HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-118 " ~--- - .- .- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 83- 118 being a By-law to amend By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 2111, as amended, of the former Township of Darlington, now in the Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Section 13 of By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following subsection (uu): "(uu) Part of Lot 35, Concession 2 Notwithstanding any provision of this By-law to the contrary, that part of Lot 35, Concession 2, designated as "Special Provision By-law 83-118 on Schedule A hereto, shall only be used in accordance with the following provisions. In the event that there is any conflict between the provisions of this Special Provision, and any other provisions of this By-law 2111, as amended, then the provisions of this Special Provision shall apply. But in the event that this Special Provision is silent on any matter then the provisions of By-law 2111, as amended, shall apply. The zone designations sighted herein, refer to the zone designations identified on Schedule X-I hereto. (i) Definitions (a) Building - shall mean a structure temporary or permanent having a roof supported by columns or walls or supported directly on the foundation which is used for the shelter, accommodation, or enclosure of persons, animals, equipment, goods or materials. Any tent, awning, bin, bunk, or platform, vessel or vehicle used for any of the said purposes shall be deemed a building. (b) Convenience Store - shall mean a retail commercial establishment which supplies groceries or other daily household conveniences to the residents in the immediately surrounding area. (c) Dwelling, Semi-detached - shall mean a building divided vertically into two (2) separate dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance directly from the outside of such building. (d) Dwelling, Single Detached - shall mean a completely detached building containing one (1) dwelling unit and occupied by not more that one (1) fami ly. (e) Lot - shall mean a parcel or tract of land descrTDed in a registered plan of subdivision, a deed, or other legal document, the title to which is legally conveyable. (f) Park, Public - shall mean a lot or block of land, the maln use ot Which shall be for recreational activities and which may include its use as a playground, or play field,including athletic fields, aquatic facilities, gardens, landscaped areas, and any buildings, the purpose of which shall be for recreation or a use accessory to a recreational use. I File No.__.~Q,___~_5.__._17!L__ J .- -ii- (g) Park, Greenbelt - shall mean a lot or block of land, the main purpose of which shall be the protection of open space areas and natural watercourses and which may also be used for recreational activities, including playing and athletic fields, but excluding any buildings or structures. (h) Service Shop, Personal - shall mean a building or part of a building in which persons are employed in furnishing services, conducting limited retailing of goods associated with the service and otherwise administering to the individual and personal needs of persons. (ii) Permitted Uses (a) URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE 1 (R1) ZONE - single detached dwellings - semi-detached dwellings - public parks (b) NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) ZONE - a convenience store; a service shop, personal (c) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (EP) ZONE - conservation area _ reforestration or forestry area - bird or wildlife sanctuary - greenbelt parks - stormwater, flood and erosion control facilities (iii) ZONE PROVISIONS (a) URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE 1 (R1) ZONE (i) Lot Area (minimum) -Single Detached -Semi-Detached 465 square metres 550 square metres (ii) Lot Frontage (minimum) -Single Detached (interior lot) -Single Detached (corner lot) -Semi-Detached (interior lot) -Semi-Detached (corner lot) 15 metres 18 metres 18 metres 20 metres (iii) Yard Requirement (minimum) -Front Yard 6.0 metres -Exterior Side Yard 6.0 metres -Interior Side Yard 1.25 metres -provided that where an attached garage or car port is not provided, the minimum interior side yard on one side shall be 4.5 metres -Rear Yard 10 metres (iv) Floor