HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-61 .,.. ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84- 61 being a by-law to authorize execution of a collective agreement between the Town of Newcastle and The Canadian Union of Public Employees and Its Local 74 THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. OUTSIDE AGREEMENT THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation's Seal, a Collective Agreement between the Canadian Union of Public Employees and Its Local 74, and the said Corporation, dated the day of 1984, in the form attached hereto as Schedule IIAII. 2. INSIDE AGREEMENT THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation1s Seal, a Collective Agreement between The Canadian Union of Public Employees and Its Local 74, and the said Corporation, dated the day of 1984, in the form attached hereto as Schedule IIBII. 3. THAT execution of the Collective Agreements referred to as the 1I0utside Agreementll and the IIInside Agreementll and attached as Schedules IIAII and IIBII respectively to this by-law, shall not be executed by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle until the necessary documents are filed with the Inflation Restraint Board and any Inflation Restraint Board concerns are satisfied. By-law read a first and second time this 27th day of April 1984 By-law read a third time and finally passed this27th day of April 1984 ~~d~ Mayor L~.(lA Clerk r File NO.u___'!'Q.j_Cl..:._~___._ __ ] 'C/ .. ';:.' COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AND THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL NUMBER 74 OUTSIDE AGREEMENT 198 4 ~.Ij" l p~.r"v ~IO. 3 ~- 6/ iiii I - r//@ Ngl:::::"<~ . / P..:~ . ~. . .; ~ > i . Expiry Date: December 31, 1984 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN: THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation") OF THE FIRST PART AND: THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES & ITS LOCAL 74 (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") OF THE SECOND PART Outside Agreement ARTICLE 1 - PURPOSE 1.01 The general purpose of this Agreement is to establish and maintain collective bargaining relations between the Corporation and its employees, and to provide machinery for the prompt and equitable disposition of grievances, and to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory working conditions, hours and wages for all employees who are subject to the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2 - SCOPE 2.01 The Corporation recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all its employees save and except foremen, those above the rank of foreman, office staff, and persons regularly employed for not more than twenty-four (24) hours per week and students employed during the school vacation periods. 2.02 Persons whose jobs are not in the bargaining unit shall not work on any jobs which are included in the bargaining unit, except for purposes of instruction, experimenting or emergencies when regular employees are not available. . , . -< 2. ~ ARTICLE 3 - NO DISCRIMINATION 3.01 The Corporation agrees that there will be no discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced by any of its representatives with respect to any employee because of his membership or non-membership in the Union. ARTICLE 4 NO COERCION 4.01 The Union agrees that there will be no intimidation, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practised on employees of the Corporation by any of its members or representatives and that there will be no Union activity, solicitation for membership or collection of dues on Corporation time, and no meetings on Corporation premises except with the prior permission of the Corporation. ARTICLE 5 - NO STRIKES OR LOCK-OUTS 5.01 The Union agrees that there shall be no strike during the term of this Agreement and the Corporation agrees that there shall be no lock-out during the term of this Agreement. 5.02 The words "strike" and "lock-out" shall be as defined in the Ontario Labour Relations Act. ARTICLE 6 - CORPORATION RIGHTS 6.01 The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Corporation to: 1. Maintain order, discipline and efficiency and to make, alter, and enforce from time to time reasonable rules. 2. Hire, promote, demote, transfer, re-classify, discipline or suspend employees, to discharge any employee for just cause provided that a claim by an employee who has acquired seniority that he has been discharged without just cause may be the subject of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided. ~ 3. 3. Operate and manage its operations in all respects in accordance with its commitments and responsibilities and in pursuance of its policies, decide on the number of employees needed in any classification, establish job qualifications, determine location of offices, the schedules of operation, the assignment of work, methods, processes and means of operating, and the extension, curtailment and cessation of operations. 4. The Corporation agrees that these functions shall be executed in a manner consistent with the terms of the Agreement and subject to the right of the employee to lodge a grievance as set out herein. ARTICLE 7 - UNION SECURITY 7.01 The Corporation recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for the said employees for the duration of this Agreement. 7.02 A new employee shall have deducted from his salary an amount equal to the current monthly dues. 7.03 The Treasurer of the Corporation shall deduct an amount equivalent to Union dues from the wages of all employees on the second pay day of each calendar month and shall remit such amount by the fifteenth day of the following month to the Union. The Corporation shall be notified in writing at least thirty calendar days prior to any required change in Union dues assessment. 7.04 In consideration of the Corporation deducting and remitting the initiation fees and monthly dues to the Union in accordance with the terms of this Article, the Union will indemnify and save harmless the Corporation from any and all claims and demands which may be made against it for any monies deducted and remitted to the Union. , . -4. 4. , ARTICLE 8 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 8.01 A grievance shall be defined as a complaint regarding the interpretation, application or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement or, in the case of an employee who has acquired seniority under this Agreement, a complaint that he has been discharged or disciplined without just cause. Grievances shall be dealt with in the following manner: Step 1 The employee, assisted by a Steward, shall first take the matter up with his Supervisor within ten (10) working days of the occurrence which gave rise to the grievance. Failing settlement at this stage, within two (2) working days, the employee may proceed to Step 2, after having put his grievance in writing and signing it. Step 2 Failing settlement, the employee, assisted by his Steward, may take the matter up with his Department Head. If a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached within five (5) working days, the employee may proceed to Step 3. ARTICLE 8 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 8.01 Step 3 The employee assisted by the grievance committee and/or representative of the Union, may take the matter up with the Town Administrator within ten (10) working days of receipt of a request to do so. Failing a settlement at this level within seven (7) working days after the meeting, the matter may then be referred to arbitration. 8.02 (a) Any decision reached between the parties shall be given in writing at all steps. (b) Time limits in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties. , 4 ~ 5. 