HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-127 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83- 127 being a by-law to declare certain lands to be a public highway (Jones Avenue and Rose Street, Newtonville) WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has acquired certain lands as hereinafter described and the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it appropriate and necessary to accept the said lands as a public highway; AND WHEREAS Section 298 (1)(a) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, provides that the Council of every municipality may pass by-laws, "for establishing and laying out highways"; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the lands described in Schedules "A" and IIBII and laid out on the sketch illustrating the description of the said public highways and described in Schedule IIC" attached hereto, being part of Lot 8, Concession 1, of the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, be and are hereby accepted and dedicated as public highways within the Town of Newcastle and all by-laws presently in force with respect to highways and streets, shall apply to the highways created under this by-law; 2. That By-law No. 80~25 enacted on the 6th day of October 1980, is hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 26 day of September 1983. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 26 day of September 1983. ~ ^ ....,.. ..V?d....~. Mayor I File NO.nnmZ1:.n~n5nm.'nnn] Schedule "A" to By-law 83-127 SCHEDULE A ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipal! y of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the West one-half of Lot Eight (8) in the First Concession of the Geograph c Township of Clarke, former County of Durham, more particularly described as follows; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot Eight (8) has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 18 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMMFllCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot g, distant 4987.54 feet measured North 18 degrees 18 minutes West therein from the South-Westerly angle thereof; THENCE North 69 degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 124.58 feet to a. point; THENCE North 71 degrees 42 minutes East a distance of 5il-5 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of the West one-half of said Lot 8; THENCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East along the last-mentioned limit a distance of 66 feet to a point; THENCE South 71 degrees 42 minutes West a distance of 545 feet more or less to a point distant 124.58 feet measured North 69 degrees 59 minutes East from a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot g which is distant 66.03 feet measured Southerly therein from the point of commencement; THENCE South 69 degrees 59 minutes West a distance of 124.58 feet to a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 8; THENCE North 18 degrees 1$ minutes West along the last-mentioned limit a distance of 66.03 feet to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. Schedule liB" to By-law 83-127 SCHEDULE B ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises sitaute, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipal y of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the West one-half of Lot Eight (a) in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, former County of Durham, more particularly described as follows; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot Eight ca) has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 18 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; Beginning at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 8 distant 4987.54 feet measured North 18 degrees 18 minutes West therein from the South-Westerly angle thereof; Thence N01~h 69 degrees 59 minutes East a distance of 124.58 feet to a point; Thence North 71 degrees 43 minutes East a distance of 125 feet to the point of commencement of the lands to be herein described; THENCE North 18 degrees 18 minutes West a distance of 316 feet to a point; THENCE North 71 degrees 42 minutes East a distance of 420 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of the West one-half of said Lot 8; mmCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East