HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-43 '" . ~ ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84- 43 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and Her Majesty The Queen, in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and Seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between Her Majesty The Queen, in right of the Province of Ontario, as represented by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the said Corporation, dated the day of 1984, which is attached hereto as Schedule "X." By-law read a first and second time this 26th day of March 1984. By-law read a third ti.me and finally passed this 26th day of March 1984. ~,<:::~ ~/ .~ . .,;,.....~ .' ';'-;;' /" -,...."/'" - - , ~ ~ &~;e. '" . Mayor . ~t,w~/~'f; .A7C / (~) lerk ~lIe NO..u..L~~'i.L0...Q!j ~{ti I Deed of Land - Limited Company DYE & DURHAM CO. L.IMITED FORM NO. 713.715 .' . . WlJi!i 1Jnbtnturt t;-ip.licate made in ~~the twenty-ninth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and eight.y-four. 1Jn 'ur5uunc.e of tl1.e ~hort 1J1orm5 of (!tonu.el1unc.e5 Act: iA dw.e.en THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLB, _~ ....J. 't .'"1'0/ ~stit~~iWRW#~xwj.,(afC~>i..i~ ~~U.oacbafK\U1Itmxx R iIl.xlmc hereinafter called the GRANTOR of the FIRST PART AND HER MAJESTY THE QUEBN, in right of the Province at OntarIo, represented by' the Minister of Transportation and Communications for the Province of Ont.ario, hereinafter called the GRANTEE of the SECOND PART llllliw5s.etl1 that in consideration of otherqood and valuable consideration and the . um ofONE-.................---............................. .............. ......-..---~.........-...... ....... ........ -~-~-~~-~~~~~-~~-~~~-~~~~($l.OO)~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~~~~~~DOLLAR now paid by the said Grantee to the said Grantor, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said Grantor DOTH GRANT unto the said Grantee in fee simple THOSE lands and premises located in the following municipality, namely, in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, formerly in the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, in the Province aJlll._~~_ of Ont.ario, and being composed of that portion of LOT 25, CONCESSION 6, of the Geographic Township of Clarke, designat.ed as PART 12 on a Minist.ry of Transportat.ion and Communications Plan of Survey P-23~O-95 being a Reference Plan deposit.ed in t.he Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle .s Plan lOR-1697. By-law No J..'i~__r:."J.....__.h...._.. r File ~o. L~.,~L.~?.;I.,.".,..:....._.........I Deed of Land - Limited Company Page 2 - (Amended July, 1979) DYE 8: DURHAM CO. LIMITED FORM NO. 714 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to and for their sole and only use forever; SUBJECT NEVERTHELESS to the reservations, limitations, provisoes and conditions expressed in the original grant thereof from the Crown. The said Grantor COVENANTS with the said Grantee that it has the right to convey the said lands to the said Grantee notwithstanding any act of the said Grantor. AND that the said Grantee shall have quiet possession of the said lands free from all encumbrances. AND the said Grantor COVENANTS with the said Grantee that it will execute such further assurances of the said lands as may be requisite. AND the said Grantor COVENANTS with the said Grantee that it has done no act to encumber the said lands. AND the said Grantor RELEASES to the said Grantee ALL its claims upon the said lands. PROVIDED that in construing these presents the words "Grantor" and "Grantee" and the pronouns "it", "he", "his" or "him" relating thereto and used therewith shall be read and construed as "Grantor" or "Grantors", "Grantee" or "Grantees", and "he", "she", "it" or "they'\ "his", "her", "its" or "their", or "him", "her", "it" or "them", respectively, as the number and gender of the party or parties referred to in each case require, and the number of the verb agreeing therewith shall be construed as agreeing with the said word or pronoun so substituted. WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation hereunto affixed .as attested by the hands of its proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLB _OJ( .;, . 