8.03 An employee, other than a probationary employee, claiming that he has been discharged from employment without just cause shall file a signed, dated, written statement of such grievance setting out the nature of the grievance and the specific remedy sought at Step No. 2 of the Grievance Procedure provided such grievance is lodged with the Department Head within three (3) working days of the discharge. ARTICLE 9 - ARBITRATION 9.01 It is agreed by the parties that any difference of opinion relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement which cannot be settled after exhausting the grievance procedure will be settled by arbitration as defined in SeFtion 44(2) of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, as amended. from time to time. 9.02 Expenses of the Board Each party shall pay: (1) The fees and expenses of the Arbitrator it appoints. (2) One-half (~) of the fees and expenses of the Chairman. 9.03 The Arbitration Board shall have no power to alter the terms of the Agreement or to make any decision which is inconsistent with the terms of the collective agreement. ARTICLE 10 - MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 10.01 The Corporation may bring forward at any meeting with the Union Committee any complaint or grievances and if such complaint or grievance is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties, it may be referred to arbitration as set out in the arbitration provisions. ~ . 6. ARTICLE 11 - UNION COMMITTEE 11.01 The Union shall appoint or otherwise select a Union Committee composed of not more than three (3) employees, and the Corporation will recognize and deal with the said committee with respect to any matter which may arise from time to time during the term of this Agreement, including grievances in the manner as hereinbefore set forth and the negotiating of a new collective agreement. 11.02 The Union shall advise the Corporation of the personnel serving on this Committee. 11.03 Compensation for Union Committee The Union acknowledges that the Union Committee will continue to perform their regular duties on behalf of the Corporation, and that such persons will not leave their duties without first obtaining the permission of the immediate supervisor and on the completion of such duties shall report back to him, or to any job to which he has previously directed them, and give any reasonable explanation which may be requested with respect to their absence. Such permission shall not be withheld unreasonably. ARTICLE 12 - SENIORITY 12.01 Seniority shall commence and accumulate from the date on which an employee was last employed full-time by the Corporation or the Municipalities making up the Corporation, provided such service is continuous. 12.02 A seniority list will be established for all employees covered by this Agreement who have completed their probationary periods, based upon each employee's last date of hiring. It is agreed that such seniority list shall be revised and posted on January 2nd, and June 1st of each year and a copy filed with the Union. This will include the names of the employees, their classifications, and their respective dates of hire. For the purpose of clarity, seniority is on a unit wide basis. Seniority will be calculated on time actually worked, which will include time off for paid vacations, paid sick time, or while on workmen's compensation. , .' 7. ARTICLE 13 - PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES 13.01 New employees hired shall be on probation for a period of sixty (60) working days in a six (6) month period. During the probationary period such employees may be discharged without recourse to the grievance procedure and shall not be subject to the terms of this Agreement except the wage rate classification, paid holidays and benefit plans. 13.02 An employee retained past the probationary period shall be placed on the seniority list effective from the day he commenced work. ARTICLE 14 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 14.01 A temporary employee shall be defined as a person employed by the Public Works Department to positions created as a result of peak winter conditions during the period commencing December 1st and ending March 31st and whose term of employment shall not exceed three (3) continuous months. 14.02 A temporary employee who remains in the employ of the Corporation for longer than three (3) months, without the prior written approval of the Union, or who has been accepted by the Corporation as a regular full-time employee, shall thereupon cease to be considered a temporary employee. Should this happen, continuous service since the last day of hire as a temporary employee shall be included in the computation of the employee's probationary period. 14.03 Temporary employees shall be covered by the terms of the Agreement except for the following: Articles 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,22,23, 24, 25, 26, Numbers 4, 5 and 6 of Schedule "B" and they shall not be entitled to Articles 8 or 9 with respect to discharge or termination. Temporary employees shall not be employed while regular employees are on layoff. ARTICLE 15 - LOSS OF SENIORITY 15.01 Seniority rights and an employee's employment shall be terminated at once if: a) He voluntarily terminates his employment; 8. b) He is discharged, and such discharge is not reversed through the grievance procedure; c) He is laid off continuously for a period of more than twelve (12) months; d) He has been laid off and fails to return within five (5) working days after he has been notified to do so by the Corporation through registered mail, addressed to the last address on record with the Corporation. The Corporation may extend the five (5) day period under extenuating circumstances. e) While laid off he fails to keep the Corporation informed of his correct home address and telephone number. ARTICLE 16 - SENIORITY APPLIED TO PROMOTIONS & TRANSFERS 16.01 Promotions and/or transfers within the bargaining unit will be based primarily on the skill, ability, experience and qualifications of the employee(s) concerned, but as between two (2) persons of approximately equal standing based upon the above factors, seniority shall govern. The secretary of the local will be advised as to pending transfers or promotions. ARTICLE 17 - TRANSFERS TO SUPERVISORY POSITIONS 17.01 If an employee is, or has been a member of the bargaining unit and is transferred to a position outside this Agreement, and accordingly is not subject to the provisions of this Agreement, he shall retain his previous seniority. If transferred back to a position subject to the provisions of this Agreement, he shall carry his accumulated seniority with him, but will not be credited with seniority accumulated outside the unit. ARTICLE 18 - JOB POSTING 18.01 In the event new jobs are created or vacancies occur within the bargaining unit the Corporation will post such new jobs or vacancies for a period of three (3) working days before new employees are hired in order to ~ .. 9. allow employees with seniority to apply in writing. The Corporation further agrees that there will be no outside advertising until the job posting process has been completed and as a courtesy to the Union, all non-union positions will be posted. 18.02 In the event two (2) or more employees apply, the Corporation shall consider the skill, ability and physical fitness of the applicants. As between two (2) of approximately equal standing, seniority shall govern. 