HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-79 . ~ ... .-- /"-\ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY -LAW NUMBER 84- 79 being a By-law to amend Restricted Area By-law Number 1587, as amended of the former Town of Bowmanville, now in the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend Restricted Area By-law 1587, as amended, of the former Town of Bowmanville. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: I; Schedul e "A" to By-l aw 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the designation "SPECIAL CONDITION 33" to the zoning designation of the lands indicated as "Z0NE CHANGE TO SPECIAL CONDITION 33" on the attached Schedul e I X I hereto, and by addi ng to the lands so indicated cross-hatching and the figure 33 encircled. 2. Schedule "B" to By-law 1587, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding hereto the following SPECIAL CONDITION 33: SPECIAL CONDITION 33 The lands as shown on Schedule "A" cross-hatched and marked "SPECIAL CONDITION 33" shall be subject to the special regulations hereinafter contained and where there is any conflict between the regulations hereinafter set out and any provision of By-law 1587, then the provisions of this SPECIAL CONOITION shall ppply, but in all other respects the provisions of By-law 1587, as amended, shall apply. 1.1 DEFINED AREA The area subject to this SPECIAL CONOITION is shown cross-hatched with the figure 33 encircled on the attached Schedule "AII hereto. 1. 2 DEF INITIONS Eating Establishment Shall mean a building or part of a building where food is offered for sale or sold to the public for immediate consumption primarily on premises; and includes a restaurant, dining room, cafe, cafeteria, ice cream parlour, tea or lunch room, dairy bar, coffee shop, snack bar or refreshment room or stand; but does not include a boarding or lodging home. Eating Establishment, Take Out Shall mean a building or part of a building where food is offered for sale or sold to the public for consumption primarily off the premises. [FHe No n k9 ,..._:i2:..alC..........__. I . . . I. .-. - 2 - 1.3 PERMITTED USES No person shall use any of the lands or erect, alter or use any building or structure on such land for any purpose except for one or more of the following uses: a) Block 1 (i) Eating Establishment (ii) Eating Establishment, Take Out b) Block 2 No person shall use, erect, place or alter any building, structure, septic tank, or tile bed on, or alter any lands within that area defined as Block.2, save and except for flood and erosion control works. 1.4 ZONE PROVISIONS - Block 1 ( i ) (i i ) (iii) (i v) (v) (vi) (vi i) Front Yard (minimum) Exterior Side Yard (minimum) Building Setback from Block 2 (minimum) Building Height (maximum) Lot Coverage (maximum) Landscaped Open Space (minimum) Off-street Parking Requirements (minimum) - one for each 7 square metres of total floor area accessible to the public 6.0 metres 6.0 metres 10.0 metres 10.5 metres 75 percent 15 percent 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning,Act. BY-LAW read a first time this z.R1l.day of MAY 1984 BY-LAW read a second time thisztfiday of "14 y 1984 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 7-f,( day of MI\'1 1984. #P~~ ,~ J.D~ 0_, ~ CLERK ~ This is Schedule "X" to By-law 84-79, passed this z8-N-.day of MAyA.D. 1984. HWy' N~ 2 :...,("~!-. i:.... r ...~'-..: .-:...... .:. - ~r 4::!;joo ~/';j<1, '5'1$" :: ;j;.<C;,::~11I '8<1 1;J<1, ! tYT' ;'.( :.......: : ...: I- lLJ lLJ a:: l- (/) N70045'50''W 6'61 '" &~.~ ~ ~ '~ ,J) 0 0.0 '?> '?> ~r..fJ{ rz,'l.: F777lJ ZONE CHANGE TO ~ SPECIAL CONDITION 33 (.!) o (.!) ::> u (/) (SEAL) ~r,~ ~fl I _' J, Mayor o. W. Oake., Clerk o 10 20 ~-- 20 5 Key Map -Former Town of Bowmanvllle o ~-- :too :t50 1=I ~I 01 (,)1 LPcJ IlL ....i . I (,) zl o (,) I .,.. I .. ,. , .' \. This is Schedule "X-1" to By-law 84--79, passed this 28ftday of MAY A.D. 1984~ HW>:, N~ 2 "'860 I ., <I.g;€: N6'2054E ~ \6.6\ - kING "'84022,€: ~r 4::!:jCJ;jo ~'/'3 os' ~::;j '1 C. IS" ;>.., ~::.., ijf ~'& ~/'3'1 NI80I6'30"W 0'93 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 1 ! (-:'T' ;'.( :.......: : ...: .., \0 ~ ("('~t, i:'... i ".1 ". .(...... .&. " N6603d30''E -t- '23'7~ ~ o ~, ~~ ~ I- W W 0:: I- (f) N70045'50 6'61 ( SEAL) (!) o (!) :::> u (f) ~A~ I.M, ~(J 1'3..1' / IIk.TlN 6 '" 'g.l>.nd, Mayor JJfM-CC:U>> ~ t16- o 10 20 ~-- 20 5 D.W. O.ke., Clerk Key Map -Former Tow.n of Bowmanvllle o ~ 200 250 I LOT 17 LOT 16 LI~T IlL ....1 I . I u zl o U I . .,. I .. ~. . . .. " . B B F 0 It B I A.B. BALL MeJlber - and - '1.1.. MILLS Member Ontario Municipal Board IN TIlE MA'l'TBR OP Sect.ion 34 of The Plann1n, Act, 1983 - and - IN THE MA'l'TBR OJ' appeals by J.G. Lin1:on, Jean A. Linton, M. Connaghan and Mario Veltri in respect. of Zonin, By-law 84-79 of the Corporation of the TOwn of Newcaatle ) ) ) ) ) ) ) wednesday, the 8th day of Auqust, 1984 R 840377 '1'BB APPEALS by J.G. Linton, Jean A. Linton, M. Conn_gban and Mario Veltri in respect. of By-law 84-79 havinv been wi thc1raVD' '.l'BB BOARD ORDERS ~t: the _aid appeal_ are hereby dismissed. ...___~:,"c?;.-:,CJ\c.', () /v~ ~_....-.,.J, ';'~"~"".f/t..,JV'~~ . -"_..~~--~.~.:.~~~.> SBCRB'l'ARY ... """-.. J 0,8, No, ',..... .,..If:~'1-1 !,' FGfiGNa -"Irl'.." l ....c:r;. y..... {; i'.... .. : L,,:J 1 :~ 1:n,1 ; ~ ,'- "" : li~ . SEC'lET/l" . .'-.........__~ > (.1,JT,r.,Q'tJMUN'''''''' ~"::"~~OARO