HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-169 .. .~ .< .,.", " '\ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE '----. BY-LAW NO. 83-169 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with PB leasing in respect of a lease for Pitney Bowes Model 5600 Mailing Machine. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between PB leasing and the said Corporation, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X". By-law read a first time this By-law read a second time this 12th 12th day of December 1983. day of December 1983. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of December 1983. A~-,,~-./ Mayor ~.~. Clerk FII ~__N 0, . .": _. ,.,;I..Q.:m~.;..:~......'''''''''''-' ~ CUSTOM Ell NO. LEASE NO. LESSEE NAME ADDRESS Iii t " I , .1 I I t I I I t I I , ; 0 0 J. -::0 'ri< : P:O i.(:': II ~T: I ;0 :,U; : OJ r: :7 i iJ'f..: ll,O lttJ./ I , , ,"t- ;- I ;r-: " 1 , -1 ' lit - , _ t 1 ) iI' l,nO: rT:F:fr/:Olz_lKV.:J:/J:C:E: :srr:~:E:E:r: : : : I ~ I t I . . I T I I i I I I I I I I I J I I : I I , I I I , I 1 . , ! . t ~ I I I , I I , , gb~.t1!ffI!,4 ~:\;/: I !L!l-:t; : ;O;/Ld-r:jf .r) J../" r /\ I C. "- h ,o;::'D 11111 Vo R. Ii,. :D;F! I : I ; :A/[r-llt." c ,r . i I I I I . I I I ,r , i : ! : ; I I I I t I , /1' .....'. ."L'f 0 :/1 : ~ :,! : _: P.O. BOX I I I I 0 I I I I t , I I , I . I , . I , , I I , I , 0 I lit' : I' ,..,' I I I II.. : ! , ! I POSTAL CODE PRESENTLY LeASING THROUGH P8 LeASING d,xES 0 NO CORRESP.ENCE ENGLISH ElV FRENCH 0 YEARS IN BUSINESS CITY AND PROVINCE NAME AND TITLE ... OF LEASE SIGNOR G.B j). {,U 6 A k'[! ({..L I< t::' TEL. NO. (Inc. A.ea Code) ).-Ill) ~~) '3-'~ 3-7 r, SUPPLIER Branch No. PITNEY BOWES OF CANADA LTD. Name: . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . " .... .. . . . oA)o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch Address:.f.)5".,5. .~/Yy..(f?UFf:j.:..(.l:~YJ.y..... ........................ . .. /'11 ,..... ()'I""l fi" ," il. 1..1'1 ./ Sales Representatove.. . fl.LJ(.. .J. \1..... .1."';'. Rep. No. .(",./ ................... LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT " (If 4ifferent than above) LESSEE OWNS NAME AND ADDRESS OF LANDLORD IF EQUIPMENT IS TO BE PLACED IN RENTED PREMISES IN PROVINCE OF QUEBEC PREMISES 0 Bank:............................. .............. .... ...... Address :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . QUANTITY EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (Including Model and Serial No.(S) ) In_.~..~_____; j L) :;() () n1 tl J/. IA/6- In !I - I ... / .. ..\ It 11\./[ iNEu.J . I I I I . INITIAL TERM: (No. of ) Months. :3 .b.... LJ Monthly NO. OF NO. OF . J 1 PAYMENTS INVOICE .Id.... COPIES l J 2 REQ'D : J 3 Rental Amount Provo Sales Tax Total Rentill Payment PAYMENTS WILL BE IICl Quarterly MADE [j Annually / .-' <; h ~ L f. ( ,.J . '..... 3;:7, /8'" .. ....L/'lL.1h........ Indicate Provo Sales Tax No. Undt!1 AddItHln,ll- Pr()VISIIHl~; If Apllhcahll! TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF lEASE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF FORM A PART OF THIS LEASE This .Iease llhall not become binding up(>.n .Lessor until accepted in writing by Lessor as evidenced by the signature of a duly authorized officer of Lessor In the space provided below. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee the person;11 property herein desc..ibed and all ilccessories supplied therewith and accessories thereto. all herein called the equipment upon the terms and con. ditions set forth hNein. 