HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-20 . , , " THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84- 20 being a by-law to provide for the levying of taxes for street lighting services within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS Section 210{52} of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980 provide, that by-laws may be passed by the Councils of local municipalities, "for acquiring, establishing, constructing, maintaining and operating of a street lighting system; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle recognizes the benefits received by all of its residents through the provision of street lighting services; AND WHEREAS street lighting services are provided in an increasing number of areas within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. That all properties presently within the street lighting service areas in Bowmanville, {Schedule C}, Orono {Schedule D} and Newcastle {Schedule E} shall form the Urban Street light Area within the Boundaries of the Town of Newcastle and shall be taxed for 100% of the capital and annual operating costs of the street lighting services provided with the designated areas. 2. That all those properties presently within the street lighting service areas in Enniskillen {Schedule F}, Ashton Subdivision (Schedule G), Hampton {Schedule H}, Townline Road - Oshawa {Schedule I}, Salina Industrial Park {Schedule J}, Darlington Industrial Park {Schedule K}, Kendal {Schedule L}, Orono Estates (Schedule M), Newtonville {Schedule N}, Davis Subdivision (Schedule O), Windsor Valley Place (Schedule P) shall form the Rural Street Light Area within the boundaries of the Town of Newcastle and shall be taxed for 100% of the capital and annual operating costs of the street light services provided within the designated areas. 3. That schedule "A" to "P" inclusive attached hereto, shall form part of this By-Law; '-..11' t!o nZZ:___i!:__:.J______._.___/ '. ,,' . Page 2 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 84-20 4. That By-Laws 75-10, 75-11, 79-145, 80-56, 82-61 and that all other by-laws of the former Township of Darlington, Town of Bowmanville, Township of Clarke, Village of Newcastle not consistent with this by-law be and are hereby repealed. By-Law read a first and second time this 13th d~ of February 1984 By-Law read a third time and finally passed this13th day of February 1984 /'~d~ MA OR Seal , ...... SCHEDULE "A"TO BY-LAW 84-20 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE POLICY FOR STREET LIGHTING 1. The installation of new streetlighting systems be considered on the initiative of Council under The Local Improvement Act, save and except those systems installed in accordance with a development agreement or other agreement with the Town. 2. The annual maintenance costs of new street lighting systems be included in the appropriate Street Lighting Area charges (Urban or Rural). The assessment base of the new street lighting area be added to the assessment pool in the appropriate Street Lighting Area (Urban or Rural) for purposes of the mill rate calculation. 