HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-158 ... t ... THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83- 158 being a by-law to amend By-law 78-38 entitled "a by-law to provide for the licensing and regulating of places of amusement within the Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it adviseable to amend By-law 78-38; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Section 3(a) of By-law Number 78-38 be deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefore: 3. (a) Every person who requires a licence under the provisions of this by-law shall make application therefore in the form attached hereto as Schedule ItAII enclosing the fee prescribed by this by-law and forwarding the same to the By-law Enforcement Officer, which application shall append thereto a Schedule showing the nature of each and every amusement machine to be located on the premises. Upon receipt of such application, the By-law Enforcement Officer shall forward a copy of such application to the Durham Regional Health Unit, the Chief of Police of the Durham Regional Police Department and the Department of Planning and Development of the Town of Newcastle and may forward a copy of such application to any other department of the Town of Newcastle which may be affected, for a report. 2. That Section 4(a) of By-law Number 78-38 be deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefore: 4. (a) Every person previously licensed under this by-law shall make application for the renewal of such licence not later than March 1st in any year subsequent to the year in which the licence was first issued indicating the location of the premises for which the licence is sought to be renewed and indicating any alterations or changes in conditions which have been effected since the application for a licence or any renewal thereof. During the currency of any licence issued under this by-law the transferee may make application to transfer the licence. The application for renewal or transfer shall be in the form attached hereto as Schedule IIAII. In the case of a transfer of any licence issued hereunder the Clerk shall obtain a report from the Chief of Police of the Durham Regional Police Department. 3. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the enactment. By-law read a first time this 28th day of November 1983. By-law read a second time this 28th day of November 1983. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 28th day of November 1983. ._A~~ ~,.~b Clerk r ~i1e .. No.----.~b..!~,.~QP__._l f' ,tI..I:l-........'"'' J!.t, ~ :}." -:r-.. .. 'it . t .. 1\ .'. ..,i..: '.' -'.~ I" l .;~'''~ ~ (Please Print) Last Name Address Schedu 1 e II A II to By- law 83- 158 CORPOHATlON or TlIC TOWN OF N.LWCA~ILL 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanv111e,Onurio, Lle JA6 FOR OFFlcr USf ONLY: Cuunc 11 AIIII/'lIva) Resolution Nulllber----" Licence Number ..~. Delle lSSUlld .... 4--~". APPLICATION FOR A PLACE OF AMUSEMENT Given Names Telephone Number (If a Partnership or Limited Company, attach a list on which is set forth the names, addresses, dates of birth and driver's licence numbers of each member of the officers and directors, as the case may be) Driver's Date of Birth Licence Number Indicate the location of the premises for which a licence 1s being sought: Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? If answer to above question is YES, give details. DYES o NO Will this be the only business on the premises? If the answer to above question is NO, give details. DYES CJ NO Name and address of owner of property if different from that of applicant. COMPLETE THIS SECTION IF APPLICATION IS TRANSFER OR RENEWAL I, the undersigned, hereby apply for a licence as described below, and agree to comply with all By-laws and Town Regulations, and all other applicable governmental requirements; it being expresslY understood that the issuing of a licence does not relieve me from complying with all said By-laws and Regulations, and all other governmental requirements. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 0 Renewal 0 Transfer Name of Applicant or Transferee (In the case of an application for transfer, if a Parntership or Limited Company, attach a list on which is set forth the names, addresses, dates of birth and driver's licence number of each member or the officers and directors, as the case may be) Business Address Telephone No. Owner's or Agent's Name Telephone No. Residence Address Telephone No. Date of Birth Driver's Licence Number Location of the premises for which the licence is sought to be renewed/transferred If application for transfer, give name of current licencee Indicate any alterations or changes in conditions which have been effected since the application for a licence or any renewal thereof Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence since the application for a licence or any renewal thereof? If answer to above question is YES, give details. DYES o NO IN THE MATTER OF By-law #78-38 for regulating and licencing Places of Amusement in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham: I. of the in the do solemnly declare: (Township. City etc.) (specify Region or County (owner) 1. THAT I am the Owner/Authorized Agent of the Owner named in the application for renewal of a licence herein attached. 2. The statements contained in this application are true and made based on full knowledge of the circumstances. 3. THAT I know of no reason why the licence should not be granted to me in pursuance of the said application. (COiiiiiTSSfO'iier 1 (Slgnatureo-rAjlPlTcarlf)------ - Date Prior to approving or issuing a Place of Amusement Licence the following requirements must be complied with. 1) Each appl ication must be accompanied wi th a letter of approval from the Durham Regional Health Unit; the Durham Regional Police Department; the Planning & Development Department. the Building Department. the Fire Department. RSG/83 l By-law No___n - ---LJiL I