1. RENTAL. Lessee shall pay t<> Lessor as relltal for the equipment. the periOdiC rent payments set forth apove. Such rent payments shall be payable at Lessor's Head Office as follows: first rent payment upon tho exec'Hioll'wleof by Lessee and subsequent wnt payments in every calendar month. or other calendar period, after the month of shipment on'the 1 st of sua, month or period. Root hereunder is r~vablo W,llt.lout.l.lbatcmcnt. 2. NON.CANCELLABLE lE,\SE. This. '''850 cannot be cancelled or terminated except as expressly provided herein and will remain in force for the full term indicated herein. 3. LOCATION AND U.SE. Th" equipment shall be located ilnd used at the place designated herein and n"t elsewhere. with"ut the prior writlen consent of Lessor. Lessee shall cause the . equipment to be maintained and operated c.uafuIlV. in comptlancHwith manufacturer's recommendations and applicable laws and legislation, by competent and duly qualified pcrsonnclonlv, and fo' business pu.poses only, . .1.-\. REPRESENTATIONS AND WAR.RANTIES ,-. EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED BY LESSOR. Where the eqUipment or any 0;'" thereof has heen manufactured by Lessor or any related l:utpotation. lessee ackn{).w'cd9t~S that. Hxccpt for Lessor's Warranty pflntt~d on .the hwelse side hcwot thorO' am no agreements. reprcsentations.w.uranlies, conditio.ns, terms. representations odnduccmcnts. oral or wriUlm, t!,XPfl'SStldorimplied. legal, st..Hutory, customary, (;ollal,udl. orotht!rW1SC, piven or made by Lm.sorwith respect to or to connection With such equipment or this lease and the same arc hereby pxpres!"lyexcluded. and ,in the l..!Vcut sucll cquipnwnI docs not operattl .tS i'~w.ndcd Of llxpccted by Lessee" Lm;sce ~lghl1.!S (\\~vcrthclcss to P:ilV fent unconditlonaUv to:Lessorwithoutsct..off or compensation. Lessee will within ono wco.k afrer delivl~.ry of such ~qU1l)m(!~.lt notify ~cssor In writing of a~y defects in or lfhldeqlJ.lcy of such equipment and thereafter, if ~tH.:h notice is not given by Lcs...ec.. Lessee wtube_ d~~emcd conclusively to have inspected slIch equipment and to have accepted It in good order .1sordcrcd. 4B. REPRESENTATiONS AND WARRANTIES ~ EQUIPMENT NOT MANUFACTURED BY LESSOR. Whore the equipment or any part thoreofhas nol beon manufactured by lessor or an'l' related corpora.tion, LeS~t:.e aeknf'wh!dges it has selected such equipment and tho supplier and Lf!SSOr has purch<lscd such eqUIpment from the slIppht!r. at the direction of Lessee. This Lease Ci_lI1St"itUtcs_ rho entire Hgwcm-t~nthctwe('nlcssor and Lessee, and Lessee acknowledges thew arc no agreements. warranties, conditions, terms. repft~sentcHions or inducements, oral (If wriUen, 8XPfessedof implied. legal, shItUlol'y.ctls'omilrV. collateral or othe~wise. made by or on hehalf of LC!iSOf or operating jn favour oflesscu as to anv ,(spec:t of ~uch equipment including without limitation its condition. OpolliOllnn. fill"'"s. dUHlbility 01 mutchantab,IiIV. Lessee acknowledges Ih,lllhe sole fundamental obligation of LIlsso. hmorm,lo', m .especI 01 such equipment is the grant (jf (luietpo~scssion of SUchoqlllll!1lCnl on an "as is" basis as tong as Lessee is not in dofauh hereundor. If such equipment is or becomes unacccpt,1hlc fur any reason. including failure-to function or to perform as intended by L"ssee. and if Lessee is not in default hereunder, Lessor will g.ive Its ;,uthorization and co.opcration to Lessee to assert for Lessor's account all of Lessor's rights under any applicable manufacturer's or supplier's warranty provided that Lessee shall indemnify Lessor against all claims and all cOsts inconn"ction with such co'operation and/or any action by Lessee pursuant to suchauth:"ization. Any amount received by Lessor as payment under any such warranty shall be applied. first. against