along the last-mentioned limit a distance of 66 feet to a point; THENCE South 71 degrees 42 minutes West a distance of 354 feet to a point; THENCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East a distance of 250 feet to a point; THENCE South 71 degrees 42 minutes West a distance of 66 feet to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. I :::~ C 1 ~'~ <t ' \o!.J 0 ~ f~ 0:: 1 N6~59 E 124.58 I .eo ...J: . I <(: I ~J Z of'. ~) 0 t---- ~ (; II oW - ..i a::: , -... v") - 4. <! ,"'''' - 'J) ~- ex> C) - _.J r I SCHEDULE C TO BY-LAW &-127 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING DESCRIPTIONS OF PARTS OF LOT 8, CONCESSION " GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE (Former County of Durham) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE: , inch = lOa feet. f ,....-r- L. '-) I ~1 ~, N7ro42'E 420 STREET - (SCHEDULE 'e' J ~o 1'- ~ N 710 42 IE 354 I I ~ I 0 .'" In N 'N ...... I IJ ^ "/1 ' "--r- (lc.- 'To, ",.-~.., '" '" , c: E ' ...., 'J'.C' , ... I ," l_" I _ I" Y 1 ,_ L_ L_ lLJ I U) N I ~ \------ 1--- 0 -- 1 I1U ct: - ~ I I ~ ~ flU III I to to I I I~ 0 0 to co I ~N7'042.E z z .11I Z I 545' 1 ~JP N590S9'E 124.58' N71042'!: 125' 66.00' 3~4' I ~,~ JONES AVENUE '0 O' <0- 'A' J $ 0 <O~ (SCHE DULE z . .' ~ co ~ z -r-- ~ to to Z N 71 0 42 E 545 ~ (" ,...., ~ I " C (, C I ,-.) ,. I I v __ ," VI... ...',-, I..... ," , II I o~~ <" -i ..... r'...... . 6: tr ~ =>.~ o ~. :e~. W.An9Jf! t Lot 8 , Con. J - -- <! NOTE: THIS SKETCH'S NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. MERRILL D. BROWN LIMITED LAND SURVEYING a ENGINEERING 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVtLLE,ONTARIO. Dote: Revisions: DECEMBER a, 1980 Scole: I" = 100' I Orownby: File: M. 0, B. 80246-5 I. ..' CERTIFIED C:OP~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-lAW 83- 127 being a by-law to declare certain lands to be a public highway (Jones Avenue and Rose Street, Newtonvi1le) WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has acquired certain lands as hereinafter described and the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it appropriate and necessary to accept the said lands as a public highway; AND WHEREAS Section 298 (1)(a) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, provides that the Council of every municipality may pass by-laws, "for establishing and laying out highways"; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOllOWS: 1. That the lands described in Schedules "A" and "B" and laid out on the sketch illustrating the description of the said public highways and described in Schedule "C" attached hereto, being part of lot 8, Concession 1, of the former Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, be and are hereby accepted and dedicated as public highways within the Town of Newcastle and all by-laws presently in force with respect to highways and streets, shall apply to the highways created under this by-law; 2. That By-law No. 80~25 enacted on the 6th day of October 1980, is hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 26 day of September 1983. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 26 qay of September 1983. ?;/ /' A;~ /7""/ . /' ...../. ~-- /.,......:;/.-" ,.:/"'c.~~-:?,_<._........-~;/L.-.... -<'----<-.-..:;~/ Mayor Clerk CERTIFlEDUNID...._...-'. - -- ". CLERK AND THE 11M. IF _ - ~gR~::::""'~": &LJfA g 3 - J:J{ OF THE CORPOMTIOIW. _.~ ,DATED~:~g1l& CLERK OF THE CORPORA nON OF THi: TOWII Of IllEWCASTLE j File NO.m----7-2.-_'l__3m__m___m__m_l t ~ .... ~.___..._., .._". .~-~=......., -.'c.._ , . '. I I 11 'I :1 i Schedule "A" to By-law 83-127 SCHEDULE A ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises 'I situate, lying and being in the Town of Newca,stle, Regional Municipali y of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the IWest one-half of Lot Eight (8) in the First Concession of the Geograph c Township of Clarke, former County of Durham, more particularly 'described as follows; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot Eight (8) has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 18 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot g, distant 4987.54 feet measured North 18 degrees 18 minutes West therein from the South-Westerly angle thereof; THENCE North 69 degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 124.58 feet to a point; I THENCE North 71 degrees 42 minutes East a distance of 5l~5 feet to a point in the Easterly limit of the West one-half of said Lot 8; THENCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East along the last-mentioned limit a distance of 66 feet to a point; THENCE South 71 degrees 42 minutes West a distance of 545 reet more or less to a point distant 124.58 feet measured North 69 degrees 59 minutes East from a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 8 which is distant 66.03 feet measured Southerly therein from the point of commencement; THENCE South 69 degrees 59 minutes West a distance of 124.58 feet to a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 8; I THENCE North 18 degrees 18 minutes West along the last-mentioned I limit a distance of 66.03 feet to the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. ,I I I i' ( I .: .--1, Schedule "B" to By-law 83-127 SCHEDULE B II ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tTact of land and premises sitaute, lying and being in the Townof'Newcastle, Regional MUnicipal y of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of the West one-half of Lot Eight (8) in the First Concession of the Geographic Township of Clarke, former County of Durham, more particularly described as follows; PREMISING that the Westerly limit of said Lot Eight (8) has an astronomic bearing of North 18 degrees 18 minutes West and relating all bearings herein thereto; Beginning at a point in the Westerly limit of said Lot 8 distant 4987.54 feet measured North 18 degrees 18 minutes West therein from the South-Westerly angle thereof; Thence North 69 degrees 59 minutes East a distance of 124.58 feet to a point; Thence North 71 degrees 43 minutes East a distance of 125 feet to the point of commencement of the lands to be herein described; THENCE North 18 degrees 18 minutes West a distance of 316 feet to a point; THENCE North 71 degrees 42 minutes East a distance of 420 feet to a I point in the Easterly limit of the West one-half of said Lot 8; mmCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East along the last-mentioned limit a distance of 66 feet to a point; II I ~ I THENCE South 71 degrees-42 minutes West a distance of 354 feet to a point; THENCE South 18 degrees 18 minutes East a distance of 250'feet to a point; THENCE South 71 degrees 42 minutes West a distance of 66 feet to the I POINT OF COMMENCEMENT. II II II II I I I I I I I I 0' I Ii I II II " II Ii II ii I I' i II ,I 'I Ii ---. -- -~._----~----~-- I . '~ ' . ..... I , SCHEDULE C TO BY-LAW 8).'27 SKETCH ILLUSTRATING DESCRIPTIONS OF .. PARTS OF LOT 8) CON~ES SION I) GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE (Former County of Durham) NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCA LE: I inch = 100 feet. .. .. , ,...,. I.. ",I I ~.. ..) 420'" STREET (SCHEDULE 'a' ) ~ o co co- co ~ z v~ ,--:- , co It) I . N 71 42 E 354 . '-' /I ~ A I r: or I , 1*1'V; /L_L. I (I c.- ~ I , ~ . IN ~ CII --I---~l--i-- I I I~ .11I I I ~..J 545' "'Ir:',,, '-",', ~ f"If I C: I ~ L_ V Y I _ I 'Ii \i ,,_ L _ L_ o I/'l N .1.') IJ.J CJ) o Q:: - ~ co o co Z cr.! I--~ ~~ CD I I _J - I . N7,o42'E N69059'E 12458' r:7,042'f 125' ~~ 01 s,: JON ES ~oJ ~ co- , . ~ . co~ ( SCHEDULE L.!J 0 - ~ z f-: a:: I N69 59 E 124.58 I ~..J :' I <t. I .wJ Z:, ~ Q I-I --- ::.>(!) ~~ II <! I L") ~ i I <*- .... ~ -l... ' rl D: Q: . :)'.. C;. zl s. ..W..:A~O't lLc~n.~ , 'co o co z 66,00' AVENUE 'A' , '0 ~ o' .co $0- ~ z N 710 42' E 545 ~ (" Ij ~ II'" r: (" C , '1 ~ · V _ ,~~.... ,',~ . '" ," I , NOTE: THIS SKETCH IS NOT A PLAN OF SURVEY. MERRILL D.BROWN LIMITED LAND SURVEYING 8 ENGINEERING 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO. Date: Revisions: I [ECEMBER 8, '980 Scole: ,": 100' Drawn by. M.D.B. File: 80246-5 No, ., ('" 10) Reqistrv Division, d ,NGwc::dO. I,D,: ~,..' ac C~ '. '~RTIr:y 1.1'-1 '<r 'f.c"n"v.-,.t is rG'Jlstcr30 - , , " .1 \;-:1': II'; , ...:. i' ,-.1, _..-~I_" .tv\. , CeT \1 Land RegistrY Office at Bowmanville, Ontario. . . , . . \14323 In the \G 44 ~l-\ tn3 ~~ ~ ~~~ .q,~ ~ ~ ~ ~. /~-- DATED October 4 th 1983 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83-121 SIMS, BRADY & McINERNEY Barristers & Solicitors 117 King Street Whitby, Ontario LIN 4ZI