18.03 The Corporation shall notify the Union of the appointment of the successful applicant within fifteen (15) days of the filling of the position. ARTICLE 19 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE 19.01 The Corporation may grant leave of absence without payor without loss of his then accumulated seniority or occupational classification, to any employee requesting such leave for a good and sufficient cause. This request to be made thirty (30) days in advance if possible and a reply will be given within seven (7) days if possible. The employee's benefits will continue for leaves up to thirty (30) days at the expense of the Employer. If such leave is for a period longer than thirty (30) days, the employee shall pay benefits in advance for that period of leave in excess of thirty (30) days. 19.02 The Corporation may grant leave of absence for a maximum of one (1) year to any employee who requests such a leave by reason of his election or appointment as an officer of the Union, without pay and without loss of his then accumulated seniority or occupational classification. The Corporation may grant an extension of one (1) year on such leave upon the application of the employee. 19.03 Leave of absence, without pay, for attendance at Union conventions, meetings, seminars, and schools, will be granted to not more than two (2) employees, for a period not to exceed sixteen (16) days in anyone (1) year, provided that it does not interfere with the efficient operation of the Corporation. Where possible the employee shall give the Corporation twenty-one (21) days written notice. 10. . 19.04 All requests for leaves of absence shall be in writing. 19.05 An employee may accumulate seniority only under above sub-sections 19.02 and 1Q.03 and then only during the first three (3) months of a granted leave of absence. 19.06 An employee shall be eligible for maternity leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. 19.07 An employee called for jury duty or is subpoenaed as a witness in any court>> will be granted leave of absence without loss of pay for the duration of such duty>> less any fee paid for the service and subject to the Clerk of the Court certifying the time. ARTICLE 20 - SENIORITY APPLIED TO LAY-OFFS AND RECALLS 20.01 A lay-off of employees shall be made on the basis of the seniority list provided that the employees who are entitled to remain on the basis of seniority are willing and qualified to do the work which is available. When recalling employees who have been laid off>> the recall will also be made on the basis of seniority and qualifications. 20.02 Unless legislation is more favourable to the employees>> the Employer shall notify employees who are to be laid off ten (10) working days prior to the effective date of the lay-off. If the employee has not had the opportunity to work the days as provided in this Article>> he shall be paid for days for which work was not available. ARTICLE 21 - FIRST-AID KITS 21.01 First-Aid Kits will be supplied by the Corporation and kept in places easily accessible to all employees including each vehicle regularly operated by an employee on behalf of the Corporation. It will be the responsibility of both parties to see that the kits are properly cared for and maintained. The operator of the vehicle will be responsible for its use and be required to notify his Supervisor in writing when it has been used so that replacement can be made. 11. ARTICLE 22 - SAFETY PROVISIONS 22.01 It is mutually agreed that both parties will co-operate to the fullest extent in the prevention of accidents, and with some promotion of safety and health as is deemed necessary. 22.02 An employee prevented from performing his regular work with the Employer on account of an occupational accident that is recognized by the Workmen's Compensation Board as compensable within the meaning of the Compensation Act, shall receive from the Employer the difference between the amount payable by the Workmen's Compensation Board and his regular salary. Such payment shall be charged against and be limited to the amount of accrued sick leave credits. ARTICLE 23 - BENEFIT PLAN 23.01 On completion of probation period, the Corporation agrees to provide the following coverages consistent with the rules and regulations of the plans and to pay the premium as set out opposite the plan. The plans are: a) Ontario Health Insurance Plan 100% b) Group Life Insurance based on one and one-half (It) times annual earnings. 100% c) Extended Health Benefits, Major Medical benefits with prescription drug plan and semi-private hospital coverage 100% effective July I, 1981, prescription glasses, maximum seventy dollars ($70.00) per person in any two (2) policy years 100% d) Dental Plan equivalent to Blue Cross #9: Effective July 1st, 1984 - 1983 O.D.A. fee schedule 90% 12. 23.02 Municipal Employees The Employer agrees to continue participation in the Ontario Employees Retirement Plan as provided by the Ontario Municipal Retirement Systems Act. 23.03 Any change in the Benefit Plan shall be a matter of negotiations between the parties except that the Corporation shall have the right to designate the carrier. ARTICLE 24 - VACATIONS 24.01 Employees who have completed one (1) year of continuous service will be allowed two (2) weeks vacation with pay. 24.02 Employees who have completed four (4) years or more service will be allowed three (3) weeks vacation with pay. 24.03 Employees who have completed ten (10) or more years of service will be allowed four (4) weeks vacation with pay. 24.04 Employees who have completed twenty (20) or more years of service will be allowed five (5) weeks vacation with pay. 24.05 Employees who have completed twenty-eight (28) or more years of service will be allowed six (6) weeks vacation with pay. 24.06 Seniority will only apply to the first two (2) weeks of vacation. 24.07 Vacations may be scheduled anytime in the calendar year and every effort will be made to post the schedule by May 30th in each year. Such list shall give effect to scheduling vacation dates on the basis of seniority consistent with the efficient operation of the department. All vacations will be scheduled by the Department Head or his designate and shall not be changed. 24.08 For each week of vacation to which he is entitled, an employee will be paid as vacation pay, two percent (2%) of his earnings in the previous calendar year, or forty (40) hours pay, or a full week's salary, as the case may be, whichever is the greater. . .. 13. 24.09 An employee will be eligible to carryover one (1) week's vacation entitlement to the following vacation year subject to the prior approval of the Corporation. ARTICLE 25 - PAID HOLIDAYS 25.01 The Corporation agrees to pay employees for each of the holidays listed hereunder, the celebration of which falls on their regular scheduled working day, which they would otherwise have worked had it not been a holiday, a sum equivalent to their current hourly day rates for the number of hours they would have worked on such a day, provided they complete the regularly assigned hours of work on the day immediately prior to and following the day of the celebration of the holiday, unless otherwise mutually agreed. The holidays are as follows: New Year's Day Victoria Day Civic Holiday Thanksgiving Day Boxing Day Good Friday Easter Monday Dominion Day Labour Day Christmas Day Remembrance Day \ Working Day before Christmas Day and New Year's Day and any other holiday proclaimed by the Provincial or Federal Governments. 25.02 If one of the holidays set out in Clause 25.01, is celebrated on a Saturday or Sunday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday or Monday, following the holiday concerned, or paid for on the same basis as set out in Clause 25.01, at the discretion of the Corporation. The decision of which day, Friday or Monday, will be allocated as the holiday shall be conveyed to the Union at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the holiday. 25.03 An employee will be eligible to receive pay for the above paid holidays after he has completed his probationary period. 14. 25.04 Employees required to work on any of the above paid holidays will in addition to the holiday, be paid at double (2) times their regular rates for actual hours worked. However, in determining the day of celebration of such holiday, it shall be set out in Clause 25.01 and without regard to Clause 25.02. 