c1"ims and costs incuned or suffered by Lessor as aloreallid; second. againslcoslS incuned. by lessor or Lessee in restoring such equipment to the condition requ ired by section 6 hereOf; and the balance of such amount. if any. shall be. paid over to Lessee. Lessee accepts the foregoing rights of co-operation. authorization. reimbursement. and payment in lieu of any and all other rights against Lessor in respect of any failure of such equipment to function at all or to perform as intended by Lessee as aforesaid. and in the event of an action by Lesso' for failure to pay the amount owing hereunder. Lessae hereby waives all defences predicated on such failure of such equipment. Lessee acknowledges the provisions of this agreement excluding liability of Lessor for any such failure of equipment are fair and reasonable, and 81e Pftldicated on Lessee's choice of such equipment and the supplier. and Lessee's rights 01 co-operation, authorization. reimbursement anet payment. In the event of any such failure of such equipment. it is Lessee's express intention that any exclusioA of liability hereunder operating in favour of Lessor shall continue to bind Lessee. 5. EQUIPMENT OWNED BX LESSOR. Title or ownership of the equipment is, and shall at all times, remain vested in Lessor and Lessee shall not have any right of property therein except the right to use the equipment which right shall be exercised by Lessee and/or competent employees of Lessee. 6. REPAIRS: LOSS AND DAMAGE. The equipment shall be at the risk of Lessee. Lessee, at its own cost and expense. shall keep all equipment in good repair. condition and working order and shall furnish all parts. mechanisms. dovicesand servicing required therelor. All such parts, mechanisms and devices shall immediately become the property of Lessor and part of the equip- moot for all purposes hereof. Lessee may make additions to the equipment provided that such additions do not impair the value or utility thereof and any such additions shall belong to Lessor. tn the ovent that any item 01 equipm..nt shall bel:ome lost. stolen. destroyed 01 damaged beyond repair for any reason, o. in the event of any condemnation. conliscation.theft or seizure or expropriation of such item. Lessee shall promptly pay to Lessor the present worth of the agQregate of all unpaid amounts due hereunder as rental or otherwise to the expiration of the term (Calculated by discounting such amounts at 6% per annum). THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDGES TO HAVE READ THE ENTIRE LEASE AND ACCEPTS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. Name of LesseeC.QR.P1lft D./) !-;~. :~f... (1/.(... /0. ~~. .~'/....... ......... .... .O~.. ..~/E.?/~~t-.'/; ;;-(r.(..... ... ............ ............ The undersig affirms that he IS duly authcwzed 10 execute this LEASE CONTRACT . .:%#L.",&d,,<~'mmtJ.vI.!..tnnn ". '"h";:;::, ~A t:,(?~:... r.:? ff~.... n. n. Executed ... . .. . .. .... . ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . PI "'a8lng A division of Pitney Bowes of Canada Ltd. BY: ................................................ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Authorized Signature TITLE:.......... . .... .. . .... . , . ....... ....... ......:.................. ........... orlll No. 400 4tJH. 12/82.'SOM ~ 3- Ic-1 By-law No.________..____..._________. LEASE CONTRACT . ~ I IN:a'IW'ICI 1......1.1. '.h.llIlIh',lIll.lHd m,utH.utl IUI-Ih.' "HIIII'It'lm of 1I11~. AqH'I'lIIt"'H. .1111', HWO ":"I"'O'.Il, 1""Pe'flV tI,IIIl,t!lI',lIulli.lhdllY IIblll,lIll I' ..lId 11\',.11'.1111'" .lq.llIlstlt.lSS or d.llHil\W tOlho f.'J1!'1''''t.