6. .7. Newsome and Gilbert. Limited ForlD 1158 LAND TRANSFER TAX ACT Revised October, 1981. Refer to all Instructions on Reverse Side. AFFIDAVIT OF RESIDENCE AND OF VALUE OF THE CONSIDERATION IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (insert brief description of land) ... ~ ~~:t;... ~~~.. .~ ~ ,.. .9~~~~~.~.~~~. . ~.~. ... . .~~t:r~~c:~;~:.:.t;.fgk.;,~~~j.<;>.~~~. .l:t.~.~:~~~.P.~.l:~ ~Y.. .9~. .P.':1.J;~~,.. ~~~t.:. .+~. .Q~................. . ... .... :.. . .., . .. . .... ... .. . . .. ...... .. . . . .. . 'THE' 'C'ORPORAT'ION' '(it" THE' . TOWN' . OF' 'N'E'WCASTL'E' . .. .. ... .... BY (print names of all transferors In full) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~~.. .(~~~. ;~~;r~~ti~~'; .~~~.~~;~; ~~-,;,~~.~; ~',; ~;~~~;~;~~~ ~~.' ;~/~;':::.' .~~~: .~;.t~~tt: ~~?.: .q~~~~..'~.': ~~p.*.~.~~~~:~.~:: . . ~y. . .~~~. .~~.~.~ ~~~.J;. . ~ ~ . .~.J;~~~.J?~~~~.~.~~~. .~~.~. . ~~~~~~.~.~.~.~~~~.. .~ ~~. .~~~. . ~~.<?~.~~~.':t. ... I. (see instruction 2 and print name(s) in full) ................................................................... ..C?~.. ~~~.l!'.~.~O. ...................................................................................................................... ......,....... MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am (place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponent(s)): (see instruction 2) o (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; o (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; o (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; o (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for.. .. .. . . .. " . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . (insert name(s) of principal(s)) described in paragraph(s) o (e) The President. Vice-President, (c) 2. o (f) (c) above; (strike out references to inapplicable parflgraphs) sert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above, as applical5le) and am making this rei deposed to. t c poration" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) 3. d in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed are non-resident 4. Monies paid or to be paid in cash Mortgages (i) Assumed (show principal and inter against purchase price) (ii) Given back to vendor (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) (d) Securities transferred to the value of (detail below) (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which is subject (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail bel (g) VALUE OF LAND. BUILDING. FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (total of (a) to (f)) (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS - items of tangible personal property (Retail Sales Tax is payable on the value 01 a/l chattels unless exempt under the provisions of the "Retail Sales Tax Act", R.S.O. 1980, c. 454, as amended) ALL BLANKS MUST BE FILLED IN. INSERT "NIL" WHERE APPLICABLE. (i) (j) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above TOTAL CONSIDERATION 5. $ d ,~~o",ey.",.. (... in"'"'';on 5) ,/ ...........................................................,........................ ..'.............................................. If the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\./L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If consideration is nominal. describe relationship between transferor and transferee ...................................................'.................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................. ................................................. SWORN before me at the in the this } H H H H' H H H H H H H'H' H H H H H H H H H H (signatur~s)) day of 19 A Commissioner for taking Affidavits, etc. o.e8ROPERTY INFORMATION RECORD A. Describe nature of instrument ...............,........... .N/A............................................,...................... B. (i) Address of property being conveyed (if available) ............................................................................. ................................... '0J 0...0.50...24.6'0..................................................................... (ii) Assessment Roll # (if available) ............................................................................................... C. M!iWi atlrE!"TH~ future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (see instruction 6) ................