25.05 If a Statutory Holiday falls on a regular working day during an employee's vacation period, he shall be granted another day off with pay in lieu thereof, or payment for the holiday at the option of the Department Head or his designate. 25.06 If a paid holiday occurs on an employee's scheduled day off the employee shall receive another day off with pay in lieu of the holiday. The lieu day shall be taken at a time mutually satisfactory to the employee and the Corporation. ARTICLE 26 - SICK LEAVE 26.01 An employee who has completed his probationary period of employment will be entitled to one and one-half (1\) days per month accumulative sick leave retroactive to date of hire, at the regular rate of pay, which will be accumulative to a maximum of two hundred and forty (240) days. 26.02 One-half (\) of the unused accumulated days, not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) days, will be paid to the employee upon cessation of the employment after the employee has completed five (5) years of service, but only up to a maximum allowed by the Municipal Act. 26.03 If an employee dies before retirement, one-half (\) of the unused accumulated days [not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) days] will be paid to his beneficiary, but only up to the maximum allowed by the Municipal Act. 26.04 When claiming sick pay, an employee will, if required to do so, furnish a Doctor's certificate after the third (3rd) day of illness. . . 15. 26.05 Any employee having more than two hundred and forty (240) days sick leave standing to his credit prior to the effective date of this Agreement, will be credited with those days but no accumulation beyond two hundred and forty (240) days or the noted excess, as the case may be, will be permitted in the future. 26.06 An employee shall be granted time off for bereavement leave upon approval of the Department Head or his delegate, without loss of pay according to the schedule below, following the date of death, for attendance at, or arranging for the funeral of: a) An employee's spouse or common-law spouse, up to five (5) consecutive working days; b) A son, daughter, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister or brother, up to three (3) consecutive days; c) An employee's grandmother, grandfather, son-in-law, a daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, or grandchild, up to two (2) consecutive days; d) An additional two (2) days travelling time, without pay, may be granted by the Department Head or his delegate to permit the employee to attend a funeral in the family that is to be held at a distant point. 26.07 Any employee who qualified for sick leave pay, shall receive full pay so long as his credits last, however, bereavement leave shall not be charged to sick leave credits. ARTICLE 27 - JOB SECURITY 27.01 No employee in the employ of the Corporation shall be laid off as the result of contracting, leasing, assigning or conveying work to any other person or Employer. 16. ARTICLE 28 - SCHEDULES 28.01 Attached hereto and forming part of the Agreement are: Schedule "A" - Wages and Job classifications Schedule "B" - Hours of work and working conditions. ARTICLE 29 - TERMINATION OR AMENDMENT 29.01 This Agreement will be effective from January 1st, 1984 until December 31st, 1984, and from year to year thereafter unless either party gives notice in writing within ninety (90) days of the expiry date in any year of their desire to amend or terminate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS THIS Twenty-ninth DAY OF JUNE 1984 SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AND ITS LOCAL 74 (l~qerr . . 17. Outside Collective Agreement Schedule "A" WAGES AND JOB CLASSIFICATIONS January 1st 1984 Category Classification January 1, 1984 1 Probationary 30~ below job classification rate 2 Labourer lO.30/hour 3 Animal Control, Officer II Maintenance, Parks & Cemetery Arena -Operator III Maintenance, Buildings lO.4l/hour 4 Truck Driver Arena - Operator II (Smi th Exam) 1l.06/hour 5 Arena Operator I ("B" Certificate) 11.17/hour 6 Leadhand Grader/Gradall Operator 11. 66/hour 7 Mechanic Class "A" l2.48/hour Employees shall be paid bi-weekly on Thursday for a pay period ending the previous Friday. A premium above the employee's classified rate shall be paid for all hours worked on the Backhoe, Bulldozer, Front End Loader, and Street Sweeper, except those employees in Category six (6) and seven (7), shall not receive this premium. Effective January 1, 1982 the premium will be 25~ per hour. A premium above the employee's classified rate shall be paid for all hours worked on shifts that begin between 4 p.m. and 7 a.m. of the next day following. Effective September 1, 1981, the premium will be 35~ per hour. 18. Outside Collective Agreement Schedule "B" HOURS OF WORK AND WORKING CONDITIONS 1. a) The normal hours of work shall be forty (40) hours per week as follows: 1. Public Works Department - five (5), eight (8) hour days, Monday to Friday. The normal day shift shall commence no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 a.m. 2. Arenas - Shifts in the arenas shall continue as scheduled by the Facilities Manager, however during the time that the arenas are free from ice, normal shifts shall commence no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and no later than 9:00 a.m. 3. Animal Control - Shall be required to work forty (40) hours per week with a minimum shift of four (4) hours and maximum of eight (8) hours; shifts to be scheduled between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon as scheduled by the By-Law Enforcement Officer on the fifteenth (15th) day of the preceding month. 2. Any hours worked over and above the eight (8) hour day shall be considered as overtime and paid for at the rate of time and one-half (It). 3. Callout Pay When employees are called out in an emergency they will not receive less than three (3) hours pay at overtime rates. More than one (1) callout within the time period specified above shall be considered as continuous. 19. 4. Meal Allowance All employees required to work more than three (3) hours past their normal quitting time or when called out in an emergency for more than three (3) hours, shall qualify for a meal allowance to a maximum of four dollars ($4.00). Proper accommodation shall be provided for employees to have their meals. s. Mileage Employees required to use their own vehicles for business purposes will be reimbursed at the rate of twenty-two cents (22~) per kilometer for all kilometers travelled for the Corporation. Mileage claims shall be submitted to the Department Head on the first working day of each month and claims will be paid to employees on or before the seventh (7th) working day of each month. Employees shall receive this allowance from their regular reporting place and to and from any temporary transfer to another depot and from one's home, whichever may be closer. 6. Employees required to wear safety boots shall receive from the Corporation the sum_ of sixty dollars ($60.00) per year towards the cost of C.S.A. approved safety boots on presentation of a receipt for same. Not more than one (1) pair of safety boots per employee per year. New employees will receive payment on completion of their probationary period. Safety boots must be worn. 7. Inclement Weather When it is necessary for employees to work in an emergency during inclement weather, the Corporation will provide rubber coats, hats and boots or such other waterproof clothing necessary to keep the employees dry. 8. The Corporation will provide such tools and equipment as are necessary to carry out the work of the Corporation. Employees will use such equipment with reasonable care. .... .. 