\nl 1",:hHh~l\l wi'hntU 'm111.11inn. ,,,.... hy hll' (mdmhlUl '~'t"IU'I'" t'tl\lI'I.H11'), IlwH. .-nth-,Hm, .nul ~.Hdl utlw! n~"s of lo~,:. .1'. .Ifl' 1't1:.lnlH.'''h' n)VI'II'd hv lI1SW.IIWt' on Itw typn of mtUillmnnt ,~ml ht'wttpdul ,uHI hy plud,'nl Upl'I.lhll:. of hw.lltl'~;,~."s ~1I1ll1.1I 101h.1I111 Wllldl I t'~.~.t't' I:. 1'110.I~JI',t. III ',lid, ,1I1101lnh. III ~.lIlh '1'"11 ,lIltl wIth '.w h lII!'.llIl"S .,~; sh.11I hn ~..lusf.lt:tory 10 LU5sor. Thu .unuunl ~~ U).otllflno' t:nVt'III1H cI.III1"~'" hllH Ius!....' IIIl! t~tlu'IJflh~1I1 ~ih~11I nul hp It'ss UhlH IIU' ~'IW,lh'l of Itll' full WI}J.tt't'llll'l1l v,J1up II' lht' Pllllillm,-IIII" (fit' 1I1~a,lhlh!nls of wnl tlwn n!m.lining unpaid h~!f1~m(It~I. 1.",:h ltl~illl..IlU:" pt,hty wllll1.tftl,~ I ,~S!....' ,lIul L..ssnr .IS IW.llh'ds, will n':1I1H' 1..!.~.Of ilS loss p~'ym~ Ihl"t'nf. &lml sh~ln ('(ullam tld.HISt~ WllUlltnn IIII! II\sttw, ~() njvu 10 lcsso,r ~1t loma 10 . days' J.ior.writltm no'n.~u o'any ,,'hn-alulIllfl tfw Wfm~ u'sw.:h .)OIt(:y or 0' IJU! t:.lOcdl.lIllmllwwut. AI Lt~ssnr's wqunsl. Lessee sh.11l hlllllsh IUL,~ss()' il t:mll'lt:illu 0' IIlsurnncc or olher evidence satisJactoryto b~SSOf that slIt:hinsurant:e (:()ve,ago.s in oUtlct, provided, however, that L(!ssor sha" be under no duty a'lher to asccrti.\in tho cxistcn(:c ot or \0 examine such insurance policy Of to .ldytfltl Les.sco in ttw UVt~nt sud, inStff;lrH:'~ (:()v.~,lflC shall nol comply wilh the rNJulfcnlcnls Iwwo'. Le~Slle further ':I-gnwsln givu Lossor prompl nOli(:o of any dam,lge 10 or' loss 0' Iho equipmenl, 'if mlV ,).;.,.'llhoI'C!UL t.,s~m., wlll.11 its c~xl)(ms.~ IUilk<<! afl' ,noofsof loss and lake all other stcps nccnssilrv 10 recover insurance benefits. unless advised in writinn by Lessor thill Lcssordes-iros 10 do 90-# ilt lussoo"s cxpcnst!. l'rm:ocdsut IlIsuri.lnCH wilt bu disbursed by Lessor ugainsl siltis'iu:lury invoic:m;,for rCJ}j]ir or rcplacemenl of equipment. ,nov-idcdthis lnase not HUHl br. in dcfilult. Por. .fl'lrnmnt:e by Lessee under Ihis paragrallh will I'll'll allecl ar release Lessee's abligalians and liabilities herein elsewhere pravided. a. NO SUBLEASE OR ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE BY LESSEE. LllSS"C shaU nall"msf",. deliver up pnssessinn nf nr sublellhe equipmenl and Ihe ieas" h"",by !1ram"d shall I'll'll he assign. lIbfu by LflSsee wilhaul wrlllen permissian af Lessor. which permissian may I'll'll be arbilrarily withheld bul nalhing canlained h"rein shall prevent Lessar lrom assigning; pledging. morlgaging. Iransferring ar alherwise dIsposing eilher in whale ar in pari. af Lessar.s rights hercunder. 9. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT. Lessee shall alall limes and alLessee's awn expense keep the equipmenl in gaad and efficient warking ardcr and repair and shall furnish any and all pariS. mechanisms and devices required to keep the equipmenl in gaad mechanical and warking arder. Lessar. its emplayees andtar specifically appainted agenls shall al all roosonahle times have acc"ss tn Ihe equipment fnr the purpose nf inspecting it. lessee shall I'll'll. withnul the prior written can,ent nf Lessor. make any alterati.ons. addili.ons or improvements tn Ih., "'IUltlmonl. All such alterations.additians ar improvementssn made shall belang ta and remain Ihe praperly.of Lessar. 1'0. COMPLIANCE BY LESSEE WITH ALL LAWS. ORDINANCES. ETC. The Lessee shall camplywith and canfarm ta all laws. ordinances and wgulali.ons presenl ar fUlu",. in any way relllling tn Ihe awnership, possessian. usear mainlenance af the equipmenlthraughautlhe term af Ihis lease and 11'1 the perfect "xaneralian fram liabilily.of Lessar. 