3. The installation or updating of any street lighting system be in accordance with the Street Lighting Criteria and Warrants established by By-Law 84- 4. The costs of the expansion or the updating and the annual maintenance of the existing street lighting systems be funded through the annual budget on the following basis: Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle Urban Street Light Area: - 100% of all costs charged 100% to the benefitting 1 andowners Newcastle Rural Street Light Area: 100% of all costs charged 100% to the benefitting landowners . > ~ SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW 84-20 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE STREET LIGHT POLICY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES 1. Requests received from the public and/or Council will be directed to the Public Works Department for review and evaluation according to the established criteria and warrants. The applicant will be advised in writing of the results of this review. 2. Those requests meeting the established criteria and warrants will have the costing prepared by the Public Works Department in consultation with the Newcastle H.E.C. or Ontario Hydro. 3. The approved requests and associated costing will then be reviewed by the Treasury Department. 4. The Treasury Department will report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on the results of the aforementioned reviews for those proposals which meet the established criteria and warrants. Those proposals which receive Committee and Council approval will be implemented under the Local Improvements Act through the initiative of Council . 5. Those landowners directly benefitting from the proposal will have a notice circulated to them by the Clerk1s Department stating the nature of the proposal, the approximate costs and the notice period as provided under the Local Improvements Act. 6. Following the circulation period and a review of any comments received, the Treasury Department will determine if the proposal can proceed under the Local Improvements Act. Once this is determined, the Treasury Department, in conjuction with other departments, would proceed to have the work undertaken. If the circulation results in a negative response from the benefitting landowners Committee and Council and the benefitting landowners would be so advised. 7. Any necessary amendments to the street lighting By-Law due to expansion of the street light service areas will be initiated by the Treasury Department, in conjuction with other departments as necessary. This is Schedule "c" to By-law 84- 20, passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. (SEAL) ~ I ~ z . S i / II:"..:".:...... .~':(:;..::;;.~;::.:;.:;:.::. '" ". .... DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (BOW MANVILLE) NOT TO SCALE~ /~; G. This is Schedule "0" to By-law 84 - 20 , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. ....; ././ TAUNTON ROAD I L.. :.~~~. or ~:.:: :::: it) ;" ": .... ....'" .-::".. :" ': 00." !:.) (.:: ", ....... .... ...... (.:: (SEAL) ,e; , /'-/h ~} L /" ,. ._,/' o/'.'~ ~-~:"') . - ' _ ,t~- --'~ - ' ,-' .e'-<=-€." - . , I G.B. Ickard, Mayor I '; /' /L 0 ] t1tu,{~ ,I .,1 ;L/ '-'0 I " /.- ~ . ~ ~ D.W. Oak.., Clerk . DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA ( ORONO) NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "E" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. () z o () LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 1-1 o z o () o z o () l.!.: III (SEAL) ~0" L / . ~~.4 ) ~/ ..z ,," ,J '.' // ~"/.".:) v1.~. '-' <.. &C- . '-. ~ GoBT..Cka.r. daM ...or J '.. /,. ..t.' ) /'" ..,?- . . .c ..' / .-9./.' ,.",-, i __'_ ,// --./ .....-rt-;~/ L-, ~- > D. W. Oak.., Clerk ....... DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (NEWCASTLE VILLAGE) NOT TO SCALE ~ This is Schedule "F" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. L..