eni:ered in order book No. E 77-6 at folio 321 on the 2284 day of April, 1980, is hereby amended by deleting the figuresD$282,700.00a in line 11 of subsection (e) of the style of cause and line 1 of the opera'tive clause and substituting in lieu thereof the figures D$350,ooo.ooa, AND TIlE BOARD ORDERS 1:bat such previous order is hereby fUJ:i:her amended by amending the t.erm of the 1n1:eres't free loan agreement from five years to fifteen years. /i \ I .!\!~ ~ .......-c-"""'\ ., _\ -,..,,.- ~t.d:::---l--~ - .':,~\./\ 1\ /1, -=r :-~-\~1.!4!tr\ SECRE'lARY I;NTCHO ~ I.J~ .....~ $11~1 ,. . I' ~ FJiio NO....~.~....... FEB 2 3 '983 f)~..l- <:::::::::f-~. -. ,I. "I.'i~~ ..,~ ""-!.-.L , - . ,~ f.C~i::~, :;:'~i\n~::'w' :I\1T. r.~IINh~;;;". . ~~f'l