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ .l"05U7.9........................... D. (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed (if available) .. -X-' .. . .. ..... ... .. .. ... .. ... .... . .. ..... ... (ii) Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(i) above. Yes 0 NoD Not Known 0 E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor ....................................... MtNISnlY 9i:.T::A.i:(~~'q;~T ATlQ" .~. )~;;.~M~<\W..~i.(.;t\np! ................................................ Pit 0 PUny. .. .'s.Gcno.M-,... (~:.N.TRA!.'" .R.EGION 3501 'OUFF:rRIN" ST.~'" . [j:)WN'5VlEW; .. ONT.' ............................................... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .M~.I(. .1.N~.. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . INSTRUCTIONS 1. Where any transferee (other than a joint tenant) is taking less than the whole interest in the property being acquired then the percentage ownership of each such transferee must be clearly indicated beside his/her respective name. 2. (i) It should be noted that if all deponents are not entitled to mark the same square in paragraph 1 of the Affidavit, then more than one Affidavit will be required. Only those deponents who are entitled to mark the same square in paragraph 1 may swear the same Affidavit. (ii) This Affidavit is required to be made by each transferee named in the conveyance, by each person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the conveyance described is being conveyed and by each trustee named in the conveyance to whom the land is conveyed. (Hi) However, any of the transferees may have the Affidavit made on his behalf by an agent authorized in writing to make the Affidavit or by his solicitor. (see clause (d) of paragraph 1 of Affidavit) (iv) The Affidavit for a transferee that is a corporation may be made by its President, Vice-President, Manager, Secretary, Director or Treasurer. (see clause (e) of paragraph 1 of Affidavit) (v) Where transferees are married to each other, either spouse may make the Affidavit on behalf of him/herself and the other. (see clause (f) of paragraph 1 of Affidavit) 3. Extract of clauses 1 (1)(f) and (g) of the Act: (f) "non-resident corporation" means a corporation incorporated, formed or otherwise organized in Canada or elsewhere, (i) that has allotted and issued shares to which are attached 50 per cent or more of the voting rights ordinarily exercisable at meetings of the shareholders of the corporation and that are owned by one or more non- resident persons, but this subclause does not apply where it is:~stabliS~d to the satisfaction of the Mil")ister that such one or more non-resident persons do not in fact,..girec~y or indirectly exercise control over the corporation and that subclause v does not apply to the co~po'ratjo~ " (ii) that has allotted and issued shares to which are attached~5'per c1\,t o~A'nore of the voting rights ordinarily exercisable at meetings of the shareholders of the corporafloo and that are owned by anyone non-resident person, but this subclause does not apply where it is establisheff'to tHe satisfaction of the Minister that such non-resident person does not in fact directly or indirectly exercis.~ control over the corporation and that subclause v does not apply to the corporation, / (iii) one-half or more of the directors of which, or of the persorrs occupying the position of director by whatever name called, are individuals who are non-resident persQns, (iv) without share capital and one-half or more of the members. of which are non-resident persons, or (v) that is controlled directly or indirectly by o;e or more non-resident persons, including a non-resident corporation within the definition contained in the provisions of this clause other than this subclause; (g) "non-resident person" means, (i) an individual who is not ordinarily resident in Canada or