1,. EQUI.PMENT TO BE KEI'T FREE OF LEVIES. LIENS. CHARGES. ETC. Lessee shall keep Ihe equipmenl Iree af Icvi"s, liens and encumbrances and shall pay all licence fees. registra- ti.on fees, assessments. charges and taxes (Municipal. Provincial and. Federal). which may b!l.!J}"ied or ass~ssed direclly..ar in.dlrcctly againsl .or.on accaunl af Ihe equipmenl ar any inlerest therein or use thereof. If lcssCc shall fail 10 pay slIch licence fees. registration fens, m:;~cssmcnls. charges or taxes, lo~sor may pay S'l"iC"Jl liccncc"fucs: rcgisIFii-ii"c)""-'CCS, asscssf'i1cnts.--chargcs itnd I,",es as Ihe case may be in whit:h event the castlhereaf shall const'lule sn Illuch additIOnal rent, which shall be farthwith due and payable and Lessnr shall be entitled In all the righl and reme- dies provided herein in Ih'! event of d"fault I'll payment of rent. 12. INDEMNIFICATION OF LESSOR BY LESSEE. Lessee shall indeml1lfy Lessar against and hald Lessor harmless fram any and .,11 claims, actions. suits, praceedings. casts. expenses. damages and 'iabilities, inctudinf) anorn(~y's ft!ps arislnnour of. connected with, or resulting from the equipment. induding. wilhout Iilllltatioh. tlw manu'.lerufC. Sdl~clion. delivery. in$tallation. possession, use, operalion OJ WlUln of 1t1O t~qllipllwnl or otherwise on account of .any personal injury or death or damage to property oceasiorwd hV thu t,quipnwnt during the term hereby t;:reat~or on account of any infrinUl!flwnt or i1lh!fWd InlrinrWl1lcnt of patent occasioned by the opernHon of the equipment. 13. EQUIPMENT TO REMAIN PERSONAL PROPERTY. The equipment shall al all limes during the term afthis lease be and ",n""n p.'rson.,1 ,lIld mav..hle proP"f1Y. leg,udless af the manner in'which it may beaUached to any real t.!st.lh!. Lessee ~hall install the equipmcnl in a manner which will permit its removal without material Injury to Ihe place of installation. Lessee shal'l be '1'csponsible far any damage dane l(l .my r"al estate. building ar struclure by the remaval .of Ihe equipment and shall indemnily and save harmless LcssOltherdrom. 14 REPUDIATION. If Less"e sh..lIl..illo make ..nyrent payment arather payments required h"munder when due and such failure shall continue unrel1ledi"d for a p""od af 90 days alter writlen notice by LeSSOr; nrLessee illlll"'\lIS 10 d'SPOSll nf .or encumbers Ihe equipment thell. and 10 any such case. it shall be cOllclusively presumed ilnd deoOlc'ti th.ll Less"e has rcpudlated this Agree- ment and Lessar may accepl such r"pudliltian and: . (a) enler upon Ihe premises whe", II", equipment is lacated and take immediate passessian Ihcreaf. whether it is affixed 11'1 really or I'll'll. ilnd remave the sam.,. withaulliabiljty ta Lessnr far .or by,J88.son of such enlry artaking af pOssessian, whether far damage ta praperty ar atherwise and sell. lease ar olherwise dispase af the same for such cansideratian and upon such terms and cOjlditions as Lessar may.reasanilbly deem fit; (b) terminale this agreement and by written nalice 1.0 Lessee speCifying a paymenl dale I'll'll earlierlhan 5 days fram date af such notice. require Le&_ln pay to lessor 1'11'1 the date specified in such natice as a genuille pre-estimate nf liquidated damages fnr Inss nf a bargain and nnt as a penalty. the present worth af the aggregate af all unpaid amounts due hereunder as renlal or alherwise 11'1 Ihe expiralinn.oflhe lerm calculaled by discaunling such amaunts a16% per annum; (c) as a late charge require the payment af inleresl at the rale af 18% per annum an such overdue inslallmenls until paid; Upon paymenl af such amaunlS Lessar shall refund ta Lessee Ihe net amaunt received by LesSar an any sale, lease ar dispasition of Ihe equipmenl alter deducling all caslS and expenses including legal fees and disbursements on a solicilar/client basis. Except as alherwise expressly pravided abave. 