HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-120 .... . ., , .. . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 83 - 120 being a By-law to amend By-law No. 83-95 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle which by-law amends By-law No. 79-44, as amended, of the Town of Newcastle, to permit residential infilling in the area designated as Bondhead by the Region of Durham Official Plan and to facilitate installation of water services on Boulton Street in accordance with the provisions of said plan; WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law No. 83-95, as amended of the Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Section 2 to By-law No. 83-95 as amended, is hereby amended by adding to Subsection 1.1 IIDefined Areasll, the following sentence: IINotwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, the maximum number of lots permitted within the defi ned area shall be fi fty (50). II 2. Section 2 to By-law No. 83-95 is hereby further amended by changing Subsection 1.3(b},IILot Frontage Minimumll from forty (40) metres to fifty (50.0) metres. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 39(1l} of the Pl anni ng Act. BY-LAW read a first time this 12 day of September 1983. BY-LAW read a second time this 12 day of September 1983. BY-LAW read a thi rd time and fi nally passed thi s 12 day of September 1983. ~d..~~./ A ' MAYOR I ~.~ CLERK I File NO.,_(Q.O'.,......~,~;.,LnJ ----.,.- ~ . . - R 831419 '.. Ontario Municipal Board IN ~B MATTEa OP 8ea~lon 39 of The Planning Act (a.8.0. 1986, c. 379), - and - IN TJm MATTER OP an .pp1ica~ion by the Corpor.~ion of ~ Town of Nevca.~le for .ppro....1 of i~. ".tricted Are. By-law 83-95 .. ..-nded by By-lav 83-120 BBPORBI - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 4~h day of July, 1984 J.B. BENDY Member G. CAMPBELL, Q.C. Member '1'B1 COUNCIL of ~e applicant corporaUon h.Ying an opportun1 ty ~o consider certain ._ndMn~s to By-la. 83-95 and the ..id council having on the 27~h day of Pebruary, 1984 p....d By-la" 84-29 .-ending By-law 83-95 and haYing caued . certified copy ~ereof to be filed and the SOard h.viD9 di.pen.ed "ith notice of such by-I." and thi. app1ie.tioD for .ppronl of By-l.v 83-95 a. amended by 8y-1a". 13-120 and 84-2' coDling on for public he.rin9 this day and .fter the bearing of the .pplication; THE BOARD ORDBRS that By-la. 83-95 .s amended by By-law. 13-120 and 84-29 1. hereby approved. I ,-c. - .--- ..~". -;,' ( 1 .../ .,:-:::'.',;;:,'?,.) ,1 ,'7 .1 / "/ , -,..- ',/ ..-'" '1;" --,f/( y..-6.(AJ--,~:.- , '\ .' .' ..- -...' / r. ~ , J ';",," I 0,8. r-k', : ~8~.~t" . , . A.. , r~liJr'(r.. .a8T."""'1 r i I i . .; if l' - i:'~ I ~... . ~ . . ~ - . SECRETARY ,/---"~;::,<~;,/ :'! , < " "-," ""/,"