who, if ordinarily resident in Canada, is neither a Canadian citizen nor an individual whq has been lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence in ~~, . (ii) a partnership. syndicate, association or other organization of whatsoever kind of which one-half or more of the members are non-resident persons within the meaning of subclause i, iii or iv or in which interests representing in value 50 per cent or more of the total value of the property of such partnership, syndicate, association or other organization are beneficially owned by non-resident persons within the meaning of subclause i, iii or iv, 4. Insert the name and place of residence - or in the case of a corporation, the place of incorporation - of any transferee who is a non-resident person. If space is insufficient, attach a list of those transferees who are non-resident persons. If none of the transferees is, non-resident, insert 'none'. Note: Where the person named in the instrument as grantee is taking title on behalf of another person(s), the residency status to be recited must be that of the person or persons who are the beneficial owner of the land - not that of the grantee named in tne instrument. This applies regardless of whether the trustee or nominee capacity of the grant~e named in the im.trument is indicated on the instrument. 5. Explain purpose of transfer: natural love and affection, pursuant to court order, separation agreement, etc. 6. Insert mailing address(es) where municipal assessment notices for property being conveyed are to be forwarded after closing of this transaction. NOTE: IN ADDITION TO ATTACHING THIS AFFIDAVIT TO THE CONVEYANCE TENDERED FOR REGISTRATION, ONE UNATTACHED, COMPLETED COPY MUST BE TENDERED TO THE LAND REGISTRAR AT THE TIME OF. REGISTRATION. . t. 1184h6 No. Registry DMsien of ~e Ct'Io.1OJ I CERTIfY that this instrument is registe..a8j eI oM. ':3 9 114lMl'Bt! ftttfie l.andRegishy Office at Bowmanville, Ontario. ~~ z o j: 0( 0: t- !!! III 1Il 0: ... o 1Il t- o( u ii: j: 0: \C 1Il ..... U IN 0: ....0 IN ... . Q E-t ~ '0: . 1Il :t ~ . 0: C ::: o t- 1Il U 0( II. Ul !!! :z: t- -0 hj."P"" 1'1' ,~rj. #~ J,:. ~~~, I, " ~~ ~tlC"Vl"' 4'.r~"\.1 m 1\>\.'",,'.,;'" tc,l, , ",3 ' \,t'lY; ~ REGISTRATION FEE I;.VO LAND TRANSFER TAX r+ RETAIL SALES TAX Dated . 84 . May 29, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OP NEWCASTLE TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in right of the Province of ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation and Communications Ator the Provinee of ontario ddress : See Below meeb of Ianb (Limited Company) Dye & Durham Co, Limited. 160 Bartley Drive, Toronto ....... ASSESSMENT ROLL NO: HHH()JQ:-"Q.~Q~~.,8.'~HHHH'" ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: "Part ",Lot." ,2, 5.", ,CoJ:lc...1Q:." H'~ "Town"of",Newcastle"HRegJQn.,l""H Mu.nicipalit.y of Durham, Part 12 on Reference Plan 10R-1697. NH,msray Of 1R.ANSPORTt\TlO~ &. COMMUtUCATIONS ,PtlOPiR. TY SECTIO N, CENTRAL RfGtON 3501 DUFHtt:N ST., OOWNSVIEW. ONT. ,\UK 1'N 6 \1 " .lL --" ~' ~ , ~ ~ ! I ~I Ii :1 :1 I, II L II 'I r II Ii d II I, I' II \1 I' ,I jl ~ ~.. Ii ii 'I jl :1 I' Ii ,I 11 .i !! ~, i; Ii :; 'i I Ii I' d ;i " \\ i! ~ i ,; II II I ~ " eli d " II [' d II Ii jl I I II II I I I I, II II I, I II By.law No.....fY.--~5 H THIS INDBN'1'UltB made in t:riplicat:e the t.ven'ty-nint.h day of May, A.D., ene 'l'housand Nine Hundred and Bi9h~y-!'our. BETWEEN : THB CORPORATION OF lfBB 'l'OWN or lfBWCASTLB, hereinaft.er called 1:be CUtAMTOR, (8 'fBB !'IRS'!' PAM. - and -. 'l'BE ftt1S'l'DS 0. TO KIDY COllfGDtJA'1'IOH 01' '1'BB UNIUD CBtJRCH OP CANADA" her.1nafte~ calle4 the <JJtAlft'U1 ~ 'fBB UCOlm PU'l'. wrmRBAS 'the Crant:or i. the owner of the lancla d...1be4 ta Schedule · AW hereto aD.Dexed 1 AND WImUAS the Granue. he%'81D ue 1:he owner. of the 1Im48 a..cr1be4 1ft Sche4u1. -B- hereto azmexea, HOW THIS DmD'tURls WI'L'DS8B,S ~t. in con81c!eraUon. of the lum of ONB ($1.00) DOLLAR of lawful IlOna,. of Caaada !lOW paid by the Grant... to ~. Grantor, the ~p1t whereof 18 hereby acla1owledged, the Grantor grant. ~ ~e Granue. ~u .ucce..ors ana ...ip., ~ easement. and right.