Area (minimum) -Single Detached Dwellings - one (1) storey or Split Level 85 square metres -One and One-Half Storey or Two Storey 110 square metres -Semi-Detached 80 square metres (v) Lot Coverage (minimum) -Single Detached 40% -Semi-Detached 45% (vi) Landscaped Open Space (minimum) 30% (vii) Building Height (maximum) 10 metres .. - -iii- (viii) Special Yard Provision Semi-Detached Dwellings -Notwithstanding the interior side yard requirement above where a semi-detached dwelling is only connected at some point below finished grade, the minimum horizontal distance between such dwelling units shall not be less than 1.25 metres. (b) NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) ZONE (i) Lot Area (minimum) (ii) Lot Frontage (minimum) 1000 square metres 30 metres (iii) Yard Requirements (minimum) -Front Yard 10 metres -Exterior Side Yard 10 metres -Interior Side Yard 4 metres -except where the interior side lot line abuts a residential zone, in which case the minimum side yard width shall be 10 metres. -Rear Yard 10 metres (iv) Lot Coverage of all Buildings (maximum) 50% (v) Landscaped Open Space (minimum) 30% (vi) Height of Buildings (maximum) 10 metres (vii) Total Floor Area (maximum) 500 square metres (viii) Floor Area Per Unit (maximum) 125 square metres (ix ) Parking Requirements 1 parki ng space for each 30 square metres or portion thereof of total floor area. 2. Map 21 of Schedule A, By-law 2111, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing to Special Provision By-law 83-~, the zone designation of the lands designated Zone Change to Special Provision By-law 83-JUlL on the attached Schedule X hereto. 3. Schedule X-I to By-law 83- 118 shall form part of this Special Provision. ---- 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 39(11) of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this 12 BY-LAW read a second time this 12 day of Sept. 1983. day of Sept. 1983. BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 12 day of September 1983. ~' THIS IS SCHEDULE 'X. TO BY-LAW 83-J11L, PASSED THIS 12 DAY OF September A.D. 1983. ZONE CHANGE TO SPECIAL PROVISION BY-LAW 83-...ill.... N 17 029'20"W 45'72m N7I035'30"E 76'20 m (SEAL) c~ G.B 7Jord',M:or) /J~ Ljj,L~~ D.W. 00 kes, Clerk CREEK o 0::: ~ 5r-'": KEY MAP FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON : 25 000 LOT 35 ~ ~ ~ LOT 33 ~ ~ (.t) C:l l"., C:l :.... h.. ..... (.) I . [tlO_&L LOT LOT I LOT LOT LOT ~~ 31 30 I 29 28 27 I I .; . I I I 0 c I 0 .: I I oJ I c . I ~ . I '" .: I _I. zz II LOT 32 I .0& D z w a.. o ~ o Z I LO r<> E cO lD 9~ ~tf) r<'l 50 100 200m I ...... ... c . . THIS IS SCHEDULE'X1' TO BY-LAW 83-~, PASSED THIS l~ DAY OF September A.D. 1983. CREEK E lO V en <Xl v E.f? N 17 029'20"W 45'72m N7I035'30"E 76.20m dS ~ <:( I (f) o 3 ..... CD 3= ~=2 g-~ ...JO <{~ o a::: ~:-... ~~ :-... 0 " ~ '/ N72030'30"E 169.27m 2 W G- O ..... o 2 I LO f'() E d5 lD <?o;;t ~f'() r<) Rl 3= lD o o ~ z (SEAL) E . <Xl (f)-:- en O~ a::: W 23= ...J =0 C\J 2-~ 3:~ Oz ..... N70035'E (f) g Rl ~ ..... 3= CD o~ C\J ~g o ....J ~<{ d 215.30m I N71047'30 IBO'33m a::: ~'/ "~g;~~//"" /" ;/ J=:~ 'd., , 00 kes, Clerk ~5~ 50 100 200m I KEY MAP FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON 1:25000 LOT ~I LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT ..~ 35 I 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 ~ ~ I .; I ~ I . I 'v I I ~ I I ~ 0 c I (I) 0 <::) . I ~ I I ~ ~ c ..... I . ..... 0 'v I . ... I . I II [iIOIlAL I "OAD ..t 2Z II .. ~ '11II.." Ontario R 831652 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Sea~ion 39 of The Planning Ac~ (R.S.O. 1980, c. 379), -an4- IN TIlE MAHER 01' an appliaa1:ion by lfhe Corpora~ion of the Town of .ewcasi:le for approval of i~s Resuici:ed Area By-law 83-118 BEPOREa - and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 11th day of January, 1984 B. E. S'l'EWAR'1' Chairman G. M. BOBAR'!' Me~r '!'he ob::lec~ors i:o approval of the said by-law having withdrawn their objec~ion., '1'IIE BOARD ORDEas thai: By-law 83-118 is hereby approved. SECRE'l'ARY _~~_U! 1 C J ,-.. ~ -' 1 O. 8, r~!1. . . .~1.~ .-.~. ~ r~I:, P'o (10 i. \ "').I:..r r\:; .. . . . . . II P.I). . .. I' j .JAN 1 t Et"' I ;~~I ' "'-~ '. ~Z~"ET","1y, C-~fI, ": IA'~"~~"'l "OI>.P:> . -~......- -..----...~.--.....-~..I._.......... _.-..~...~. l By.law No. .U.:.--' (1-..,1