1'11'1 remedy referred 10 in Ihis Clause is intended 11'1 be exclusive. bul each shall be. Cumulative and in addition to any nther remedy referred tn above ar atherwise available ta Lessor at law nr in equity. 15. DEFAULT, The accurrence nr happening af anyone ar mare af Ihe fallawing events shall canslitute an event af defaull. (i) Lessee shalf fail ta perform .or nbserve any cnvenant condilian ar agreemenl to be perfarmed ar abserved by it hereunder and such failure shalf canlinue unremedied for a perind nf 20 days _ afler written I'll'll ice thereaf by Lessar; ar (it) any repfoscntation or warranty meld(! by Lcssoc herein or in any document or cerlificate furnished Lessor in connection herewith or pursuant hereto shall prove to be incorrect at any time in any material reSpt~ct; or '(iii) Lessee shall bcconw insolvent OJ bnnkrupt or make elO assignment for the bent!fit of creditors or consent to the appoinlmenl of II trustee or rnceivcr; or II truslee or II receiver sha:1 be appointed for Lessee or for a substanHal part af its praperty withaut ils c.onsent and shall not be dismissed within a periad af 30 days. or bankruptcy. worganizati"n .or insnlvency praceed- ingsshalf be instituted by or againsl LCS5CI! and, if instiluled againsl Lessee, sh':llI nol ht~ dismissed with," a Iwriod of 30 days. .Then upon Ihe happening af any such even Is Lessar may: (II) exercise suchrighls as ..,e stipulated in Sectian 14; ar (b) in the name of and as the irrevacably appninted agel'll and allarney far Lessee and wilhaulterminaling ar being deemed ta have lerminaled Ihis Agreemenllake passessian nf the equip- menl and praceed talease the equipment ta any ather persan. firm ar carparatian an such lerms and candilians. lar such renlal and far such periad .of time as Lessor may deem fil and receive such rental and hald the same and apply the same against any maneys expressed 1.0 be payable fram lime ta time by Lessee hereunder; ar :(C) lerminale this Agrcementand by wrillen notice ta Lessee specifying a payment dale I'll'll earlierlhan 5 days fram Ihe dale af such natice. require Lessee 10 pay ta Lessar an the dale specified in such natice. as a genuine pre.estimaw af liquidated damages far Inss af a bargain and I'll'll as a penalty. the present warth af the aggregate af all unpaid amounts due hereunder as renlal ar atherwise ta the expir.ation .of the lerm clllculaltld by disc.ounting such amaunts at 6% per annum; (d) liS a lale charge rL'quire 11m paymenl af inleresl al Ihe rale af 18% per annum an such averdue illstallmenls unlil paid. Upon payment af such ilInt"II1ls lllSSOI shallr"fund 1.0 Lessee the nel amnunl received by Lessnr on. any sale. lease .or dispasition nf thc equii",,,,nt after'dnducting ili! 'casts and expenses including legal fees and disbursel1lents on iI solicilar/c1ient basis. Except as .otherwise expr"ssly pravided abave. no remedy referred 11'1 in this Cliluse is inlended ta be exc.lusive. but each shall becumulillive and in additian 10 any olher HmlCdy wferred ta above or alherwise av,lltable 1.0 Lessar at law ar in equily. 16. EXPENSE UPON REPUDIATION OR DEFAULT. If Lessee repudiales Ihis lease ar is in default IhereunderLessee shall be liable lar any and all unpilid additianal rent due nr 10 became due hereunder and ather CaSIS and expenses incurred by reasan af the .occurrence af any evei'll aldefault arlhe exercise af Lessor's remedies in wspecllhereaf. including all CaslS and expenses .incunedin connection with the placing .of such equipmel1l ill the canditian required by Clause 6. 