()"r' ; ::":':: (,0,: (.":: ~"..J (:: rwEEN CONCESSION 7 and 8 L..::-::o.r (:; (:) r.o.; (~~: ( SEAL) ~ ' ~(;". .' ~;;;7 / ;/ /' <...../- .....,?----?-~~? /c-'./;!..~',/h---c'---.~:-7-/ G.B. RI.~kard, M~yor /, ) (.,,--) ,/I[~<>b D. W. Oak.., Clerk t..C".::"r" ~ ~::~ ..... .,.:. .... ~ :::; L..::::)"~" ~ r::~ '0:' n DESIGNAJED STREET :I::::::::::::;~:::;:~~:~::::::::: L I GH TAR E A :~~:::I::::::I;I~::~~::::::! (E N N I SKI L LEN ) NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "G" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. 1',\:ST N'O , - i'0585 , 1 1-----1 I I,"ST ."J~ 80B57 I "'w"("",,, I I - - --- --~ --_I .n ('J r. 0) 2; ",-' l'l C ,\:, !NST ,'\19 S C 0.) , 565~9 lD - -. ---I !~ST N~ ~(u061 LOT c: J ~33513 , ---l o ;.: <"!: :r\ST "0 ''0. ~ ~98i'2 ~_ !NST ~~ 7 "II' J ~" 55058 FtJ~_ I - -, I\:~ I , 2: <!: oj ! , ",. C'J ,,' ('J :,:LL.SIC'E OR:V[ :NS7" ') L % ~III()6J nL! "/0 ~"JS~ ~N:{~ I . l~. : N3L!B30 0- -"'~ __ _--I I (,) ~- C .J :NST N'O . - 504 ~Re.')) :<': ~ ----I L:.J I ~ ~- B5 ..0 1'0. r---- :NST N:l:25 f-- ~ I~ ~~ ~Q) - CONCESSION ~" ~J ;; ~J ~~ --~ ~ I ,~ -... ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ (\J ~ 'lil ffi I.!f l;:~Z ~ ~z~ f-- :l:: ~') t; ~~O~ 1172"2,'40 ,qQAD 20.117 ~ ~ ~ f-- ~ G ~ _J o ..J ..J <! III ",. v V Q"l 01 :<': CJ <!L i?: 20 ,or ,".4fv'O r' -- ---.- (SEAL) / /./ - ? ~~ ~ ?' / ~ ~~7- -_? ~-, z..-' <.. "'. ~ c-/ G.B. RIckard, M yor ( .... ',,", '. . . ,'. . ,', . .:.....:.... DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (ASHTON SUBDIVISION, M-733 I I NOT TO SCALE~ D. W. Oak.., Clerk - This is Schedule "H" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day OfFebruarA.D. 1984. . .0..... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ~ ~.:~ . ,0. ..... :,,,:,.,: : .' Ir~ 11 I t " r '~"1 r~ ~ : < [ :". (": :...::.... .... .....: .:..... =:) ( c ( (SEAL) DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA ( HAMPTON) "k ".~ D.W. Oak.., Clerk NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "I" to By-law 84-20 , passed this 11th day OfFp.brlJaryA.D. 1984. City of Oshawa Town of Newcastle E !2 ,., Lawson Road conc. 3 lot 35 E "a 0'1 <<J le o a: G) c - ... c ~ o I- 66m Nash Road E 10 ~ Ii Wy · ""2-1(. .... In 9 Street E I'- C\I 0'1 conc. 2 lot 35 (SEAL) / /~ D. W. Oak.., CI.rk II DESIGNATED STREET L1GHT AREA ' (TOWN LINE RD. -OSHAWA) NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "J" to By-law 84-20 , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. I I I I 1 ~) \ -~ '':1 '1iI ~. () --..\Z <! \ ~- ,-.. --..J _J ---1 t=?OM) .. -"p,M i I · t.- 1 \ -1 lII' -- - _----~.n . 0:- 'fJ,":J.,Y _-- R/~:~N/~Y ~ _ - A~.r,C',r l...... clN[ T1lACI' c.~"J.~i/~..~ " ,-", ,'-' T\} (f) ~- C _J 0' :2 Q ~ ~ :j I <! J -'R 11 >ll~ __ ..... !.~30.CIIo I ~ I cuo'_ ... d!!!!L- ~s.la.~ II~_~~_- 34&00'....131".... ..':1Rr_", DI__ _"'231'" ALL()""~t-.'CE :?ET'/>'EEN CONCESSION ~- (/) ?: !.'\1ST ')7 I ,e; ,-.:J I ,'-' N'" , - r---- I N73036Emeos. (1IH"t: _ lit 23'''' CONCESSIONS "au LINE' "8 Q /1,NO (SEAL) tt~1 E~5~~NA;~~ASTREET (SOLlNA INDUSTRIAL PAR~ L . / ~ . . .... ~- ~ ,,/. ,,- --/ /-~ .;::;?~ --(.// <. &< --r G'riICkard, M~ ~r - , " ~ i ;.1 ;' ;:.. /{ -^--"" -), / " - -, "- /t~. C "..~:-:. D. W. Oak.., Clerk NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "K" to By-law 84-20 , passed this 13th day of February A.D. 1984. "1Il9J7' r- o I -, I.... . ! I -.cSf ......"U .....i ~J6466 / 9 .7" · iZ: o I!! I i l:l I ~' I' 1\ I \ I I ~ II C.'l1otoG ~..., _'-rill ...., ,.'9 ,,/7.,9' 3O"w { w -, " r> n-, ;.