20. 9. Employees required to work in sewers will be supplied with waterproof gloves and waterproof clothing to the degree necessary to protect the workman. 10. Employees on garbage collection will be supplied with goggles, work gloves and either coveralls or smocks. Long light raincoats will be supplied when required. Employees will be responsible for the care of all clothing issues by the Corporation. Replacements of articles shall be provided when old items are turned in to the Department Head. 11. It is understood that the above tools, equipment and clothing are the property of the Corporation and are not to be removed from the premises without prior permission of the Department Head. 12. Protective clothing will be supplied to all employees covered by this contract. 13. Employees will take reasonable care of any gloves, waterproof clothing, rubber boots, coveralls, smocks, tools, etc., that may be supplied to them and take every reasonable precaution to prevent damage by improper use or loss by theft or carelessness. 14. All employees shall be required to wear C.S.A. approved safety hats in accordance with the Construction Safety Act. C.S.A. approved safety hats shall be supplied by the Corporation to all employees. 15. The Corporation agrees to provide bulletin boards for each office building on which the Union shall have the right to post notices of meetings, and other notices as may be of interest to the employees subject to management approval. 16. An employee shall be permitted to a rest period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes in each half shift. J . . 21. 17. Higher Classifications Employees required to work in a higher classification shall receive the higher rate for all hours worked if more than four (4) per day. 18. The Corporation agrees to maintain Public Liability and Errors and Omissions Insurance coverage for damages and costs to the limits determined from time to time by Council and shall include in the definition of insured under said insurance coverage all employees while acting in the course of their employment. The protection provided shall be governed by the terms and conditions of such insurance policies. ~ ./'ii.; .~.(li;.".-- . .::: ... . ,. - . . " . COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AND THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL NUMBER 74 INSIDE AGREEMENT I 984 . /0./0. CJ... ~'8~/ . . t '. Expiry Date: December 31, 1984 COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN: THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (herein referred to as the "Corporation") OF THE FIRST PART AND: THE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES & ITS LOCAL 74 (herein referred to as the "Union") OF THE SECOND PART . Inside Agreement ARTICLE 1 - PURPOSE 1.01 The general purpose of this Agreement is to establish and maintain collective bargaining relations between the Corporation and its employees, and to provide machinery for the prompt and equitable disposition of grievances, and to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory working conditions, hours and wages for all employees who are subject to the provisions of this Agreement. . ARTICLE 2 - SCOPE 2.01 The Corporation recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all office, clerical and technical employees, save and except Secretary to the Clerk, the Planning Director, Office Manager, By-Law Enforcement Officer, Recreation Director, Treasurer, Chief Building Inspector, Program Director, Deputy Treasurer, Tax Collector, Deputy Clerk, Secretary to Director of Works, Town Manager, Secretary to the Mayor, and persons above the rank of Deputy Clerk, persons regularly employed for not more than twenty-four (24) hours per week and students employed during the school vacation periods. " " ... 2. 2.02 Persons whose jobs are not in the bargaining unit shall not work on any jobs which are included in the bargaining unit, except for purposes of instruction, experimenting or emergencies when regular employees are not available. ARTICLE 3 - NO DISCRIMINATION 3.01 The Corporation agrees that there will be no discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced by any of its representatives with respect to any employee because of his membership or non-membership in the Union. ~ ARTICLE 4 - NO COERCION 4.01 The Union agrees that there will be no intimidation, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practised on employees of the Corporation by any of its members or representatives and that there will be no Union activity" solicitation for membership or collection of dues on Corporation time, and no meetings on Corporation premises except with the prior permission of the Corporation. ARTICLE 5 - NO STRIKES OR LOCK-OUTS 5.01 The Union agrees that there shall be no strike during the term of this Agreement and the Corporation agrees tbat tbere shall be no lock-out ~ during the term of this Agreement. 5.02 The words "strike" and "lock-out" shall be as defined in the Ontario Labour Relations Act. ARTICLE 6 - CORPORATION RIGHTS 6.01 The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Corporation to: 1. Maintain order, discipline and efficiency and to make, alter, and enforce from time to time reasonable rules. ~ 3. 2. Hire, promote, demote, transfer, re-classify, discipline or suspend employees, to discharge any employee for just cause provided that a claim by an employee who has acquired seniority that he has been discharged without just cause may be the subject of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided. 3. Operate and manage its operations in all respects in accordance with its commitments and responsibilities and in pursuance of its policies, decide on the number of employees needed in any classification, establish job qualifications determine location of offices, the schedules of operation, the assignment of work, methods, processes and means of operating, and the extension, curtailment and cessation of operations. . 4. The Corporation agrees that these functions shall be executed in a manner consistent with the terms of the Agreement and subject to the right of the employee to lodge a grievance as set out herein. ARTICLE 7 - UNION SECURITY 7.01 The Corporation recognizes the Union as the sole collective bargaining agent for the said employees for the duration of this Agreement. . 7.02 A new employee shall have deducted from his salary an amount equal to the current monthly dues. 7.03 The Treasurer of the Corporation shall deduct an amount equivalent to Union dues from the wages of all employees on the second pay day of each calendar month and shall remit such amount by the fifteenth (15th) day of the following month to the Union. The Corporation shall be notified in writing at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to any required change in Union dues assessment. ~ 4. 7.04 In consideration of the Corporation deducting and remitting the initiation fees and monthly dues to the Union in accordance with the terms of this Article, the Union will indemnify and save harmless the Corporation from any and all claims and demands which may be made against it for any monies deducted and remitted to the Union. ARTICLE 8 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 8.01 A grievance shall be defined as a complaint regarding the interpretation, application or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, or in the case of an employee who has acquired seniority under this Agreement, a complaint that he has been discharged or disciplined without ~ just cause. Grievances shall be dealt with in the following manner: Step 1 The employee, assisted by a Steward, shall first take the matter up with his Supervisor within ten (10) working days of the occurrence which gave rise to the grievance. Failing.settlement at this stage, within two (2) working days, the employee may proceed to Step 2, after having put his grievance in writing and signing it. Step 2 Failing settlement, the employee assisted by his Steward, may take ~ the matter up with his Department Head. If a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached within five (5) working days, the employee may proceed to Step 3. Step 3 The employee assisted by the grievance committee and/or representative of the Union, may take the matter up with the Town Administrator within ten (10) working days of receipt of a request to do so. Failing a settlement at this level within seven (7) working days after the meeting, the matter may then be referred to arbitration. 