-of.....y for penon. and vehiol.. <wer .1:PA land. cteacr1be4 in Sche4ule - AW . The Grantor CO'f'8ftants with the Orantau to executa such further ...uruoe. of the .....1'1~ an4 r19ht.8 .. ..y be requi8it.e. 'Ihe easement. u4 ri9ht.a henb are declu:e4 ~ be appurtenant ~ and foZ' the, ~.tlt. of the lands of ~. Grant.... more partJ.cululy ~~rl~ ia8chectule -.-. m wrtDSS W'BBREOP Party of the Pua' Part b.u hento ..t 1u Corporate S.al under tha hand. of ita ,proper office" duly au.~i.ed 1a ~at behalf. !'D CORPORA'1'XOH 01' TBB TONII 01' ~ / ~ I ~~~~ ~y~~ I~OCC~(cJ, {;y; ~c> cG'~, I Fi i , r i '" . ...l.~..,..~ "'-.t. Q.. './L a.L........ j ,- ,( , . 1 i , ;i Ii " II II Ii Ii I' 'I \: :! :1 II Ii Ii II Ii II I Ii Ii 1\ Ii :1 I' n !! Ii Ii Ii ;i i' ., " S C H E 0 U L Po -AM I i In t.he Town of Newcastlo,in the Re910nal Municipalit.y,of DUrham, formerly in the Township o,t Clarke, in t.he Count.y of Durham, in the province of Ontulo, being' ~t port.lon lot Lot. 25, Conceaalon ,. of the Geo9raphia 'l'ovDahip of Clat'ke, , ~. .-.. " , . d.slgnaUd .a PAJl'f 11 on . Ministry of 'l'raD.llPORatlon u4 , ,. .' -,' .'. . ; Communioat.ions Plan of 8uneyP-239G-95 being ,a 1\efenftCt8 Plan depoaited 1n i:he Lane! P.e91atry Office for the b91rat.xoy Division of N8Wcaa~l. .a ~lan 10R-la97. !~~ ~.~ ,. I' .. I I, i' . Ii :I . I ! " I' I' i; jf I, " it " l! " " ij ! 'I II II 'I I' i! I 'j Ii !I Ii I, i! , Ii " ii Ii Ii iI I: 'I Ii II \1 " " II Ii If II Ii Ii II d \I r II I I , 'I " II " I II I I I I II ,i '0 / l' ,. . . 1 1 ) 1 ,I j '~ 1 i j , f I j I ~ I II 'I L I I ~..~ I I I 'I II " i II l I' 1.[1 i II j II J ,1 . 'f . I' i il II II " 11 t! j i I ,! I II 1.'1 1 II I Ii II II 11 I I I '1' ,. j i \; ~ .~ s C !! E D U L g "D" In th<"! 'rc" ,;" ')i: "C,lCiU,t l~, in th~ I~cy l.onal Municipal! ty of Durham, f anM~r lyL n th(~ 1'O\..;i~>h j, ~ of Clarke, in the County of Durham, in the Province of Ontario, b~ing part of LOT 25, Cor;CESSIOn 6, of the Geosraphic To\vnship of Clarke and more particularly described as follows: Premising that all bearings herein are astronomic, derived from thp. northerly limit of Lot 25, Concession 6, as shown on Plan lOa-1240, and referred to the meridian through the north-west corner of Lot 35, Concession 10, in longitude 780 41'30. west, Commencing at a point in the easterly limit of Lot 25, Concession 6, distant 42.977 metres measured south 170 24' 50- east along the said easterly limit from the north-east corner of said Lot 257 Thence south 710 55' 30" west 29.B70 ~etres: Thence south 700 33' 30" west 22.320 metres; , Thence south 180 16' 30\ east 40.548 metr..es, Thence north 72~ 18' 30" east 49.472 metres to the west limit of the King's Hlghway as shown on a Plan de~osited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (formerly the West Riding of the County of Durham) as Number 611; Thence north 150 53' 30" west along the last mentioned limit, 0.485 metres, more or less, to a "north limit of the said King's Highway; , Thence easterly along the laEt mentioned limit 2.59 metres, more or less, to the east limit of said Lot 25; Thence northerly along the last mentioned limit to the point of commencement. Toronto, Ontarjo ~.~- D. R. Aron Ontario Land Surveyor -- 't.. j I 0 if n .I No; " ('~eq;$fry Division ~. ~ (No. 101 . I C}U!JJ. that this Instrument is regist~ as cJ :.,,': .9 11:J"i i~) '::~ '~tL'_' ,. p' .. In ne I.andRegishy Office at Bowmanville Ontario. ' ~~ '\ ." /1_ () D 1..- .._...~_._...........~_'_.h. . ~,- .............',,-~~--'..,....~..~. -'-""~-""'.'~ . Dl!BDr July 11, 1984 'lBE CORPORA'fIOR OP '!'1m !OWl( or ~ '1'0 , KIaBY 01I11'&D CtlUaOl IttC1W-oP-WAY AGRBEMBN'.r Sitaaus Part Lot: 25, CoJlcea.loa 6. 'lawn of N.tll~..Ue, Reqional Mmdc1pallqr of Darbul, Part 11 Oft Reference Plan IOIl-1697. Aa.....-nt: Roll Humber. 030-050-2486 tV\lt-:iSrg Y OF Tn. "}-F"'~" T \ . A. Ji"vr..,..T10N.3" COMMUNIC~Y10NS PROP::RTY SECTlON, CF=,"TR"L . OJ ,... REG/Chi )501 DUffiRJj\J ST., DOVV."1$'JI'..!:,\'";I, . ". '<3 ONT. ~,~..~.~.. '"" .. hl3K 'tt~r6 l~ ~'';_~''''-\,.". ',,' ~I't .i"......_ .;, .t, . .. ____., ._ .---__.--+0'____.'.----- -.. "."_.._~._.- -----.-.- .._-_.._---- -. --- --- -..-~i;.-----.---,...-::-------_..-"--~~-.------.--.------~.