- ^ Z Gl (f)- ~ ~ a; :r: Gl :r: ::1; !:( ~ ~ ::;j Z 10 ~ o (S EAL) : ".2 II:.:'. '. .: ,". .... ,'.";.:," " " . ....:. ',' ..... . .... DESIGNATED STREET fj LIGHT AREA (P~D~L~~~k~N NOT TO SCALE This is Schedule "L" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day otebruaryA.D. 1984. JI ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONC. 6 and 7 i...{~i'T' lr :~) : :"~ Ui" :..:.... : ,h. ....-: .... t." :"'~ :',.= :". ..... "'~: 'f 0." .... ~~:: (SEAL) j~~~~/L<.-?/ G.B. Rickard, Mayor ( J' .'- \ /~. j /.. /; (.J d./A/fE..:, D.W. Oake., Clerk D DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (KENDAL) NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "M" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. ~ '. .J.~, ~- ,N T2- 41.' 4:"L(A;::J.~:~;'E" !i!E;rHi:.FA/ C:. ;A......~:f:S.:.:~.....':..iS :.; ..: n ,iftMlJ "'1IIC111111(J vor -tCfN1/lCD .' ME,) a.. '1.'" ,yCiJ~FQ .' '<*J1It'C,""/, ~~rl()N D' fl'<L IJ/I/IrCD CCUM"CS (W' I/It>IIT_IICIt/.AIiIJ .NI11:J.......:... MlcIIIr I.U. ",,- r \ . "z:::.:., ._. (TA~NTON... R01P 4 7 ~oo .. ..,..", '. '" .:... 100' -""n IILDCJ( I 4 6 ~' ! I .. BLoor BLOCK F E BLOCK H"- ",.T, B ~. ,f :.....)..,.t.M !._..\..... ! ..::) .::~:1 1._.. .. 1t'Z'"...Jl/C ~ " ,,~Jr. ~ - BLOCK . ./ ~ /'''J . ::....~ i....... .... c ,~ ~'" ..::.:~~~~:::? (:~~~('),""~{~'.~.':::~~~~:.;':.~:~,/[:~:::.}-"\/" " ..' ORONO 3132 C."EA1ETEllY " 1/'151 ( / ,6\\ / tI" ,I ~ / ~~\~ / / / ~. ''AR.-' I / ~ :~"'='1.t(tj Pkm / /1/ V~/6'3I..'i , / / I ---,r--' (SEAL) ,.,.: 4/!fi ~~~/k-"~ C/ G.BI"~ICkard' ,M7~or / ~I I 1/./,//" I d,,--::(. ~ ( .t:./>:>./f.-::'_---" D. W. Oak.., Clerk ..:\..::::::.::..::.:=:..:...:.. ........:...........,.......... ;:~\';:;rl;\;,;\\(~~~~;\:~t. DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (ORONO ESTATES) NOT TO SCALE~ This is Schedule "N" to By-law 84- LO , passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 1984. ::~~: (::: ;....~ (~: ~~... I' : :: ir'.H : I I '., \., . .. '.. I I I 1...__________ :'0. r:":. 10 . II , (:) '''1 '" \...: .. ..~ :::.i ~.~) '" .... .....j ..... :.;.: ...... :::-1 ~ i .. ...: . I:l ._~~~J_-~__ ____~:~( ~::._f::._-==~~_=:::J:!==~!=i,~_~~:!f=:___ -=~=== .....YIlQ. I I =:::~_~~~:::~-~L~=:::X!f~---~ (SEAL) .i l / /' D DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA ( NEWTONVILLE) NOT TO SCALE~ G.B. Rickard, Mayor D.W. Oakes, Clerk " This is Schedule "0" to By-law passed this 13th day of FebruarA.D. 84- 20 , 1984. ~'5 I-- RCAC AlLvW.\NCE .aET~N ~l~~ ~ ANe 5 (SEAL) ,//,/! L //(/ ~> ~ // ,'X,,,, /~ .,>(: ~ ",,,<..c ~/ / G.Br~~kard' Ma~~r ! I rf' . , ~f, / /,/-._ , _ / ' ,L < c> '/, ,<-;< (. .( D. W. Oak.., Clerk II......:......... ..... . ..". ..". . ."... ..... ." .".. DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (DAVIS SUBDIVISION I M-746) ~ 4 ~ :> 2 ;; <' ~ H:LLS:. ON:'" \ NOT TO SCALE~ ~. . This is Schedule "P" to By-law 84- 20 , passed this 13th day of February A.D. 1984. ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS I 1___________ -L --.L - - - - E. P C : ;.... 'Oi" . t. . . '..:.:'.'. ..:...~.. :,,,:,,,: : (0; ()i\.~ (:~. ~~:.: / . . . .,:.:....: ':':":~. Lu:':~:'~" ~ '::::::------ ~J! ( ------- ---------~.--.. / F~ ~ '~"- 4'rEiYEL L.----- EJv-------- -- ~ C Hf/ -, ~ (00,: (::: i'..J ~~::: . ~:::. ~ oi .. N '--- -.. -- (SEAL) DESIGNATED STREET LIGHT AREA (WINDSOR VALLEY PLACE) /:/;:> L ~c:~:-:;.;<;- . ,," / </ .Y.c'-~7d<,.,,-/ /.:; _-~ O.B(j, jeka, rd, l"M./8.Y o,.rl I ,({ - , /, :1 /( . ./-~ ;~ '" (_ "c/ ~ //,(/f"'y. " "::, - D. W. Oak.., Clerk NOT TO SCALE~