17. ASSIGNMENT BY LESSOR. Shauld Lessar assign Ihe sums due and ta became due hereundcrla any bank. insurance campany .or alh"rlending agency (af which assignment Lessee hereby waives nalice). Lessee shall recognize such assignment and shauld Lessor d"'auhinlhe perfarmance nf any af the terms and canditians .of Ihis leas". Lessee may nat. as ta such assigllee, terminate Ihis lease arsubject Lessee's abligation 11'1 pay maney under Ihis lease to any dllnll1ul,oll or righl af sel-all. Nalhing herein cantained shall release Lessar fram its abligalian 11'1 perfarm any dUlY, cavenanl ar candital1 required 11'1 be perfarmed by a Lessar under the terms of Ihe leilse shauld Ihe same be sa assigned. 18. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT UPON TERMINATION. Upan Ihe terminalian of this lease far any reasan, lessee shall at ils caslrelurn the equipmcnllo Lessar. and if Lessee lails 11'1 da sa within 10 days Lcssorshall htlVc Iht~ right to cnter upon the pwmises where IhctHIlJlpnwnt may lw and take possession of and remove it at Lcssec'scxpensp. ,all without legal process. 1.9. RENEWAL. Lessee shan hilve th~ option to fcn~W Ihis h~a$e.on the terms. ilndconditi0ns Iwreof fromycar to YCilr',for a maXiO)lUll ~)cr,iod ofc\Slht (8) Y\1M$. induding tho Initial Tmmshown abQvo. atan annualftmount equal.to IhIP!! Illl)nths' rental pitYI1.1t!llt (the "Re~ww.11 Hl!nt"'.)' II h,I\.~tnn bl'en deternlHwd and i:1grccd h.y thn partws hef(~to IIMt sllch amount represents the expected fair market rental Vtlltw of Ihe(~(lUlpnH:nl at the end of the Inillal Term of thiS 1t""!l:1se, Lt:sst't~ 1111J~t. qlVH Lessor Wrtllcn nOllce of Its Illhmlion to tlxcn:ise .~aid option. together with pnymcnt of the Renewal Rent at leilsl Hurty (30) dayshelnfO f!xptration of this. lease. Should Lessee f~lIlto ~;o notify lessor or fatlto uHurn l"!quirmwnl in accord.mee with Seclion 18, the tcn~' shall bl! extended on ilmonlh-to-monlh hasls lllllll eltlwf Lessee wtums thecqUlpoHmt 10 Lossor or Lessor terflllndlt's Ihls lease hy It,m (10) diJY~' notice 10 Les.scH. In thn eventlhat this lease IS so eXlcndod Dna month-to-month basis, LCSM~t! shall COfltll1lWtO pay Lessor rent in periodic amounts shown undpr TOfill Rent Pelyn,lcnt abovc. 20. WAIVER BY LESSOR. No cownant 01 r:onditian I'll Ihis lease can be waived excepl hy Ihe wrillen canselll of Lessar, and forbearance or indulgence by Lessar in any regard whatsnever shall nat canstitule a wiliver 01 II", cavell,,"t ar candilion to be perfarmed by Lessee .10 which Ihe same may apply. and. unlil camplele perfarmance by Lessee .of said covenant .or canditian, Lesso' shall be enlilled ta II1vokc any "'lHedy available ta ~ss()r under this lease or by law. despite said farbearancear indulgence. 21. COLLECTION CHAR'GES. Should Lessee lailla pay when due any part af the rei'll herein reserved af any sum required 11'1 be paid ta Lessar. a late charge af Five Dallars ($5.00) far each montb ar part thereaf fOl whIch saId lent 01 .other sum shall b" delinquent; plus inlerest an such delinquent payment frnn' the due date thereaf until paid at the rate af twelve per cent (12%) per annym. 22. tiME OF THE ESSENCE. Time is af Ihe essence af Ihis lease and each and all af ils pravisians. 23. BINDING UPON HEIRS. EXECUTORS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This lease shall enure 11'1 Ihe benefil af and be. binding upan Ihe successars and assigns af Ihe respeclive parlies hereto IInd the heirs, execulnrs and administralors af Lessee if an individual. pravided Ihal n.othing in this paragraph c.olllainedshall impair any af Ihe pravisians hereinbefare set farlh prohibiting transfer ar sublellingaf said equipmenl by Lessee, ar assignment I'll Ihis lease by Lessee wilhnut Ihe wrillen cansenl af Lessar. 