8.02 (a) Any decision reached between the parties shall be given in writing at all steps. 5. (b) Time limits in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties. 8.03 An employee, other than a probationary employee, claiming that he has been discharged from employment without just cause shall file a signed, dated, written statement of such grievance setting out the nature of the grievance and the specific remedy sought at Step No. 2 of the Grievance Procedure provided such grievance is lodged with the Department Head within three (3) working days of the discharge. ARTICLE 9 - ARBITRATION ~ 9.01 It is agreed by the parties that any difference of opinion relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement which cannot be settled after exhausting the grievance procedure will be settled by arbitration as defined in Section 44(2) of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, as amended from time to time. 9.02 Expenses of the Board Each party shall pay: (1) The fees and expenses of the Arbitrator it appoints. ~ (2) One-half (\) of the fees and expenses of the Chairman. 9.03 The Arbitration Board shall have no power to alter the terms of the Agreement or to make any decision which is inconsistent with the terms of the Collective Agreement. ARTICLE 10 - MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 10.01 The Corporation may bring forward at any meeting with the Union Committee any complaint or grievances and if such complaint or grievance is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring parties it may be referred to arbitration as set out in the arbitration provisions. .' 6. ARTICLE 11 - UNION COMMITTEE 11.01 The Union shall appoint or otherwise select a Union Committee composed of not more than two (2) employees, and the Corporation will recognize and deal with the said committee with respect to any matter which may arise from time to time during the term of this Agreement, including grievances in the manner as hereinbefore set forth and the negotiating of a new Collective Agreement. 11.02 The Union shall advise the Corporation of the personnel serving on this committee. . 11.03 Compensation for Union Committee The Union acknowledges that the Union Committee will continue to perform their regular duties on behalf of the Corporation, and that such persons will not leave their duties without first obtaining the permission of the immediate supervisor and on the completion of such duties shall report back to him, or to any job to which he has previously directed them, and give any reasonable explanation which may be requested with respect to their absence. Such permission shall not be withheld unreasonably. ARTICLE 12 - SENIORITY 12.01 Seniority shall commence and accumulate from the date on which an . employee was last employed full-time by the Corporation or the Municipalities making up the Corporation, provided such service is continuous. 12.02 A seniority list will be established for all employees covered by this Agreement who have completed their probationary periods, based upon each employee's last date of hiring. It is agreed that such seniority list shall be revised and posted on January 2nd, and June 1st of each year and a copy filed with the Union. This will include the names of the employees, their classifications, and their respective dates of hire. For the purpose of clarity, seniority is on a unit wide basis. Seniority will be calculated on time actually worked, which will include time off for paid vacations, paid sick time, or while on workmen's compensation. . 7. ARTICLE 13 - PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES 13.01 New employees hired shall be on probation for a period of sixty (60) working days in a six (6) month period. During the probationary period such employees may be discharged without recourse to the grievance procedure and shall not be subject to the terms of this Agreement except the wage rate classification, paid holidays, and benefit plans. 13.02 An employee retained past the probationary period shall be placed on the seniority list effective from the day he commenced work. ARTICLE 14 - LOSS OF SENIORITY ~ 14.01 Seniority rights and an employee's employment shall be terminated at once if: a) He voluntarily terminates his employment; b) He is discharged, and such discharge is not reversed through the grievance procedure; c) He is laid off continuously for a period of more than twelve (12) months; ~ d) He has been laid off and fails to return within five (5) working days after he has been notified to do so by the Corporation through registered mail, addressed to the last address on record with the Corporation. The Corporation may extend the five (5) day period under extenuating circumstances. e) While laid off he fails to keep the Corporation informed of his correct home address and telephone number. 8. ARTICLE 15 - SENIORITY APPLIED TO PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS 15.01 Promotions and/or transfers within the bargaining unit will be based primarily on the skill, ability, experience and qualifications of the employees concerned, but as between two (2) persons of approximately equal standing based upon the above factors, seniority shall govern. The secretary of the local will be advised as to pending transfers or promotions. subject to the . seniority. If Agreement, he credited with ARTICLE 16 - TRANSFERS TO SUPERVISORY POSITIONS 16.01 If an employee is, or has been member of the bargaining unit and is transferred to a position outside this Agreement, and accordingly is not provisions of this Agreement, he shall retain his previous transferred back to a position subject to the provisions of this shall carry this accumulated seniority with him, but will not be seniority accumulated outside the unit. . ARTICLE 17 - JOB POSTING 17.01 In the event new jobs are created or vacancies occur within the bargaining unit the Corporation will post such new jobs or vacancies for a period of three (3) working days before new employees are hired in order to allow employees with seniority to apply in writing. The Corporation further agrees that there will be no outside advertising until the job posting process has been completed and as a courtesy to the Union, all non-union positions will be posted. 17.02 In the event two (2) or more employees apply, the Corporation shall consider the skill, ability and physical fitness of the applicants. As between two (2) of approximately equal standing, seniority shall govern. 17.03 The Corporation shall notify the Union of the appointment of the successful applicant within fifteen (15) days of the filling of the position. .. 