HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-42 , \ ' , > \ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84- 42 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Agreement with IITotal Fire Alarm Verification Incorporatedll for a study of Fire Protection Services for the Town of Newcastle THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, an Agreement between Total Fire Alarm Verification Incorporated and the said Corporation, dated the ~~ day of ~ 1984, which is attached hereto as Schedule IIX.II By-law rea,d a first and second time this 26th day of March 1984. BY-law read a second time and finally passed this 26th day of March 1984. ?~~/ Mayo '~~k I File No......... ;::; ~~:ulill....l TOTAL FIRE ALARM VERIFICATION INC. I By.law No.uu~~...:j~.___.u I PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE MUNICIPAL FIRE PROTECTION ANALYSIS FOR THE ~OWN OF ~~WCASTLE PREPARED FOR CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3AG SUBMITTED BY TOTAL FIRE ALARM VERIFICATION INC. SUITE 124 7305 WOODBINE AVENUE MARKHAM, ONTARIO L3R 3V7 JANUARY 23, 1984 REVISED MARCH 27, 1984 OUR PROPOSAL NO. 84-115P 7305 WOODBINE AVE.. SUITE 124 MARKHAM. ONTARIO L3R 3V7 TEL. 475-8888 sGh~"Xil - Total Fire Alarm .~rification Inc. page job 1 84-115P 1,0 INTRODUCTION Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. (Consultant) is pleased to submit this proposal to The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (Client) for the provision of analyzing the existing and future municipal fire protection. This proposal is based on a letter received from Mr. David S. Johnston, M.C.I.P. of the Town of Newcastle dated January 5, 1984 and the terms of reference for the Ontario Hydro Supplementary Agreement No. 10 which were included with the letter. The consulting branch of Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. is actively involved in providing fire protection and building code consulting services to industrial olients, municipalit~es and private developers. These services include the analysis of underground water systems, municipal fire protection services and cost analysis of recommendations. 4 ) Total Fire Alarm .~rification Inc. page job 2 84-115P 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES This proposal is based on the following scope of services as they relate to the fire protection services provided by the Town of Newcastle which contains the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. 2.1 Analysis of Current Fire Protection Services - The Consultant will review the current level of muncipal fire protection services in the Town of Newcastle and the level of fire protection provided in the Darlington Generating Station. This will necessitate meeting with representatives of the Client and of Ontario Hydro to identify the following items applicable to the Town of Newcastle: Current manpower level for the municipal fire department. Current training level for full time and volunteer members of the municipal f ire department. Current capital and equipment levels related to the calculated range of fire flows for the industries located in Newcastle. Identify the service areas and response levels based on the following criteria: 4 (i) ( ii) (Hi) (iv) (v) (vi) stock of housing type and size of industry potential fire hazards centres of population placement of fire halls and equipment response time to fires The five year capital forecast projections. Scheduled improvements to the municipal fire protection services due to the Darlington Generating Station. 2.2 Review Provincial Standards - The Consultant will review the accepted Ontario Provincial Standards for municipal fire protection for municipalities having hazards, industries and manning similar to those found in Newcastle. After comparing the acceptable standards with the level of protection presently provided in Newcastle, t.he Consultant will prepare recommendations for improvement or expansion of the municipal fire protection in Newcastle. Estimated costs will be identified for these recommendations. The Client is responsible to provide the Consultant with copies of literature pertaining to the staffing, equipment and training of the municipal fire department in Newcastle. This material will be reviewed by the Consultant prior to the Consultant meeting with the provincial and Municipal authorities. 2.3 Five Year Plan The Consultant will review and update the existing population projections with respect to existing studies Total Fire Alarm _rification Inc. ') page job 3 84-115P previously completed in conjunction with Ontario Hydro. The Client is to provide the Consultant with a photocopy of the existing population and growth projections so that these can be renewed and updated by the Consultant. This will take into consideration the increased growth expected to serve the generat~ng station. In addition, the Consultant will establish the back-up fire protection to be provided by Newcastle for the Ontario Hydro generating station. This will take into consideration the on-site fire protection to be provided by Ontario Hydro during construction and during operation and the fire flow required for a generating station fire. It may be feasible that mutual aid agreements between Ontario Hydro and The Town of Newcastle can reduce the long term cost of municipal fire protection for both parties. The Consultant will make recommendations with respect to staffing, training, capital expenditures and procedures to improve the level of municipal fire protection provided by Newcastle. 2.4 Capital Forecast - The Consultant will review the Town of Newcastle's five-year capital forecast to identify changes in the forecast which would be necessary to implement the recommendations for expansion or improvement which will be identified in the report. 4 2.5 Manpower Forecast - The Consultant will identify the projected impact and costs pertaining to the staffing and manpower of Newcastle Fire Department required to achieve the recommendations. ~~eport - The Consultant will provide the Client with twenty-five (25) copies of the report. At this time, it appears that the following sections will be included in this report: Introduction Review of Current Level of Municipal Fire Protection Review of Level of Fire Protection at Darlington Generating Station. Synopsis of Ontario Provincial Standards Five Year Improvements Review of Five Year Capital Forecast Manpower Forecast for Newcastle Fire Department Summary of Recommendations Conclusion 2.7 Meeting - The Consultant will meet with the Client and Ontario Hydro in Bowmanville to discuss the report and answer any questions. \ 1 . . . Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. page job 4 84-115 3.0 CONDITIONS The following conditions pertain to the scope of sevices identi- fied in this proposal. 3.1 The Consultant will commence this project on April 1, 1984. 3.2 The Consultant will meet with representatives of the Town of Newcastle and Ontario Hydro in Bowmanville, Ontario on or about the fifteenth of each month to discuss the progress and direction of this project. 3.3 The Consultant will deliver twenty-five (25) copies of the report to the Client on or about August 9, 1984. ~ . . Total Fire Alarm Verification Inc. page job 5 84-115 . 4.0 TERMS AND ACCEPTANCE 4.1 The Consultant prop9ses to complete the scope of services identified in item 2.0 of this proposal on a firm fixed fee basis of twenty two thousand and seven hundred (22,700.00) dollars. A interim invoice will be submitted to the Client after the second monthly meeting in Bowmanville and a final invoice will be submitted after the twenty-five (25) copies of the final report are submitted to the Client. 4.2 Invoices are net due within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. 4.3 The Client may terminate this agreement upon seven (7) days written notice to the Consultant. The Consultant may terminate this agreement upon seven (7) days written notice to the Client. In the event of termination by either the Client or the Consultant, the Consultant shall be paid for services rendered and reimbursable expens~s accrued to the date of termination. 4.4 The terms of this proposal shall remain binding on the Consul- tant if accepted within ninety (90) days. 4.5 The terms and conditions of this contract, for provision of the scope of services in item 2.0, shall be binding on both parties when executed below. /""'f--- VERIFICATION INC. THE d:~ 4 ~, ~ v~ - CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEW ASTLE~~ ~F.f/ DATE / /lA, THE CORPORATION OF THE TO //f.l1'