2"'. HEADINGS. The insorlian af headings in Ihis lease is far canvenience af reference anly and shall I'll'll allecllhe inlerprelatian Ihereaf. 25. INTERPRETATION..I\ is hereby agreed by and belween Ihe parties hereta ihat wheneverlhe canlexl 01 Ihis lease sa requires. Ihe singular number shall include the plural and vice versa, and thai words imporling lhe masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuler genders. and Ihal in case mare Ihan ane lessee is namad as Lessee. Ihe liabilily af such lessees shall be joinl and several. 26. LEGAL EXPENSES. If Ihis Lease is placed in the. hands af a Salicilar. Lessee agrees tn pay all casls. charges and expenses. incurred by Lessar as well as reasanable legal fees which Lessor will be abliged 11'1 pay ilS Salicilor. 27. GOVERNING LAW. This lease agreemenlshall be interpreled and enfarced in accardance wilh the laws af the Pravince wherein the said equipment is 11'1 be lacaled accarding 11'1 the lerms hereof. 28. CREDIT INVESTIGATION. The Lessee hereby cansents 11'1 Ihe Lessar canducling a personal invesligalion ar credil check upan Ihe Lessee subjeclla applicable legislation. 29. WAIVER. The parties herela agree Ihatlhis dacument be wrillen in Ihe English language. Les p,Jrlies aux presentes canviennent a ce que ce dacumelll sailredige dans la langue anglaise. LESSOR'S WARRANTY Lessor warranls 11'1 Lessee all new "quipmenl manufaclured by Lessar or any ",t,lIed company 10 he free fram delects in material and/or warkmanship. when used under narmal operating candilions.far a p"'lOd of 90 days flOm date af nllg,nal,nstallallon. subject 10 the praw;;olls and I"nllatians hereinafter sel farth. Service time required 10 make mechanical .;dlllslments lathe equipment sa thaI il perlOlms 10 deSIgn speclficallons willi", pravided fr"e .01 charge for ., perIod of 90 days fr.om date af inslallatian. Component parts.arc guarantm::d dgi-JIf1Sldu'cGts in lnawrwl.lIld/or :vvorkmanship for a period QI nnc YClH from date o' origina~ installat~on. .Lcsso~'s obligation forfrcc. uf t:har9c servic? und~rthis .arfanty is limited to repairing or WplilCillg, at Lessor's option durmg Los.sor's normal bUSIf1C~~ hours, any part or parts wh.ch examlnalton shdll dlsdo~e to Lessor s ft!"son..lblc sails' action to have~bccndefectivn in nliltmialand/of workmi.~nshlp, and th.1t such condition has not been c..lused by accident or mtsuse through fault or negliumlcP of L(~sset!. WII.hllllhe 'irst 90daysafter or'ginal instaUation. det.,~(:liv(! jlmls' Will hH' repalwd or replactld wilhout charge for m.:lIeri<lls or st!rvicc time and expense. After 90 d.1YS, and up to one ye.:u folk}WH19 orlHlnallflslall~1tion, repair or replacement ofdnfuclivu-pmb Will bl!rnadt! wthoul (:hargc 'or millt~rh)ls.butdhHgt~S for St.,'rvlce time and expense wlllho macteat l!st.lbllshpd rtlles. Repair work normally will bt~Jwrforl11cd on Lcsscc's,prcmiscs. If rHpair work is P(!rloflllt~d on L\!s~ors premises all tral1sport,ltion(;o~ts will he hOflW hy Ll'~sor. This winfunty docs not apply to normal maintcnancoservicc, cleaning. or inspection", and ,'ppllt~sol1ly to i~quipl1lPnl pllll~hasl:d for 1I~1~ withlfl Cal1dd.1. Coosum.lhlc pilns ilnd HIPpliv. Slit'll a<; hUI not limited 10, rubber belt's <H~(j rolli.'fs,telt ink rcHl'rs, se,lit~r and itlolshHlt!f hruslws. rlbhons. hlllh~ .lnt! ft'l!:--, 0.1 'qltHlqe~. ;Hl~ not qLJarantced against fait wcm and tear. and :ierVlC\: "lllt' ,JIld expense (;UVl~rtng rf'pJ..lcenwnt I~"wt '-'.lvereo by :fw: w,Jfr,tllty