9. ARTICLE 18 - LEAVE OF ABSENCE 18.01 The Corporation may grant leave of absence without payor without loss of his then accumulated seniority or occupational classification, to any employee requesting such leave for a good and sufficient cause. This request to be made thirty (30) days in advance if possible and a reply will be given within seven (7) days if possible. The employee's benefits will continue for leaves up to thirty (30) days at the expense of the Employer. If such leave is for a period longer than thirty (30) days, the employee shall pay benefits in advance for that period of leave in excess of thirty (30) days. 18.02 The Corporation may grant leave of absence for a maximum of one (1) ~ year to any employee who requests such a leave by reason of his election or appointment as an officer of the Union, without pay and without loss of his then accumulated seniority or occupational classification. The Corporation may grant an extension of one (1) year on such leave upon the application of the employee. 18.03 Leave of absence, without pay, for attendance at Union conventions, meetings, seminars, and schools, will be granted to not more than two (2) employees, for a period not to exceed sixteen (16) days in anyone (1) year, provided that it does not interfere with the efficient operation of the Corporation. Where possible the employee shall give the Corporation twenty-one ~ (21) days written notice. 18.04 All requests for leaves of absence shall be in writing. 18.05 An employee may accumulate seniority only under above sub-sections 18.02 and 18.03 and then only during the first three (3) months of a granted leave of absence. 18.06 An employee shall be eligible for maternity leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. . . ~ 10. 18.07 An employee called for jury duty or who is subpoenaed as a witness in any court, will be granted leave of absence without loss of pay for the duration of such duty, less any fee paid for the service and subject to the Clerk of the Court certifying the time. ARTICLE 19 - SENIORITY APPLIED TO LAY-OFFS AND RECALLS 19.01 A lay-off of employees shall be made on the basis of the seniority list provided that the employees who are entitled to remain on the basis of seniority are willing and qualified to do the work which is available. When recalling employees who have been laid off, the recall will also be made on the basis of seniority and qualifications. . 19.02 Unless legislation is more favourable to the employees, the Employer shall notify employees who are to be laid off ten (10) working days prior to the effective date of the lay-off. If the employee has not had the opportunity to work the days as provided in this Article, he shall be paid for days for which work was not available. . ARTICLE 20 - FIRST-AID KITS 20.01 First-aid kits will be supplied by the Corporation and kept in places easily accessible to all employees including each vehicle regularly operated by an employee on behalf of the Corporation. It will be the responsibility of both parties to see that the kits are properly cared for and maintained. The operator of the vehicle will be responsible for its use and be required to notify his Supervisor in writing when it has been used so that replacement can be made. ARTICLE 21 - SAFETY PROVISIONS 21.01 It is mutually agreed that both parties will co-operate to the fullest extent in the prevention of accidents, and with some promotion of safety and health as is deemed necessary. ~ . . ~ 11. 21.02 An employee prevented from performing his regular work with the Employer on account of an occupational accident that is recognized by the Workmen's Compensation Board as compensable within the meaning of the Compensation Act, shall receive from the Employer the difference between the amount payable by the Workmen's Compensation Board and his regular salary. Such payment shall be charged against and be limited to the amount of accrued sick leave credits. ARTICLE 22 - BENEFIT PLAN 22.01 On completion of the probation period, the Corporation agrees to provide the following coverages consistent with the rules and regulations of the plans and to pay the premium as set out opposite the plan. The plans are: a) Ontario Health Insurance Plan 100% b) Group Life Insurance based on one and one-half (1\) times annual earnings 100% c) Extended Health Benefits, Major Medical benefits with prescription drug plan and semi-private hospital coverage 100% Effective July 1st, 1981 prescription glasses maximum $70.00 per person in any two policy years. 100% d) Dental Plan equivalent to Blue Cross #9: Effective July 1st, 1984 - 1983 O.D.A. fee schedule 90% 22.02 Municipal Employees The Employer agrees to continue participation in the Ontario Employees Retirement Plan as provided by the Ontario Municipal Retirement Systems Act. " ,'I' 12. 22.03 Any change in the Benefit Plan shall be a matter of negotiations between the parties except that the Corporation shall have the right to designate the carrier. ARTICLE 23 - VACATIONS 23.01 Employees who have completed one (1) year of continuous service will be allowed two (2) weeks vacation with pay. 23.02 Employees who have completed four (4) years or more service will be allowed three (3) weeks vacation with pay. ~ 23.03 Employees who have completed ten (10) or more years of service will be allowed four (4) weeks vacation with pay. 23.04 Employees who have completed twenty (20) or more years of service will be allowed five (5) weeks vacation with pay. 23.05 Employees who have completed twenty-eight (28) or more years of service will be allowed six (6) weeks vacation with pay. 23 .06 Seniority will only apply to the first two (2) weeks of vacation. ~ 23.07 Vacations may be scheduled anytime in the calendar year and every effort will be made to post the schedule by May 30th in each year. Such list shall give effect to scheduling vacation dates on the basis of seniority consistent with the efficient operation of the department. All vacations will be scheduled by the Department Head or his designate and shall not be changed. 23.08 For each week of vacation to which he is entitled, an employee will be paid as vacation pay thirty-five (35) hours pay, or forty (40) hours pay depending on normal work week. 23.09 An employee will be eligible to carryover one (1) week's vacation entitlement to the following vacation year subject to the prior approval of the Corporation. ~ 13. ARTICLE 24 - PAID HOLIDAYS .. 24.01 The Corporation agrees to pay employees for each of the holidays listed hereunder, the celebrat~on of which falls on their regular scheduled working day, which they would otherwise have worked had it not been a holiday, a sum equivalent to their current hourly day rates for the number of hours they would have worked on such a day, provided they complete the regularly assigned hours of work on the day immediately prior to and following the day of the celebration of the holiday, unless otherwise mutually agreed. The holidays are as follows: . New Year's day Victoria Day Civic Holiday Thanksgiving Day Boxing Day Good Friday Easter Monday Dominion Day La bour Day Christmas Day Remembrance Day One Floating Holiday and any other holiday proclaimed by the Provincial or Federal Governments. . The floating holiday will be celebrated by mutual agreement of the Corporation and employee. 24.02 If one of the holidays set out in Clause 24.01, is celebrated on a Saturday or Sunday, it shall be observed on the preceding Friday, or Monday following, the holiday concerned, or paid for on the same basis as set out in Clause 24.01, at the discretion of the Corporation. The decision of which day, Friday or Monday, will be allocated as the holiday shall be conveyed to the Union at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the holiday. 24.03 An employee will be eligible to receive pay for the above paid holidays after he has completed his probationary period. 14. 24.04 Employees required to work on any of the above paid holidays will in addition to the holiday, be paid at double (2) times their regular rate for actual hours worked. However, in determining the day of celebration for such holiday, it shall be set'out in Clause 24.01 and without regard to Clause 24.02. 24.05 If a Statutory Holiday falls on a regular working day during an employee's vacation period, he shall be granted another day off with pay in lieu thereof, or payment for the holiday at the option of the Department Head or his designate. ~ 24.06 If a paid holiday occurs on an employee's scheduled day off the employee shall receive another day off with pay in lieu of the holiday. The lieu day shall be taken at a time mutually satisfactory to the employee and the Corporation. ARTICLE 25 - SICK LEAVE 25.01 An employee who has completed his probationary period of employment will be entitled to one and one-half (1\) days per month accumulative sick leave retroactive to date of hire, at the regular rate of pay, which will be accumulative to a maximum of two hundred and forty (240) days. ~ 25.02 One-half (\) of the unused accumulated days, not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) days, will be paid to the employee upon cessation of the employment after the employee has completed five (5) years of service, but only up to a maximum allowed by the Municipal Act. 25.03 If an employee dies before retirement, one-half (\) of the unused accumulated days [not to exceed two hundred and forty (240) days] will be paid to his beneficiary, but only up to the maximum allowed by the Municipal Act. 25.04 When claiming sick pay, an employee will, if required to do so, furnish a Doctor's certificate after the third (3rd) day of illness. .. . . 15. 25.04 Any employee having more than two hundred and forty (240) days sick leave standing to his credit prior to the effective date of this Agreement, will be credited with those days but no accumulation beyond two hundred and forty (240) days or the noted excess, as the case may be, will be permitted in future. 25.06 An employee shall be granted time off for bereavement leave upon approval of the Department Head or his delegate, without loss of pay according to the schedule below, following the date of death, for attendance at, or arranging for the funeral of: . a) An employee's spouse or common-law spouse, up to five (5) consecutive working days; b) A son, daughter, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister or brother, up to three (3) consecutive days; c) An employee's grandmother, grandfather, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, or grandchild, up to two (2) consecutive days; d) An additional two (2) days travelling time, without pay, may be granted by the Department Head or his delegate to permit the employee to attend a funeral in the family that is to be held at a distant point. . 25.07 Any employee who qualified for sick leave pay, shall receive full pay so long as his credits last, however bereavement leave shall not be charged to sick leave credits. ARTICLE 26 - JOB SECURITY 26.01 No employee in the employ of the Corporation shall be laid off as of the result of contracting, leasing, assigning or conveying work to any other person or Employer. . ARTICLE 27 - SCHEDULES 27.01 Attached hereto and forming part of the Agreement are: Schedule "A" - Wages and Job classifications Schedule "B" - Hours of Work and Working conditions ARTICLE 28 - TERMINATION OR AMENDMENT 28.01 This Agreement will be effective from January 1st, 1984 until December 31st, 1984, and from year to year thereafter unless either party gives notice in writing within ninety (90) days of the expiry date in any year of ~ their desire to amend or terminate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS THIS Twenty-ninth JUNE DAY OF 1984 SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: ~ THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES AND IT S LOCAL 74 16. .. 17. " Inside Collective Agreement Schedule "A" WAGES AND JOB CLASSIFICATIONS January 1st 1984 Code Classification START 6MTHS 12MTHS 18MTHS 24MTHS 2 Switchboard Operator 12,499 13,149 13 , 800 3 Parking Enforcement Officer ) 13,188 13,876 14,566 Clerk-Typist ) . 5 Junior Cashier ) 14,018 14,795 15,573 16,352 Payroll Clerk ) Accounting Clerk-Public Works) 6 Senior Clerk-Steno 14,776 15,599 16,421 17,279 Senior Cashier Accounts Payable Clerk 10 Junior Engineering Technician) 17,361 18,445 19,531 20,616 21,700 Draftsman ) 11 Planning Technician ) 18,431 19,585 20,736 21,888 23,040 Senior Accounting Clerk ) 13 Building Inspector ) 20,769 22,089 23,389 24,688 25,988 Plumbing Inspector ) . Engineering Technician ) 14 Accountant 21,968 23,340 24,714 26,087 27,458 15 Planner 23,254 24,760 26,161 27,614 29,067 The above classification titles are descriptive only and employees are required to . perform other duties. Employees promoted to a classification with a higher job rate than their own, shall be placed at the first increment level on the new classification scale which provides an increase in salary. Thereafter, the employee shall move to the next increment level on completion of the required number at the level rather than within the classification. .- ~ . . . . . 18. Inside Collective Agreement Schedule "B" HOURS OF WORK AND WORKING CONDITIONS 1. The regular work week for all employees except Parking Enforcement shall consist of five (5) seven (7) hour days from Monday to Friday inclusive. The regular work week shall be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a one (1) hour unpaid lunch. The ,regular work week for Parking Enforcement shall be five (5) eight (8) hour days from Monday to Friday inclusive. The regular work day shall be 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with one (1) hour unpaid lunch. 2. Authorized hours worked over and above seven (7) hours [eight (8) hours for Parking Enforcement] or thirty-five (35) hours [forty (40) hours for Parking Enforcement], shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half (1\). Time off in lieu of overtime may be granted with the approval of the Department Head. 3. Call Pay When employees are called out in an emergency they will not receive less than three (3) hours pay at overtime rates. More than one (1) callout within the time period specified above shall be considered as continuous. 4. Meal Allowance All employees required to work more than three (3) hours past their normal quitting time or when called out in an emergency for more than three (3) hours, shall qualify for a meal allowance to a maximum of four dollars ($4.00). Proper accommodation shall be provided for employees to have their meals. .. . .. . ,~ . . . 19. 5. Mileage Emloyees required to use their own vehicles for business purposes will be reimbursed at the rate of twenty-two cents (22C) per kilometer for all kilometers travelled for the Corporation. Mileage claims shall be submitted to the Department Head on the first working day of each month and claims will be paid to employees on or before the seventp (7th) working day of each month. 6. The Corporation agrees to pay sixty dollars ($60.00) per year towards the cost of C.S.A. approved safety boots, helmets and flashlights to the plumbing and building inspectors, and engineering technicians who are required to wear safety boots. 7. The Corporation agrees to supply as required a suitable uniform including boots and winter gloves to the Parking Enforcement Officer. 8. The Corporation agrees to provide bulletin boards for each office on which the Union shall have the right to post notices of meetings, and such other notices as may be of interest to the employees subject to management approval. 9. An employee shall be permitted a rest period of fifteen (15) consecutive minutes in each half shift. 10. Employees shall be paid bi-weekly. 11. The Corporation agrees to maintain Public Liability and Errors and Omissions Insurance coverage for damages and costs to the limits determined from time to time by Council and shall include in the definition of insured under said insurance coverage all employees while acting in the course of their employment. The protection provided shall be governed by the terms and conditions of such insurance policy.